San Diego State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


Everyone can go here, but make sure you are ready to try!


Don't attend San Diego State if you're not looking for a fun and laid-back environment, beautiful weather, friendly locals, healthy food, plentiful academic and cultural resources, a progressive education, and peace of mind! But, of course, everyone is welcome out here and will be made to feel that way. That's the true beauty of San Diego State University.


Someone who does not like big crowds or heavily populated classrooms or warm weather should definitely shy away from this school. Also if they are not superficial they should go to a school where people are not so much focused on the surface and more about inner content. And they should not attend if they are impartial to the alcohol scene or the walking everwhere scene.


Anyone who isn't committed to learning and studying should not attend. This is a huge school, and if you are not here to study seriously, you most likely won't do well. If you are not a self-motivated, dedicated, hard worker, stay home.


A person who is not willing to try new things, meet new people and get involved


People who dislike large crowds, partiers, and running into drunk college students definitely wouldn't like the vibe that this campus puts off. Those who care about their image and how they are perceived by others shouldn't attend SDSU either because often, you get disapproving looks by adults who claim you won't get much education at San Diego State.


A person who does not aspire a quality and eminent education should not attend San Diego State University. This institutuon offers significant academic and career resources that prepares and enlightens students about their career opportunities and objectives. Those who do not obtain the interest and ambition to succeed in life should not attend this school. This university gives students the opportunity to achieve excellence and learn how to become accountable for your personal responsiblities. Anyone who is not inspired or motivated to achieving higher excellence and appreciative of the opportunities they will encounter should not attend this university.


I don't think their should be a type of person who isn't allowed at this school. That would only teach intolerance and discrimination. If people don't want to be there, maybe the experience of being there will change their mind.


Anyone who does not agree completely with liberal beliefs


Someone who enjoys being out in the sun and enjoying themselves while keeping themselves busy. Be prepared to be very social because it is a large campus, and be prepared for self-teaching because there are some very large classes.


I think someone who isn't ready to give their all shouldn't attend school. College is like a job and alot of people enroll not knowing how much work it will be.I have been in classes with people that only show up the first day and are absent the rest of the semester but are kept enrolled in the class. I don't think this isn't fair to the students because many fight for a spot in a class and that spot could have went to someone who actually wanted to attend. You have to be dedicated.


The kind of person that should not attend this school is someone who is lazy, unmotivated, and who does not put his/her academic priorities before social priorities. San Diego State has challenging classes that need to be kept up with daily. In order to get decent grades, one must not procrastinate on studying and homework. If a student is lazy and unmotivated, then he/she won't have the drive to do well in this school by keeping up with his/her work. Also, San Diego State offers a ton of social activities. However, school must come first.


Anyone who feels obligated to attend for the sake of others' interests (i.e. Family, Friends, Relatives). A student should always choose a school that they see fit their needs the best.


If you are not very outgoing and do not make friends instantly then ths probably isnt the right school for you. If you don't make friends very easily and want a way to get involved or if it even takes you a little while to get comfortable in group enviorment but still want to be involved you will not be able to. . People are not accepting and if you do not go greek it is extremely difficult to get involved.


You should not attend San Diego State if your strictly going to college for the education, rather then the entire experience. SDSU is a very well-rounded school, so if your not the social type, then I definitely do not suggest it. Also if your not planning on getting involved on campus, then I would look into a different school.


A person should not attend this school if they do not like socializing with other students or teachers. He or she should also not attend this school if they do not want to join a club of some kind.


Someone who should not attend this school is someone who is an introvert. A lot of the classes need 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} involvement and participation. Also, slackers would not have a good time at this school since it is very competitive and requires hard work. San Diego State requires people who are outgoing and have a desire for knowledge.


Students who don't like to have fun in the sun.


A person who is NOT open-minded about many different cultural aspects or is uncomfortable with accepting vast diversity should NOT attend this school.


A person that is not outgoing or can not get along well with others.


The person who should not attend this school is one who isn't willing to work hard to study hard to earn their education. If they are not open to ideas and concepts and ready to contribute what you can into the discussions and into the university community, this school is not for them - any university wouldn't be for them.


Any student who is looking for the high quality education that they deserve and are willing to work hard and stay determined to recieve it.


If you want a really thorough, intense education SDSU is not for you. Don't get me wrong, the teachers here are wonderful, and if you make the most of it you'll expand your mind just fine. But if you're influenced by your peers then you might fall into the wrong crowd at SDSU. Academics aren't so emphasised at SDSU as the social and extracurricular scene is.


The type of person who would not be a good fit for San Diego State University is someone who does not enjoy being around the constant company of other people. With such a large student population, it is rare to find somewhere to sit or study on campus where one can be alone. Also, class sizes are usually large and/or filled to capacity. This means that in order to make your opinion heard in class one must speak up for themselves and get involved while also listening to everyone else who has the same wish.


A person who will go crazy once they are free from their parent's rule will not do well at SDSU, because partying is so prevalent. It is not easy to know when to stop, especially if partying is a new experience, so a person should have a good head on their shoulders or they might forget that they came to San Diego for school.


I, for one am a person who shouldn't attend this school. It just wasn't for me. I am not saying anything demeaning about SDSU, but there is a college for everyone, and SDSU was not mine. For me, it was the atmosphere and the group of people I was constantly surrounded by. Going beyond my personal experience and focusing more on my educational, someone who does not like to study or is not willing to spend hours in the library is not fit for this school. The teachers expect a lot from you at SDSU.


San Diego State University is not the kind of school for the meek and the shy. In this type of environment, it seems as though a necessary characteristic of a SDSU student is being outgoing. There about about 30,000 students attending this university, and in order to make something of yourself, it is necessary to be willing to take risks and go out and meet new people. Those who comfortable with staying in their dorm room are missing out on the countless opportunities that SDSU has to offer.


This school isnt for people who are conservative. A lot of students at this school drink and engage in dangerous parties, I do not speak from experience but from watching the news and seeing paper flyers posted all over campus. It is a small school and once you meet a few people you see them around for the rest of the university careers. overall, if you enjoy diversity i would recommend this school.


Anyone looking to further their education in the medical field should not attend this school since SDSU is known for their small research programs. Pre-medical students should attend the universities specialized in medicine. Also, students who are more focused on academics versus maintaining a vibrant social life should consider other schools above this one.


If you like a small, tight-knit learning environment, San Diego State is not for you. The campus has roughly 35,000 students and to accomodate this, the class sizes are very large. They typically range from 50-500 with fewer and fewer small seminar classes available. In addition, a student who is very academically focused and wishes to have like-minded students at their disposal should probably reconsider this school. While some take academics seriously, most come to this school for the social environment.


Person who would needs one-on-one learning that many private institutions provide. This school provides many large lectures that it gets hard to ask questions during lecture.


Someone who is not a hardworker. Someone who will likely give in to peer pressure.


People who are unfocused and easily distracted by social interaction. It is so hard to get classes now, so you must be ready to take full loads in order to graduate in 5 years at least.


A person who wantsto be involved in a sorority or fraternity. A person is is looking to have a very strong social life.


Someone who prefers a small intimate college in a quiet rural or sububuan area.


The kind of person that should not attend this school is someone who is not willing to make the effort in succeeding in their classes. Those who do not care if they Fail classes or those who do not attend regularly like they should. It is not fair because someone else could be filling their spot.


People that feel that the social life can get in the way with ones school work should not attend this school or any other school in San Diego for that matter.


Someone that wants a small campus and small class rooms should not go to this school.


A person that would be easily distracted by outside activities.


Someone who needs a lot of quiet time as there are many loud serorities and fraternities around campus. Someone who has no motivation for learning and only partying.


I think all different types of people are welcomed at my school it is very diverse so my answer is no one


Someone who is extremly artistic.


Someone who isnt ready for the pressures of living in a big city. This is generally not the place fro someone who feels lonely or shy. Life on this campus moves swiftly and you must be outgoing to keep up.


While San Diego State consists of many diverse students, I believe that extremely conservative people might not find the campus pleasing due to the extracurricular activities that many students take part in.


People who are looking for a small and personal campus experience. People who are very self-conscious. People who are not into parties and prefer to be involved (though there are outlets for all of those kinds of people).


If you are easily intimidated by new experiences then this is not the school for you. SDSU is a wonderful place to meet new people and experience new things.


Anyone who is serious about achieving a college education should definately attend this school.


Someone who is very shy. There are alot or crazy, loud, outgoing people who attend this school. Also, if you dont like the beach it may not be the best choice.


This school os not for someone who does not like drinking or partying. Most of the students here have a very good social life weither you be in a fraternity or sorority. Fairly academically challenging so if you plan on slacking off this probably is not the place for you.


I think this school can be great for anyone who wants a fun and valuable college experience.