Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


First thing first take serious classes dont drop that pre calc class for that JCG class because that pre calc class is going to come in handy. Be serious your first year in college alot of things are going to be different there will be nobody making sure you go to school and professors wont call your house when you are not there TRUST ME. Take as many summer courses as you can afford because the sooner you get college over with the better so you can weigh your options. Apply for as many scholarships as you can because you might get lucky and get one plus hearing all those scholarships that people got on graduation day when you know that none of those scholarships will actually help the person because they are not going to those schools that the scholarships are giving money for will make you feel bad because your name wont be called. So apply for scholarships because you might get money and you will make your mom and dad proud by hearing your name called a couple of times at graduation . Thanks Your self


I wouldl tell my self to stick it out and go to a great HBCU.


Don't get lazy and have faith in yourself.


Hold your head up high and don't sweat the small stuff. Those long nights studying, doing homework, writing essays and doing research instead of going out and partying are all worth it in the end. Ignore those people that try to put you down and rise above them by being the best person you can be. Be yourself and everyone will love you and those that don't aren't the people you want with you anyway. Don't be like a sheep; be the shepard. Fill out your fafsa early and don't delay in looking into scholarships and grants. Good luck future me; you're going to do great!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would most definitely tell myself that everything happens for a reason and to relax. During my senior year it was stressful to decide where to go to school, what to major in and the change in general was nerve-racking to think about. But as I begin my freshman year I am excited for the change from high school to university! So, I would let myself know that being stressed out only makes it harder and I should be excited!


If I were to go back in time and talk to my senior self, I'd start off by explaining how transitioning into college isn't as scary as it seems. As opposed to scary, the transition is filled with excitment, and a handful of learning experiences."Don't be nervous about making friends!", I'd exclaim. There's a student out there who's also searching for someone to go head first into this journey with. Moving onto campus, taking an eye-opening tour around the new city as well as exploring the buldings classes will be in, is all part of the excitment. Oh! And don't be afraid to enjoy campus activities and don't hesitate to become involved! Learning the best way to study, how to approach exams, and using the many resources provided, are essential to survival. Time management is the key to success and is very important to remember! Absorbing excitment and preparing for learning experiences all help when it comes to transitioning, however, I'd also say that discovering oneself and searching for the person you want to be, should be a main focus. Live, uncover paths, and graduate at your own pace.


Don't choose UK as your first school. It may seem prestigious and worth the money but you'll feel alone and it'll lead you down a path you'll forever regret. Don't spend money you don't have to impress people who don't really matter. Those best friends you have? They're not really your friends, don't change your goals to match up with theirs - you will only hate yourself for it. Try not to worry too much about your current love interest. While I know it may seem extremely crucial at the moment, dating will only get in the way of your coursework. Most of all, continue to love yourself because there will be countless times when you feel alone and find yourself with no one to turn to.


Jacob, prepare yourself fro the money situation and save save SAVE! You will need to pay for your future. When you've saved enough money then you can join a lot more extra activities and enjoy your college experience a lot more. Also continue to stay positive and trustung in God no matter what because you are a strong leader and will become a mighty man for God.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would advise for me to challenge myself more. High school prepared me very well for college, and I could have taken much harder courses and still received a high GPA. I highly regret taking the known "easy" classes in college. Also, I would tell myself to do an internship or co-op before I graduate because they make a HUGE difference.


If i could go back in time, i would tell myself not to stress out as much. Eeverything will happen like it is suppose to. Enjoy the few years, months, or days you have left with all your highschool friends. Though being independent has its perks, you will miss not having to worry about money. Make sure and take atleast 15 credit hours if you want to graduate in four years. Get involved in campus activities. Talk more and step out of your comfort zone. Spend more time out of classes reading and doing home work. Highschool is nothing compared to what your about to step in to. Start studying for exams weeks ahead of time instead of pulling an all nighter before your hardest exam. Challange yourself. Ask for help when you need it. Dont listen to people when they say that your professors wont help, they will. Enjoy college, but make sure academics are you number one priority. After college, its out into the big world. Apply for every scholarship you can. Dont let money be the death of you. Enjoy the little things.


I would give the advice to listen, focus, and learn. To myself as a highschool senior, Highschool is way different than college and the transition involves dicipline in ones self; self control. In highschool, there are teachers guiding you, making sure your homework is in, pushing you to get an A on that test. In college professors do care but they will not baby you like the teachers did in highschool. You are grown now and its time to take responsibility for your actions and decisions. You also do not live with your parents so its up to you to wake up every morning and go to class, its up to you to live on your own while doing the best you can in college!


The more social you are, the better the experiences you can have in college.


Looking back at my senior year it was filled with so many activities, I'm not sure I stopped to breathe. Getting caught up in all those last moments of my high school year took some of the focus away from my choices about college. After graduation transitioning into my college life presented a whole lot of questions that I hadn't thought of as much as I should have. So I found myself trying to sort through some of the details as I entered college. Best advice is to slow down and ask questions. Use the resources available to help with some choices you may not have all the info for. Talk your concerns out with a parent, teacher, other students or advisor, experience counts. Remember you are not alone there are a lot of others who are going down this road also. Keep focused on your goals after all that why you are here. Last piece of advice; not everyday will be the greatest day of your life, it is what you make of that day that will bring you to the greatest day you ever have.


I would tell myself to calm down and not to worry as much, because your first year is not as hard or terrible as everyone makes it our to be. After taking honors and AP classes, I was sufficiently prepared for the work load and expectations of the professors. There are people who are willing to help no matter what comes, whether it's the tutoring center or just friends helping you along. Just sitting in the library talking with firends about each others lives will take your mind off of things and give you a new perspective on what is and isn't important. I would also tell myself not to worry about FAFSA as much, because even if I take out student loans it will only be a couple of thousand a year. Yet besides it is for your education and it is worth it to go into debt so that you can have a better life in the end.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself that it really does get better and to just hang in there till the end of high school. I would also tell myself that the checklist that you get for things you will need on campus has quite a few extra things that aren't need. I would make sure that past me got more involved on campus and put herself out there more because the people on campus become a life-line in a way. Plus you can never have too many friends. I would emphansize the importance of friends, even if you live off campus. Having friends that live in the dorms will help pass the time while you're stuck on campus between your classes. Classes are the next thing I would give advice on. It's important to have some time off. If you can schedule it so you just have one day off that's great. Dont be afraid to speak up and or transfer out of classes that aren't for you. Lastly, get a job. Full time student or not. Get a job and start saving. It's never too early.


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself the following advice: apply to more scholarships. If you don't try, there is absolutely, a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} you will not receive the award. Having been extremely involved with a 4.1 GPA, I expected to be granted the money, which was not the case. I am not the only person going on to receive a higher education, and the money for it is extremely slim. Therefore, if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stress the importance of finding more scholarships and applying for them.


I would be more focus in high school to recieve more scholarships. I would be more involved than two organizations. I would also make more connections and networks in high school.


Don't worry, be happy. If you follow what you love and listen to your heart (as cheesy as that sounds), things will fall into place for you. It may be difficult. It may be taxing. It will call for more mental and physical work. But in the end, even after you've finished something as little as a homework assignment or reasearch paper, your work will mean so much more if it involves what you love. Everything will fall into place if you let it, but letting it is the hardest part. Learn to let go and trust your teachers and advisors- they are your most helpful friends in college and should be your wingmen when deciding where to take your future.


If I could go back and talk to myslef as a high school senior I would tell myself to get out there, to stop messing around and do something. I would tell myself to stop being lazy, to take that ambition that i knew i had and apply it. I would be more involved with college as senior in high school, learn what i needed to know about what my financial status would be once i got into college. I would tell myslef it isn't just about applying to the school it's so much more, its wanting to be involved, wanting to do something with my life. The overall advice I would go back and give myself is to take college seriously.


The advice I would give myself coming out of high school would be to not be afraid to make new friends. Introduce yourself, be more outgoing, have fun. The biggest piece of advice I would give myself would be to join organizations; not too many that your too busy to relax, but enough to make friends and have lasting relationships.


The biggest advice that I would give myself would be to not get caught up in the whole "college life" and to not let all the college freedom get to me. A lot of people told me this going into college, but I never listened. I always thought that I would make classes my number one priority, and I would never go out on weeknights. With all the freedom that you have in college, it is hard to say no sometimes. I quickly learned this after my first semester of college and turned it around as fast as a could. For my second semester I focused on classes more. I wish I could go back and tell my high school senior self this because that first semester could mess up your GPA Luckily it didn't affect mine as much as it could have, but I could have a much better GPA if I would have made classes my first priority.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself that nothing comes easy. You will have to work hard and stay organized to achieve what you want in life. There will be times where it may seem easier to give up, but know that those who push themselves to better themselves can overcome any challenge. Challenge yourself to better yourself. Most importantly do not give up. If you learn to manage your time, you will find college life much easier.


I would tell myself to get involved sooner. I didnt get involved until my junior year and really regret it. I spent a lot of time alone in my room and didn't take the time o get to know my classmates when they are truely inspiring people. since I have become more involved I have grown as a person and have really learned a lot about a diverse group of individuals. College is your chance to really be yourself and not have to worry about being judged like in high school. Don't be scared to put yourself out there and gain those skills and take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would defiantly encourage myself to work harder on the math portion of the ACT, and to make sure my younger self took a foreign language class in our first semester of college, I would tell my past self that having ADHD is much harder to deal with in college than in high school, and that I must prepare myself to work extra hard in the coming months. But ultimately I would let myself know that college will be so much better than high school, that we were going to meet some of our best friend in those first few days, that no matter how bad it is now that it will get better. I would tell myself that I shouldn’t worry about our first year because even though we are scared now, it all turns out all right.


This is really the time to prove yourself. You already know what your major is but be sure to look deep into your department to find out all the events you can attend and the awards you can try to collect because not only will they look good on your wall, it will look good on your resume. I know how much you like Yugioh trading cards, but you must save money for a car as soon as possible and the financial aid will help tremoundously with that. Even if you can drive a car now, you really have to get your own. Keep a small portion of financial aid for yourself and save the rest until that time you can get a car, and keep on doing it so you increase its amount over time so you can be in a condo in a year or two or three. ALSO, you must study like your life depends on it. The classes may seem easy but one look away and you'll get an imminent "F." Getting your own car will make you stay on campus more often and actually study with little distractions. Also be more active in organizations.


Work harder in college!


I would tell myself to not be afraid to be me and to put myself out there when meeting new people. Making connections across campus is very important and will help in the long run. I would also tell myself to hit the books. I am here to further my education and to successfully do that, I must study to get the grades and GPA that will allow me to graduate and get a job related my field of study.


Make sure you make time for new friends outside of the athlete group. Join a club, play intramurals! Be social. And do not be dependent on your small group of friends.


As someone who dropped out of high school to acquire their GED, I would tell myself to stick with it, because all of that silly nonsense you encounter in high school is irrelevant in college. It makes no difference wether or not you are popular in high school, college is a whole different experience. I would tell everyone who is having trouble in high school to stick with it, because I can testify from first hand experience that life does get better. I'm just glad that I was able to turn my life around and have a second chance at achieving what I want in life. It's phenominal how many more opportunies come your way when you're in college and even after. I've changed so much since my senior year of high school, I think it's rather amazing how much you learn about yourself at college. However it's all wasted if you don't step up and take risks, if you sit inside your dorm all day you won't achieve much from college other than a degree. You have to put in the effort to meet new people!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself 3 pieces of advice. First, stop worrying about whether you will make friends or whether you will like your roommate, because on move in day you will befriend your roommate and the girls who live next door and across the hall, and make even more friends in class. Second, go through sorority recruitment. I know right now you're questioning whether or not you would enjoy being in a sorority, but just go ahead and do recruitment. If you don't like it you can just not pledge, but you will regret it if you don't do it. After seeing how much your friends in sororities love it and seeing all of the awesome stuff they get to do with their sorority sisters, you'll wish you had at least tried it, and you'll save yourself the worry about whether you're going to get a bid if you go through recruitment as a sophomore. Lastly, don't stress too much. College sounds scary and stressful, and it is sometimes, but you will be okay.


Dear Jenn, I know that you think you know what you are doing with your life...maybe you should take a step back and re-think. College is not as easy as you think it is. You realy need to focus on your studies and show up to class if you want to get anywhere in your education. Don't screw around and sleep in and think that you can keep up with your work. You think you will....but you won't and you will regret it. Also, don't let a man control where you go to school. He will be there when you get done with your education..and if he's not...he's not the one and you will have saved yourself some heart ache. College isn't something you should take lightly. You need to dive in and emerse yourself in this amazing experience and not live on the outskirts and just skim by. You will only reget it. Just focus and finish college You know what you want to it and don't hold yourself back.


The advice I would give myself is to never give up and try your hardest to get the best grades that you can while in high school. High school is just as important as college is and if you do well in high school, then you are bound to do well in college. Every education that you receive makes you that much successful in your future.


The advice i would give to a high school senior is make sure you are picking the right college. You would like to go to a college that you know that you will get a good education while also trying to get involved. I would tell them to get involved into things in college so you can meet new people and have more friends. I would tell them to make sure your class schedule fits the type of person you are. if you area amorning person take morning classes. The last thing i would say is study all the time because it will truly help you out in the long run.


I would tell myself to never give up, never lose hope, and to remain focused no matter how challenging school can sometimes be. The rewards from a good education are priceless and every ounce of effort will be worth it someday.


If possible, I would travel back in time to the unsure senior girl surrounded by classmates with ten-year plans in their back pockets and look dead in her eyes and affirm to her that God does have a plan for her; a purpose that would free her from the doubt that was clinging to her like tight clothing. As a senior, art was life, but the question of how she was going to use it was a increasing burden upon her shoulders, and the weight just got worse. She went for a Visual Arts major, but the inspiration dwindled. The love of the finished product, the passion she found in each pencil mark, the excitement she discovered when a new idea arose was all a dull gray. Instead, she was finding color in writing. She stepped away from school and wrote, uncovered her desire to create with pencil and paper, and learned about herself and the world around her, yet the baggage was still upon her. It was not until she was tied up against the wall, desperate to know her future--what God wanted, when she finally got an answer and the crippling weights were lifted.


Preparation Preparation Preparation!! If I was prepared as I am now, I would of gradauted college early.


I would tell myself not to be afraid to make the wrong choice because that is apart of learning as well as living life. I would advise not to go for the big college in town that everyone else wants to go to and do the research on all schools that could really help you achieve your goals. Living at home will save money but your also missing out on opportunities such as meeting new people and bonding with them while participating in campus activities. If your worried about the costs, apply for scholarships because there are so many out there. Do not be afraid to ask for help, make the phone calls to the schools because there are people there to help you and they really want to help. Once you do make a decision on a school make sure to get involved as soon as possible because the more people you meet the happier you will be while on campus.


College life is hard and sometimes diffcult but anyone can overcome the obstacles in life to achieve a goal, which is to graduate college. Life without education is not easy. Make sure to get involved in college life, it helps you when school work, job seeking and other things become hard to manage. Explore all your opinons before choosing a specific school and make the best of each second because college is literally the best time of your life!!


I wouldn say to "calm the heck down and take it one step at a time. Also, the most important thing is to focus on time and grades and scheduling, so ask help from mom a lot because she's there for you."


Knowing what I know now about college, I would go back and give myself a big slap in the face. High school was fairly easy and I didnt do much. I would go back and tell myself to start taking homework seriously because in college that's how you pass a class. In college they don't give many participation points for you to rely on. Also I would tell myself to start studying more for tests. I always thought that if I just go to class and pay attention I could pass a test. This is not the case. In college I actually have to read the books they assign me! One thing I would DEFINITELY go back and tell myself it to appreciate my parents more. The transition to becoming my own boss was a rude awakenting. I now have to pay for my own bills, school and anything I want. If I were to go back, I would tell my parents thank you.


Dear high school me, You may think that you want to do with your life and I'm here to tell you that you don't. Thinking that you have it all figured out keeps you from being teachable and really interferes with some worthwile experiences that you could have had. Eventually you will learn that you have no idea what you are doing and that will open you up to so many more opportunities. The world is a beautiful and wonderful place and there are so many ways that you can learn that. Let yourself learn. And when you don't do as well as you had anticipated take a look at yourself and what you have the power to change or do something about. Blaming is not a game that you should be willing to play. It will keep you stuck for a long time and knowing what you know now, the whole reason you are here is to be the opposite of stuck. You want to grow and strive and become. You have the capacity to do great and wonderful things so long as you listen, because everyone you meet can teach you something.


I would tell myself that, even though things will be hard and that I will be scared, things will be okay. I would tell myself that I would have a great first semester, make lots of new friends, and make memories in such a short time. I would tell myself that life changes in the blink of an eye, yet there are always new chances to improve. I would say that no matter how bad things might seem and how trapped I might feel, there is always a way out. I would tell myself that my grades would be fine, my anxiety and depression would be managable, and that I would just have to keep my head up and stand tall. Although the winds might be rough, my foundation is strong.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would make sure to tell myself to always attend classes, take advantage of free tudoring, get involved in campus life, and to remember to have fun. I would tell myself to always attend classes because some teachers give extra points to the students that attend them. Some also take in account how many classes you have attended and base your grade upon it. For example, if you are a borderline A and want that extra boost, the teacher can look at your attendance and see that you attended almost all of the classes then you are worthy of that extra point or so. I would also tell myself to take advantage of the free tudoring because it is at no cost to you and it will only benefit your grades. Next, I would tell myself to get involved in campus life like sororities because you can make new friends and gain outside connections that can be useful after you graduate with your degree. Lastly, I would tell myself to have fun and not stress too much because the situation is only temporary.


Join clubs and fraturnities and also go in knowing my major.


If I could go back and time and talk to my self as a high school senior I would have told my self to go straight to college and not join the military. The reason why I say this is I forgot almost everything I learned in high school and it has greatly effected me in college. I had to take remedial classes which cost money and you recieve no cedit for. I would also tell my self to study in high school harder and to take the advance classes instead of skipping out on them because you can pass them dont be scared of them. I would tell myself that you're a lot smarter then you give yourself credit for and to plan ahead for a great college career. I would also tell myself do not let anyone tell you that you cant do something. If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything. So get out there and learn everything you can because you're going to need it.


After attending my first year of college, I would go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school to give advice of what I wish I knew back then. I would tell myself to put myself out there and to be more outgoing, not to let my shyness hold me back because I know once I let people in and make new friends, I'm a bubbly, friendly person. I would also tell myself to get involved, join clubs and groups because that is a great way to meet new people and make new friends that could last a life time. I would also tell myself to stress less, not worry so much about the school work, and to go out and have fun. It is college, it is suppose to be the time of your life with memories to be made. These are the things I would go back and tell myself as a senior in highschool and I am going to tell myself this now to make sure next year is even better than the year I had now.


By coming to school and living with three of my high schools friends, I have felt like I have been held back from allowing myself to break out of my shell and do things on my own. Living with my three friends have only resulted in ruining a friendship. Looking back at this past year soo far, I definitley wish I would have taken the chance to join more clubs and become involved in my school so I could have met more people. Knowing what I know now, the advice I would give myself is to not live with three high school friends my first year so I could have met and interacted with more people. Also, I would tell myself to become more involved around campus so I could actually enjoy my first year of my college experience and not look back and regret the chances I haven't took.


If iI went back in time. I would redo everything in the past


You’re slightly insane for deciding to jump straight into the social scene at LSU, don’t make the same mistake I did. Manage your time because trust me, freshman year will throw you for a wild ride no matter how great your grades were graduating high school. Becareful who you keep close to you, even girls in your sorority who you love will stab you in the back; be strong and stand up for yourself and don’t let people walk all over you. Please avoid high school drama being carried over into your college years, no one cares you were Chaplain of the dance team or that you dated a quarter back, they only care about who you are today. Go to confession and mass every chance you get and never take kind actions for granted. Get involved but manage your studies, I promise it will be much more rewarding than letting everything pass you by simply because you're burnt out from high school. Go through Sorority Recruitment and trust your gut and you’ll end up with amazing friends, and a great Breast Cancer Awareness Philanthropy. Finally, believe in yourself and never give up. Stay positive.


Courage is a quality that many associate with heros in stories. It is being fearless in any situation that you are placed in. If I could tell my high school senior self anything it would be not to be afraid of being myself and have the courage to meet new people and try new things. About 5 years ago I moved to America from Sweden to go to high school and college. Going to college had been a dream of mine for a long time, and when i went to high school I was very shy. It took me a long time to come out of the shyness and want to meet new people and therefore it made the transition very hard at first. After a while I met great friends, but when i went to college my freshman year I experienced the same situation where I was in a new environment and didn't know anyone. I lived on campus but only knew a few people, and it took me a semster until I finally branched out and if i could have told myself anything it would have been to not be afraid and have courage to be yourself.