Temple University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Figure what it is you want as soon as possible so as to not waste any time or money.


Push yourself beyond what you think is possible


I would tell myself to get out and do things more than I did. One thing I have learned that has been very important to me has been that there will always be time to finish an assignment or study for that test, even if I would've had to pull an all-nighter to do it. But the chance to go grab a bite to eat with my friends or wander through the city, won't always be there. So my overall advice to myself would be to take those opportunities while they last, and worry about the serious stuff later. There is plenty of time to stress about the grown-up issues of the world but a very limited time to live without a care. It's healthy to be a little care-free every once in a while. It's like a vacation for the brain and food for the soul.


The advice I would give myself is to not stress so much. Stressing out too much before exam reflects on your grade. Take it slow, take your time, and just breathe when feeling overwhelmed.


First things first, keep your grades up. Not just half the time, all of the time. Don't listen to people who say certain years aren't important. Your overall GPA in the end is what matters. Good grades make it easier to get scholarships and accepted to the college of your choice. Also, apply for scholarships! I know no one really talks about it much, but they are so important! Do things to get scholarships, like volunteering! Volunteering will make you more well-rounded and you will appreciate it in the future! I know you've always thought about doing it, but its time to take action! Also, stop working so much! You don't need to work all four years of high school, even though you want that independence. Take time to enjoy yourself and focus on school, extracurricular actives, and your friends! Once college starts you won't have a choice but to work to afford it. For now just work summer jobs and spend more time volunteering. I cannot stress how important it is to apply for scholarships and financial aide; doing so will alleviate an enormous amount of unnecessary stress.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would inform myself to give myself a chance. I limited myself to what types of colleges I applied to because I did not feel that I would be accepted because of my ACT and SAT scores. When my father passed away the beginning of my junior year in high school, I missed a lot of school which damaged my grades. I did not believe that colleges would see my full potential as a student. I would tell myself to apply to as many schools as I wanted and to not doubt myself. I would tell myself to not become so attached to one school because at the end of the day, that school ended up not being the school for me. I will never know if this would have changed what college I attend now but I would feel like I gave it my all. Now, I am a Dean's List student with 3.87 GPA with no doubt in my mind that I will never not give myself a chance. By sending this application, I am giving myself a chance.


I would tell myself to get more involved with academic and social clubs. There are endless benefits to joining clubs like this and I wish i had gotten into them sooner.


Don't worry about the little things in HS. Your life begins in college!


No regrets! If I were able to advise my younger self before making one of the most crucial decisions of my life I would simply say make a choice based off what I truly want with my life and do not worry. One thing I realized about myself through my choices in school is that life is what you make of it. Do what makes you happy because at the end of the day that is all that matters. Apart from the grades, internships, job offers, etc the only thing that will matter is the fact that I am happy where I am and doing what I love. After only two short years in college I have seen people very close to me take their own lives due to the pressure they feel at college which greatly upsets me. Looking back at two years of my life I saw myself grow and mature as an adult and being able to tell myself how my life will change is something I would want to experience the exact same way I did.


Senior year of High School is not the end. You are not done, and you should certainly not give up. It is only the beginning. If you are smart and want to ensure immense success in your college career, keep pushing forward, study hard and continue to get good grades because that will only help you once you get to college. College is 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} different than high school in so many ways, too many to describe. However even though they are very different from one another, tactics and habits you have in high school will carry over to your college career. If you start to pick up bad habits towards the end of your high school career those bad habits will continue to occur when you begin college. Prevent this by continuing to work hard just as if you were moving up to the next grade level.


To the younger me, Accept each day as it arrives, and pace yourself. You have so much to learn in the next few years, and so many wonderful people to meet. Remember to be open to new experiences, and not to stress about the little things. Enjoy every minute of it, and definitely study abroad for more than a summer. It is the most memorable, dream-like experience you will experience in these four years. You always be nostalgic for it, along with all of your upcoming special experiences. It is the fastest four years of life, and the most incredible thus far. Give every assignment your best, and don't be afraid to get close to your professors. They have so much to teach you if you seek them out. Don't forget to take care of yourself, and when it all gets a little crazy, take a step back, breathe, and remind yourself that you have it in you to be your dream self. Your roommates will turn into your sisters, always forgive them for eating your yogurt. Remember you can't be mad if you didn't say anything. And always remember to have fun!


Hey younger me, remember our dreams? Do you remember thinking that they were simply thoughts and doubting that they were achievable. Well listen to this. Sometimes ideas grow and evolve into more than just that. That book you started? We managed to finish it. It felt like it would never end, it felt like we’d never be able to create what we set out to make. Guess what though, we’ve finished it and it was the most satisfying thing ever. We started writing that book as a way of proving to ourselves that we can complete the projects we start. We started it as a way of proving to ourselves that we are worth something. Guess what? We’ve succeeded. Do you know what that means? If we can write a novel, if we can be disciplined enough to set a goal, put in the time, sweat, and tears into working towards that goal, we can achieve it. Look at all of our dreams like we did that book. We can do great things if only we allow ourselves to try. Give yourself the chance.


Go far away. Go and be happy. You tried to start a new 'you' in high school. and.....that didn't pan out well, but college. college is this amazing and wonderful place. Try ALL the new things all the time. Never had hot wings, try them and enjoy the burn. Learn to ice skate from a friend. Take pictures, bond over cards against humanities. No one parent is watching, everyone is as derp and awkward as you. Roll yourself in a blanket and roll aroundthe halls and play Dungeons and Draagons liket he nerd you are. Study, but don't study every single second. It ok to take breaks. DOn't eat fries at every meal and stay away from ANY 'asian noodles' in the cafeteria.


I wanted to tell you that you made the right choice of being in the International Baccalaureate. The program had helped you tremendously in your first year of college. However, you should have not solely focused on academics at the time. You should have been saving money by working. Although you may have found it unnecessary then to save money for something in the future, it would have benefited you. This means that you could have relied less on loans and on your parents. I am trying to say that you should have been more financially responsible. You should have spent less on junk and have focused on preparing for the future. Let's face it, four years will go by quickly. You do not want to regret doing not saving any money for your future. If you do save money, you wouldn't have to worry on spending so much time on saving in the future. Instead, you will be able to truly experience being happy in college.


Go to a school that will make you happy at the end of the day! It's your grades and your life!


When I went to school in 2007 for music education, I had no idea what reality was. I spent 18 years living in my parents’ house, shielded from the world around me. Then I get to college, all by myself, and I am just plain scared. So what do I do? I run from my problems. I do what nobody should do at school: forfeit. I went to classes sparingly; I surrounded myself with the wrong crowd; and I eventually had to leave school. I went from a straight A student to getting two D’s and an F in college, in classes where this should not have happened. The advice I would give myself is to take school seriously and do not take it for granted. School is crucially important for succeeding in life, whether it be by self-study or through a college. When one leaves the confines of home for an adult experience, it is very important to go head first into one’s studies, or the education will be for nothing. I did not understand this, nor did I feel I had to do well.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to stress the little things. I would tell myself to savor every moment with my friends and my family because I never know how far apart we might be in the next year. I would make sure that I was not stressed out all the time and tell myself to live, everything will fall into place accordingly just as it has.


Knowing what I know now about college I would tell myself to join as many clubs that interest you. Always be willing to meet new people. Remember that everyone cannot be your friend. Everyone doesn't have your best interest at heart. Never say "no" when someone asks you to go somewhere unless you have a lot of homework to do. Always be open to try new activities. Go to most of the football and basketball games, they're most likely going to be fun. Find a balance between your social life and your academic life. Study as hard as you party. Make sure you go to class. Make the most out of your experience and mostly have fun. Enjoy yourself because it will go by quick.


It was a dark time for me as a high school senior. I struggled with my image, was nearly bullied to death and was hit on by my high school principal. I avoided going to lunch because it was difficult for me to find somewhere peacefully to sit and enjoy a simple meal that my mother made for me. It was difficult for me to volunteer/participate in class for the fear of being judged or laughed at by a classmate. Emotionally, I couldn't take all the hurt anymore and begged my mom to have me transfer to a different school. In the end, I learned that no matter where you go, there is always going to be bullying. It's just going to be a different building. If I could go back in time, I would tell my high school self, "don't let others define who you truly are. You're going to make a difference as Miss Philadelphia one day and become a mentor for young girls who struggle with self image, bullying and become an advocate for the Children's Miracle Network. There is something amazing in store for you. Take the high road."


Hello younger me. I have no time to explain, but I must tell you about what you need to know so that you will be better off than me in college. Firstly, since I know you’re not doing anything productive, spend your time researching information about the colleges you want to go to. Research the scholarships from the universities you plan on going to provide. Go on campus tours to familiarize yourself with the college environments. Make sure you try to be more extroverted in college. The best thing to do is to make connections and friends, because not only is college academic, it is also social. Make yourself known so that you can receive help towards your academics and when you’re looking for internships. I already said that college is academic, so make sure you don’t focus primarily on socializing. Academics and socializing are equally important. I know you want to do pharmacy, so I’m going to tell you that pharmacy schools require not only a high grade point average, but also working outside of school. Therefore, you need to study hard, and communicate effectively. I wish you good luck in your endeavors Christopher.


Coming into my senior year of high school, I expected to relax and enjoy my last year of high school. Alternatively, senior year was a pressuring and stressful time when it came to deciding which college to choose. Knowing that college is the foundation toward the rest of your life and career, it was difficult to know which college would be the right one. Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would give the following advice to myself: Do not let anyone affect your decision because what ultimately matters is where you are going to be comfortable. Family, friends, and teachers can skew a student's decision because each person has their own opinion. When each of your friends is trying to decide which college to go to, that can interfere with what your choice is and what you really want it to be. Overall, as a high school senior, I would advise myself to choose which college I want to attend based on my own opinion and not on others.


I would tell myself not to compare my education to anyone else's. Everyone has a different struggle when it comes to attending college, whether it be in paying for things or getting good enough grades, making enough friends etc. The list is endless. I would tell myself to read a lot more and to take the time to enjoy it. I would also tell myself to save up money so that working during the school year wouldn't be a necessity. On top of everything, I would let myself know that it's important to have fun, and to try and not get bogged down with stress as these are supposed to be some of the 4 best years of my life.


Success is a subjective measure of how you progress over time. Thus, achieving success cannot happen overnight. You have to work hard and know that success begins with you. I want to emphasize that where there is will, there is a way. Although everyone has a unique story there are components that make someone, like yourself, successful. Drive is a major factor that determines whether someone is successful or not. I found this useful because, in today’s world, it is important to be driven. You will never know how far you come until you give yourself the chance to do so. Drive is the motivational key to success. If you are driven you have the determination to pursue your aspirations. I think that the quote by Eddie Robinson best explains my interpretation of drive as it relates to success. The quote states, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. It asserts that once you have the craving for accomplishing something it is essential to follow through with your aspirations and you will be destined to succeed.


Dear high school senior me, If you take any advice, make it this: learn to admit what you don't know. This seems absurd, since up until now you have been in a competition to sound smart, to sound how you thought you should. Now, not knowing seems frustrating and shameful, but learn to admit it to yourself, and even to others. Why? Because you don't know much; but, in college, those who know or those who are willing to help you find out are at your service. So first, open yourself up to not knowing. You will spend the rest of your life realizing how little you know. The sooner you accept this, the sooner that feeling of not knowing becomes excitement rather than fear. Second, let others know you don't know things. Though you may think you can learn everything on your own (you have the internet, after all!), search for answers in your peers, your teachers, and your community. Many people won't help you, but those who teach you or offer to search with you will become the deepest connections you make, I promise. Remember: selling your smarts is for job interviews, not classrooms.


Knowing what I do now from being at two universities in three years, I would tell my high school senior self to not give in to the false pretense of university prestige. Just because a private university with a high price tag looks good on a resume and may impress your friends, personal happiness is not guaranteed, which is what matters most. I wish I had realized earlier on that pleasing other people only goes so far, and that it's much more important to be pleased with yourself and who you are as person. You should be comfortable when stepping on campus during a visit to the university or college, and truly feel that the next four years at that place will be a successful and fulfilling time for you. Only you can know if the place you choose is going to be right for you, so don't let the feelings of your parents or your friends sway you into going somewhere you're not 100 percent happy with.


Play it safe, and don't procrastinate. As soon as you hit college you fill find there is very little windows for time to put things off to the side and what not. Also, it's a big world out there, whereever you end up, play it safe and don't miss-judge anyone or anything. Remember to enjoy yourself as well, and choose a college in which you can be comfortable for the next 4 or so years of your life.


Don't expect to be the popular kid on campus. There are many people on campus and everyone is not going to like you and some people you won't connect with no matter how hard you try. But don't get discouraged. You can have a great social life in college as long as it is with the right people. You're looking to make life long friendships and connections with people who could be influential to your life even after you graduate from college. Leave the high school fantasy behind that you'll be friends with everyone because you won't. But that's okay if you're not because it means that you are finding yourself. You are finding yourself and in the process you are finding people who fit naturally into the young adult you are becoming. After a while, you will realize who is truly a friend for life and who will just be that "college buddy".


I would tell myself to just go out there and get what you want. Hit the ground running and don't let anyone or anything deter you from doing what you have your heart and mind set on. Don't waste your time on people who are not genuinely invested in your friendship because your time is college is only temporary and many of these people will not be in your life once you leave. Try not to overthink things and just have fun. Manage your time wisely and plan your class schedule accordingly. Get involved with things that interest you and you think will make you happy. Try to do something that will change other people's lives and that will leave a footprint on the campus. Be memorable...


College is, for most of us, the first time we all truly venture out on our own and begin the work of deciding who we will become. It is a beautiful time of discovery and one that you won’t get to repeat.I won’t lie to you: College is going to turn your world upside down in both the best and worst ways possible. You will lose yourself, and you will find yourself again. You will most likely change your major, and your roommates will probably become your best friends. But, they are also the people who will come to know you better than you know yourself and some days you are really going to need that. Never let the fear of failure inhibit you from doing what you know you actually want to do. As cliché as this is about to sound, be sure to revel in every bit of these next four years because it will go faster than you could ever imagine. My advice is to trust their gut in all decisions they make and do whatever YOU feel most comfortable.


I went to school ready to pound myself into becoming a hugely successful artist. Realizing now that the value of the final destination is quite small compared to the journey, I would tell myself to not put so much pressure on my 18 year old person, pace yourself. The degree itself doesn’t determine your success but what you do with it outside of school does. It’s very difficult to take that on if you’re already burnt out. That being said, I would feel less shame in asking for guidance with my degree but be sure to speak up when you feel you're being led in your education rather than guided. A friend or a teacher can give you their advice but you will be the only one dealing with the rewards and consequences of your choices and behavior. Be truly honest with yourself about what type of life will make you happy when you enter the workforce rather than what title. Lastly, find a way to enjoy your struggles. Actively surround yourself now with positive influences and people. The final payoff will be all the sweeter.


In my high school years, I was scared that the decisions I made werent the best and I let them hold me back. I would tell myself that no matter what you know what you are interested in and what you are good at, and you should chose to study what you know you will enjoy. College is hard, and if you dont enjoy what you are studying it will be ten times harder. Do not let peoples opinions on if its a good choice of bad choice intimidate you. Its your life and you want to be successful not only for yourself but to be the best canidate to give back to your community.... How you do it is your choice I would have also told myself to look for scholorships and aid NOW instead of waiting till I did.


Thinking back to when I was a senior in high school, I wish I knew that school is vital, but so is living your life and being happy. I would tell myself that I need to actually think about what I want in my future, instead of just going on auto-pilot and picking a major and going through the motions without understanding if that is what I truly want. Understanding yourself is essential to your happiness, and education is a huge part of that. Not knowing what you want to study isn't a bad thing, but getting out there and experiencing different fields is extrememly important in making decisions! The different experiences will help determine what field I can actually see myself studying and feeling happy in my future, instead of feeling discouraged because I am not positive on what I want to study or pursue!


If I could go back, I would tell myself to join more clubs in your first semster. Make sure you ask people what classes to take early.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would definitely volunteer with Bloodsource back then. I am currently a volunteer now and I regret not doing this sooner, therefore I would most likely volunteer for it my senior year, since my junior year I had previous volunteer experience. As for college, I would more likely go to community college and go ahead and get my general education and/or classes required for me to get into Sac state's nursing program. I have thought about it better and choose to go along and make that plan work. Yet on the other hand, I would more than likely go through my technical/vocational education but be actively searching for employment outside of school. Have good communication with my teachers and ask them on any updates of employment. I would more likely have volunteered all throughout high school if I knew better. Look at schools and their tuition and their scholarships.


Dear Mike, You are about to embark on a strenuous but extremely rewarding transformation in college. My biggest advice is to PLEASE make sure you stick to deadlines. You did not do the FAFSA application until after the deadline, pushing back your aid process and ultimately lower the amount of grants you got. I wish you decided to dorm instead of commute. This is the best way to meet new people and make long-lasting friendships. You truly experience the college life while living here. It is a beautiful thing to wake up ten minutes before class starts and walking there without being late. Living on campus is expensive, but there are thousands of scholarships available for high school seniors offered by different providers on the web and even by Temple. Apply for all of them! Make a list of compatible scholarships with deadlines. Money is such a big deal. Don’t be those typical college students that have over $40,000 of debt. College is expensive and is only getting more expensive, but only YOU can make it affordable by consistently applying and not being discouraged. I wish this letter reached you in time…


I was a terrified high school senior. Spiders didn't get to me, and I could receive a vaccination without batting an eyelash. What truly sent my pulse through the roof was college! What on EARTH am I interested in studying? Am I intellectually equipped for the RIGORS of a collegiate courseload? Will I ever be READY to leave home? In short, the future was my bitter enemy because I had absolutely NO idea how to approach it. I felt as though all of my passions had to be located and labored over by the time that I devoured a decadent slice of cake on my nineteenth birthday. If I were to travel back in time and counsel my younger self, I would tell her to SLOW DOWN. As a senior, I wanted everything to happen at such an unnatual pace. I thought that my lack of a specific career aspiration was indicative of some sort of flaw. Fortunately, through plenty of trial and error, I've learned that I DON'T need to have all the answers before I leave my teenaged years. Questions ignite our passions. Without them, we'd have no reason to pursue greatness!


Dear High School Self, Greetings from the great beyond, Jess! I just want to let you know a few things that you should do NOW before going off into college. First off, please stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is different and once you get to college you'll see that everyone starts going their own way and no one is too worried about anyone else. Just focus on what's important, which is your self growth, and your grades. Let go of your fears of trying something new, let go of your social anxiety, just let go. Be calm and try what intrests you. You and I both will be very happy that you tried new things. Transitioning will be the biggest peice of cake as long as you stay organized, missy! Nothing is more rewarding than getting the work done early. There is no such thing as getting a whole research paper done the night or morning before it's due. Procrastination is no longer your friend. P.S.- On graduation day, there is nothing you can do to stop yourself from falling down the stairs. Trying to stop yourself will just make things worse. Trust me.


I would tell myself to start trying to have a more strict studying/work schedule. Because I didn't know what I wanted to do at the time, I had only take general education courses that were university requirements. These classes weren't the most challenging which caused me to slack off. If instead of getting by easily, I had worked harder and learned my most productive way of studying/learning I feel I wouldn't have been so hard on myself for struggling. As a high school senior, I did very well in school and I imagined college would be no different. It was that excessive confidence in my learning ability that is partially responsible for my depression. Although I'm ultimately grateful for this struggle since I've grown exponentially as a person and can understand people better for it, I still feel like I would've saved myself a lot of heartache if not for my hubris. Instead of telling myself what career path is actually what I want, I would let myself know that I'm not as smart as I think I am and that I should always be striving to learn more.


If I could return back to college, I would advise myself to be very outgoing, inquisitve, and open to new experiences. One of the biggest transistions in college is living on one's own without the supervision of his or her parents. As this can be a tough experience, newly admitted freshmen should aim to create a strong network of friends immediately upon arrival to their college or university. This group will persist with one another during hardhsips and triumphs, both large and small. In order to initiate such a close, and lasting bond, one must be willing to share their honest opinions and outlooks, as well as open to understanding those of their peers. An outgoing and inquisitive high school senior is in the best shape to meet new people and engage in an array of growing and learning experiences. As people tend to make and keep their college friends throughout life, I would myself and any other high school senior to be wise and adventurous in choosing who they befriend.


If I could turn back time I would have taken a better advantage of all the resources that were avaiable to me in high school for appling to all thr grants and scholarships that are available to high school seniors. My plans were to attend Bucks County Community College for two years to stay at home and save money. But I was not happy at Bucks. So now I am attending Temple University and I now realize how expensive it is to go to Temple and live on campus. So I am now more focused on applying for any type of scholarships that I am eligible for. I am currenlty working two jobs to assist with paying for my college education. So I advice anybody who is looking to attend college to look on line as early as possible while still atteding high school to see what type of scholarships are out there. Now that I am appying for these there are allot of them available so the more you research what you are eligible for & apply the better chances are that maybe you will be able to be awarded one of these scholarships.


Look at you; trying oh-so desperately to turn back the hands of time. That despicable feeling of regret is gnawing at your heart and slowing eating your spirit away. You are like a lost soul, wandering aimlessly in hopes of miraculously finding solutions to your problems. You have missed numerous scholarship deadlines and have yet to apply to any colleges even after many of your peers have already received acceptance letters. I understand that you do not want to have this conversation, but please, listen to me just this once. I understand that you are frustrated and confused about the transition from high school to college because you never had to worry about paying for your own tuition and other related school expenses. But what is done cannot be undone. Scholarship deadlines that have passed cannot return. All you can do now is learn from your past mistakes and be sure never to repeat them. Try your best to not miss anymore deadlines! Try applying to college! After all, you can’t get into college without applying, can you? Just remember, there are thousands of other frustrated students applying to college, so you are not alone in this process!


For as long as I can remember, I have always strived to excel in school, with the hope of gaining recognition and external validation. Even as a child, I can recall taking every measure to ensure I was going to win some academic award at the end of the school year. Perhaps, that was when my interest and love for knowledge began. I have since realized external validation, fitting in and accolades should not be the driving force to want to excel, succeed or better my life. I witnessed, took part in, suffered and caused a lot of pain during a time in my life where I battled a drug addiction. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to surrender, ending a decade long battle with drugs and getting a second chance at life, the opportunity to return to college and become the person I was born to be. It was there, in that dark and dismissal place I called a life, where I left behind the boy who was afraid to be himself and left the man who wants to be a better person each new day.


Your life is yours. Don't pursue something for your parents, or your friends, or anybody else but yourself. Do not be afraid to take a year off and see the world, or to just take time figuring out who you are. One cannot be expected to know who they are at 18. Take classes in a wide variety of subjects, you might be the next great philosopher. Take time to meet new people, a solid network will be much more important than you think. If possible, study in a differeant city or state. Study abroad if possible. Participate in extracurricular activities. Do not discount a major by thinking you can not make money in that field, there is always a way. Be true to yourself, and everything will work itself out.


Dear high school me, I suggest you apply for scholarships in the summer because they will be very important. Review you math and writing skills so you can get into better classes. Make sure to study hard for your permit test and bother mom to get your permit, you will need it! Concentrate on what's important and stop getting distracted. Despite your poor attention span, you will do fine but not money wise so find some money!


College is a complete learning experience. For the first time, you will learn how to live independently. With independence, comes a lot of responsibility. It’s not like home were someone is there to check-up on your progress. When you need help here, you have to go out and find someone that can assist you. College isn’t like high school. Your neighbor is not your friend and that neighbor’s mom is not the teacher here. It is important to take advantage of office hours and tutoring that could come up. Even though you might not need it. It helps tremendously. In college lectures, there are more heads in the room than the number of teachers that have taught you from k-12. When it comes to other people constantly being around you, being assertive is absolutely acceptable (especially when someone is in your way of getting what you need). Besides that, remember to start collecting quarters for laundry because finding quarters right before laundry times is a hassle. Always go with a buddy at night, safety first! Flip flop showers are better than walking and showering bare foot a communal bathroom. Lastly, have fun and enjoy.


Amy, here I am writing you from the future. Throughout my college career I have learned so much more about myself and what priorities take precedence and if given the opportunity to give you advice to make sure you succeed your first attempt at college, I'll do so. Number one lesson I learned to be overwhelmingly helpful is studying. In high school, passing was as easy as reciting the ABC's. Teachers are more focused on students passing the standardized tests they forget what is really important and what is really going to help each pupil be successful in college. Studying in high school happened rarely, so when I encountered my first semester in college, I quickly realized to my dismay how deprived of the correct, healthy habits I lacked. I took an online science class and barely studied, needless to say I failed and had to retake it face to face. The second time around I studied like my next breath depended on it and ended up EARNING a B. Studying makes new knowledge concrete. I may not know everything, but I know a little about a lot of things. Prioritize, study, and dont be afraid of change.


The advice that I would give my high school senior self is "Be prepared for failures and learn to accept them." In college, the workload and the classes will be not like in high school. It will be much harder to earn good grades so you have to stay on top of things and be able to balance out personal fun and education. Things will not always go as you plan and want but you have to learn from your mistakes and that is how you will become a better person. If you do not make mistakes, you cannot learn. Failure is a part of life and everybody has gone through multiple failures in their lives. You have to keep on fighting, being strong, and not give up. Learn to accept your mistakes and failures, but also reflect in what you did wrong and try to be better next time. Life will not go according to plan, things happen to make you fail. Pick yourself up and try again.


Making the transition to college was especially challenging for me. Here is how you can make the transition a little easier: First, it takes time to make friends when you get to school. Everyone is the same situation and attempting to navigate this new territory. Just because you do not make friends the first few days does not mean that you will not make friends at all, because you will! Be open and non-judgmental towards others. Someone who you assume would not be your friend could end up being your best friend. College is a place where many different people can come together and be friends. The academics are unfamiliar and may seem extremely overwhelming at first. I remember worrying that I was going to fail a few classes and thought, “I would be lucky to get a B.” I ended up getting straight As the entire first year. There is no need to worry about classes if you are doing the work and trying to the best of your ability. Be open and do not fret. Do not make problems before they even arise. Everything is going to work itself out.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize myself three important words "Apply for scholarships!" Don't take any possible opportunties to apply for any scholarships for granted! Even if it gives you only a dollar for college, still go for it! I can't stress this enough to high schoolers. Scholarships are free money! So why not taking advantage of it to pay for your college expenses. You might think "pshhh... I don't like writing essay" Think again! Trust me, when you are in a deep needs of money to pay for your college bill meeting its due, you will regretted the opportuntities that you didn't take and wishing you did. And how did I know it? Because I'm going through it right now. It's probably the hardest time of my life now because my semester is about to start and my bill is still unpaid even with those stack of loans. Trust me, being in debt isn't fun. So do your best and apply for as many scholarships as possible. Do the thing that I took for granted when I were you.


I would knock myself down a peg. I was smart enough to know that my expectations for what college would be were probably wrong. But I also thought that knowing that would give me an advantage. I thought that because I wasn't expecting anything in particular and because I was smarter than everyone else, I was ahead of the game. I know now that this was not the case. While it is true that I am of above average academic intelligence, I was just as lost and confused as everyone else. I didn't know how to budget my time well; I wasn't good in social situations; I was stressed; I didn't sleep enough. I didn't expect to have that much trouble, and I convinced myself that I was having less trouble than I was. If I could go back I would try to lower my expectations of myself. Hubris is my fatal flaw, but knowing doesn't necessarily help. Even if I had gotten this advice, I might not have taken it, even from myself. I know a little better today, but I could just as easily be thinking this a again year from now.