Northeastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back and tell myself one thing as a high schools senior, it would be this: do it all! For many first time college students, this is the first time that they are alone to take care of themselves and maybe far from family and their home town. Too often, due to social preassure, college is a shock to freshman entering in their first year and they tend to play it safe by picking a small group of friends and not branching out to activities that they might be interested in. But the reality is that everyone around you feels the same way, no matter how confident or "cool" they seem, they are likely just as nervous as you are. Use this to your advantage and don't be afraid to branch out. Join clubs, do sports, eat with strangers in the cafeteria and talk to your classmates. The more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities you will have to discover your true passion and make life long friends that matter. So to my high-school senior self: do it all! You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain!


Stacey, look at yourself. Now look around. Do you notice anything different between you and the other high schoolers surrounding you? No. Because everyone here, including you, works so hard to conform and fit the sterotype of this school. But why do you try so hard to do so? I am here to advise you to break that chain. Stop following the crowd and learn to be yourself. You may not be able to see it now, but life outside of high school is not like this. You don't need to dress the same way, watch the same TV shows, and spend your weekends the same way as everyone around you. Don't feel embarrassed to be different, to be you. Be proud of yourself, your love of learning, board games, Jeopardy, dance, reading, and time with family. Don't be afraid to admit you disagree with gossip, or to stand up against the social norm of drinking. Rather than trying to fit in, now is your time to stand out. Be a leader, not a follower. Start building your own unique future, paving your own unique path, and becoming the adult YOU want to be.


Find and join at least one club first semester so that you with know more people in the community even if they don't become your best friends. Make a larger effort to talk to people in your dorm. Deciding to be undeclared isn't a bad decision, but make an effort to get to know what each major consists of. Don't rule anything out before you fully understand it. I had mentally ruled out business as a major for myself since I don't have an interest in entrepreneurship. I thought having a more specialized skillset would help me more in the career world and struggled to find an interest this specialized. I always imagined myself working in the business world and only recently realized majoring in business was a great option, not one to rule out. I would have advised myself to work harder to become part of the community earlier and to listen to my gut more when choosing a major rather than pressuring myself to find an interest that does not exist.


Sweetie, don't worry. You're not sure of it yet, but you really do have what it takes to be an independent college student. You're going to have so many new experiences and meet so many people it will make you head skin, but you'll love every minute of it. Do everything you can, and don't put it off until "later". Seize the day. Make the last moments of high school good one, and have a memorable summer with your friends. You're in for quite a ride, and you're going to do fine. Your adventure is waiting.


Throughout high school the most common piece of advice is, “get a good GPA”. As a high school student this can bring a lot of stress because they are told that a good GPA is the only way to get into college. If I could go back give my high school self one piece of advice it would be to not worry so much about my grades but rather what I was learning. Getting into college is not as big of an issue as everyone makes it out to be and getting the grades that you deserve will get you into the right college for you. I was fortunate enough to develop a very good work ethic in high school and rarely procrastinated so this advice would have worked for me as I would still have completed my work and done the best that I could, just with a little less stress. Yes college is more stressful and has more work but with a good work ethic and the right motivation the stress of school does not need to be as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be.


I would start by saying grading is a lot different in college. Proffessors are less upfront about their grading processes, and it can be harder to figure out what you current grade is, so it is better to not worry about it and just do as well as you can. I would also say that the extra free time is a blessing and a curse. I feel that I get more work done, but sometimes I feel like I have too much freetime. Finally, I would just say to worry less and understand that this is a time for change and for new things, so you don't need to be caught up in exactly where your going, as long as you have a general idea of where you want to be


Firstly, I would remind myself of the importance of being surrounded by positivity and complete support. Relationships in high school tend to be superficial and close-minded. There are concepts and cultures to be discovered beyond the four white walls you are boxed in. Secondly, intelligence is not only definied by an IQ number or the amount of words you can memorize, but rather through your ability to apply what you have learned from experience. Thirdly, I would remind myself to reconsider the perception of fear. Recently, I learned that fear and vulnerability does not make you a weak individual, but rather an individual who understands emotions. Fourthly, if any opportunity presents itself, always say "yes." Opportunities can lead to new relationships, knowledge, leadership positions and independence. Fifthly, learn to believe in yourself and accept your capabilities. Carry youself with confidence and believe in endless possibilities. You may not be able to achieve everything you want, but other prospects will present itself. The future is yours, therefore make your own decisions and learn from them.


You were lucky that you did so well on the SAT; if you hadn't, you wouldn't be in a top 50 university on one of its top merit scholarships. Your GPA was mediocre, and you need to make sure not to repeat the blunders that made you a B+ average instead of an A- or A. Don't get overconfident and take on more than you can handle. Don't alienate teachers by not following the proper channels of communication. For God's sake, accountability. Don't miss things and study. You are lucky, because so far being smart instead of working hard has turned out just fine. But that will run out of rail very fast, and no one will want to help you when the time comes. Socially, you'll do just fine. There are a lot of dates you'll go on, and maybe in that sense you're working hard and it's paying off. College is like emerging from a Plato's cave of our own insecurities. But the biggest monster still needs to be fought, and you can win if you give it the eight hours a day that give you worth.


I would tell my past self to stop being unfair and uncaring about my future. I would advised myself to keep going to school and to give it my all instead of wasting away my potential. I would tell myself to stop worrying about other people's opinions and to just worry about myself and my family.


I can't believe it's 1992. I decided to break all the time traveling rules and sit my 2014 self down and chat with my 1992 self. I notice my hair is darker in my 1992 self. He's a bit thinner and way too serious about himself and his goals. He has dreams of being in the military. He doesn't know those dreams will be dashed in June. He has his heart set on studying journalism in Boston. I have no idea how he came about to finding that degree. He should study math, science, or business. He should be taking apart his dad's brand new Frankilin Computer and rewiring it. He should forgive his high school classmates and with just a few days before graduation get to know them. He needs to stay closer to home. Save money. Get a degree at a local college. Work at a local business that will help pay for his college tuition. The world will always be there for him. The most important message I have for him is:"DON'T MEET NURIA!" Avoid anyone with that name and the rest will be fine.


I would tell myself to enjoy every minute and not stress when things do not go my way at first. I would remind myself that all my hard work will pay off and I will have the career I love. I would tell myself to also enjoy all the school has to offer and put myself out there more often. It is important to make a big school small by finding things I enjoy and making a difference. For anyone picking a school there are many things that should be considered and finding an environment thats best for you is critical. As an incoming student I would advise visiting the school prior to accepting to see first hand where I will be learning. For graduate school I wanted to be in a city and althought my program requires a lot of hard work I would tell myself to ensure I enjoy all the events going on outside of the school and in the city of Boston itself.


As high as college debt is, even if you are paying loans back yourself, it will benefit you to be involved in research and volunteer in your areas of interest than to work at a cafe or other job for 20-40 hours per week. It is good to keep a minimal job, but commit fully to at least one organization a semester and make it to all the meetings. Limit your work to allow you to be involved or else quit if it is not flexible. Travel, but ask early about chances to earn course credit while doing it. Many science courses won't transfer. Triple check anything any advisor says. Often, rules change across departments so one advisor may not be able to guarantee you anything. Take courses that challenge you, interest you, and be an active member of that course so, not only will you learn, but also gain understanding and professor acknowledgement-very beneficial later for recommendations. No matter what you decide to pursue, understand that you are not commiting yourself for life. You are not marrying your career. There are more options than you know about in your field. Relax. Take naps. Balance yourself.


If I could travel in time to talk to myself before graduating from high school, I would stress the importance of exploration in undergraduate years. As it happened, I did not decide to pursue a career in criminal justice after graduating from college, however, it was only through exploring this potential path that I discovered what I like and don't like in a career. I would explain that higher education is very different than the education in primary and high school. Learning more about the topics that interest you is both fun and empowering and while there may be some required classes that you have less interest in, it is generally easier to do well when you are truly invested in the subject matter. I would also tell my younger self that it is okay to make mistakes but it is crucial that you learn from them, that it is better to abandon previously held notions when faced with evidence of opposing truths than to cling to traditions, and that above all, question everything. The most importand and all-encompassing lesson that I would wish to empart would be that knowledge truly is power.


Follow your interests and your heart. You will naturally fall into the relationships and activities you love, I know, because I did. One piece of advice I would give, is practice reminding yourself that you are much smarter than you give yourself credit for, and you sometimes expect too much of people. It's all right if some can't follow you or do not agree with you... they're trying. Help when you can, ask questions when in doubt. And always practice the most important four phrases in the English language: "I'm sorry, I don't know, I was wrong and I love you."


Before making a final decision on a college/university, be sure to visit the campus for a second time. Making sure it feels right to you since you will it be home to you for the next four years.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would say don't worry about the pressures of college. Don't worry about making friends, you'll find the right people when you do what you love. The same goes for the pressures surrounding choosing a major and worrying about post-grad employment. If you're making money but hate what you do, it won't be worth it. The same goes for being successful without anybody you love to share it with. Join clubs, lots of them, and let time tell you which ones are worth sticking with. This will reward you with an interest you're developing, and meeting people who share that interest. Try everything and don't be afraid to fail. The more things you discover that aren't right for you means you're that much closer to finding what is right for you. Don't worry about keeping a 4.0, worry about learning. Learn material for your own knowledge, not to get a good grade. You'll keep the knowledge for the rest of your life, but as soon as you get your first job, people forget your GPA.


Talk to as many people in the careers you are considering prior to declaring your major. It is okay to be undecided in the begining. I initially thought I knew what I wanted out of my college career and did the best I could with my resources to gain experience and eventually land a job in my field of study. I knew quickly that it was not where I wanted to be. Stretch your comfort zone and get out there. College is the time to discover yourself, make great friends, and learn more than you ever thought you were capable of. Don't take the easy way out by majoring in something just to get your degree. The job market is tough and even if you are considering going to graduate school after, you need to maintain a very high GPA. Work and get internships while in school. Keep yourself busy. Stay active and remember to call mom and dad every once in awhile!


I would tell my high school self to not be nervous about the transition. I would advise myself go into college and join more extracurricular activities in my first semester rather than waiting until second semester to start doing things other than working and focusing on school work.


I would tell myself to not worry so much. Honestly, I was one of the biggest scaredy-cats when it came to college. In fact, I would do anything to avoid the subject. Now after a year in college, I have found that it was just an amazing experience. Finding friends is as easy as everyone says it is and you can always try something new. There's no need to fret about the transition, although it is an immense one, because everyone is going through the same big step you are. It's just such a great atmosphere and you get to meet people that you would have never had the chance to meet otherwise. It's important to continue to keep up a good work ethic and try not to let that bad case of "senioritis" linger. In essence, the advice I would give myself is to relax and just continue striving for the best. After all, a whole new exciting chapter of my life is just about to start.


Relax! You are going to make it through the next few years and have a great time as long as you enjoy the road and all the pit stops along the way. Don’t be so focused on the future and what comes next. Follow what you love and not where the money is- I know it’s cheesy but you will save a lot of tuition money that way! And don’t worry, nothing you do will disappoint mom or dad- they are so tremendously proud of you and that will only grow (even if you do change your major a few times). Don’t be afraid to go out and meet people. I know you’re still shy, but once you do you will not regret it. Be that silly you that you are when no one is looking. I’m serious; everyone will love her! Accept yourself completely because it will make everything easier. You are a smart and beautiful women who will do great things if you let yourself. Do not sell yourself short. It’s always been a bumpy road, but that’s what makes it fun. Things will get better!


Don't waste time and energy being scared to begin college because you are going to love every minute of it! You don't have to worry anymore about the pressures of appearing how you think people want you to be; in college, there are so many people pursuing your passions as well, and these new friends will want to know the real you. I know you are so worried about making your dream of working in the field of international development a reality, but in college you will be presented with the most incredible opportunities you never would have dared to imagine. You will study abroad in Indonesia and work for a semester in India before your junior year, and you will be supported the whole way by your university. You will find that, despite what you may believe now, you are a very strong and independent woman who can achieve amazing things through focus and hard work. There are going to be times when you feel alone or like you failed, but then you will remember that you have always been surrounded by people who care about you, even now. Have no fear because you are amazing!


I would advise myself to work harder, be a better friend, and do more for my community instead of myself. I would also advise myself to learn to be an independent thinker and most of all, to be financially responsible. It is also ok to be different and march to yuor own beat, becuase the only one holding you back from being great is you.


You should focus more in school, ask questions if you don't understand, do your assignments and stop goofing off, because by the time you graduate and it's time to move on to college, you'll regret it. College is much more difficult than high school, but if you get yourself together, college can be whatever you make of it. You might hit a few bumps along the way, but believe me, in the end, it'll all have been worth it. There's no stopping you, so get out there, make everyone proud and just do it.


Practice studying for comprehenzive exams, they are a huge part of the college academic rigor. Be able to be conversational and friendly with people older than you (professors) they are your lifeline. Finally, at college, you are on your own. Everything is up to you-make sure you balance everything in your life and when things get tough push through them, its worth it and these are some of the best years of your life.


Why do you want to go to college? “Because it is what I am supposed to do.” This is what I wrote down when my high school principal surveyed the senior class. I knew I needed to go to college and to get a degree, but I just didn’t know what career I wanted to pursue. I went to art school for a year and had a great experience. Although, I wasn’t completely satisfied with my choice. If my college experience has taught me anything, it is that it takes time to discover your niche in life. I am a transfer student and am now majoring in behavioral neuroscience. My different experiences led me to where I am today, and I am very optimistic for the future. The only thing I regret was the tremendous stress and worry I felt during that time of transition. The future holds many possibilities but it takes time and different experiences to know what choices are best for you. You can always change your major or even your college, so don’t sweat it. Take classes that interest you and always work hard. Eventually, you will find your niche.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would say, “Get out there and get involved.” I would tell myself that if I don’t, then I won’t have as many experiences as I need to be all I need to be. Because not doing so has put a stop in many things I could have done in college. Then I would tell myself to save more money and not buy needless things that have no long term affects in my goals of becoming a Veterinary Technician. If I still didn’t believe me then I would go on and tell myself to buckle down and start making more friends, not only passing friendships but life time friendships. Because even though I made friends during that time they were not life time friendships and quickly fell away when we all left for our different colleges. I now know that I need at least on good friends to survive college, I would tell myself that even though I doubt my-high-school-self would believe me.


Don't sweat the small stuff. College is THE time to make mistakes, and believe me, you're going to make a few. You don't need to worry: you'll end up at one of the greatest schools in the US and you're going to be happier than you could've imagined. I know your scared of leaving Texas and all the friends and family you have there, but Northeastern is a great school, and you'll be heading back down to the Lone Star State soon. That being said, make sure you keep your GPA up: colleges really look into that sort of thing. And maybe don't stay up all night before the SAT. Study hard, but make time to relax and make friends, but please don't forget about your friends back home: you'll see them soon and share all of your great stories. Keep your head up. walk tall and be proud of the fact that you're doing the best thing you can to better yourself and your future family.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high schol senior, I would have a few words of advice for myself. Prepare. Prepare to have an amazing time, but also prepare to get it out of your system quickly. "You had fun in highschool, while disliking it at the same time. Don't move on to college with the school mindset, because school as you know it will change." I guess having never really enjoyed the schooling process, but loving the knowledge and learning process, college has been a big test for me. Sort of like a part 2 of the test though, because high school was the first part. I didn't get the best grade on the first part, and I will end the second part with a grade that will not reflect the knowledge gained and skills learned, but in my profession, grades are just another forgotten detail. "Your passion, and work ethic, and finalized product will get you as far as you want it to. Conquer the world, and create. Live, love, light, life. You will go far."


All ways be open to living with different people from all over the world. You get a better understanding on how people think and live. You learn that you are not the only one who is adjusting to student life and there are responsibilities you have more than you had before when you were lliving with your parents. You have to learn on your own when and where you need to be when you plan your day ahead of your class schedule. You are expected to attend and complete your assignments on time. No one is going to remind you that you need to get your assignment done and when. You must give yourself some quiet time to yourself so that you can rellect on your day and the week ahead. I would give myself atleast one hour a day just to relax and take the time to myself to take care of errands, visit friends, and call my parents to let them know I am all right. You must stay in touch with those you love and care for.


I would first tell myself to do my research. Get online and read up on colleges. I would of told my past self to look and find schools and scholarship programs. I would tell myself that you should based your school on more important things like major programs offered, school atomosphere, credited schools, than how big the school is or if its a big party school or not. I would of told my past self to start researching schools my freshman year in high school so by time junior year came around I would have been ready. I would explain to my past self to tough out all situations and attend Cathedral High school from my freshman year. I would of told my past self to stay connected with all my friends from school as liably connections. Overall, I would tell my past self to be ready never go into a situation without doing research.


Be smarter about money. Don't just sign student loan papers without taking time to understand them or how much you're borrowing. That debt will haunt you for many years and prevent you from getting a house, car and being financially independent. Choose a college not just because it's offers a great academic program, but also because it's affordable.


If I were to go back, I would tell myself to push harder and participate in more extra curricular activities. I only took a handful of Honors classes in high school, and now that I look back on that I wish I had pushed myself more and taken more honors classes. I feel as though I would have found the work load more helpful in preparing me for my college workload. I also wish I participated in more extra curricular activities, as they would have helped me experience many more things in life. Due to changing family circumstances during my high school years, I had to increase the amount of hours that I worked at my local grocery store, and while this gave me more work experience I feel as though it limited my academic performance and participation in different activities.


I would tell myself to just go for it! The transition to college would of been so much easier at 17 than in my late twenties. I would tell myself to tough out being broke and go ahead and pursue a bacholer's degree in nursing! I would definitely tell myself to enjoy being a college student and take advantage of everything college has to offer. I just enjoy being young and take the opportunities that were offered to me and apply for scholarships!


If I could go back in time to talk to my senior self, I would give myself several pieces of advice about transitioning into college. First of all, I would encourage myself to branch off from my familiar group of friends, and even from my high school. Being able to make friends quickly and eliminating insecurities with new people is extremely beneficial in college. Another piece of advice would be to learn how to manage your time effectively. This is above all the key to success in college. Finding a balance between socializing, classes, and extracurriculars is quite difficult. As a student, you will have to give up certain things and decide what is more important-- it is impossible to do everything all the time! Lastly, take time to relax. Freshman year classes will be demanding and overwhelming. Just remember to breathe and take your assignments one at a time.


If I could go back and give myself advice, I would tell myself let my mother buy me the mini cooper, take the SAT's, dont get a boyfriend, stick with the job my father gave me and never goto work for KFC. I would also say, why make your life any harder than it is, if people are willing to help you out then take that help, dont take forgranted what people give you take adcantage and take hold of it. Never give up and always believe in youself, only you really know whats bests for you listen to peoples advice, but that doesnt mean you have to live by it.


Don't worry too much. Try everything and don't leave anything to regret. And don't worry about making friends, all the other freshmen feel the same way you do. Go up and talk to them and break the ice, they could be your new best friend.


To my younger self, You're probably a bit surprised by this encounter, but I want you to hear my words of wisdom. I know you're nervous to embark on this next journey, but believe me, it'll be a blast. It's going to fly by, so try to enjoy every moment. Firstly, form solid study habits now. While the work load in high school might feel like a lot sometimes, it's nothing compared to the intense, time consuming nature of a college course. Knowing how to effectively study is essential to having a successful academic college experience. Also, take the time to find opportunities to explore and shadow careers before you choose a major. It will teach you more about your interests and boost your confidence interacting with professionals. While you might want to stick to your current circle of friends, but try to branch out and make new ones. After all, in a few months, you'll have to start from scratch, so you might as well practice. Lastly, be prepared to grow and change. You'll always be you, but you'll evolve to a new, better you as a result of your experience.


I got good grades in high school, but I breezed through by doing the bare minimum, and I expected it to also be able to carry me through college. I was completely unprepared for the fast pace and had no time management skills whatsoever. I definitely got caught up in the party scene as well, and trying to make new friends. By the time I realized that I needed to step my game up, so to speak, the damage had already been done. I would tell myself to prioritize better, because at the end of the day, your GPA is what speaks for you on a resume, not your friends.


I would tell myself to do more research about what careers are out there, and what would be the best fit for me. It was very stressful to register for classes and complete coursework without knowing exactly where it was going to take me. I would also recommend that I go to the gym more frequently when I start school, because the "freshman 15" is in every way a real thing! Additionally, I might suggest that I try to get more involved right off the bat, rather than waiting until the next year or semester. It is so easy to make friends here, all you need to do is get involved. To encourage myself to become more involved, I would make sure to tell my high school self that everyone here is welcoming and friendly. There are no instances where people feel excluded, and there are tons of opportunities for people of any interests. Mostly, I would tell myself to relax a little, because "future Allison" knows that everything is going to work out!


Be prepared to actually do homework assignments. Reading is not a joke - if you want to do well and get A's in classes, you have to read everything and put your all into everything that you do. Be ready to write! Essays and papers are common and are often longer than high school papers, but they get easier with practice; just keep plugging away. Be outgoing! If you want to make firends, you need to get out of your comfort zone and be as outgoing as possible, while remaining true to yourself. Don't try too hard; but step out of your box. Have fun & try new things! Go on trips with people you don't know; get away from campus for a weekend and wander surrounding cities or states with friends; see the country. Again, get out of your comfort zone and you will learn so much about who you really are and what you truly enjoy.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice, I would say think long and hard about if you can afford the school you want to go to. I recieved financial aid from all the schools I applied to, but they were mostly loans and not scholarships. It didn't hit me until I was in school that I need to pay back my loans soon and I will be in debt before I even graduate. It's sad to say but the world revolves around money and with the economy as it is now, it is important to save as much as you can. I would also suggest applying to state schools. I refused to apply to University of Connecticut because it was too close to home, but now I wish I applied because it is a fraction of the cost. The transition from high school to college isn't as difficult as I would have thought, but my advice for that is to stay in touch with the people you meet at orientation.That way, when you arrive at school you will at least have a few friends.


Every since I was a young girl, my parents drove my plan of action deep into my brain -- study, get into a good college, get a good job, get married, and start a family. For as long as I have been in control of their intended life for me, I have gone above and beyond expectations. I have a passion for biology, and hope to one day attend medical school and become a doctor so that I may help as many people as I can throughout my career & lifetime. College is not only a necessity to acheive this, but an important step in my growth into a mature, empathetic adult. Studying at Northeastern has sped this process tenfold, and it is the perfect college for me. I have made lasting friendships and had many memorable & valuable experiences both at the university and in the city of Boston. These have taught me things both useful in my field of study and lessons for life. Northeastern and Boston make me truly happy; although I know that the school will help me fulfill my parents' plan for me, I also feel that I belong here. That's what's important to me.


Going back to school has offered a plethora of opportunities that have not only opened the door to a future that I could hardly fathom, but it has brought me to my future wife as well. I am an indigent college student; I work as a tutor at my school, and the rate is minimum wage. However, it has allowed me to understand the best possible way for reaching other students. My ultimate career goal is to become a neurologist. When I first started school, I was twenty-four years of age, and I could hardly write a paper. I had very little experience in the classroom, and because of that, I spent the following years working manual labor jobs. This motivated me to find a great education. Since coming back to school, I have finished our Honors Program; I have finished with a 3.9 GPA; and I am finishing as Vice President of Phi Theta Kappa (an honors society). I also volunteer weekly by tutoring kids from the urban school system. With the elevated rates that the school has, along with the expensive living conditions, it is difficult to know if I will be able to attend.


I have gotten an education, and a valuable resource to utilize for the rest of my life. It has created an oppurtunity for myself to become a productive member of society and be successful in my career and future endeveaors.


Despite only being in college for one semester so far, I feel it has already helped me immensely. I have already become much better at meeting people and making friends, something that can be hard for people when they do not know anyone at a school. Attending a community college and living at home has helped me slowly adjust to the uncertainty of the college life. The adjustment to college classes has not been too difficult because I still have some familiarity still in my life from high school, so it is essentially just another year of school rather than a whole new experience. So far college has helped me grow socially and intellectually. In high school it was easy to avoid branching out and meeting people. Now that that is not an option, I have been able to talk to people I do not know much better than before. I also have learned many life skills from my professors. The professors have such an array of knowledge both in their fields and in general that after each class, I feel more prepared not only for my next step in school, but also my next step in life.


I received an amazing nursing education from Northeastern University. The hospitals in the Boston area are the absolute best in accepting students and letting nursing students receive a valuable nursing clinical experience. The living quarters, cafeterias, gymnasium, and other ammenities made the experience extremely enjoyable. Boston is an expensive city to live in, but very worth the money you or your parents paid. The Co-op experience was something that many other schools didn't have to offer, which Northeastern did. The University is a place and time that I will never forget due to the invaluable education and memories that I have obtained from the school.


My experience at Northeastern University so far has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. For the first time, I am able to control my education and learn about subjects around which I am interested in basing my future career. Though this is only my first year at college, I have already met so many people with whom I know I would love to work in the future, and others whom I know will be able to help me achieve my goal of becoming a lawyer. College so far as been a truly invaluable experience for me.


I graduated high school two years early when I was 16 years old. At that time I wasn't sure I was ready for college, but I am so glad that I chose to stick with it. Now I will have my associates degree at 18 years old, which I believe is an amazing advantage. Starting college has been a valuable experience for me. I have learned a lot in my classes and also outside of class. It has helped me to mature and learn how to live in the real world independently. The classes that I have taken at my 2-year community college have given me a great foundation for what will come in the future. I really applied myself to what I was learning and put full effort in my school work. Being in college has been a very positive experience for me because I feel great about myself and feel that I am on the right path in life. College is a key that will help me to reach my goals and follow my dreams. Now it is time for me to move on and transfer to a 4-year university and I am very excited.


I believe the most important thing that college has done for me has been to force me to be independent. And not just physically, but intelectually as well. College encourages students to explore ideas they may never have had the resources or even the courage to explore. It lets them question the world and examine their own beliefs with the complete freedom to accept or reject those beliefs without fear of ridicule or consequence. College has opened my eyes to ways of thinking that I never could have dreamed of, and taught me to keep my mind open to ideas that I may not understand. Most of all, it has given me a taste of the real world without discouraging us from it. College gives us the opportunity to take risks, knowing that failure is always an option but that theres always a way to get back up and try again. I believe that this kind of open-minded, enlightening experience is invaluable to the development of our generation and will prove the key to saving this country from collapse and bettering the world for generations to come.


I am ecstatic for the opportunity of going back to school to gain a two-year degree in Machine Tool Technology. I am obtaining vast knowledge of the Computer Numerical Control field. Learning to machine various projects has awakened my inquisitiveness to understand how the most intricate pieces are devised. The process of adapting to technical terminology is challenging. The translating of very detailed blueprints to complex codes is a practiced skill. The letters and numbers designated to specific purposes are required to write programs. I am making tremendous gains in my class work. I have made the Presidents List three times and the Deans List once. I have learned to machine with CNC mills and lathes. I have been taught to write programs for machining. I have participated in the NIMS Metalworking Skills Certificates Program and achieved certifications in three classifications. As I reflect on where I began and the progress I have made, it continues to motivate me to strive forward. I am very enthused with the opportunity for an education to enable me to meet my goals. As one of my goals, it is to make an impact in the field of technology and machining.