North Carolina State University at Raleigh Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Every freshman should know to apply for everything you can early. Housing, parking, and scheduling, you have to apply early. There are so many students going to State, that if you wait around, you won't get your first or even maybe your second choice. Another piece of advice is to go see where your classes are the day before classes. Unless you know the campus like the back of your hand, you will probably get lost on your first day. State is like its own city, so make sure you know where you are going before you go.


Use your teacher office hours!!!!! They are there to help you, they want to help you. Your teachers want to see you succeed and do well in your classes. If you make an effort to go to office hours and get help when you need it, you teachers will see you are trying. If you are struggling, but trying, they will be even more willing to help you succeed. I have made great use of office hours and every time I go, it has been beneficial. You can get the one-on-one help you need in office hours where as in class, you can't receive that same attention.


If I could go back to talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to work harder. I coasted through the final year of high school, ignoring scholarship opportunities and not really thinking hard about what I wanted to go to college for. I jumped into being a music major my freshman year, and it didn't work out. So I suppose I would tell myself to think about what I really wanted to do in college, what I loved enough to do throughout the coming years of my life. I would also remind myself that it is ok to not know what to do, that I will always have options and I don't have to jump headlong into anything if I don't want to. If I could talk to myself as a senior, I would also not tell myself to change what I have done. For, though becoming a music major was a mistake (and led to my transfer), I made many good friends and learned how to work for what I really want. So I would advise myself to think and plan for college, but perhaps not so hard of planning, after all.


to finish school and not to let any one stop me from finishing college. because if i slack off and let people stop me from finishig it will take longer for me to reach my goal i what i want to be in life.


The advice I would give myself would be to put actual effort into learning the material. If I had put actual effort into learning and not just showing up to class then I would have earned myself the time of having to take a course that I had already taken in high school. I would also choose the courses wisely so that they could help me with the major that I have chosen. I would advice to practice time management skills something that I need so much right now.


The advice I would give myself is to work hard so that you can get you into a good school. I would tell myself to always follow your dream, and don't let no one stand in your way. Another thing is always do your best no matter what. At times you will fall down but you must get back up and try again. I would also tell myself to never give up no matter what .Also tell myself when life get hard pray to Jehovah God for help. Another thing I tell myself is to have confidence in yourself and your ability to suceed in life. Always listen to your parent because they will have your best interst at heart. I tell myself to always ask question to get better understanding on cetain important matter. Another thing I would tell myself to never put yourself downbut keep improving in your ability.


Freshman should note that the bus line only goes in ONE direction!


College isn't all that you see in the T.V. shows and movies. You don't instantly meet your best friends, or the new person that you will eventually marry. Everyone won't love you or get along. You might be friends with someone for the first couple of days and then never talk to them again. I was so nervous to be going to a school that I wasn't even sure I would like and without any of my best friends. I would tell myself to be outgoing. Don't be afraid to talk to that random stranger in the elevator; they could become your next roommate. Everyone is as nervous and wanting to make friends as I was. I just didn't realize that until after I had talked to several people, and we shared experiences. It is okay to be sad and to not have the greatest time ever at first. It takes a little while to find your niche. That maybe be a month or a whole year, but just be patient. Take advantage of every opportunity; you never know which one might change your life.


There are several pieces of advice I would give to my high school self. First, take your senior year seriously. Have fun, but be smart. Colleges are looking for well-rounded individuals. They want to see someone who looks good on paper, GPA-wise. At the same time, they want someone who has ties to the community, who volunteers, who plays sports, and who is involved in clubs. So, volunteer at the animal shelter, or build a home for Habitat for Humanity, coach the community pee-wee cheerleading team, and study a little longer each day. Additionally, I would advise myself to enjoy the transition more. I would say, "Self, take the time each day to relish the fact that you've made it this far. You will be the first person in your family to graduate high school. You will dedicate your next four years to education and shape your adult-self at the same time. Congratulations, you are becoming the person you always knew you would be. Make the best of it. Breathe. Take time each day to reflect on days past and imagine future days. This is what you've been waiting for. Go get 'em!"


I would most likley tell myself to check out more colleges. I was so focused on going to one college because of my career goal, I never really stopped to look at the people or quality of life that I would be subjecting myself too.


The advice I would give myself is that "there its not how good the college is or is known for, but how good the student is".


College is a time of transition, where we start over. It is important to be willing to push yourself to meet people. Join clubs, organizations, and student government early in your college career to give yourself a jumpstart on being informed of the events on campus and meeting new friends. Make sure you know everything that your school has to offer. Scout out all the coffee shops, look into the group fitness options, join clubs, have study groups; make the most of your college career and meet as many people as you can!


the advice i would give myself would be; keep yourself dedicated to your goal and do not let anything distract you, work hard to achive it, and keep being motivated which is a strong point that leeds to success. After all college education is most importent.


If I was to go back in time, I would advise myself to do my best in every subject. I would have told myself that if there was something that I didn't understand that I should have someone explain it to me better and even gotten a tutor. I would have advised myself to take advantage of calling my teachers if I had problems with my work. I'd advise myself to apply myself more and go out for something that I loved doing. I would have told myself to try difficult courses so that I would have more opportunities when I went off to college. I would have advised myself to not have let my father's death cause my to lose focus un school and began to slack. I would have advised myself to apply for different colleges and scholarships my senior year, so I would have went off for school. I would advised myself to hang around positive people who didn't mind helping me. Also, I would have to myself to apply for jobs after school to help save money.


Just be yourself and don't be afraid to put yourself out there to make friends! There are so many people on a college campus that you WILL find people that you like/relate to. There are also a lot of activities that you can get involved with on campus and these activities are a great way to meet people and to fill the extra time you have during the week and on weekends. They make for great study breaks too, so find out what's going on around your campus! Another great way to be successful in college is to remember that you are there for SCHOOL! Partying can be fun but you have to discipline yourself to study when you need to. Find what works for you studying wise and go with it. It will minimize the time that you need to spend studying and allow you more free time to do what you want to do. Lastly, if you are struggling in your classes don't be afraid to ask for help. Professors are almost always willing to help the students that want to succeed and there are a lot of resources available for help on campus.


If I could go back in time to my Senior Year in High School and talk to myself about what lies ahead I would advise myself to keep studying, apply for colleges in the States, and not listen to my father when he told me to study overseas at the University of Maryland University College Europe. In my last year at high school I became very lazy in my classes, because I just wanted to be done with school. I would tell myself that it was going to bite me in the butt later on. If I had studied as much as I had junior year I know I would have done a lot better in all of my courses. I also would avoid doing the overseas college because it takes a lot longer to fulfill your requirements. This is because some of them are not offered every semester and you are stuck taking courses you don’t need until they are offered again. I believe if I had known this back then I would be a lot closer to my bachelors today.


I would take college classes in high school and prepared for college more than i was now. I wished I had known as a high school student hat getting a C in college is almost like getting an A in high school- almost. What I mean is that when you write a paper for the first time and get it back graded, you will most likely only receive a C, because your writing abilities are still that of a high school senior. Do not panic and start calling yourself stupid! Getting a C on your first written assignment is actually good- you are doing average college level work. You still have time to improve your overall final grade by talking with your professor’s and getting constructive criticism. You must responsible and independent, don’t give in to the temptation to skip and Have fun, but don't party too hard. Don't take too many classes first semester. As soon as you get the syllabus, put the exam/project dates on a calendar. Need to learn how to manage your time. High school is so structured and you have developed a habit for that system. College is completely opposite .


I would tell myself to take my time and really figure out what I want to do with my life, and to enjoy the journey along the way.


If I were able to back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell my self the path is difficult, but worth every part, and to be more financially responcible. Though my current years I learned that college is more difficult than originally thought, but even the failure of a class can lead to a rewarding lesson, and even push you to a major that you may enjoy even more. Though no matter how difficult to always work hard and just know your future will be brighter. Working over the summer I made attempts to save money, but was unsuccessful. I would try to teach my self how to better manage money and save up for the important things, in order to minimize the help needed from my parents.


un buen consejo que me daria a mi misma seria, no haber estudiado en una escuela vocacional , ya que gracias a eso no tuve una buena base de clases importantes que hoy dia en la universidad me sirven para lo que estudio y entre las clases que no coji estuvo las quim. mat. , biologia y la fisica aparte a todo eso si me viera en una silla de clases para aquel entonces me dijera que tengo que aprovechar el tiempo al maximo y que cada segundo que pasa y no lo uso para aprender me perjudica y me atrazo cuando estaba en escuela superior como no tenia presion trabaja a ultima hora , pero ahora que estoy en la universidad con clases que nunca a habia cojido como las matematicas y quimica se me hacen muy complicadas y tengo que dedicarle mas tiempo que a las demas, para aquel entonces necesitaba estudiar , enfocarme y dedicarle mas tiempo a los estudios y crear habitos de estudio. si volviera atraz eso seria las cosas que cambiaria para poder ser una mejor estudiante de lo que soy ahora y que e logrado con mucho esfuerzo , dedicacion y muchas horas de estudio .


Making the transition to college was daunting. I was nervous about being inundated with schoolwork and living on my own (without Mom’s cooking). I soon found that these two things worked themselves out pretty easily without much effort. However, the one aspect of college life that I had not put much thought into was how deliberate I would have to be about getting involved in the student community. If I were giving advice to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that friendships in college evolve differently than they do in high school. Socialization is no longer forced, and it would be feasible (but very detrimental) for a college student to slip through the cracks simply due to being shy. In college, it becomes very important to put yourself out there in order to make lifelong friends, even if that means showing your true colors and flying your freak flag a little bit. I learned that in order to be truly happy and comfortable, I had to surround myself with people who would keep me in a healthy state of mind. For me, that meant laughing as much as possible … and wearing lots of spandex.


I would tell myself to focus on studying, learn how, even if I didn't need it at the time, that I would later, one I got to college. Also to remain organized and use my time wisely because once you get to college, you are incharge of yourself and what you do, there is no one to remind you and it is easy to get behind on things if you don't stay on top of your game. I would also have like to tell myself to prepare to grow and change right from the start. College is a place to achieve an education but to learn to handle real life situations on your own and manage them successfully because you encounter a variety of people that won't all like you and you won't like them either, but you learn to get along with and meet new people, and sometimes in uncomfortabe situations.


Knowing now about college life and having adjusted to it, I would tell my high school senior self to have applied to more scholarships and find a job. Right now with the economy and my family home situation, pay for college is tough. A year ago, I also didn't know I would be given the amazing opportunity to go study abroad in Japan this summer for $4,000. I remember making the effort to find scholarships, but not pulling through in finishing them because I thought somehow I would be able to pay for it anyhow. Now, that thought is proving to be very difficult to accomplish. So basically I would tell myself to go out there and take initiative. No one is going just hand you some money if you just sit on your butt all day. Write the essays, fill in the repeated question after question, because in the end it will benefit you.


If I could go back and tell myself something during my senior year, I would have said take more classes for transfer credit. There were many classes that I could have taken for college credit during my senior year in high school that I did not take advantage of. I could have placed out of some of the general education requirements and worked toward a double major in college. I would have also told myself to apply for more scholarships and keep my grades up to help have better qualifications for the ones that I did apply for. There are so many opportunities that I missed out on that I wish I could go back and take advantage of now to alleviate some of the stress in college. When I got to college, I would have forced myself to get more involved from the start. This semester I am much more involved, and I feel like I'm doing a better job with doing my work and staying on track because it forces me to get into a routine.


“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel," Maya Angelou once said. As a recent graduate looking back over my four years of college I find that the classroom lectures, the activity meeting agendas, the football game cheers, and the dining hall conversations have already started to blur together in my memory in a whirlwind of color and laughter and light. However, perfectly distinct are the faces of the people who defined my college experience and the feelings that they inspired in me: my mentor who made me feel talented and capable of changing this world; my biology professor who made me feel humbled and awestruck by the world I want to change; my best friend who made me feel alive and hopeful; my first love who made me feel confident and unique. These people made my college experience invaluable, and while I won't always remember all the words of encouragement, advice, and inside jokes exchanged between us, I will never forget the parts of myself that they helped me unearth.


College is not only a big step academically, but socially. The biggest and most important experiences I have been a part of are actually social experiences. It is a big step to live on your own with other students your age. It is nice to stop relying on your parents for everything. The friends you make in college will be your friends the rest of your life.


In my short time here at NC State I feel like I have grown as a person. I got to experience college life and being on my own. Going away to college has helped me more to figure out who I am and what I really want to do with my life. It is so valuable to attend because to get where I want to be in life, I need to excel not only academically but also in serving my community. Attending college has given me the chance to try out many new things, whether it be gleaning for potatoes as a community service project, joining PVMA, or bonding with my new friends. The classes that I have taken have made me realize that I do want to work with animals in the future, although I am still not sure exactly what path I want to take with it. College has made me more independent and enabled me to make decisions for myself. There is no one left to hold my hand and college is the time for me to get comfortable with that feeling.


My college experience has been remarkable. As most freshman entering college, I came in to college intending to have the time of my life and hoping I would get an education. During my sophomore year I was given the opportunity to work for the greatest mouse ever through the Disney College Program. So I left North Carolina to move to Florida where I gain my complete independence. The Disney College Program was college without the classes. So I lived it up and had the best time of my life. It turned out that I allowed myself to have a little too much fun. As my program had ended and I was getting ready to return to school, I found out that I was going to be a father. It was at that moment when I realized that with great freedom comes an even greater responsibility. After learning that in less than nine months I was going to be a dad, the realization hit me that college is way more than having fun. For the first time I understood that getting a quality education was vital to me being able to get a good job and support my daughter.


I have received an education from a well-respected university. NC State is an institution that is known world-wide for its degrees and programs. I am more than proud to call myself an alumna of NC State. I received more than just a degree at NC State. The experience of attending NC State is a unique one. Sitting in Carter-Finely stadium watching NC State football while cheering "WOLF", followed by a resounding "PACK" from across the field is an experience that you can't recreate. Walking on the brickyard, surrounded by red t-shirts from equally proud fellow students creates a sense of unity unlike any other. Knowing that I will forever support, through both planned giving and a heart-felt commitment, an institution that offers so much to so many makes my attendance invaluable.


The things that I have gotten out of my college experience thus far is that it is a far cry from high school. In high school, one can sometimes be successful without requiring a lot of studying. This not the case in college. In high school, you find friends and you are together for most of your high school career. This is not the case in college. The valuable thing that I have learned in college is that life is not about skating along. In order to be success and achieve goals of significance, one has to work hard. This was something that I found out transitioning from a high school in a rural county to a large school such as North Carolina State University. It has been valuable also to attend this college because one quickly learns that no man or woman is an island. When attending a large campus one meets lots of new people and receives lots of networking opportunites. It prepares you for adulthood because this phase is the start of thinking and making the right decisions independently.


Out of my college experience I was able to learn the true value of time management and its importance to the success of a college student. Learning to priortize well is a useful tool is also a valuable tool in life outside of college and I am glad to have learned that sooner rather than later. Attending an institution out of state has allowed me mature and to become more independent in my decision making. Home for me is about four hours away and when I do not have my closest friends around me I am forced to make choices on my own, without the influence of my peers and parents. It is now up to me to be responsible and take charge of my life. The treasure that I will value most is my new found power over my life; and with great power comes great responsibility.


I have met a lot of interesting people, and I have learned that what lies ahead in my future is filled with adversity but thanks to my experiences so far I am up for the challenge. NC State is preparing me for the things that are in front of me, and the people I am meeting are making it a lot of fun as I go along.


I have learned to much about myself and life through my college experience. I always heard people say that I would learn about myself when I went to college, but actually experiencing that growth has been wonderful! I my college journey going to a school that was very far away from my family and learned through that experience how much my family means to me. I also realized how much effort and time has to go into a relationship in order for it to succeed, especially when there is great distance imbetween the two parties. Currently, at my new school, NC State, I am learning how to prioritize and manage my time. I have realized that time is limited, and what I do with that time is crucial since I can never get it back. I have greatly enjoyed the time I have spent in college, getting to know myself, my friends, my classmates, and my professors. I would not trade my experiences or learned lessons for anything. I am excited to continue on and see what else I have to learn not just in the classroom, but in life as well!


I think the most important thing I have gotten out of my college experience is getting to know different kinds of people that I didn't necessarily have the opportunity to meet at home. I get to meet people coming from many different kinds of backgrounds and many different cultures. I also get to meet people who were not raised with the same morals that I were, which may not be a positive thing but is something that I would never be able to do at home. Another thing I have gotten out of my college experience is freedom and the opportunity to try new things. I am a member of the US Air Force ROTC and am experiencing two different experiences. I am having the normal college experience and I am also seeing a little of the military side as well.


The majority of American citizens are born on a level playing field, with the basic abilities of cognition and analysis. These conscious tools are active, meaning they must be engaged by the user. The manner of diligence and motivation by which one chooses to utilize these tools will directly correlate to the conclusive results of their educational career. As the majority of students exit the public school system, their minds have been crafted in a relatively uniform manner, by government standards. College is the final step in this process of development, but it is by far the most crucial. It provides an atmosphere in which a student can differentiate themselves to the fullest extent from their former peers, creating for themselves a coherent design and blueprint for their goals and future. Attending college has given me this very experience. I'm harnessing my basic abilities, and using the opporunities all around me to thrust myself into a higher level of education, thought, and motivation. By epitomizing the ideal college experience, I am maximizing my potential and preparing myself for future excellence. Perhaps most importantly, college has given me hope that I can achieve anything I truly want to achieve.


My first semester of college was not quite what I expected-- but the differences were definitely for the better. When I first set foot on my college campus, I had no idea that my life would be impacted so greatly by the experiences I was about to have. I had always heard people talk about how wonderful their college years were; the lasting friendships they made, the fun parties they went to, and the amazing things they learned both inside and out of the classroom. I was expecting to learn, to meet new people, and to have fun. I certainly achieved all three of these goals, but the things that have happened to me this past semester have been so much more rewarding than simply completing these tasks. I have made many new friends who have helped me through my parents' recent separation, including a wonderful roommate who I know I will remain close with for many years to come. I have conducted research, and I have learned many important lessons about classroom issues such as molecular hybridization, and extracurricular ones such as how to conquer painful shyness and step out of my comfort zone. College has made enabled me.


Unfortunately I Have not yet gotten a chance to experience the college life. straight from highschool like every high school senior my plans was to go to straight to college and start working on my degree, my life took another route. I had to give up going to college to stay home and support my younger sister because of parents split up and it was up to me to see that she made it to her senior year high school. She will be graduating this June and my goal and dream have not faded away. I still want to go off to college and get my nursing degree. I made sure she got to where she needed to be and now its my turn. Im going to college in september and will work hard to get my degree so that I am a successful Nurse. My life will change going to college because im furthering my education and its valuable to me because i am going to be somebody and a mind is a terrible things to waste I have to continue and strive for the best.


Entering college I approached it with the wrong mindset. I went in believing that it would be just like high school except I would have to wake myself up in the mornings. I was totally wrong. Not only was I a college freshman, I was entering as a D-1 collegiate freshman student athlete majoring in Biological Sciences!!!! Immediately I had to change my plan of operation. College life has taught me to organize my life. In high school you rarely have more than one paper due in a week, but in college you may have three papers due in one day. So I quickly learned to write everything down and prioritize. Also,I learned the value of the U.S dollar in college. With classes and practice, there was no way I could work and earn money so budgeting,saving, and only buying neccesities was a big lesson I learned.And fast! I appreciate every lesson learned, both the easy and hard way, because they are life lessons that will be vaulable and useful in my future. Its great to say I got my degree from NCSU but even more to say NCSU shaped my future for ultimate success.


I ha ve learned that education is a very important part of life, going to college I have got to meet and make networks with many people and that is important for the future of my career. It has been valuable to attend college for many new opportunities that can further my education.


I believe that deciding to attend college has definitely been and will continue to be one of the best decisions of my life. Although it can sometimes be difficult to step outside of your comfort zone and leave the security blanket comprised of your friends and family, this challenge is nothing compared the valuable mind-opening experiences and benefits that doing so offers. I can personally attest to this, as I was extremely nervous about coming to N.C State University (despite its relatively close proximity to my home). Being at college has allowed me to learn valuable social skills and acquire the self-confidence that I will certainly need in the future for my goals in international relations. While at college I have fostered friendships that I know will continue throughout my life. I have also had the opportunity to take classes that I can truly describe as mind-broadening (such as History of the Modern Middle East and Cultural Anthropology) and I have met many people that I will not forget. As well as a yearning for further knowledge, attending college also offers the obvious benefit of expanding the various career opportunities that will await me after graduation.


You never realize just how fast time flies when your working hard and having fun. It seems like yesterday I was packing my lunch for my first day of kindergarten and now I'm done with my first semester of college. I can still remember when my dad used to come eat lunch with me in middle school and tell me to study hard so I could get into a prestigious college. He would tell me college is the best and most important experience of your life because you realize so much about yourself that you never knew before. I can tell you, he was spot on. Even though I have only been in college for one semester, I have already started to realize just how much I have changed since leaving high school. It has taught me to better prepare myself not only in school but in every aspect of my life. I can't count how many times I procrastinated in high school that I regret still to this day. College has already truly made me a stronger and smarter person and my advice to anyone who is given the opportunity to attend, make it happen.


I have really branched out socially, meeting new people who share the same interests as me. I have joined Animal Science and Pre-Vet club, which will help me to gain experience for my major and I have also joined Intervarsity, which has helped me to grow in my faith. It has been valuable to attend this large university because I have a lot more opprotunites to get involved with new activites that will strech my knowledge and my personal development. I am planning on Studying Abroad this summer in Austraila and that would not have been possible had I not come to North Carolina State University.


I have learned so much from North Carolina State University. I never thought that when I went to college that I would leave with such of a knowledge of topics in life ranging from the academic to the social. The value of my college education is reflected in everything I do. It is reflected in how I carry myself, how I speak and especially how I make decisions. The most important skill I feel that I have acquired is how to network with other people. Know how to get connected is the most important skill I feel a person should have and it opens more doors than just having a degree can. At state I was able to meet and retain relationships with professors, advisors and alumni that I would have never had the opportunity to make anywhere else. Attending college has also allowed me to make great friends that I will have for life. College is that last step before being a part of the real world and knowing I am taking that step with people who will be there for me in all the situations I make makes life that much easier. I will always treasure my education.


Most people would say that college has helped them find the things they like, but I shall be different and say that it has made me find the things I don't like. Let me explain. I had loved NC State since I was a child, and knew that was the college that I wanted to go to, without question. I enrolled at NC State with big dreams of being a lawyer, feeling that the big school atmosphere was just what I needed. I soon found out that that was not the case. I did not like the huge crowds of people, or the way the coursework had been designed for my major there. As a result, I am transferring to Campbell University in the spring 2011 semester to continue my education in pre-law. NC State, while not being my dream college after all, did give me valuable experience in learning what I did not like about things, and how to take action to change the negatives into positives.


I have met so many professionals and gained so much more experience working with these professionals that will be helpful in my field. I have completed presentations, done research, headed up fundraising events, and just work one on one with my professors. All of these things will make graduate school and beyond a much easier transition when I cross that path in a few years.


Coming into college I knew what I wanted. Big school, big feel, big everything. After my first semester, I was suprisingly proven wrong. The greatest knowledge I have gotten from my college experience thus far is what is important to me. I thought the big school environment would help me thrive but I have come to understand my learning style better to know that a small classroom is more beneficial to me. I have learned that it is not whether or not I have a good teacher, a big classroom or easy classes, but it is all up to me to work hard at whatever I commit myself to and succeed. I want to attend medical school and from these two years of attending NCSU, I know I can reach that goal with the lessons I have learned and what I have learned thus far on my journey to my future.


I have been exposed to such a great amount of diversity, talent, and pride by attending NC State. There is always something going on on campus. People take the time to come up to you and tell you what they are promoting or advertising. There are so many people who are doing such big things as undergraduates it's astounding. I can tell that a lot of the people I'm surrounded by are going places because of the devotion they already have so early in their college career. Also I think it was very important for the students to be able to bond so strongly over the school they attend. I have never seen such a display of unity as when I am at an NC State sporting event. When you can get a crowd worked up by cheers of "WOLF" from one side, answered by "PACK" from another displays the support we show the members of our community.


College has shown me that their are other people like me, with the interests and goals in life. In high school you are very limited because a lot of your class mates have known you for your whole life but in college it is a fresh start; people see you for who you are now, not who you were. With so many educational opportunities in college you really get to refine your goals. The opportunities here allow you to experiment with different things to find what you truely enjoy the most and what you want to do for the rest of your life.


My college experience has been nothing what my beginning thoughts were. I thought it was just going to be a bunch of students going to classes and walking around, but now I realize it is more to it than that. i currently attend Darton College and here the professors, the classes, and the campus are all great. The faculty here are concerned about your grades, majors, classes, and even your health. I've been taught about being healthy as much as I've been taught to study. This college experience is very valuable to me and I greatly appreciate it. The things being taught are things that I could take with me once I leave college and venture on to future endeavors in life.


Just after almost three months of attending North Carolina State University I have begun to develop into a more independant individual. I have gotten involved on campus and developed relationships with my professors that really help my academic studies. This University is extremely valuable because it has offers big school opportunities with a small school feel. The campus is not overwhelming and yet there are so many different classes to take. I have been able to participate in extra-curricular activities such as Biology Club as well as recieving a part time job on campus. There are multiple tutorial resources available to students for free and the professors are always willing to help you understand the lessons. I am looking forward to my next 3 years at State