Smith College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at your school?


Lesbians, Feminists, Liberals,


We're one mad, constant lesbian orgy (when we aren't studying).


Smithies are studious Smithies are all lesbians


That we're all lesbians with buzzcuts, that we're smart and brash and upfront


Some stereotypes about Smith and Smith students is that we’re all a bunch of granola eating, hippide dippie, gay liberals. I think another stereotype is that we’re extremely politically active. All the students want to "save the world".


that we are all gay. big feminists.


I've heard we are all rich and prissy and also that we are all butch lesbians. I've heard we hate men or that we can't cope with real social situations. I've also heard that we are determined and driven and independent.


That every girl who goes here is lesbian, or bisexual. Also that we are "Thelmas" like Scooby-Doo (Amherst= Freddy, UMass- Scooby, Hampshire= Shaggy, Holyoke= Daphne, and Smith= Thelma). We don't know how to have a good time, and we're A-social.


They are all lesbians.


People think that Smithies are all Lesbians, that we are forceful and aggressive feminists (as though this was a bad thing to be). People know that Smithies are smart women going places!


we're all big fat dykey man-hating lesbians


That we are all lesbians and that Smith is like a nunnery.


The most prevalent Smith stereotype is that everyone is a lesbian feminist.


Lesbians. Lesbians. Lesbians. Oh, yeah and liberal vegetarians.


"done is better than good" "they are all lesbians"


The biggest stereotype is that the college is populated SOLELY by lesbians. Another is that all of us are confrontational or arrogant, especially when it comes to political issues.


All smithies are lesbians


When I tell people (around my age) that I go to Smith, they often respond with, "Are you a...lesbian?" One of the stereotypes is that Smithies are angry, men-hating, hairy, eco-obsessed, hippie lesbians. I've also heard two polar opposite stereotypes: we either are party crazed sexually promiscuous deviants, or we study all day and don't have a social life.


When I tell people (around my age) that I go to Smith, they often respond with, "Are you a...lesbian?" One of the stereotypes is that Smithies are angry, men-hating, hairy, eco-obsessed, hippie lesbians. I've also heard two polar opposite stereotypes: we either are party crazed sexually promiscuous deviants, or we study all day and don't have a social life.


When I got into Smith, a lot of people said, "Well...just don't become a lesbian." People tend to think that women's colleges are "full of lesbians" just because women study and live together. Smithies are also stereotyped as overachievers, stressers, opinionated, liberal.


The strongest and most well-known stereotype is that Smith College is a school of ugly lesbians who are "Nazi-feminists" or "man-haters". There are other stereotypes that exist about Smith College women in the five-college area and usually are something about Smith students being pushy or opinionated. They can be quick to get defensive and angry, especially when their own personal beliefs are being attacked.


Smith is a welcoming institution--particularly to lgbtq--and is very diverse.