Tabor College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I did not attend high school, I obtained my GED. I wouldn't do anything different. I am able to appreciate the opportunity to learn more as an older non-traditional student than if I was younger. I think you need to work for a while before going to college to you understand the basics of the work place and take full advantage of the opportunity.


When I was a high school senior, I was very naive and unknowledgeable about LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL. I thought that time, years, would go by slowly. I had no worries, no rush, and no set goals in my mind for my future. As a matter of fact, I thought that what I wanted to do or be would self fulfill as the years went on. Furthermore, I had not saved up any money to even cover personal expenses. Although my mentor in high school, an extremely supportive and caring teacher, did forewarn me about all the important details about college life, I did not heed her warnings or advice. Still I went through my senior year thinking that I was going to make it through any obstacles that crossed my path. Oh how wrong I was about everything. If I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior, I would advise myself to better prepare mentally for the challenges that will come in college. I would urge myself to reevaluate my whole mentality about life, any goals and/or plans for the future. I would recommend a more serious outlook for the journey ahead.


Dear high school senior me: Go to your counselor and sign up for as many AP classes as your school will allow. Test out of as many general education classes as you can. College students are now taking five to six years to get their degrees because there are less classes offered and these classes fill up fast. If you can eliminate having to take specific classes, you can complete your degree faster. It may not sound like FUN and I know you want to enjoy your senior year, but thinking ahead now will make things easier for you in college. Apply for scholarships. It doesn't matter how many people are applying, you still have a chance to get some money. It is nice to have extra funds so you aren't living off of peanut butter sandwiches for the next few years. Trust me, you will learn what rice is pretty fast. A little research might even score you an obscure scholarship that only a few people are qualified for. Take the risk and the time. . .fill out those applications. Lastly, do something fun for yourself every month. Life is meant to be lived! Sincerely, Adult me


Going back in time and talking to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to make the most of every scholarship presented to you. Make sure to look up different scholarships and apply to many as possible. Make sure to listen to your teachers when they give you advice about applying to schools, and never take an opportunity for granted. Use the wise older people in your life to help you get ready for college life. Try your hardest always because that could make the difference of making the team and not making the team. Lastly I would tell myself, always take heart and have courage. That is the advice I would tell myself as a high school senior.


I've gotten the oppertunity to expand my knowlegde of the world and to meet new and intresting people. College is an experice that helps you grow at a person and i recommed it to all. The more you learn the more you understand that you don't know it all. I've gotten: Love, Heartbreak, Laughs, Joy, Fustration, Sleep depravation, Memories, Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Choice, Reason, Pain, Regret, Headaces, but most of all life experence that I've come to appreciate. The college expereince it's self is what has been valuable to me.


If I were able to go back in time to my senior year of high school, I would make sure to tell myself to take it easy. Being light-hearted and outgoing are two of the best things you can be when you first meet your fellow college-mates. Many of the people you meet you will see on a day-to-day basis and being yourself is key to making the best of your friendships. Time management is also a good thing to keep track of. Yet all work and no play is not the best way to spend your college years. Allow yourself to have fun but keep up the self-discipline as best you can. Lastly, I would say to take the hurdles that come to you head-on. Don't back down and don't give up. If anything, a little set-back can lead to bigger and better opportunities.


My advice to high school students that can apply to college as well is: DON'T PANIC! You'd be suprised at how much work you can do in that last hour before breakfast. In college, you'll never cease to amaze yourself. When midterms come along and you have a "D" you'll learn to e-mail your professor and step up on the work! Don't ever gasp at an assignment. One, it makes the teacher angry. Two, it really won't be that bad--just don't save it all for the night before.