Portland Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


To make sure you always go to class and dont let relationships get in the way of yur education. Also make sure you study hard becaue its not always going to be easy like it is now. You have to make sure to do your best but dont try to do too much at once because then youll get overwhelmed and stop trying entirely.


I would have told myself to take all of the classes seriously. I pushed myself too hard and took too many classes, so when I slacked even a little bit on one or two classes, I got grades lower than I deserved becaue of it. I would also tell myself to start a club as soon as I entered, rather than waiting till winter term of my second year. College offers a lot of oppurtunities and doors, not only in terms of challenging and interesting classes, but also in variety and amount of people you can meet and friendships you can make. College is really a social experience, and it's good to make friends in as many of the classes you attend as possible, because I definitely know I relied on some classmates many times to get through the classes; if you have the option, definitely go for groupwork. Though there is the fear that your groupmembers will not work hard enough, usually they will be willing to cooperate with you to get the highest grade possible. And, last but not least, definitely make use of school services like tuturing and writing centers, where they are willing to help.


Learn as much as possible but know how to have fun (ressponsibly). When the teacher says that to read the book, read the book the teacher can only cover so much in class. Participate and speak your mind. Some of teh friends you meet here are for life. Do not stress too much about finding your major, it will come to you and it will be a glorious day. Have fun!


I would tell myself to focus hard your first two years of college no matter how hard the classes are or how much you dont want to be there because the more you focus now and get good grades the quicker you will get done with school, If you focus hard and study more you wont have to graduate a year later then all of your friends. Right now school seems like a boring thing but trust me it will pay off in the end. You'll have to work a lot harder to finish school down the road unless you start taking things seriously now . Remeber getting your college degree will help you earn more money and get you a better job and I know how much you hate working as a cashier, so get your act together.

Tanner Martin

If I were to back in time, I would tell myself to apply to different colleges. While I enjoy the enviornment of PCC, I feel like I could have benefitted from the dormroom experience of a university.


I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. Get a job right away. Finances are the hardest part of college. Start saving as soon as possible. I would also recommend staying as organized as possible. I have learned that clutter is a demotivator. clutter is overwelhming and causes more stress and panic towards homework than it should. Lastly, I would suggest sitting in the front of the class and asking as man y questions as possible. Take as many notes as you can.


If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college I would tell myself first to take a deep breath and not rush. I would want myself to really know and trust that I have time to decide what I am going to be when I grow up however, it is still very important that I do not waste any moment or opportunities throughout my education. There is a fine balance of taking your time but not remaining stagnant. When I first graduated high school I found myself surrounded by the anxiety that I didn't know what I was going to college for. I would tell myslef to enjoy the journey and that everything was going to fall into place. The biggest bit of advice would be to learn as much as possible from each and every course, learning in college is not memoriztion and repeating each subject independently it is about analyzing, understanding, and visualizing how connected our entire world is.


When you go to college, don't forget that you and you alone are responsible for you're work. Take pride in your work, and remember to laugh while you write that huge essay for your proffesors, and take away something more then just dates and names of people long since gone. Remember the ultimate rule for life, don't panic! You will always know the deadlines and the rules, so follow them, skate them, and make them your own and don't panic when you see your finals looming in front of you like red-eyed monster eager to devour your soul. Look them in the eye, laugh, and march through with determination and confidence. If you manage all that, the transistion will be smoothm, classes will be good, and college life will be an adventure worth having.


Stomp out the monster of procrastination. Now. It will be worth the extra effort when you begin college. Procrastination often forces you to give less than you have to offer and it almost never works to your advantage. I know that your senior year is supposed to be your best year yet and I am sure that it will be. However, it is also the launching board from which you will catapult into the adult world. It is your choice whether you dive smoothly into that world or whether you flop on your belly in surprise. The best way you can prepare for a smooth and graceful dive is to give your best this year. Throw yourself into your studies and learn them well. Study a little every day building up your knowledge slowly and effectively. These study habits will carry you far in college. Take time now to apply for as many scholarships as possible because this is when you have the most scholarship opportunities before you. Discover your passions and begin planning the path that will lead you to your dream career. Don’t procrastinate and treasure this year because it goes by too fast.


Take a couple years off to pursue your interests and dreams. Yes, you may feel like your being lazy, but let's be honest, you've spent all your previous years being homeschooled, you need to get out into the world and just live life. This world is an incredible place, one that should be seen, exlored, and experienced; in doing so, you'll gain incredible amounts of wisdom and insight into who we are as humans. If you don't understand who we are as human beings, and what it means to live life with this cast of crazy characters, then whatever knowledge you gain will be lame and without meaning. You need to understand how to apply the knowledge that you're going to be blessed with, and not just pursue knowledge for knowledge's sake. Plus, on the practical side of things, taking a couple years off will also clear your mind, and allow you to pick a major that you'll stick with, preventing the enormous cost that comes from changing majors!


-Cherish your family as long as you can. You won't be close to them forever. -Make friends and be social. You need human contact, despite how much you may hate humanity sometimes. -Embrace your personal expression. You're more wonderful (and more complicated) than you know. -Don't be homophobic because guess what...(you're queer). :gasp!: -Do what makes you happy, what you're passionate about, not what everyone thinks you should do. Don't worry, you'll figure it out in about 10 years. -Eat some vegetables for God's sake. Learn about nutrition and take care of your body before it causes you problems later, because trust me, it will. And stop smoking. -Love freely, but also love yourself. There's a reason why people follow you around. -The goth thing is a phase, but guess what, you get way hotter as you get healthier and older. ;) Seriously, just eat some vegetables...


High school was burdensome for you, but it is for everyone. You don't know it now, but your experiences will give you a unique perspective you'd never learn in a classroom. This perspective will help you become a leader in the fight for the continued independence of thousands. You'll commit your life to public service for it. You'll learn in your mid-twenties you didn't miss your calling and will have a career when you earn your degree. You'll be sought out by boards and commissions yearning for the perspective of someone under the age of forty, who will know you for your genuine interest, excellent attendance, continued involvement, and perseverance. You'll learn success isn't measured by your W-2. You won't be alone. You'll have more friends than the zero in you had in high school. You'll stand up to injustice and oppression. You'll treat everyone as an equal human being, not just say it. You'll be someone very different than who you are now, but you and those you know will be very proud of you.


I dropped out my senior year at Cleveland High School. At the time, my mind was still digesting theories gathered from my epistemology teacher. My brain, still reeling from a certain Daniel Quinn book, started to rationalize life without a High School Diploma. As I began to miss more and more classes, I daydreamed and contemplated the existence of certain knowledge. I mulled over incendiary literature in coffee shops as my seat grew cold at the school. While I was absolutely delighted my activities, it shouldn't be surpirising that they did not get me far in the grand scheme of things. And so, after earning a diploma at a wondrous night school and discovering the rewards of acing college courses, I sit here pondering time travel. Were I to visit my 17-year-old self, I would tell her this: your passion with these books and ideas could be so explored so much further if you buckle down and attend class. While doing your own thing may seem appealing now, consider where you want to be five years from now. Realistically, how will you get there? Earn those A's, I know you have it in you.


I just returned to school after ten years. Much of that time was spent with out a direction to go, though, some of it stemmed from a fear that I wouldn't do well. I actually dropped out of highschool as a junior with a mid 3+ gpa. Life happened. I think the greatest thing I have gained since returning to college is a understanding that the knowledge you gain from college pushes you farther than just a little job or possible carreer choice right out of high school. The degree shows commitment, and to have that at a young age gives you an edge on others that go straight from high school into the work force. So here I am, 28, living in my truck pulling as many credits as I can to push through to the goal as fast as I can weld! I feel time passing as I approach thirty. Somethin seniors in high school might not understand is how precious time is. To put school off one year then two... soon that is ten. Why put off your life? Though I am proud of the lessons I learned up to this point. My future is now!


For me, high school was an unchallegeing task I was forced to go through for four years. I would advise myself to actually work hard for my Freshman and Sophomore year, then attend an early college program rather then dread through my last two years. Along with that I would try to advise myself to not get wrapped up in the social issues I faced, and to take a much more calm aproach to my hardships regaurdless of how hard they were at the time. Ultimatly I would just tell myself to show them how smart I really was rather then to pretend I was stupid so I could "fit in", I would tell myself to stop pretending to be something I am not, and that I should just focus on my future and allow nothing to hold me back.


High school has prepared you well. Don't be worried about the academics; just make sure to stay focused and you will be fine. And if class starts to get you done, just remember what you want to do, what your ultimate goal is. Your perseverance will help you get your teaching degree like you have desired your entire life and finally you can begin to try and help future generations enjoy learning math. Moreover, remember that when life throws you a loop, it is not the end of the world, but rather it is a test. Reflect on it, learn from it, and you will be ok. Best of luck from me to you.


Get summer jobs, save up money, and work harder in high school. Life is hard enough when it's going smooth, but trying to find your way into something you didn't prepare for properly is a royal pain. In short, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to be itimidated by my learning disability. Instead to recognize and trust that there are many people with dyslexia who are successful in what ever they may choose to do. I would tell myself not to be intimidated by the obstacles and to face my challenges head on. In high school I remember feeling as though my teachers did not completely understand my disability and thus where not fully prepared to accomodate me. Knowing this now, I would encourage myself to be more selfsufficient in learning about dyslexia. Don't be afraid of the obstacles you may face today because it will mean another door opened for you tomorrow. Try to enjoy what you're learning and be creative. I would suggest to myself to take more art classes, because I think it's good for your brain to be in a creative environment. The last thing I would tell myself is to volunteer more because what you can learn and gain from volunteering you can't always get in a classroom.


the one thing I would say to myself is, not to be a slacker. beacuse knowing young boys and their lazyness and hatred to go to school. so i would tell myself to change. beacuse right now at this age that I am at, i regret those days when i was lazy and skipping school. but now i know i know i need to build up my education level to be able to support myself and my Mrs. when ever i get one.


Some schools are not realistic and some are downright scams. If you begin a career study at college,it is important to find trustworthy and decent people who canguide you onto a path that is interesting and leads somewhere. It is easy to talk alot,but make sure they back up their words with proof;the possibility that really exists for that type of job. Choose a field that the people are excited and have a vision of the world that is sound,that is based on a grand view of economics,politics,and the world and our nation. You don't want to be trapped with mean spirited people that will drain you as surely as the society tthey feed off. There are many crooks who don't care and many groups that don't know right from wrong or solid from flimsy. Find true people who have an interest in the nation,the world, and people;that are meaningful,scholarly,compassionate teachers in a strong base and a good place in society.


Good morning, it is the first day of your senior year and I have much to tell you. Although college is still a year away, to fully prepare yourself, you must start planning as of now. When you feel you can't study anymore, that you have no more space for the information, that your fingers may get paralyzed if you write one more essay, keep going. You have slipped into the ordinary continuance of high school life. You have grown so accustomed to this life that you may not have realized that senior year is merely your last breathe as a high school student. In just a year you will be beginning something entirely new. When attending college you will get to know many more people as well as learning a vast more variety of subjects. Through college you will discover what intrigues you, what drives you, possibly what bores you, but most importantly you will discover who you are. Although the transition may be quite difficult, being as you have never left home before, the rewards will be worth it. While in college you will obtain the tools to make yourself into whatever you dream to be.


Enjoy your last year of High school. As much as you think you want to get out of the old rutine life you have now, you'll look back and remember how easy it was. College will be a blast, but make sure you are ready and have everything set up. This means, Scholorships, FAFSA, and applications turned in at the easliest dates! Get it done now and you wont regret it later.


For as long as I can remember, I was terrified of the idea of going to college and having to take care of myself for the most part: accepting more responsibilities, doing my own laundry and having no one to hound me about homework. Once I found my dream college, I was ready to try new things and have new experiences, even if it meant doing some of the things I had been scared about. Halfway through my senior year of high school, I made the mental transition to a college student by just being open to new opportunities and not letting myself get scared of anything just because it looked foreboding from far away. The main piece of advice I would offer my high-school self is just don't worry because college is a time of self-awakening, the stretching of mental fibrils to the furthest reaches of the imagination, and honestly, to have fun. As long as you always try your best, everything that was meant to happen will work itself out.


I would have told myself that opportunities present themselves at the most inconvenient times. Omens can be the most miniscule things, but knowing what you want is more important then what you are willing to limit yourself. After I found out about my program getting cancelled, I should have return to high school. Keeping my College grades, but allowing time to apply to the ivy league school, which I dreamed to attend. I would say to remember that life gets in the way sometimes, but don't be afraid to live if it means missing one study session, class, or term. Its better to take a break then to get burnt out. Experience living in a dorm, and go to prom at least once. Get involved sooner with groups around you. Finally, DO NOT BE AFRAID OF ACTING YOUR AGE.


If I can go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to file fincial aid earlier and look for more scholarships. Another thing I would tell myself is that I should go check out other college and their programs. I would let tell myself to apply to at least 4 different colleges. The most important thing I would tell myself is that I must finish and complete every single application and when I get into a college, make sure to register for classes so I won;t be on the waitlist. Therefore, these are the advices I would give myself if I could go back in time.


As I graduated in 1991, it is now some time passed that I was a senior in high school. Looking back, I can only wish that I had paid more attention, and taken the schooling more seriously. Actually, throughout my senior year, I was taking part in the open enrollment program where I was attending a community college, and gaining both high school and college credits. Yet instead of using this opportunity to my advantage, I took advantage of it, and the freedoms it offered me. Perhaps it took me twenty years to reach the maturity level that I am at where I have a yearning to learn. I do know that had I been more serious with my studies in high school that I would not only have saved myself time and money, but also that "lack of confidence" feeling that comes when you have forgotten that which has been given you.


If I could go back in time and tell myself about college life, I would tell myself to enjoy senior year a lot more. I would enjoy the walks down the halls, the bells chiming and warning us that we are late for class, and enjoy the slow pace at which students take to get to class. College atmosphere is very different, students are rushing to go to class & classes move at a fast pace. I assume this is because education is no longer free and hundreds of dollars are being spent for an education. So if I could go back in time I would tell myself to enjoy (responsibly), my last year as a high school student and leisurely make the transition to an adult in college.


I know it doesn't seem important right now, but pay attention in class. Some of those things you're tuning out because you don't think you'll ever need them again, you will. Retaking the classes you didn't think were important is expensive. When you can't find the answers you're looking for, keep looking, keep asking questions until you find the answers you need. Oh, and even though your family drives you nuts, their support will be a huge help. Study hard and know it really is all worth it.


Please, go to college now. Don't wait until your 30. If you think it's hard now it will be even harder when your older and you have kids. Pick something you love to do. Pick something that inspires you and makes you a better person. Don't give up on yourself. Most important, do what you love and don't let anybody tell you that you can't do it.


If I were to go back and give myself advice about what was to come I would definitely say "don't be scared about the difficulty of college classes", and "take a large variety of classes from the start to try to figure out what you want to major in". My biggest problem has been choosing a major, and had I taken more classes outside of my comfort zone I may have figured it out earlier! I think that everyone has a general idea of what it is they want to major in when starting college, but then they take however many classes pertaining to the major and end up changing what they want to do anyways. By taking more classes at first it will either strengthen your first choice or make you realize you like something else a lot better.


When I was a senior I felt like I needed to stay in the area because I don't do very well with change but by staying home I was affected by the change of everyone leaving even more. For second semester I moved to Duluth and I love the change of pace. If i were to talk to a high school senior I would tell them to go out and live your dreams. Don't stay home and go to the nearest community college because life won't change and you won't be able to grow and mature like your friends that are out at school. Go some where and live your dreams it makes coming home from college and seeing your friends and family again more awarding.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not give up when things get rough. I have struggled with school a lot in my life, and now I am finally digging in and going all the way. I see so many people start school, only to give up a few months later. It makes me sad to see such potential go to waste. I know that I was one of these people when I first tried going to college right out of high school. Now that I am older, I have learned a lot about life, careers, and how the world works. Looking back, I know that when I was younger I thought that I knew everything already. I think that it is good to get some real word experience before going to school. The problem is that it is hard to get back into school once you have left. Here I am, doing what I should have been doing fresh out of high school, and I'm doing it right.


I would tell myself to keep the same course that I have kept thus far; staying true to myself is one of the most important things that I believe in and nothing can change or sway my view from this. Caving into peer pressure, falling into the cracks of temptation, or walking down the lackadaisical path that is so easily walked is none of the business I wish to deal with. Perhaps a common response to this even more common question is to "study harder" or "party less", for this writer, however, a predictiable response does not suffice because I am not a predictable individual. I fight for what I believe in, and I stand my ground when I feel my beliefs are being treaded on. I feel I have balanced my life appropriately, and, consequently, have achieved what I wanted to do in college, from the viewpoint I had when I was a senior in high school. In sum, I would give one of the oldest adages of advice out there: just be yourself; and ,I am proud to say, I feel I have done that well.


If I was given the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would've demanded myself to have taken high school more seriously. For instance, my goal in high school was to graduate; even if it means earning the minimum grade of a D. I pass high school with C's and D's assuming that I?ll pursue the rest of my life working. I refused to take SAT exams, seek colleges, search for scholarship opportunities and be open-minded with life. After high school, I moved off of the Hawaiian island to the state Oregon where I worked in retail which was quite difficult to get. I enrolled in college, studying medical assisting and earned my first degree. After earning my first degree, I was offered a job as a medical assistant in a heart beat. That?s when I realized that education was the golden ticket to better opportunities. Having a degree made me feel like I had the power. Education and power made me more eager and motivated to continue education to earn another degree. I wish that I would?ve known this all in high school


I would advise myself to start college immeadiatly. Don't wait untill you think you can afford more schooling. There are many scholarships and grants and finicial aid out there for students just like me to enable us to go to college. Don't believe that your not good enough. And choose to do something you love.


"You shouldn't try to be someone your'e not, because in college everyone is different. It's not about being perfect in college, it's about learning and meeting new people. Don't stress yourself out by trying to be the best."


Take your time to figure out what you want to do. If you need to take a break from school, it's okay. Go when you're ready and know what you really want to do. In the mean time, make the most of every opportunity. Learn all that you can. Do your very best at whatever you do! Live life to the fullest wherever you find yourself. When you are choosing a school, consider the atmosphere. You want to go to school in a place where you feel comfortable and enjoy being. Speak with an academic advisor and choose your classes wisely to make sure they will go towards your ultimate goal. Be bold! Speak up in class. Participate and get involved. This is the best way to make friends and learn from others. Don?t take life too seriously. Try your best, but don?t get too down on yourself. Life has a way of working itself out. Try to enjoy the classes you take and really try to learn something that you'll take with you for a long time from each one. Remember that the whole world can be your classroom if you let it be!


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself when I was a senior in high school I would have a few words of advice for myself. The first would have to be to take some college classes your senior year so that next year you will be ahead of the game. Another would have to be to stay focused on what is at hand so you can go forward with a clear head and finish strong. The last thing would be work as much as you can because college classes are very expensive and having a buffer is a really good thing to have.


If I was allowed to travel back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior there is only one thing I would tell myself: just do the work, no matter how trivial it seems. It took a year off of school working a dead end retail job and a subsequent return to education to realize how much I really wanted to be in school. Unfortunately my descions in high school to slack off and procrastinate cost me an opportunity to focus purely on my studies, instead forcing me to pay my own way through school. I'm not here to whine and complain, spilling my regrets on you in hopes of garnering 5,000 dollars though. I'm here to tell you how much I value education. After being placed in the sink-or-swim situation of paying for my education I have once again developed a passion for understanding and rediscovered the value of hard work. I have become determined to make the most of my time at Portland Community College, not only striving to be a good student but an active and effective member of the campus community.


Ding ding ding the alarm rings. SLAM goes my hand on the snooze button as I think "just 10 more mintues... I'm a senior so Its okay to be late, and im acing that class." Later, I walk into class a half hour late. Something seems odd, everyone is taking a test but we usually just take notes on monday. The teacher informs me that she had planned a pop quiz worth 30{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our grade and you had to be on-time to take it. She was sick and tired of students coming in late and disrupting the classwork, so she put her foot down to teach us a lesson. If I could go back in time and change one thing, it would be to respect teachers more. I wish I had realized that they want to help us learn, if they didn't they wouldn't have chosen to become a teacher when there are so many other careers that make more money with less training. I ended up getting a C in that class simply for not respecting the teacher. That pop quiz sure made me mad, but it taught me a valuable lesson.


I would remind myself that grades are important to colleges, but so are extracurricular activities, clubs and community service. Make personal connections with teachers, coaches, and other adults. These people are a great source of recommendations for college applications and of advice in general. Do a sport, join a club, or volunteer somewhere. Not only does it look great on a college application, it can help you keep your perspective and broaden your outlook. You'll learn valuable lessons about life and about yourself that you won't learn in a classroom. In addition to your GPA, colleges will look at the rigorousness of your coursework. Don't be afraid to try a challenging class like an AP or IB class. Even if you get a B instead of an A in the class, colleges will value that you challenged yourself and tried something that wasn't easy and safe. I would also remind myself to relax and make sure to take time for fun. Make the most of your time with your family and friends. It won't be long before you're off to college and time with them will be harder to get.


I would have said to my high school self "Scholarships are a lot of work. You have to write essays on a certain topics and sometimes get teacher recommandations. So start on them NOW. You need to get general requirments out of the way before you can focus on your major, yes that means you'll have to take math again. Don't throw out your old Algebra notes! In college, you have to be your own advocat. Don't expect the professor to ask you if you understand everything. Last but not least: ask for help when you need it"


When I was in high School the number one thing I didn't care about was my grades. I was focused only on receiving my diploma. So the number one thing I would tell myself is to focus more on my math and Architecture grades. Writing was easy, so I got easy grades without trying. If I could have tried harder in math I could have placed higher in college math and would save money in needing to retake algebra and geometry. Also, I took college level Architecture; however I elected not to pay for the credits. In college i had to retake the classes. I could have started my college years out at an advance of one year if I had focused more on how my high school classes would affect my college ones.


Don't be worried about going to college. You will meet great people and the teachers are amazing. If you are going to worry, it should be more about the transition of life, not schools. Things are different and you don't have to get up at seven in the morning anymore. More sleep means more energy to pay attention in class. Don't stress out about what you want to do in life. There are many option to choose from and just do a little bit at a time. It's going to be harder than high school, but at the end it will be worth all the hard work. Nows the time to try out new things and new career options. Figure out what you like to do and what you are good at doing.


Start earlier


Advice that I'd give myself would be once you step into the college gate, more freedom is equal to more responsibilities. It's okay to have fun and let yourself experience life as a young adult, but after you wake up, you're still a college student, and your role is to go to school and complete all the requirements in order to pass whatever courses you're taking. Just always remember the purpose of why you want to go to college, this motivation will help you accomplish your goal.


I would tell myself to keep focused on what I'd like to do eventually. There's still a very long road ahead of you and if you get burned out before you get your degree you may never want to go back to school. I would also tell myself to get a job as soon as possible because lord knows how difficult it is to get one now and consistent income is better than no income no matter how small the paycheck.


Take advantage of the things you are getting to learn now for free. It will be a lot easier for you to get through your future schooling if you do well now, because you will have to take less college courses. Also, learn good study habits. Anatomy and physiology is like a full time job, and you have to know it all for your profession, so the better you get at studying, the easier it will be for you.


I feel that I was very prepared to enter college. I took college classes during high school so I knew the stress of the work load. The one thing that I wish I had done to help prepare myself was find a job after I graduated (2008). Paying for college is extremely expensive and stressful when you do not have any assistance from parents. I think that the transition would have been less stressful if I had gotten a job the summer after graduating rather than waiting until this summer (2009).


Were I able to go back and speak to my younger self, I'd make a point of emphasizing that there's nothing to be gained by stressing over the small things. As a senior in high school, I can remember feeling overwhelmed by my indecision about the future. At a time when everyone was asking me what I would do with my life, I was helplessly unsure of what direction I would go in. Knowing what I know now, I would offer nothing to myself but reassurance. Don't worry-- it'll be alright. Pursue what interests you, but don't feel pressured by the expectations of others. It's okay to take a break and mull over your options. It's okay to not have a five year plan. It's okay to follow your own dreams; you may disappoint someone, but anyone who cares about you will understand that we all must live first and foremost for ourselves. Be true to yourself, appreciate the little things, and apply yourself to what you are passionate about. Take a deep breath, and don't fuss too much. College will be a hundred times more enjoyable than high school.