Stony Brook University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


My advice for finding the right college would be to start researching colleges early and to do some deep thinking about what qualities are truly most important in a college. So many superficial factors like rankings, location, and cost are unfortuantely given too much weight in the decision of which college to attend. College guides that provide rankings on the academic and social environment of a college give a generalized overview relying on the opinions of people that may bear very little resemblance to your opinions. Get as much detailed information as you can so that you can decide based on your own judgment of a college, not someone else's. When it comes to making the most of the college experience, realize that this your opportunity to have some unique experiences that will be valuable in a future career as well as in your personal life. You may never again have so many opportunities to travel, become socially involved, or benefit from the knowledge of a collection of experts. Remember that there is more to college than the workload, but never get so distracted that you forget the primary goal of college is to learn.


I would tell parents it is very important to always be involved in your childs life. From the beginning of Middle school, involve them in many extracurricular activities and make their resume look good from the start. Junior year of High School start visiting colleges and see what would be good for your child. Speak to advisors and ask many questions! Once you and your child have selected a school you both will love, prepare your child for school, and always keep in touch!


I think that every stuent and parent gets a million different levels and forms of advice when it comes to choosing the right college. The most important thing to remember through the entire process is that this is YOUR life. Find a college whose student body reflects your interests, your likes and offers the variety of course work that you love. Don't pigeon hole yourself into a college that is known for pre law or pre med or anything like that - but choose one that has a diverse amount of majors and oppurtunities for you because one you get there you may realize that medical school or law school is the last thing in the world you want to do. Instead it's journalism and the school offers one class in that field. All in all I would remember that this is a period of discovering yourself and allow college to reflect that - embrace the change and the maturity that comes from living away from home.


When looking for a school, choose a school that is the right size for you. Not everyone likes a huge school. Make sure the school has enough options. Just because you want to be a computer engineer today does not mean you will want to in a year. Take advantage of every event and workshop the college has to offer. Get out there and really be a part of the school. You will meet so many great people and learn so much.


I had an amazing experience at Stony Brook. Make sure you find out information on ways you can participate in school activities, it will make your experience great. Take part in student government, play a club sport, don't limit yourself to sororities and fraternities there are plenty o things to do where you don't have to be hazed or belittled for an entire semester. make friends!


Do a lot of research, including actually visiting the campuses.


I would have to say that comfort is the most important part. If the prospective student likes some areas of the college, such as the campus, but does not like the overall feel then it is not a good fit. It is hard to find the right college now of days because there are so many, and lets face it, everybody wants to go to a well renound school. But in the end if you are not happy it will be a stressful and sad experience. I would start by figuring out what size college you would like to attend as well as what type of area you would like to be in. Then look at aspects like the size of classes, the food areas available and the extra curriculars. The things that you do outside of class help contribute to your overall enjoyment of the college experience. Mostly, just remember to see how comfortable the prospective student is with the campus; comfort is happiness!


How much you get out of your college experience depends how much you put in (hard work, money, enthusiasm, etc).


As a parent of two college students, and a student myself, I strongly suggest that new students make sure they spend time on the campus they are considering. It is very important to speak to random students on campus, not just the tour guides and selected faculty. We have found that schools are often quite different than they are portrayed. After all, they are trying to sell you their school. Sometimes the information you are given is just a pretty advertisement, not the real-life information. For example, some schools portray very active campus life, when in fact there is a large commuter population. The fact that many leave immediately after class and/or for the weekends does not support a tremendous social experience.


stay a weekend as a pre-frosh and get to know people to see if you will fit in. take corny campus tours but then actually go up to kids and be friendly and ask them why they like it here


I would advise both parents and students to visit as many colleges as they can and talk to the students. I also suggest that if they are going away to school the student should sleep over for a weekend to feel what it is like to be away at college and on your own. The student should go to their univerisity of choice with some kind of major in mind, being undecided is fine but you may fall behind on your Major Requirements and end up spending more than four years in college, if you do not already know waht you would like to do. They should enjoy the next four years of their lives at their univeristy because it is toing to be the best time of their lives.


Find somewhere that will get the most out of you and push you to your limits. It will be the only way to make it in the world we live in today


Study and don't procastinate.


Finding the right college is going beyond preconceptions of what any given college is "good" at or what it's "known for." High schoolers should talk to older relatives and friends about their college experience, and try to figure out what they might want out of college. The most important thing, though, is to remember that there is no one "perfect" college, and that no choice is final! Transferring colleges is very common and can even enrich your experience and connections. Try to make a match to a college based on your goals, but also try to challenge yourself academically and as a person. Try new clubs and courses - don't just try to repeat high school at a higher level. Go to a school where you won't know anyone in a new setting. Only by challenging ourselves in all areas can we grow - and that's really what college is about.


Consult actual students attending their respective universities to get a feel for each school. In addition, find out what rank each school has in terms of most depressed students. Unfortunately, some schools will leave you high, dry, and empty-handed. Visit schools year round, not just during the Summer when the weather's great. Attempt to sit in on a few classes to gain an experience of what each school demands. In terms of making the most out of one's college experience, here are a few words of advice: don't do drugs (i've seen what they can do to students and that includes the "natural stuff" and cigarettes(you'll be too depressed and angry to do work once you decide to quit)), attend class, do your homework on time, don't worry about your social life too much (plenty of time will be available to you, once youre out of college), join clubs each year (try to manage one at first), participate/conduct research, and find an internship once you've taken your major's introductory courses. Above all, stay strong. Don't give up on your dreams and don't let anybody put you down.


Visit the school and speak to the students. They will give you the most honest viewpoints. Look at the labs and meet who you will be working with.


Apply to EVERY college you hope to get into, from community college up to Harvard because you really never know who they're going to be looking for! Visit your colleges first, make sure you see the dorms, the food , classrooms and surrounding area and the transportation, because if you're not happy your grades will suffer. Be open! You'll make more friends if you keep your dorm door open and do group activities or clubs. Don't take more than 14-15 credits the first semester unless you enjoy being stressed and having no social life OR you're a genius and incredibly organized. Try to buy textbooks online or from a cheaper bookstore than the one on campus, you'll save $$! Just because the cafeteria is open late and you have meal plan points/dollars, doesn't mean you have to eat, eat, eat...the freshman 15 is definitely possible. Don't skip lecture because no one is taking attendance, you actually learn more from the professor than the textbook in most classes. Dress nicely, as tempting as rolling out of your dorm in sweats and big hoodie is, it's sloppy and makes you less approchable.


Pick a college based on the student's interests. I like being lost in a crowd, some people can't handle being a number. Personality can play a large role in the decision of which school to attend. Go on campus tours. Ask current students questions. Good luck.


Visit the potential colleges and/or universities you wish to attend before making any decisions. Walk around campus, look at the dorm rooms and eating areas, dont be shy to talk to professors and ask questions, and also talk to well rounded students who currently attend the college or university that you plan on filling applications for. If you are not sure about your major, than either go to a community college first or a more liberal school before making up your mind about choosing a major. If you do have an idea for what you may want to get into as a career than go to a college or university who is known for that area. As for making the most of the college experience take it easy the first year by adjusting to the new environment by taking not so challenging classes all at once, or too many credits. Look around for ways to get involved. Meet friends and just have fun!


Learning is beautiful, and it should stay that way. Follow your heart and don't lie to yourself, love what you do and embody it. A secure job ten years down the road will never replace ten miserable years.


Don't look at rankings as far as social scenes go. Visit, and see if the school matches you. It doesn't really matter if I have friends here, it matters if you visit and think you would have friends here.


make sure you go to a school you are willing to pay for after you graduate


First off, look at the national rank, then do good on SAT..that's it


College is really a turning point in the lives of many young adults, quite often an epiphany in becomming an adult . In choosing a college, I recommend that the students and their families go to several prospective schools and take a tour of each one. I would also suggest doing some extra self research online to try and find out more about each school and what it has to offer. Find out the pros and cons of each school and weigh them carefully. I feel this is the most effective way for a student to choose the school that is right for him/her. Once at college, the key to making the most of the college experience is up to the individual. I would strongly recommend living on campus in a dormitory to develop independant living skills and help students adjust for when they will start their careers and enter the "real world." Really though, college is what you make of it. No matter how many opportunities a school may offer, they are only useful if you take advantage of them. It is integral to be open minded and try to experience as much as you can while at college.


Students should try to dorm first before living at home because it's a new experience. If they dont like it, they can always go back home and their credits at the SUNY will be transferred but if it is vice versa, their credits are not guaranteed.




go with your gut! pick a school that you love! be yourself!


Get involved in school.


Students, find a campus that you feel you can connect with and feel like you can do academically well with a major you have chosen. If you haven't decided on a major, choose a school that has a lot of variety in classes and majors. Not having a declared major is nothing to be ashamed of. College is a journey of self-discovery. Parents, although this may seem difficult to grasp, let your child choose his own destiny in terms of academics. So many college students are in a state of borderline depression because they're in a school where they feel they do not belong and were forced to enroll by their parents. Common ground may be difficult to find in the college discovery process, but don't be afraid to communicate and work it out.


Visit campus, go to a large school if you value privacy , leave the high school mentality at home and open up to new things.


It is important to find a college that provides the academic education that you need for your major, but more importantly you need to find a college that you will feel comfortable at. When you visit a college, ask yourself if you can picture yourself being happy there. When talking to professors try to imagine if you would feel comfortable asking them for help if you needed it, or if they would even offer the help if you needed it. Next, talk to the students and get a feel for what your social life might consist of. So when visiting a college, make it your goal to see if you would feel comfortable with the surroundings, the professors, and the social life. To make the most of the college experience, it is important that you keep up with your work. Work will build up quickly if you start to slack, but make sure to plan to have fun because there is time to have fun and time to work so you must plan ahead time for both. By knowing how you will spend your free time, you can do your work without feeling overwhelmed.


Here are my advice on finding the right college: 1) Tour the college before deciding if you want to apply to it 2) Apply to a lot of colleges 3) The surroundings of the college (rural, urban, suburban) 4) Check how much finanical aid the college is giving you 5) How much the college cost 6) Whether you want to live on-campus or off-campus or at home 7) How far you want the college to be from your home 8) If the college have your major And here are my advice on making the most of the college experience: 1) DO NOT shut yourself in your room and not socialize with people, you will end up being a loner 2) Make friends as soon as possible because it gets harder later on 3) DO NOT just study, go out and party (College doesn't mean just work) 4) Get a job as soon as possible because it will get really difficult to find one later 5) Join clubs, organizations and fraternities and sororities 6) Get a car (trust me, it will be very helpful, although I got to warn you, people will ask you to drive them everywhere)


They should question how active and how big the school is. They should know if the school is well challange and has the courses the students want. They should visit each college and see if they like the environment. As a Freshman, students should get involve in as many activities they can without damaging their educations.


I would recommend them to look at location first. Then the brand of the school....


I would advocate visiting several different campuses, even ones that you are not interested in. It is far more helpful to see campuses that are definitely undesired when trying to decide on a college. I visited many similar colleges and had a hard time choosing because they were so similar, and sometimes I regret my choice. Also, try to visit during the academic year. It is difficult to gauge the quality of campus life during the summer when nobody's there. This is especially very important with schools that have a high rate of commuters. In terms of choosing a school that best suits your academic needs, try to pinpoint as best you can what the student is interested in. Having had almost no clue, I basically chose between large universities that would hopefully have something that interested me. Perhaps I would have been happier somewhere else if I had done more to find what I am looking for academically. Finally, social life is more important than you may think. While academics come first, a poor social life may create laziness, depression, and ultimately affect grades. Be sure to look into this before choosing a school.


Visit the university and ask questions on open house tours. Remember this is where your kids will be going for 4 years of their life. And make sure they dorm because that's how they develop life-long relationships. If you need money for school, encourage your kids to apply to be an RA (Resident Assistant) so they can have free room and board. Encourage your kids to join different clubs and teams because you'll never know what you'll like. Try new things and don't be afraid to be unique. Eat well and go to the gym, you paid for it! And most importantly, do well in school, it is hard to bring your GPA up but very easy to bring it down.


Have a variety of colleges to choose from and don't set your heart on a college before you actually get to know what it is about. For parents, don't pressure your children into picking a school you want them to go to. This will put some unnecessary pressure on them. They may find they dislike the school you want them to go to which will make them feel dissatisfied in the future with their choice. Really research everything about the school before you pick it.


Go visit the schools before you decide to attend. Make sure you like the environment.


I would suggest that students visit their school. Also, ask a regular student how the school is or look up reviews by Princeton or students of the college. Knowing what your school looks like and what is available to you and how the school rakes currently with academics, social life, students' happiness, etc.


Visit the school and speak to some of the professors and students before attending.


to pick the best school, makes sure that you check out all that the school has to offer in terms of academics. But more importantly, talk to real students, not professors and tour leaders; real students can tell you what it is really like on campus. This is important because you're likely to spend the next four years of your life there, and those are very important times in terms of shaping your future. Finding out about the social life on campus should be just as important in choosing a college as the academic aspect because you cant spend all of your time studying, you need a break every now and then.


You won't really know what it's like until you get there, but in the end you should really make sure that the school offers the types of courses that you are looking for. And if you don't know what you want to do with your life, choose a school that has a wide variety of majors so you'll have all your bases covered.


if your child has not seen diversity stony brook is the place to introduce him to it.


Apply to at least 5 colleges and visit each campus.


You don't have to know what you want to do right away. If you let it stress you out it will just hold you back. Pick a college where there are plenty of course options available to you and make sure you can handle the workload beforehand.


i only took this survey to show everyone who was concidering coming to stony brook to simply stay away. you do NOT want to completly destroy the best years of your life here. trust me.


I would definetly go and visit the colleges you are thinking about attending. Also, talk to students that go to the college and professors from the college because they could help you with your decision. I think the most important way to select a college is a college that you feel comfortable, safe, and a place where you can discover who you want to be.


While searching for colleges and universities, I would suggest visiting every school that you consider. Make note of what you like and dislike and compare them all at the end of your visits. Personally, I felt a connection to the school of my choice right away and I have never regretted my decision to enroll at Stony Brook University. Just follow your heart and make educated decisions.


The first thing to keep in mind is to make sure the school has plenty of opportunities. You should be able to do extra curriculars outside of class, such as internships, volunteering, jobs, and sports, to keep you active in the community. These can help you regardless of what major you're in. Next, look for the move "obvious" characteristics such as campus size, whether the major you're interested is there, and commuting/dorming. The year is the most important because it gives you foundation, but if things dont work out right, don't worry; you can fix it.


visit the campus twice, spring and fall ask those who atend about it, not just the tour guides