Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Knowing what i know now about college life and the transition from high school to college there are various pieces of advice that i would give myself. I would first tell myself to finish high school strong and build some momentum going into college; Once you have academic momentum it is much easier to make the transition from one level of education to the next. I would also tell myself that college is very different than high school and that trying my hardest and doing every assignment in college is essential to getting good grades and ultimately being sucessful. I would make sure that i got into the habbit of studying because it much easier to comprehend the material and build on previous concepts when you review often. Finally i would tell myself that no matter the situation, it is imperative that i keep my cool and not stress out because it is too easy to give up when you fall behind and get really stressed over school.


As a high school senior, I was really excited to start college because it would mean I would get a fresh start in a new place. However, during my first quarter, I was shy and did not join as many clubs as I had wanted to . If I could go back and talk to my high school senior self, I would tell her to be more proactive and not be afraid about learning new things and looking silly because I wasn't experienced with something. For example, in high school I really wanted to start ballroom dancing, but once college started I was afraid to join the dance club since I was afraid people would ridicule me for dancing poorly. I would tell myself to take courage and not be afraid of other people. I would also tell myself to try to talk to people in my classes and on my dorm floor instead of always waiting for other people to initiate the conversation. Finding friends faster would have made my transition to college much smoother.


i would tell my self to save my money and be ready to live on your own. it is not as easy as you would think. i would say study and put alot of effort into you first quarter. look for a job as soon as u get here and dont be afraid to work a lot at first. i would say to use the things that are provided to u when you get to campus. take advantage of everything and also have some fun.


Apply to even more scholarships/loans/grants. Get to know your college facilities and campus before going there. Don't overload yourself your freshman year, but don't take so many simple/easy classes that you have to overload your senior year


I would tell myself to work harder and to have better study habits. Even though high school was easy, i would've told myself, to study as if it was a challenge, so that now I could have adequette study habits. I would tell myself tht the transition is unlike anyother, and to just remember where you came from and remember who you are, because in the end that is all that matters. Also I would tell myself to stay true to my faith, which I ended up doing, but I didn't quite know if I would find a bible study when entering college. Most importantly I would tell myself to be open to trying new things and taking so many different classes, because Ohio State has so much to offer!


If I could go back to 2008 and talk to myself I would tell myself now to first attend The Ohio State University and to switch my major from Nursing to Radiology. While I do not regret how my schooling has gone thus far, I wish I would have done things differently and realized back then that nursing was not for me. I would also tell my self to just relax and enjoy the ride and to take advantages of all the oppertunites that college brings my way. College is the bast years of your life, relax, go with the flow, and get a 4.0!


I would tell myself to pay close attention while in high school. There is so much oppurtunity in high school to learn , but as a teenager, you just don't pay enough attention. Once you grow up, and realize that life is not just a party, you will wish you had soked up more of the information that was offered to you in high school. All of the boring subjects like math, english, and science, that you have in high school only get harder when you begin college. The more you learn in high school, the easiar it will be once you enter into college. It will save you so much time and effort, because if you are lacking in any of the subjects, you will find yourself taking several remideal classes just to prepare yourself for the required college cources. Once you are an adult, you will find that time is much more improtant to you, so while you have your youth, focus on your future and learn as much as you can.


Join as many things as possible. Its the easiest way to meet people and make connections. Its a way to make a big school feel smaller.


Take up meditation. College is a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun. Start working out and eat better food. Find happiness in the moment.


Be open to change. When I moved to campus, I expected change, however I was not aware to what extent my life would change. Loving with other people is hard, and I had to adjust to the new situation. I would especially give this advice to other high school seniors. From what I've observed, those who can adjust to a new life and not lose themselves are those who can succeed.


Calm down!! It is a alot easier than what you think it will be. Sure it is going to be scary and stresfull, but thats life. The sooner you accept it for what it is the easier it becomes. You also have to remember that there all kinds of other students that are going through the exact same "ordeal" as you. Use that to your advantage and make friends be relating to this common transition in a young persons life. Another thing is that you are going to make mistakes, you are going to mess up, and you are going to lose friends and maybe even make some enemies, but in the long run everything is going to be alright and you will find your own path.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to work harder during high school. I thought at the time that I would be fully prepared for college, since I took many Advanced Placement courses in high school. However, I didn't take much time to really learn and understand the material, I didn't develop a real study habit, and I didn't put much effort into school, since I didn't have to. After getting to college and realizing how far behind I would have been without the AP classes, I am glad that I took them, however, I wish I would've worked harder, realizing that they would only put me on par with other students.


Do not think that you are superman. College is hard, and should be treated as such. Don't overwhelm yourself with difficult classes. It isn't worth it. Also, take advantage of all the opportunities available too you. Tutoring, office hours, involvement fairs and the works. There is plenty to do other than just hit the books and it all adds to your character. Never miss an opportunity.


When I think back on myself as a high school senior, I remember all of the excitement I had to take the next big step in my life by going to college. I was nervous that I would not succeed as others had before me and nervous that my life would change in ways I was not ready for. So the advice I would give to myself would be to just relax, trust in my talents, and to take in as many new experiences as I can while I am branching out into the real world. Sometimes I will be challenged passed what I think I can handle, but I should keep my head up and push through each obstacle and fear, because I am likely to gain more knowledge from dragging through the tough times than from sliding through the easy ones. Give yourself a pat on the back every once in a while and give yourself a break when needed. Have fun, branch out, and do not limit yourself to any one thing. Now is the time to discover what you really want from life, so go out and take it. College is where your dreams are launched.


When I was a high school senior, I was very anxious about being away from all of my friends and family and being overwhelmed with living on my own and harder classes. Now that I have survived my first semester of college, I would tell myself that this is not a permanent situation. I have been able to go home a lot and still skype my best friend all the time. The classes are not as hard as I assumed, because in college, you get to study what you are passionate about. People and the media make college out to be a lot more scarier than it actually is and I would reasssure myself, as a high school senior, that I am a very responsible person who can make adjustments. I worked up myself a lot more than I needed to be. College is not so scary if you choose to embrace all of the positive aspects, like meeting new people and being able to discover myself with no pressures around.


Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself as a high school senior to relax a little bit and not worry about the rest of high school but focus more on what college is the best choice for me. Now that I am halfway done with my first year I have had some second thoughts and so I would tell myself to analyze the benefits of each of my choices more in depth than I actually did. Also I would tell myself that no matter how bad I want to get away from home then it is nothing compared to the feeling of actually being away. As many times as I wanted to get away from the house I find myself now wishing more and more that I could go back whenever I want. I would tell myself to consider that option. Also I would tell myself to get involved more in my final year of high school so that I could use that as a stepping stone to get involved in college as well. Ultimately I would tell myself that no matter what I choose to remember to stay positive and have fun!


College can be a great time in one's life. However, the problem most students face when transitioning from the high school setting to the college life style, is the one-on-one face time with teachers. I was always asking questions in class, and trying to get my teacher's assisstance on just about everything in my high school classes. Now that I know that professors in college are less one-on-one and more of the figure-it-out type, I would have been less needy in high school. I feel that if I had more self initiative to do things on my own in grade school, that I would have had an easier first few semesters. I would like to tell all my underclassmen friends that are still in high school, that once they reach a university or college, all of that convient help goes out the window. One other thing I wish I did in high school was finding a single way that I like to study. If i had my own way that I studied every time, I feel that tests and other forms of college work would be easier and less foreign to me.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to take more AP classes and to enjoy the benefits of high school. I realize now that college is so much more complex and accepting than high school was. I would tell myself that my friends and family will always be there to encourage me and make me a better, stronger person. I would tell myself not to stress out because everything is going to work out and I will absolutely love the decision I made to attend The Ohio State University. I would let myself explore my options but to realize where I end up is exactly where I am supposed to be. The best advice I could give myself is to live in the moment because life passes you by so quickly.


You create your own happiness. You meet so many new people, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, or take the time to get to know someone new. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take chances. Go to a club you know nothing about, maybe you’ll find your new passion. Go to a professors office hours, just to talk about there research, they’re people too, and you can enrich your experience at OSU. Sometimes, things don’t work as well as you like, you can study all night and still not do perfect, but in the end, it will all work out if you try your best. You might not know exactly what you want to do with your life, but that’s okay. Explore, find out what you enjoy. Just don’t underestimate your potential. Don't waste any time, make the most of each day and each opportunity. You'll meet people in college, who will be your best friends, were all a little more grown up, and these people will support you and love you and stand by you. Laugh, Love, Live and Demand Success from yourself.


Dear Pauline of 2009, I am writing to you from 2011, a winsome woman of the world with wondrous wisdom to impart. You are probably nervous right now because you don't know what to expect from college. You are probably worrying about how all of your junk won't fit into your dorm room and how you are going to answer a question wrong on the first day of class. I know how much you desire to make friends and to learn about everything you possibly can. So do it! Don't come here if you are just going to sit in your room all day and mope about because no one invited you anywhere. Don't come and expect exciting things to happen to you. Be exciting! Talk to your French partner. Write a poem for your roommate. Get lost in huge bookstores and roll down the one hill that exists in Ohio. Let your hair down and worry less about schoolwork and more about lifework. Above all, love those around you with the kind of selfless love that sets the tree of your heart on fire. Let go of your fear. Love, Pauline of 2011


Even though there's only two-hundred people in Sparta, you can adapt and get used to being in the "big city." It won't be easy, but you'll make friends and you'll have fun and learn to love your school. Also, you're friends will still be your friends even if you say you can't go out because you have to study. They're good people and they love you. Don't give up on Dad either. He just wants what's best for you. If you don't dedicate yourself to school for your own pride, do it for him. He did it for you when you were a baby so you could have this opportunity and it's the least you can do to give it back to him. You'll get through this, and you'll suceed in life. All you have to do is stick with it and never stop trying.


Making the transition from high school to college life socially was no problem for me. I fit in well with others, I was outgoing, I met new friends but I kept the old as well. The main struggle I faced was the transition academically. I didn't have to study that much in high school to get good grades, but it was a whole different story coming to college. If i gave myself any advice it would be to take the end of senior year seriously to prepare myself for the hard work at college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself in high school before college I would definately break the habit of procrastinating. College school work is a lot more in depth and hard work than high school. It is easy to get caught up in social activities but school is what comes first and that is what you are here for. As a student athlete I believe that I was very disciplined but academics came easy for me. I did not challenge myself to my fullest potential and now that I am in college I want to be able to take all of the education I can get out with me as I move on to my own life. In high school you think that you want to go to college and try all of these different things but really when you get to college you must follow your heart and do what you love or else you will not enjoy it. If I was still in high school I would tell myself to go with my gut and keep up with my academics and challenge myself to become a great student no matter what.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior in 1999, I would tell myself to take things seriously. I was excited to go to school and expected it to be a full-time party, and that is exactly what I made my Freshman year: a party. I would often hang out with friends, partying the night away, and I would stay up entirely too late, then sleep too late and miss class the next day. My GPA suffered. In the years that followed, I really had to pay for my Freshman insanity. I had to study very hard in order to bring my GPA up, which eventually I did. I surrounded myself with others who wanted to better themselves through education. My grades went up and I was accepted into a professional fraternity for women (SIgma Alpha Iota), which had a GPA requirement. This forced me to continue with my quest to graduation. I ended up graduating within an acceptable time frame with an acceptable GPA, and I continued on to complete my Graduate degree. I am now going back for more education, and I know that this time I will definitely know to take things seriously.


First and foremost, I would have listen more to my parents who stressed to me about the importance of time management all through high school. They were right! Doing my best is based on how I manage my time at college. Alloting appropriate time to study is a predication of what your grades for assignments will be. Knowing what I know now, I would have pushed myself harder through high school and had better study habits. I am doing fine now that I am forced to manage my time more efficiently due playing sports at a collegiate level.


If i could change anything i would probably take some easier classes to raise my gpa so scholarships would be easier to come by;. I would have tried to become more involved in school activities to have a better resume.


I would say that going to college is going to be the best experience of your life. Don't cheat yourself of every opportunity you can have. Even though I did well in high school, I would still tell myself to do better, so I could receive as many scholarships as possible. I would also tell myself that even though they say you will never see your friends in high school again, it is a good practice to learn how to become socially diverse. Talk to people that you wouldn't normally talk to, make friends with the cool kid, or the not so cool kid. People can change your life when you least expect it, never judge a book by its cover is probably the wisest thing I could say to myself back in high school. Finally I would leave off, with "Your life is about to change, but don't let it distract you from what is important, your friends and your family, because in the end that is what truly measures a man's success."


I would tell myself to look at as many colleges as possible. When I was a senior I didn't want to deal with the college search and everything that goes along with it. Looking back with what i know now, I would definately try to look at as many different colleges in many different areas.


The most important part about making the decision about where to go to college is how you feel at that school. Many schools have the same majors, classes, and social opportunities, but each one has a different atmosphere. When you go on a college visit, talk to students, or look at a college's website, try to imagine yourself living there. Academic success is very important, but you will never get the most out of your college experience if you are not happy and comfortable at the school. So stop stressing so much about majors and research opportunities and professors. Instead, ask a current student about the dorms, the dining halls, and the friends they've made. Listen to their answers and ask yourself if you could prosper in an environment like the one they described. If at all possible, go to the campus and take a tour. But after the tour, walk around on your own to see if you can get a feel for what life is like on this campus. College can be the best years of your life, and a lot of that has to do with making it feel like your home away from home.


Dear Self, I know that you are about to make a huge transition in your life and that this next step is the first of many. Life in college is very different than life in high school and living at home. You will get to meet an infinant amount of new people who could become your best friend, or someone you'll never see again. College is full of apportunities to grow as a person and figure out what you really want to do with yourself. Be careful though, there are also many things that can sidetrack you on your journey to your future. Parties and making your own schedule can hold you back from thriving at college. Don't slack off, or you'll fall behind. It is much harder to catch up in college than it is in high school. During your experience as a student in college, don't be afraid to let your heart do the talking. You have the ability to spread your wings and create your own life. Take every opportunity offered, even if it doesn't sound appealing at first. This is your time to shine and start your life journey to success.


I have achieved many things beyond education from my experience in college thus far. Not only have I acquired many new friends through my participation in the OSU Welcome Leader Program and various classes, but I have also established where I would like to go with my future. Studying Animal Sciences and Sociology in college and planning to attend law school afterwards, it is crucial to start saving money as much as possible. My advisors and teachers have helped me establish my future goals and find my place in the real world. Attending this university has gave me a sense of independence and a new network of friends and possible references.


My college experience has been full of experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. Attending college at Ohio State I learned not only hard work, determination, and perseverance but a passion for learning, leadership, and a better understanding of myself and my place in the world. Being a student athlete has allowed me to develop these qualities in a manner that would push me past where I thought I ever could be. As a student athlete I had to become a leader on the field and a representative of The Ohio State University. As a student who put in hours of study time and homework, was punctual and attended classes, and who gained an appreciation for the differences in every person, I gained a passion for education and the impact that it can have on many lives. Learning how to work hard and to expect nothing short of the best for myself was a characteristic that was instilled in me by my professors and my coach. Through determination to obtain my degree in teaching I am back in school at Capital University and more passionate and motivated to become a leader and inspiration to many.


Since stepping onto the Ohio State University campus for orientation, I have met many friends that I already consider to be very close. My room-mate and those around us are all in the same Major and so we attend classes together as well as eat, study and have fun together. My experience so far at Ohio State University has been excellent and I'm looking forward to it continuing over the next 3 years. I plan to take advantage of the Study Abroad opportunities offered in my Major to further expand my exposure to other cultures and people from around the world. I am truly having a great time even though some days are filled with hard work and study! I'm so glad that I chose to attend Ohio State!


College is the most remarkable experience, but also the most difficult experience i have dealt with. It is on such a higher level than high school that you have to be ready to commit and have the urge to learn. College has shown me responsibilty in the rarest ways. You are officially on your own: independent. It makes your grow up and turn into the person who you will ultimately be for the remaining of your life. Being only a freshman, college has already taught me multitude amounts of information about myself. I value the techniques iI have aquired by having to learn on my own. High spoon feeds its students, but in college, you are on your own. If you want to be successful, then it is up to you to make that happen. I value the lessons of adult hood college has provided for me and the opportunities it has laid at my feet. College also allowed me to be apart of something bigger. The Ohio State community is so welcoming and having something in common with 50,000 students is remarkable. Everywhere you go, you can always find a buckeye.


Even though I have only attended The Ohio State University for a little over two quarters, I can say that I am a better person for it. I have always been independent but being here has taught me to be even more self-reliant and responsible. The choices may be as simple as what time I plan on going to bed but I find myself making the more responsible decision than I would have just one year ago. I have also found that I value my education more when I am not technically required to attend class. Knowing that I made the choice to attend a certain class makes me pay more attention and thus perform better. It has been valuable to attend this school because of the numerous opprtunities that await me when I graduate. In this day and age, a college degree is pratically vital to securing a decent job and getting started on a successful career. I plan on graduating from the school of business and hopefully someday I will be able to make an impact on our society, if not the world, that I can accredit to Ohio State.


From college so far, I have learned something very important about myself - I love learning. College classes are different than high school because you have so many options, you can pick classes that you actually care about. You still have to meet general education guidelines, but you have options. I love taking classes in things Ithat interest me, like psychology and spanish. I love going to classes because I actually WANT tolearn. The other day after my psychology class, I texted my mom "I love learning." I had just spent an over an hour learning about human behavior and I wasn't even bored. I wanted to learn and participate. I never had that feeling before I started college. Most people can't wait until they are done with school, but I never want to be done. I want to keep learning as long as I can. College has made me realize how important it is to love what you do and the importance ultimately finding a job that I love and can be successful in. College has shown me the value of learning and education, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to get a college degree.


In only two years I have gotten so much out of my college experience. I have made friends that I know will be around for the rest of my life. Another thing I have learned is that you receive the amount that you put in, whether that be in relationships with friends, faculty, or peers, school work, or at your job. With my college experience I have found out what it feels like to be in an inclusive community. One of my favorite college experiences at Ohio State University is varsity sports because there is a huge sense of unity because everyone, university wide gets together to support their buckeyes. It has been very valuable to attend Ohio State University because I have really learned how to be independent, get involved, and make the best of every situation. These three things will definitely help me as a begin my future after I complete my graduate degree because I will have to be independent, I will have to involve myself in various things throughout my life, and if I always make the best of every situation nothing will ever hold me back.


My college experience has taught me more than just academics. I have gained independence and maturity while being away from home. Of course, academics are important and I have learned a lot in classes. But college has been so valuable to attend because I have learned what the real world is like and been exposed to things I would have never experienced at home.


I have matured as a person and a student. I have learned what it takes to be successful and I am still in the process of learning.


Through my attendance at Ohio State, I have made many new friendships and developed as a person and as a leader. This campus has so many opportunities whether it be a club, intramurals, or internships. It has set me up to be successful upon my graduation from this fine institution. You will also have one of the largest networks of alumni in the world because Buckeyes are all around the country so youll never be alone.


Out of my college experience I ahve realized that you cannot be scared. I attend my current college because I was very scared to leave home, instead of breaking out my safety net and attending my dream school in New York. I love my school and things I have learned cannot be measured. I belive its been valuable to attend because going to a community college, which some frown upon, is a very nice transition school for those of us who might be a little frightened of leaving home right away. American River will always hold a place in my heart, and its taught me that I have what it takes to make it when I transfer to Cornell or NYU next fall.


During my coursework and employment experiences, I have developed skills that make me an enticing candidate for this scholarship. I have developed the ability to work well within a team, contributing my best effects and ideas. I also have the ability to be a great leader, and allot my best effects in coordinating and organizing structure to concur success. Within my employment at Ohio State Calling, I've been able to promote university fundraising. This experience has helped me develop effective communication skills and learn the steps involved in promotions as well as consumer development. I also have experience in leadership through my past job responsibility of managing and coordinating a on campus dance team. With my strategic communication classes, I learned skills which allow me to be a great creator/ design. these skills encompassed with my positive outlook and persistent mindset have allowed me to create a strong foundation to go into the work focus with.


My college experience has been very valuable to me. I have learned a lot inside the classroom and outside of the classroom. I went to a small school with no diversity, Ohio State has really opened my eyes to all of the different ethnicities, relgions and clubs out there. I have made so many new friends and I have become an independent young lady. I love the sense of community I have with my fellow Ohio Staters. We are all united when we walk to class in the snow, study for finals at the library, walk down High Street on a Friday night, cheer at the OSU football games in the Horseshoe, jump into the cold, dirty lake before the big game against Michigan. Even though I dont know everyone I feel like they are my family.


College can be a scary word, but for me it means freedom and independence. When you are in college you gain the necessary skills in order to succeed in today’s competitive job market. My college experience has allowed me to gain the necessary education for my future job, while allowing me to make lasting friendships that will continue throughout the years. College has been valuable, because it has given me the edge on other people who have not acquired the skills that I have. Ohio State specifically has allowed me to do this in a diverse environment with an array of student, professors, and faculty. So, instead of college being scary, I think of the future and how my college education will lead to a good job that will give me the freedom and independence I want.


Attending college has not only given me lessons in learning to live on my own, but in learning to be individual. I have found that putting myself out there and getting involved, on top of striving to be an excellent student who participates in the classroom and shares ideas with her peers, is more rewarding than anything. Expanding my knowledge has opened my eyes to wordly concepts, and jumping feet-first into student organizations has given me the opportunity to be a voice for my fellow students. Stepping outside of my comfort zone and trying new things has given me friends and experiences of a lifetime. But, beyond anything, is my new found dedication to community service. Though I volunteered in high school, lending my time and energy to the endless array of community events in Columbus has given me new-found joy. I take pride not only in the fact that my school has so many students who love to make a difference, but that in doing so myself, I can become a better person as I strive to better conditions for others. I have come to believe that nothing is so valuable as being humble and respectful.


I have gotten so much already out of my college experience and I still have so much to learn and grow as a person. I feel like I am becoming a better person everyday because I am constantly striving to do my best. Going to school really pushes me as a person to be the best I can be. I believe everyone should try thier best to get a college education because it is the most vaulable assest anyone could have. I come from a family where no one has gone or graduated from any higher education so no one has been close to living a successful life. That is why I want to complete my schooling and be the most knowledgeable in my area that I can be. I deserve to be what I aspire to be because I have worked hard my whole life to get where I am today.


I recently started attending Cuyahoga Community College. So far I have learned that you assume more responsibility than you did when you were in High School. Teachers don't bother you to turn in assignments, so it is up to you to complete assignments when they are due. In others words I enjoy the responsibility and being treated as an adult. From here on out I am responsible for myself and control my fate, and I plan on getting the most out of this experience.


My college experience thus far has allowed me the opportunity to discover the person I want to become while offering me the necessary resources. The largeness and diversity of Ohio State University has opened my eyes to my unique path. I am not the typical college girl. I do not appreciate gossip, drama, Uggs, or being told what to wear. I would rather spend my time with the OSU Mountaineers climbing mountains, or with my club Ultimate Frisbee team training and competing. OSU has brought this to light in my life, as well as my academic path to becoming a Food Engineer. Life is a tight rope walk with endless objects to balance on your shoulders. Finding the right mix of work and play, friends and family, prayer and celebration, and giving and receiving, will be a lifelong experiment. In college, I have begun to find this balance of priorities along with new interests. My most recent discoveries include rockclimbing, Ultimate Fisbee, painting, and playing the harmonica. I want to be the most worldly and well rounded person I can be. OSU has greatly helped me become well rounded and worldly, balanced on the tightrope of life.


Attending college has been a valuable and rewarding experience because have learned effective time management skills and the necessary skills to improve my study habits so that I am a more successful student. I have also had an opportunity to explore various majors so that I can make an informed decisions on my chosen major and career field. The most important lesson that I have learned is how to work with people from backgrounds, races and socioeconomic backgrounds.


While attending this university, I have gained so much self -confidence. I have really come out of my shell since I left high school. I know that I can accomplish anything I want and Ohio State has been there to help me figure that out. I don't know what I would have done if i hadn't gone to this wonderful university! It has really helped shape me into the person I am now; I love who I've become.