Oakwood University Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


My classmates are very lively people. They are passionate, creative, artistic and real. They are transparent in their experiences and helpful with information, job opportunities and scholarships. They live life wholeheartedly however, they are fairly responsible people. They enjoy a good time but also thrive for great grades.


My classmates are funny, kind, and lovable.


my classmates are very studious people.


My classmates are very critical thinkers.


Genuises who glorify God!


They are very interesting. Most of my classmates have a very diverse background so it makes it fun to learn about them .


Very competitive, but co operative.


My classmates are diverse.


Oakwood is one big , loving family. We have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day we're a unit. Solid.


My classmates are an inspired group of individuals with a love for God and an eagerness to learn.


The class mates here are really nice, kind, and friendly.


The best way to describe my classmates would be, awesome!


Smart, energetic, practical, and willing to challenge the status quo


My classmates are an awesome group that i am blessed to associate myself with. When we were going through orientation i could feel tell that we were going to be aa special group that could change this in our lifetime. In the presecnce of future nurses, doctors, and lawyers you cant help but be impacted by them


My classmates are a caring, fun, yet studious group of individuals.


My classmates are the most wonderful people, I have ever met , because they are always there when I need them and they are always ready to help.


My classmates are amazing. They are wonderful and very kind and helpful. The student body is very friendly and accepting of other students.


Most of my clasmates knowladgeable, respectful, and spiritual. They have a focused outlook on life and strive to do their best. Thoses that do not strive to do their best we try to motivate them as much as we can and push them to become more academically involved!


My classmates are very driven and goal oriented people.


My classmates are very helpful, understanding and trustworthy; my classmates are always there when I need them and they do not spread my private information around our university.


My classmates are cheerful people who are always willing to help when needed. They are positive , intelligent, christian people. I choose to surround myself with people who have the same goals that I have in mind, so that they will help to steer me in the direction that I want to go; instead of hindering my progressions.


fun helpful friendly


My classmates are wonderful and upbeat, humorous, and friendly for the most part, and have a sense of cohesiveness.


Students are personable and motivated.


My classmates are nice and always welcoming with open arms.


My classmates are a knowledge-base of their own that isf tapped into can lead to further success in the future.


The student body consists of many talented and well educated individuals with a few exceptions.