San Bernardino Valley College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


Someone who likes smaller classes where it may be easier to get help with school should attend San Bernardino Valley college. If money is tight at home it would be beneficial to go to school here.


Intelligent, dedicated, motivated, cooperative individuals should attend this school, as the classes are to prepare one for transfer. A person that does not have any future goals of employing the information gained in the courses should not attend this school. Almost everyone has the goal of transferring; other individuals may be taking a class for fun and for acquiring extra knowledge, which is fine as well. The individuals that have no future goals, however, and do not know why they are studying should not attend this school; they provide many distractions to the class as a whole.


A person who wants to laern and get an eduction. Some one who will not waste time in class. Some one who wants to achive a dergree in some field of work.


I believe that any kind of person should attend this school, including people that are trying to get their lives on track, and people that have everything planned out. These people would have a cheaper education, and know that they are getting a better education, rather than no education at all.