Paul Smiths College of Arts and Science Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Its right in the outdoors. Its "green". Its a small community. You can go out and be in the outoors for lab instead of just in a labratory. We get to go out and actually do the process. We get a lot of first hand experience.


Paul Smiths has a student to teacher ratio of 15:1 and I need that to be able to focus in the classroom.


its beautiful here, all the surroundings are endless with beauty. mountains lakes animals. hiking fishing skiing walking canoeing. anything outdoors. plus the people here are just really down to earth including the teachers. its really easy to just talk to people and hear different ways of life and different styles and all live together happily.


the proffesuers are awsome. i am on a first name basis with nearly all of them and consider many of them to be my friends


The friends that I have made are intellectual, progressive, and fun to hang out and talk with.


Mountains... I love snowboarding