Sarah Lawrence College Top Questions

Why did you decide to go to this school?


As a person who identifies with the arts, it was difficult for me to choose only one discipline within the field, especially concerning writing and theater. Both of these disciplines were growing to be very significant parts of my life when I realized that they were passions that I would not be able to live without consistent instruction and practice in. When I looked into Sarah Lawrence, the concept of studying without majors, without restrictions on how and what I study, really appealed to me. Not only could I actively and equally pursue acting, singing and several different types of writing, but I could also finally explore my love of history a little more, as well as continue learning Spanish. I could take risks and be encouraged by both my professors and my peers. This was the main reason for my attraction to SLC, as well as for my choosing SLC. Another factor, however, was the approach to learning. Small classes, which encourage and thrive on discussion, debate, and on-the-spot analysis that typically leads to a greater understanding of the material and their key concepts before and after your exposure to them. In high school, I remember that I often didn't feel secure with information because my teachers were under pressure to "teach to the test". Deadlines loomed and often stifled our learning in the classroom by limiting the amount of time we had to delve into topics. Discussion, I realize now, is a key aspect of my ability to retain, process and use new information. The Sarah Lawrence academics system realizes this, and educates us accordingly. I can confidently say that SLC's system of education is the best form that I could ever imagine, and it's what I've need from day one. If every student in this country, from kindergarten and up, could have the privilege of learning this way, I think we'd be living in a very different America.


Viviana tells us how she came to SLC


Jackie tells us why she chose SLC.


Carina tells us how she came to SLC