Merritt College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Where theit classes are and where the counselling department is.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, there would be three key points that I would share with myself. First, I would tell myself that discipline is the most important factor in a great college student. Training yourself to be able to sit and study; absorbing and comprehending material in order to always walk into class prepared. Second, I would tell myself to go the extra step. When you feel like you have studied enough or you have finished enough of a paper or assignment, take the extra step to re-review, take down more notes, or re-test yourself. Taking the extra step has helped me everytime. There is always something extra to cover. It is always better to over review than under review. Third, get in the habit of taking breaks. Don't overwhelm yourself. Take breaks, so you can lower stress, which will keep you clearheaded and focused. These three tips are the key to a great college student and are key characteristics that will also pay off in life.


I would have been involved more I'm just now learning about upward bound and the type of benefits that come from that program as far as college goes. I would also done some scholarship hunting and researched the school I was yearning to attend. In high school my soul was hurt when the school library asked me what it was that I wanted to studey in school. I told her acting and she laughed as if it wasnt acceptable. She told me that I should look into something more realistic like nursing. This discouraged me for a long time and now I realize that it wasnt her descision to choose my future nor my schools it was mine so now I have this engraved within me and nobody could ever discourage me ever again.


Going back in time to talk to myself as a highschool senior the advice I would give myself would be to network with others in the three fields I'm most interested in. I would give myself some names and numbers of people I am in contact with now, that would help mentor me in the fields Im interested in, and probably set myself up on some dates for a career day with those people I recieved contact with. Being a senior and doing those things above will help me know that the field I'm interested in will be something I could actually follow through in finishing my college, because I'll have those three fields to pick choices from.