Montana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


My advice to parents and students about finding the right college is make sure that you either know what you want to get a degree in or just find a campus that fits your personality. Never go for friends or what other people want to do because that will not get you anywhere in your career. Make sure that you are ready for school and ready for what is all going to come with going to that particular school that you choose. There will be things that you will need to adjust to, to get used to your new environment, but that is not always bad because it makes you become more dependent and find more things about yourself. Always try new things and go a little ways out of your comfort zone.


If you don't know what you want to do, don't try to figure it out in college. If you attend college and can't figure out what you want, and then take break in the middle, all of a sudden bills and loans pile up! It can be very intimidating... I am not the typical case study for loving academia, but I knew what I wanted and jumped right into education and am taking the steps to where I want to go. I am paying for alot of my education myself, and if I didn't have the confidence of knowing what I wanted to do with my life, I would be alot worse off. Making the most of college for me is very self driven. I am starting on the path to making my life something that I am proud of, and worthy of my time and talent. Therefore, the sense of pride I am gaining from going to college with be reflected in my entire life.


The right college is particular to the student. Keep this in mind. The best to some is not the best for all. I advise visiting the campus, talking to the proffesors, and asking the students in order to get a feel for the campus. Think through the choices, don't just go somewhere because it's the "cool thing." Once at school, it's important to put yourself out there. College will suck if you don't streach yourself. Try new things, and make friends with those you might not agree with. Finally, find a ballence between school and play. Don't focus so much on school that you loose sight of your social life. But since you're going to college to learn, it's important that you don't loose perspective on that either! Most of all, hav fun!


Visit the campus and sit in on a class or two before committing


Really push yourself and get out of your comfort zone by going to a school away from home and not where everyone else is going. To the parents: support you kids, go to parents week, make often visits, and send care packages!


Find a setting that you enjoy and a mix of people that you would get a long with and have similar interests as the student. Parents, find a place that you can afford and not be stressing about.


Finding the right college can definetly make or break your college experience in my opinion. I would advise students and parents to check out all schools that are of interest. Look at the environment, does it include activities you love, how's the weather, what is the size? I also think that it's so important to participate that first year in group activities, whether it be inside your dorm, at a job, recreational activity, in the gym, whatever it may be, that first year is where you can make some of the best friends you'll ever meet, and make unforgetable memories, which is just as important as recieving a great education. On a more serious note however, make sure that you like what your school does in your area of interest. Do they prep you for the real world? Do they give you the skills you need? Do they offer financial aid or scholarships in your major area? All in all, don't hold back, and give it your all while in school, because what you give is what you'll get out of it!


Visit the school and talk to the the upper classmen. They have been through it and can give you more insight into what your real questions may be.


Just know what you want to do before you go, and look into the school that you want to go to because you want one that offers alot such as academic help, extra curricular activities etc.


Look into getting scholarships and realying less on student loans.


Look at all aspects the school has to offer. Don't just pick a school based on sports availability or location, such as near great skiing. Look for a school that will be a good fit for who you are in both academic and extracurricular interest. Although large colleges may have a lot to offer as far as clubs and majors, you may not get a very personal connection with your professors or other students. Try not to let money stand in the way of attending a college you really want to attend. You will not be satisfied if you go to a less expensive school that does not have the capabilities to fulfill the experiences you wish to have in college. Also, take advantage of opportunities that will enrich your life in general such as volunteer work or studying abroad.


Find a place where you would like to live as first priority and then worry about things like academics.


College is an amazing time in a young adult's life. In college we are exposed to new ideas, and ways of thinking that have a dramatic impact on who we become in our adult lives. It is important to really do your homework and find the right college enviornment that will nurture your learning not only in the classroom, but out of class as well.


Go where your heart takes you. I go to school in the most beautiful city in the U.S. (Bozeman, MT), and I could not be happier with my choice of schools. I am studying what I've always wanted to study, and even though it won't make me rich, I am incredibly content. Live in a'll meet your lifelong friends. Get involved in campus organizations. My organization is bible study, and I've made some great friends through it. Study hard, but don't forget to get out and live a little. The opposite is also true. Find the balance between study and fun, and you will have a rewarding college experience.


The college experience is one of the most amazing, influential and educational experiences you will ever have the chance to go through. Its hard choosing the right college when you do not know what you want to major in. MY best advice for choosing a college would have to be listen to your heart. Do not go somewhere just because your parents went there or thats where all your friends are going. FIrst of all, if you are around people you already know all the time, you will not get to experience the beauty of independence. Also, you're more likely to maybe socialize more than your schedule really permits, and end up getting behind on your classes. I think college should be a new and personal experience for everyone to be able to find themselves and what they love. Go somewhere that mesmerizes you and you feel like is a good place to be for your mind and your education. Always listen to your gut and your heart.


Always approach it with a postive attitude. Get everything you can out of every expierance. You'll do great.


I think it's important to look at the size of the school and the culture of the school. In smaller schools, you will be able to receive more help from professors. The culture is also important at a school. It's important to make sure that you are not constantly struggling to fit in with the campus. Finding a school with a culture that fits your personality helps to ensure that you have the tools to succeed at that school.


Go wherever you want and study what you want. Do not get stuck in a major you do not completely enjoy.


Know your general life plans and goals. In my case, I knew that my career would take me to Los Angeles and the movie industry. So I opted to try something different before I ended up in California for the rest of my life. I could have gone straight to LA in order to jump right into the industry, but then I would never have the chance to experience someplace else. I chose to go to a small school, because I came from a big city. I chose to live in a colder climate, because I came from the desert. And I chose to experience a culturally different life, since I came from a very disctinctive culture in Las Vegas. It's all about going out into the world and trying something new and exciting, while at the same time choosing a school that will keep you academically interested and socially happy. In order to make the most of your college experience you need to appreciate it for what it is and enjoy where you are at the moment. It's great to consider and plan for your future, but don't forget to have fun in the present too.


I would tell students and parents not to settle. Don't disregard out of state colleges because of the price. Follow your heart and dreams and choose the school that would best help you achieve those dreams. To get the most out of a college experience make new friends. Talk to a new person every day. Having that social network is great when you are far from home. However, don't let your social life interfere and negatively affect your academics. It is important to find the perfect balance between both.


Take the time to choose a school that fits you and your personality as well as what you want from a school. What the reasons for you going are. Would you rather a big school or smaller, also keep in mind that you do not need a major pick a school. Most students changes majors a few times before they finially find one to stick with. Be aware of your academic profile and whether it matches the school you are looking at or not. Also can you afford the school, there are tons of scholarships you can apply for, just have to spend the time looking. Get in touch with a student with similar intrests as you. Look at what the community the school is in has to offer, clubs, concerts, museums....etc. It also helps to look at college websites and the campus itself. Sit in on a class, eat in the dining hall, hang around where many other students do, talk to them and ask if they would still pick this school had they another chance. Consider all options.


choose the school that best fits you


That college is another big step of life, but its not everything in life. So do concentrate on school work and your responsibilities but never forget to make new friends and have fun. It doesnt matter if you were a jock, athletic, or a loser in high school. College let you be who ever you want to be. If your not happy with who you were in high school, find yourself, change, and BE that person that you think is cool.


Listen to the wants and desires of your child. When I was choosing schools, my parents really wanted me to stay in-state, but I strongly pushed to go out of state and it paid off. My parents realized that I love where I go to school, and there was no changing that. Students know what they want, listen to them, it's their education.


Find out who you want to be, and then stick to that no matter what.


Make sure that you follow your gut. Go to a school that "feels" right. Don't go to one just because it has great standards or acedemics. Make friends early on, study hard, and keep a positive outlook, even when the chips are down. Most of all, have fun!