Springfield College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


This school is predominently for adult learners.


A student who is active will do well at Springfield College. Being an active person does not only mean going to the gym or being busy, it includes involvment in the community, active as a person physically in sports or staying healthy and active in supporting everyone around them. Springfield College students are well rounded, friendly and hardworking people. We are spirited and love everything we do.


A person who enjoys or plays sports will fit in fine at Springfield College.


In my opinion, students who are able to time manage well and deal with a mass amount of work should attend this school. It is very expensive, so students should definitely take advantage of the education provided 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.


Any well motivated and focused student. The curriculum is intense and will take alot of studying and staying up late but the atmosphere is great and so are the professors.


People that attend my school enjoy what they do and are determined to help others. The school is a great supporter of giving back to the community and those enrolled there feel the same. My school is extremely athletic and has many of the population involved either in a varsity or intramural sport but that does not mean you have to be an athlete to feel like you belong there. Anyone who attends my school would feel welcome.




Anyone who wants to stay active and give back to the community should attend Springfield College. It is a giving school and you get great experiences out of the different volunteer opportunities. It is also a great school for sport related careers like physical education, physical thereapy and sports science. However they do offer other great majors as well like history, communications, EMT and physician assisstant. Overall anyone can join the Springfield College network.


Any perspective student should be willing to get their feet wet and figure what they want out of life as far as career, relationships, and personal growth and improvement. Being well balanced is important. Keeping focused on your goals and what you want once you graduate is also especially important because of the investments both in time and money. So it is important to make good life choices, focus, and work hard to do well in school and in life.


If you like sports this would be a really great school because the majority of the students are PE, PT or PA majors.


One who is enthusiastic about their future and the chance to meet great new people. This school is for anyone who is willing to balance working hard and having fun, while focusing on the body, mind, and spirit. Springfield is a non-judgemental school, making it a great choice for anyone