Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Apply for scholarships!!!


I would tell myself to not be shy, make friends quickly. I would tell myself to make sure I do not procrastinate because it just stresses you out for no reason. Above all things look for scholarships. Loan repayment is not fun.


Knowing what I know now, I would have encouraged myself to not be so worried about the transition college. As a senior in high school, I was excited for the opportunity to attend college but I was worried as well. There were many unanswered questions I had that I did't know where to turn for the answers. These questions included: How do they handle housing?, Would I be able to make new friends?, Will I be able to fend for myself?, What if I'm just not cut out for college? These questions were constantly burning through my head and looking back now I wish I wouldn't have fretted so much. Colleges want you to succeed and do everything they can to make the transition from high school as smoothly as possible. I just hope my college experience the next two years is as great as the first two!


Rewinding back to 2008-2009. Senior year. The year many people look forward to. Now since I have had a look at college I know what to expect. Harder classes, complete strangers, and studying needs to be done more frequently. Since I can go back in time there would be some advice I would give myself. One is I would tell myself to study more, I rarely studied in high school, and now in college I need to do it more often to keep up with the information that is given. If I don't study then I will fall behind and maybe fail the course. The tests need to be prepared for more because they are harder then what is given in high school. The last piece of advice I would give myself is to be me. When I was in high school everyone knew me as the shy, quiet girl. nobody knew who I really was except my friends. In real life I am the complete opposite of shy and quiet. I can be outspoken and crazy. In college I would be able to show the real me. I could start over and show the real me.


I would advise myself to be more prepaired for the transition and be a more knowledgable student so that I could have finished my first quarter with a higher GPA. Also to work harder on scholarships. Then i would tell my self to look forward to a good job teaching agriculture because it is absolutly what I want to do for a career .


Looking back on my life when I was a high school senior I would tell myself a lot of things. First I would tell myself "focus of school and not boys." Like most girls my age I was boy crazy! I always had to look perfect and to have perfect hair and makeup. I have learned from being in college that that is not important. Most kids roll out of bed and go to school. They don?t worry about how they dress or how they look. It is truly a more mature environment. Also I would tell myself to focus on my studies more. I always worked a part time job my entire four years of high school making sure I could save up money for college. The amount of time I missed studying for tests and quizzes in high school because I was busy working wasn?t worth the amount of money I saved for college. I could have focused on my grades and maybe received a scholarship to college and not had to constantly worry about making money for school, books, housing, food, transportation, gas, and the many things that you have to pay for in college.


The one major thing that I would give myself advice on is financial aid. I wish I had taken the resources I had at my high school and my future college I would be attending. I really didn't start to educate myself in the financial part of my education til later in my freshmen year. I'm paying for my own college and my parents have helped me in filling out my FAFSA. There's so much information about loans, grants, and scholarships. I believe high school seniors need to be educated in their financial future.