Oberlin College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


It's history surrounding social justice.


The professors are incredibly dedicated to helping students expand their knowledge and increase their scholarship quality. The other students are fantastic as well and most people are incredibly friendly and willing to be friends.


The small class size, combined with the quality and accessibility of your Professors.


I would consider the diversity among students to be the best thing about Oberlin College. With such a diverse student body, there is little discrimination based on race or gender. This makes it easy for students to be comfortable with themselves and others with little judgment.


Oberlin has six things other lack. Our music conservatory and art museum are some of the finest in the country. Every January we have winter term in which we explore a subject on our own. Student run cooperatives allow for a more intimate atmospher. Students teach classes of their own as part of the extra divisional college. Finally, Oberlin's environmental studies building is the first carbon neutral building on a college campus and serves as a model for future architects of buildings and of the world.


The dedication and intensity of students and professors.




Small class sizes and excessability of the professors.


Being able to be yourself and experience the variety of cool things that happen, because it's a combination that exists only at Oberlin.


The way the studnets come together to voice their opinions on issues and produce changes in the college, communinity, country and world. The theme is also present in many Oberlin classes.


The atmosphere.


I love the small class sizes. They provide me with the individual attention that I need in order to excel.


I love the diversity of student, not just in their race, religion, or political views, but also in personality. Some people are very laid back, while others rush around, worried about their next assignment. People who go to Oberlin have serious interests that they want to share with everyone. As a result, you learn a lot from your fellow classmates.