Moorpark College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


The type of people that should not attend this school are class clowns or people who abuse drugs and smoke on the smoke free campus.


Someone who wants to pursue an education but wants time to make wise decisions about career choice and finances.


I think people who want to be independent should look into moving away to a four year university right away. But, if you don't mind living at home for a few more years then you should definitely go to Moorpark! In the long run it will save you thousands of dollars, if your family is not ready to shoulder the financial burden of a four year.


There really isn't a kind of person that shouldn't attend this school. I would say the type of "student" that should not attend is one that is not committed to taking an active role in their own education. Students that are lazy and slackers will have a hard time in college. Also, if you wait until the last minute to do assignments, you will not put forth your best effort since you feel so rushed. Have a mindset that you want to do the best work that you are able to do. Don't give up.


Although there are some requirements that can put an obstacle in anyone's path, you do need to be a serious student in order to attend Moorpark College. Unfortunately, in some of my classes there are those students who act like they are still in high school and are not serious about the subject, sometimes delaying the expereince for people who want to be there. Anyone who does not plan on moving forawrd with their future in a timely manner should not attend Moorpark College


a person who shouldn't attend this school is a person is not ambition or passionate about being a career in the near future.