Moore College of Art and Design Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


If I could engrain something into my past self, it would be pursue what you love and design your life in able to do so. Always attend to presentation, detail, and communication. Be responsible for things you have the power to change. Whether your agenda, clothing, or happiness, everything can be organized with optimal intent. Consider the time and energy of your work and be proud to go the extra mile to make it stand-alone. It's also important to voice your thoughts, they are valuable. Trust your ideas but never underestimate a person’s capacity to help.


Before coming to Moore, one of the things I wish I had known is how to follow travel directions -- being in the heart of the city after living amid a bunch of trees at home is a big and confusing change. But it is beautiful. I also wish I had known how similar my problems are to lots of other students, and to not stress about them.