San Diego State University-Imperial Valley Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would advice myself to really do more research on what I plan to study and eventually make a career from. I would also definitely encourage myself to save money for study abroad opportunities and emergencies. I would also emphasize the importance of time management and not to waste time with other activities as well as to keep track of what's truly a priority and that will pay off in the future.


If I could go back in time and was capable of talking to myself when I was a high school senior I would think of giving myself advice about the knowlege I have obtain in college life. My transition from high school towards college has been a great and difficult experience at the same time. I would advice myself to perfect note taking strageties when an instructors gave lectures. I would also adive my high school me to learn and practice different study habbits to achieve the best study habbit for myself in the future. Also a system of studying should be established before an exam or final, instead of studying minutes before an exam like in high school.


Seek for a good advisor and seek a good loan to pay school and not sttress.


If I could go back and talk to myself, I would tell myself to join the ASC here on campus and to not be so shy in my classes. To be more active in my discussions and to not be afraid of making new friends outside of the usual people I knew from High School. I would also advise myself to just take the classes for my major, English, instead of waiting to do that change in my sophmore year. I would also advise myself to sell my unwanted books to future students who would need it and the notes I make in them.