Ohio Dominican University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


Anyone can attend this school.


The type of person who should not attend this University is someone who enjoys a big college. Also, Most of the students here are from around the area so if someone does not want to be close to home this is not the place for them.


A person that wants to be part of a fraternity or sorority should not be part of this campus. We do not have any social Greek life on campus, which means we do not have many on campus parties. We have academic fraternities but that is different than a social fraternity. Many students will have to go off campus in order to party as not to get in trouble. We also only have resident halls for campus housing, which makes housing limited. Anyone wanting to live on an on campus apartment would not be able to at Ohio Dominican.


Someone who is not focused and does not want to succeed!!!


Liberal, not catholic


Someone who likes to party and is not focused on what they want.


Someone who doesn't like classes where you have few enough kids you learn everyones name. As well as people who want to party, to party you have to go off campus.


anyone who is opened to learning new things and new experiences.


some one who is interested in a small school feel but still be close to the big city. Most people here feel right at home. The Catholic image is also perserved offeriing peace to christians and Catholics alike.


Honestly? Though our school is small we somehow have a bit of every personality. Anyone can find a group of friends here.