Sarah Lawrence College Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


The school is known for its progressive education and the individualized attention it gives to each and every student. Our classes are small, our professors know each student on a personal level and most importantly, each student is given the support and independence they need in order to fully thrive as an SLC student.


My school is best known for its registration system (in which students interview professors) as well as its courses. The courses are very specific and the classes are run as group discussions. There are ten to fifteen students per class, and everything is done on a personal level. Additionally, students have a one-on-one meeting with their professor every other week. Most college students feel like they're lost in the shuffle, but this is not the case at Sarah Lawrence. Teachers are known by their first names and are very easily accessible.


My school is best known for it's writing and arts programs, eccentric graduates and teachers, and it's beautiful facilites. Oh, and it's very expensive tuition.


Being liberal


The criculum for the Arts is exceptional here.


Wierd, Artsy, Hipster, kids. Most likely known as "that kid" in high school. Liberal. Most students here resent being called hipsters


great academics and a population of annoying hipsters