Saint Johns University Top Questions

What are some hot-button issues on campus?


There aren't really any hot-button issues that have members of the student body opposed to each other in any way. There are organizations for both democratic and republican students, but they don't debate or deface each other. There are some issues that students advocate for, however. A couple weeks ago, some students led a campaign to raise awareness about the abortion issue, and they had a booth in a popular student area and gave out pins promoting life. There is also a group for GLBT students, and they send out emails to all students, informing their members of upcoming events, and asking nonmembers to support GLBT or become someone that their members can talk to. It became a little bit of a hot-button issue last year when many of that group's members and supporters wore pins advocating their group to the student Mass (always an optional event, of course), over which the bishop presided that night. He did not allow the students to receive communion, which raised a lot of questioning and intellectual debate between many of the students on my floor, among many others. Apart from that, I can't think of a campus event or organization that has raised debate or that has possibly offended some people. If a student organization takes a side on an issue, the other students let them stand up and advocate for their beliefs without offending them or trying to stop them. The community here is very accepting of all ideas, and people will befriend others regardless of what they believe or do.