Sarah Lawrence College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?




They were in 1993.


Well. The first two are. My entering class had an even 75-25 ratio of women to men, and sometimes it feels like you can go for days without seeing a guy. Speaking of guys, yes, many of them are gay. A lot of them are taken. But there are a few good straight guys out there--don't despair, straight women! As for the "real" school thing, that's debatable. SLC is a really tough school if you approach it correctly. In place of exams we have conference work, which entails writing a 20-40 page thesis each semester. Trust me, I'd prefer the exams sometimes. And while it's true there aren't any majors on paper, you still have the opportunity to declare a concentration, which is a little different: you will graduate with a straight-up Bachelor of Arts. Are we all hippies? No, but there is a visibile alternative population. SLC sometimes seems like a catch-all for students who don't fit in anywhere else.


Are the stereotypes accurate? As an SLC graduate, I'm inclined to say that stereotypes are never accurate. Not for me, at least, because I process thoughts in such subtle, out-of-the-box, occasionally ironic ways that I'm incapable of diluting the complexities of my world into such boring boilerplates. The bottom line: if you want a rock-solid, lifelong education and you have the independence to work for it on your own terms, go to Sarah Lawrence. Fuck the stereotypes.


I think so.


There are a handful of "non-conformists" who are vocal about their individuality and/or sexual orientation. However, the majority of students are artsy hipsters who wear skinny jeans with boots, smoke cigarettes and are always on their cell phone. And most identify as girls. 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.


The titles and the adjectives of the stereotypes provided can be used to describe a Sarah Lawrence student appropriately, sure, but these stereotypes are terribly misleading because they do not supply enough information. Students have wealth, you practically have to to attend the college and live so close to New York city, but students seem to either embrace it and show it off, or try to be in denial and criticize "wealth," or the "suburban wealth," pretending they have nothing to do with money, or are just more above it than others. The leads the realization that SLC students are also very judgmental, not to say more so than at other schools, but people at SLC are judgmental. Students are liberal, pro-green--except for the cigarette butts that they litter everywhere--, but seemed apathetic or lacked motivation to actual take action upon their political or progressive goals, almost acting above, or too good, for attempting to be politically active, or active with progressive organizations or movements.


Unfortunately these stereotypes are generally true. Although there are some genuinely good, down-to-earth students at SLC, the social atmosphere makes it hard to find these people.


Only at the surface level. There exists real variety at SLC if you take the time to dig into your peers, however.


Yes and no. Individually, the Sarah Lawrence student is pretty impressive: most are very smart, articulate, self-motivated, self-aware, independent, creative, passionate, idiosyncratic, witty, and, for a large part, attractive. En masse, SLC students can be hostile, judgmental, pretentious, isolated, elitist, image-obsessed. Yes, the hipster sterotype is accurate, as is the writer type (it is a huge writing school). Yes, some students are socially awkward--or rather, would be considered so at a so-called "normal school." In terms of the ultra-liberal stereotype: this is true to an extent, as much of the student body seems to be rebelling against their liberal backgrounds. Unfortunately, this usually just results in irony and apathy, and the campus is mostly politically inactive, which is very disappointing


Sarah Lawrence does take a bit of time to recognize that at the center, students are interested and intrigued by the new and unfamiliar. If, for example, you decide you might like to wear a red rainbow wig, one day, and you wear it well, you will be loved. If, unfortunately, you are a complete asshole, or worse yet, you are known for making the most idiotic comments round the clock in your Christendom class, well, you won't be as well accepted as we might have you believe. We have some pretentions here, and if you aren't a wild thing before coming here, if you decide to stay, you will be by the end. Queer in a year or your money back. This is a stereotype we subscribe to. Six months as a straight girl at Sarah Lawrence, and you'll find yourself making out with the gorgeous girl you've had your eye on all year between cigarettes writing furiously for conference week- maybe you'll share a margarita, a shot of jameson. Whatever it is, there's nothing like seducing another straight girl for a Sarah Lawrence stereotype come true.


The school has been co-ed since the sixties so its not an all girls school. It is true that there are a lot of weird people, and gay people and hipsters, but there are also a lot of other kinds of people too. While it is true that the school doesn't have any requirements, so you don't have to take math or take tests in all classes, there are also many serious students and nerds at SLC, like at any other small liberal arts school.


yes for some- it gives off a cold air at first, but once you get past the front there are very remarkable people here.


Pretty much.


Rich and white are dated. About half of the students are able to pay the full tuition, which allows the other half (average to dirt poor) of the students to attend, and still pay the professors a competitive salary. Intelligent; yes. Ihave never been so impressed (and a little imtimidated by my fellow students) self-absorbed; sadly, very true. nonconformist, iconoclastic; absolutely. artsy, hippies; enough to tip the balance, though its not everyone.


More or less. It has been co-ed since the 60's but girls are still the majority.


I must say that Sarah Lawrence is one of the most politically correct school, and no matter what you say, you are going to offend someone. In time you learn to back up everything you say, or you learn that what you say is actually considered prejudiced and you change. In terms of the hipsters, they're there, but casually dying out like party scene.


Yes and No. Yes there are some people who fit this description, but the greater reason for attending Sarah Larwence is the hardcore dedication to in depth academic pursuits. Most students become very serious about their individually developed projects which are a part of every course at the school. These are called conference projects and they make up half of most student's curriculum. (this is also the reason that I have listed no extra-curriculars, you projects become your extra-curriculars)


Sometime, lol. But Sarah Lawrence has a much more diverse population. Actually in recent years the student body has become more mainstream, yet still to the left politically.


Some of them are, and some of them I don't think are true. We are a pretty weird school, there are a lot of people walking around wearing Birkenstock's, dying their hair blue and playing acoustic guitar on the lawn. But we are individualistic, and it's true that we're not really a "party school"--that's not to say that interesting things don't happen, we have lot of events. But there aren't keggers and parties with lots of people passed out or puking all over themselves. We drink, but it's usually more low key than that.


Well, it's not a women's college anymore, so no. And as for being gay... there is a large LGBT community, but I for sure have more straight friends than gay ones. Just cause it's a sexually diverse environment doesn't mean it's totally gay.


yes and no. as i was living, this was fading out. when i got there, certainly. but overall i think while there are definitely those types, the majority are just average suburban somewhat over-privileged kids...who wear vintage clothes and smoke weed.


People DO wear a lot of black -- although long, flowing, 1960s skirts in bright floral patterns are a popular second choice. There are certainly parties here, and dances, and rough-and-tumble games on the quad. What made the biggest impression on me as a freshman, though, was that there was no pressure to socialize it you didn't want to. If you like to stay in your room with a book and a cup of tea, or just go to bed early, no one regards you as weird and hostile. It's not that everybody's an introvert -- it's that you can be one here without feeling judged.


Yes, thoroughly.


Sometimes, but mostly Sarah Lawrence people are like anyone else, and hipsterism and political activism (which at SLC can be an oxymoron) are just social identities, like an athlete in high school.


they are definitley not


Not everyone is gay. There are actually a very small minority. As for people being pretentious and weird , you do definitely get a few people like that but its not what the school is about


sometimes, but not usually.




For as many people who shaft you in a conversation, there are equally generous and understanding students who can commit to their ideals without oppressing you with them.


There are some of both, but WAY more of the liberal artsy types. We have a lot of hipsters.


To an extent, but not nearly as badly so as people think - if you are any sort of extreme in the real world, that won't change by coming to Sarah Lawrence.




Some of them are.


Some of the time, not always


The fact of the matter is that their are all types of people in almost all places, but I would say that, as a liberal arts college, we do have more than the average amount of hipsters. And the winter months do tend to make people mean, but I don't think that's unique to SLC


No. I am not rich but on lots of financial aid and since over half of the campus gets some sort of financial aid the stereo type just isn't true. The drug thing might have been true for earlier generations of Sarah Lawrence students but I don't feel it's an accurate stereotype of the drug climate on our campus. Yes, some people to drugs, just like at any other school. However, most people simply have too much work to do drugs all of the time.


I've found these to not be representative of those students who best influence campus life.


Most of these are not true, but I could see why someone would think that. While there may be some students like that, I'm not involved in that kind of stuff and I still have my own friends and manage to have a good time. Sarah Lawrence has its fair share of hipsters, but for the exact reason that it's a liberal arts college located in the vicinity of the New York City, you are bound to find a fair amount of the urban hipster-type students. If that's not your thing, you will still be able to found plenty of people who are not into that either: It's pretty feasible to avoid. Drugs do exist on this campus, but you will only find them if you're looking for them. It's easily avoidable if you don't want to get involved. Students at Sarah Lawrence are highly individualistic so there's no large subculture of drugs prevalent all over campus: People usually do drugs in a small group of friends. However, cigarette smoking is disproportionately higher on average on this campus than in the rest of the country. It feels like nearly everyone smokes.


To a certain degree yes, but like everything else here, nothing remains the same here for a long time because we are so small, the student body creates this image, and each year with a new class, that image changes.


About as often as are other stereotypes.


I would say so, yes.


They are for some people who make it known that that is their life style. But they aren't accurate for many many people.


nope, not in the least bit.


Yes and no. Not everyone is gay, but the school is incredibly gay friendly--there are probably more LGTB groups on campus than any others. The 7:3 ratio is accurate, and you'll notice that right away. People do dress weird, but it doesn't seem to me that anyone was losers in highschool--most of the students seem to have had hip socialite lives in NYC or San Francisco or LA or something. I've never witnessed any big drug problem, nor even heard about it. As far as SLC students being activists--probably the least true of the stereotypes. Most students are apathetic towards politics, and only chose to protest silly little things like the gender neutral bathrooms having a men's room icon on the door.




I've found that the stereotypes about the school are inaccurate. In fact, it is the opposite: The school itself is very rigorous and relies on a student's ability to be self-reliant. What one puts into this program is really what one is able to take out of it. Also, the teachers expect full commitment to their courses, and Sarah Lawrence has one of the best faculties in the country. There is enough structure to both be able to rest, and also enough for the student who needs help being motivated. On the other hand, there definitely is a social life. Sure, one does have to know what's happening on campus, but if one looks for something, most likely he or she will find a good time. In addition, there are many campus events that happen daily/nightly. Often there is not time enough to do it all. The campus is a 20 minute walk from Bronxville, but it is nothing that SLC students cannot handle. There is also a shuttle back and forth. Many SLC students go into Bronxville for a Starbucks coffee or to study in the surrounding areas which are very pretty. There is a train station in Bronxville that is 30 minutes from Grand Central Station and most students go into the city almost every weekend. Teachers encourage students to see shows, go to museums and art galleries, or go to lectures in the city as well. In terms of men, there aren't that many and yes, of course there are gay men on campus as well, but that's the same with every college. Girls are able to get and stay with boyfriends on campus though. Not to mention SLC is right next to NYC so there are plenty of opportunities to meet people in the city. On the same note, the students are anything but freaks. Of course, there are some eccentrics but, again, one finds those everywhere. But, in fact, SLC should actually be known for the beautiful and stylish men and women on it's campus. People make an effort to dress their best every day. That is something very different from the frumpy, sweatpant-wearing college students in other schools. Of course, one can dress however he or she wants, but since everyone is dressed to impress, that sets a certain social standard. There are a lot of straight men and women on this campus as well. I think that the ratio is about even from straight to gay. The great thing about that, though, is that everybody is tolerant, and accepting of everybody else. Nothing is too over the top or crazy at SLC. People enjoy it while they can. There is drug use on this campus. It is enforced against, but there are certain niches of students who can be classified as participating in that. However, it isn't rampant by any means, and is most definitely not advertised or glorified. The students can often be haughty and judgmental, but that is a matter of one finding his or her own group of friends, just like at any other place.


Yes, I would say for the most part they are very accurate. Sometimes I have a difficult time with the other students in my classes, because they tend to use high diction to puff themselves up and appear smart, which is frustrating. Many of them aren't very friendly, but there are definitely some really nice people as well. There is definitely an air of elitism that is frustrating, too. But, the students are extremely intelligent here, and I enjoy the fact that most of them are politically liberal and very accepting of gay culture.


No. Yes, there are some freaks here, maybe a lot more than at your average east coast school, but the majority of the kids here are just INTERESTING. Everyone got in here for a different reason.


some of these stereotypes are somewhat accurate. but obviously all generalizations are problematic. there is a large community of hippis, and a huge LGBT community. but it is important to keep the community open and welcoming to everybody.