Paul Quinn College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I'm involved with several organizations at Paul Quinn College. I'm a member of the debate club, student government association, and theater club. I believe that students party almost every weekend. They usually go off campus to clubs or dance halls.


One of the most popular organizations on campus is SGA (Student Government Association) leading the way for the rest of the organizations/ clubs on campus. Following them are The Divine Nine, which involve all the active fraternities and sorrorities on campus. The Greeks are ones who host the most parties on and off campus and are also very popular their community service. Another very active organization on campus is the Latino Student Association (LSA) whos is always very recognized by its Taco Night cook outs and its creative fundraisings. Some of the popular saturday night activities are go to see the basketball games, go bowling, laser tag or to the movie theather.