St Mary’s College of Maryland Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Students take advantage of our waterfront location and, when the weather is nice, the river is the hub of social activity. Boating and windsurfing are popular activities. If you're looking for a party on the weekend, you can probably find one on North campus, where most upperclassmen live. Most on-campus productions are well-attended (especially the bi-annual dance show), because basically everyone knows someone in everything. Other events (guest speakers, athletic events, on-campus movies, school organized social events and concerts) are hit-or-miss. If you're not interested in the drinking/party scene (I'm not) you'll have to make an effort to find your friends and take advantage of the school's offerings. There isn't really anywhere else to go, so there is no outlet for those who want to drink, or those who do not. Notable traditions include Hallowgreens (campus-wide "trick-or-treating" party on the townhouse greens) and "pondings" - getting thrown into St. John's Pond on your birthday (at ANY time of the year - I'm a proud November pondee). It was listed by the Princeton Review as the best school for loving the great outdoors, and as the weather warms up in the spring, the school is completely rejuvinated as students head back outside .