Texas Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would advise myself to think before I make irrational actions. Many college students have the tendency to go out to parties and participate in drinking games. Actions like these have more consequences than benefits; things like hangovers, etc. Hangovers cause students to miss class; missing class causes students to miss pop quizzes; missing pop quizzes causes students to fail classes; failing classes delays college graduation dates; dont be that guy that takes six years to finish his four year degree plan!


I would tell myself, you need to study, stay focused and do your homework. The one thing I woish I would have known then that I do know is to do more research on the college of my chose look at reviews and teacher reviews. The one thing I hate more than unruly classmates is a professor who just does not care. I would tell my highschool me to look into these type of things. Its unfortunate to pay to go to college only to teach yourself. Next I would definitely mention, learn study and good homework ethic! I grauate at the top of my class, well second best and did not have to do any homework, coming to college was definitely not the same! I say "Highschool Taylor, this is not easy!


If I could go back an give some advice to myself as a high school student it would be to make a list of the top five careers you would enjoy doing and choice a college that offers at least three of these careers. I would aslo recommend that you also read and get very informed about the career that you choice and understand what you are really getting yourself into and make you are prepared for the demands weather good or bad.


If I could go back in time and taIk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself to "don't get so caught up with wishing to 'fit in' that you forget to enjoy the gift of being yourself. You are valuable, you are royalty, the apple of God's eye; and don't you ever forget that. Don't be afraid to stand up for your values even if it is different from most people around you; its okay if they don't accept you for you...you are who God created you to be. And another thing, stop procrastinating! Speaking of that , remember to apply for the Who's Who scholarship which you were nominated for and for the Black Girls Rock scholarship. I'm so glad to come back in time and remind you because if I didn't, we would miss out on being in the running for altogether $30,000 worth of scholarship money. Don't be afraid to ask questions and learn as much as you can. Lastly, seek challenges that will help you develop and grow. We have so much more learning and growing to look forward to. "


If I could go back to my senior year and advise myself I would definitely recommend me to get my college basic courses done first before choosing a career path. This will allow me time to grow and explore potential career paths. Also I would tell myself to take college very seriously. Always try my hardest to get the best grades possible. Warn myself that a college final grade will follow me on a transcript for the rest of my college career. These are the only two things I feel that would have helped me achieve a more successful college career in a more timely matter.


If I could go back in time and re-live my high school senior year, I'd tell myself that I have to stay focused in math and pay attention because all the things the teacher is teaching me is all going to be needed in college. I would take a lot more time out to study some of the courses that I'll be taking in college to earn a degree in my major. Also, I would've did a lot more research about my school, courses, and major.


I would tell myself to continue to do what I was doing. However if any changes were to be made I would say study. I never studied inhigh school yet I kept good grades. These grades could have been better in any case so studying would help me if nothing else.


As I think about the decisions I made when it came down to choosing colleges and deciding on what college to attend, if i knew what i knew now i would have researched the colleges and got more dept into each school that i found myself interested in. During the entire transition i would have took my time instead of making a quick decision about a school that filled up my head with glitter and gold that I was told. I would have also attended a different University were i could focus more on my education rather then every party that goes on everyday of the week. My grades would have been better, my GPA would be higher then a 2.6, and my basketball skills level would be out of this world. I would apply myself to my books and focus on what I am trying to accomplish in life.


College is where most young men and women change into who they will be for the rest of their lives. The enviroment where we make this transformation can be the difference between succeeding and failing. It is not just about going to classes and making good grades, but about how we interact outside of academics. College brings with it a whole new world of freedom and opportunity. How we react to that new freedom and opportunity will determine our success or failure in our college career.


study hard


2008 was the year I finished high school and then I thought I knew most of what I needed to know about the world. I wanted to be grown and free to do what I pleased. At the time I was living at home but really wanted to see how it would feel to live on campus away from home. If I could go back in time I would tell my self to calm down and wait for the things I thought would make me grown. Listen to my parents because they only want the best for me. I would tell myself to make sure I go to the library at least 10 hours a week to do much needed reading so I could be able to walk in to my classes already knowing what the teacher would talk about. The teacher would only clear up or varify what I had read. I would tell my self to work three times harder than the next person because college is going to fly by and there is no time for regrets. Give it your all and you are sure to do well. And be involed create memories, that is all.


if i could go back to high school and talk to myself, the first advice i would give myself is to listen to ms lazaro. the advisory teacher even though i did not like her as a teacher if i would have listen i would have been more prepared. other advice i would give myself is that college is not high school even though i knew it in hjigh school i was not prepared. if you dont know something dont just try to look it up ask question. which is something im doing now. my main advice is to fill out your fafsa early you dont want to be behind and end up have your money late and you cant by your books and materials, because then most likely you will fail your classes. i wish i was given this advice before hand or listened to it.


I would have applied to a better varietyof schools. I also would have done more internships to prepare my life after college.


attending college is very important it determines who you are. It prepares you for your future. I am the first generation in my family to attend college. on ordinary day I decided it was time for college, while working at my minimum payng job. Im a hard worker no doubt. As I was living in Colorado in a small town with my family I talk to them about going to college, a few weeks later I left to California with hardly any money, to purse my dreams as to attend college with no where to stay at .luckly I remember one of my pastors from a long time ago,he helped me for a while. But its been hard on me because I have to pay out of state tuition and with no family to support me, im am on my. I rely onjoy school Itry my best, I met alot of great people in this past five months.all of this hard times I'm going through will one day be worth all my hard work. hopefully I win this scholarship.thank you


So far, my experiences have taught me independence, financial responsibility, the value of frugalness, and have helped me gain a deeper respect for knowledge. My time here has also allowed me to develop as a adult, bolstering my maturity both emotionally and socially. I am only a freshman, but I hope that I will continue to grow and learn more and more throughout my experiences here.


Each and every course I have taken offers real world advise and experience from the instructors. I have been able to utilize the topics and information in my life, on both a personal and professional level. All of my insturctors have given me the opportunity to expand my way of thinking and perspective of the world. The class structure has not been nearly as important as the interaction with other students from both the United States and abroad. Professionally, I have achieved goals that I would not have thought possible; business profits increased, customer realtionship have been enhanced, and my own personl success is evident. Laughter, drama, disagreements, debates, and even tears bring students closer to one another and offer support and motivation. My children have had the opportunity to see their mother be persistent, dedicated, and motivated to succeed, which I truly feel is the most important thing they can learn. It is my hope that by completing my continuing education, they will also aspire to further their education by attending college.


In adolescence I was always fascinated with the science of the world around us, a dreamer per se. Christmas, 1991, all I desired for Christmas was a microscope set, complete with a real stainless steal scalpel, three vials of equal height containing insect specimens preserved in solution, glass slides, and little glass slide covers for the slide preparation. Growing up I would always be encouraged, and told that I could be whatever I chose to be in life. I always knew that college was not an option, but a certainty. I attended two different HBCU's (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) before obtaining my B.Sc. The college "experience" for me was a winding road of uncertainty, in reference to specializing. It built character and enforced the principles such as never being late, setting achievable goals, and following through with "the plan"- whatever the plan. Being a bit of an introvert, college sharpened my social skills. Extremely hard classes birthed a survival sprit within my classmates and I. We clung TOGETHER in study groups, sometimes days merged together in our pursuit of knowledge, eventually triumphant. The value of attending college is necessary to the growth of a well rounded person.


I came out of my college with a lot of dissatisfaction in the way things were being run eventhough I had accomplished my goal of becoming a professional. I am more patient and persistent in times of difficulties or when I am going through some form of hardship thanks to my college experiences. I never quit or gave up because times were hard and the program required a lot of dedication and determination. My experieces in college thought me to always hang in there when the going is tough and to give it my best shot and I have come to realize that this belief makes me accomplish whatever I have wanted in my life. Now I look forward to, after about thirteen and half years of working full time, with three young beautiful children and a husband, that I need to go in for a Masters degree in healthcare management. It will be a stepping stone for a medical degree down the line and I plan on doing it all before I turn 48 years old. I will not give up until my dream as a Medical Doctor is accomplished.


College was never at the top of my priority list. When I finally forced myself to go to a two-year college I realized how important it really is. College has taught me that education is what builds the foundation for the rest of your life. It has inspired me so much that while I went in to college as a musical theatre major, I have recently decided to change my major to secondary education so that I can hopefully teach young people the value of a good education.


Attending Texas Southern University for the past four years has allowed me to experience learning and being exposed to the African American community as well as other cultures. In addition, thanks to guidance from the social work department advisors and professors, I was always on track as far as my curriculum. My classes, especially social work classes have always challenged my academically and personally in which helped me develop the person I am. I am more than satisfied with what I have gotten out of my college experience so far. I involved myself by becoming active members of campus organizations such as League of United Latin American Citizens (L.U.L.A.C), Social Work Organization, and Kappa Delta Chi Inc. where I joined other students with mutual interests like community service and outreach. Also, I was part of the women's golf team on campus for three years, where I traveled, networked, and developed friendships with my teammates. Both positive and negative experiences faced through out college, the friendships I have developed, and the knowledge I have attained is extremely valuable me, all because I attended Texas Southern University. Truthfully, as I reflect I would not change a thing.


My college experience has only begun but already I can say its been a crazy run. I have stood in long lines and experienced the stressfull financial aide lines that at times have crushed my hopes of continuing college. Through the crazy struggles with finances and trying to find the money to pay for college I have grown and become more aware of how expensive school can be. I have had days were I would cry and wonder how can students who don't even care about their education have everything paid for with either loans or some type of aid, and I have nothing. It really made me think of how valuable education is in todays society and how people who can't afford it can leave and never come back, and in return drastically changes your whole future. College has a way of opening up doors for you and experiencing life long lessons needed as you grow. I have already endured my first semester and I have learned that in life if you have nothing else you will always have what you know, and that can't be taken away from you. Knowledge is most valuable.


I have realized that in order to become successful, you have to work smart, network, and remain humble.


I have been attending Sierra Community College in Truckee, CA for the last year because of an inability to attend a 4-year university as planned because of family & financial problems. It has been a great way to get back on my feet & and continue my education despite obstacles. I have been able to expand my drawing & math skills in my effort to become an architect, & have been able to start my general ED to try to keep from getting too behind. I have been able to get used to the rigors of college while still being in my home community meeting new people & professors. I have also learned from my mistakes of not being able to pay for college when financial aid falls through last minute, & needing to stay on top of everything from applications to reaching out to schools to applying for financial aid & scholarships. By attending community college I have been able to continue my education in a hope to transfer to a 4-year university & work towards my goals.


I have gain a wealth of life-long skills that can only be expanded on in a variety of ways. I received more independent work ethic skills. Learning and knowing how to ask questions, making appointments with advisors, multi-tasking between activities and classes, and making due dates have contributed to my work ethics as an adult attending school. Working as a collaborative group and individually were important components to successful completion. Working in a group shows a student who pulls their weight and who does not. This is a crucial decision making skill as to what the outcome should be such as either continue working with the "dead weight" group member, report them to the instructor, take over as the group leader, and/or confront the member directly of their lack of efforts. As I became closer to graduating, I had to make a choice whether to continue being in the band or focus more on the completion of my degree. I chose to remove myself from the band and complete my purpose for being in college, the bachelors degree. Overall, my college experience at Texas Southern University was the best as college should be for all students.


Texas Southern University has given me the gift of true education. It has allowed me to freely grow through the years while transforming me into a model citizen prepared for the workforce and society. Its history has infused me with pride, honor and gratitude; from its humble beginnings as a junior college to its rain as one of the biggest HBCUS in existence today. Through its racial composition, I have been able to see my African American race in all of its glory and embarrasement. Most importantly, the diversity in staffing, has giving me and my classmates a hollistic education backed by experience, knowledge and diversity of industries. My university is one of four schools in the nation that offers the aeronotics program, which in turn as developed long lasting relations with NASA space center. Furthermore our debate has not only competed with the best but inspired the movie the Great Debaters. From academics to extra curricular activities Texas Southern University is an upstanding, inspiring, diverse college. It has graduated and continues to produce some of the greatest minority life time achievers, activists, scientist, lawyers and even doctors in the nation today.


Right now i am berely statrting to get used to managing my time, but until now all the faculty has been friendly and helpful. it has valuable to attend because it increases my chances of becoming a better and responsible person towards all the task that i take up.


I have gotten out of my college experience a state of responsiblity. Being the youngest of three and not really having to do anything on my own became a comfort zone to me. Do not get me wrong I learned hard work and discipline when the time was needed but me having to take care of buisness really was not my concern. When I entered college if anything went wrong as far as my financial aid was concerned I had to take the initative and complete what had to be done in order for me to continue my education. I have taken value to the experience of meeting people of a different culture than mine and learning more about the different personalities we as human beings can possess.


This is my third year of college, i have learned so so much, i am just very thankful with God for permitting me to get this far, i am just 2 years away from graduating but time is just not enough for school i am a full- time student and employee, that is just very difficult to manage. My father has been with out a job for the past 7 months, and my mother is disabled, she suffers from diabetes and she was diagnosed with Gangrene on three toes, so she has been amputated and has been on a wheel chair for the last three months, I really need the help my father is not able to help me and i am about to start on the repiratory therapist program so I am going to need some money for some books and mainly for gas. I will sincerely and respectfully appreciate any help you may assist me with, thank you and may god bless you!


One experience I have gotten so far would be living in the campus apartments. Why this experience is valuable to me is because I came from a single parent home and im the only child. To having to live with four other people with differnet backgrounds. This experience has taught me a lot about the person I am, but not only that, but how to patience and how to share.


College is not only a place that you go to learn from books, but a place where you learn about yourself. I have learned about my country from a non bias view, the world around me and the theories from which we evolved, and much more. In school you learn ways to study and time manage which I believe everyone should know for the real world. I still have a few years to go but I already know that it has made me more aware of myself and my priorities that are important.


I learned independence as a college student. Its important during the transition from adolescence to adulthood that one be taught the criticality of independence and good decision-making skills. A great deal of responsibility and self-entitlement comes from independence and individual accomplishment.


College is very valuable and i have recieved may things from my experience already as a freshmen. College differs from high school greatly because in college its totally on the student to recieve their education, which teaches the students responsibility for the real world.


I would have told myself to take more AP classes, get involved in more extracurricular activiites and to study harder for the SAT and ACT. I would have also cautioned myself to read all the stories that were assigned because it would give me a head start in college. Lastly, I would have said to be prepared for hard, demanding work and to always focus on my goals.


I would tell myself that beginning the college experience is a very fun yet tough. There will be many enigma's but all can be solved by getting in contact with caring individuals on campus. Many times you're parents may not have the answers but there is always someone on campus more than willing to help you. I would also tell myself to stay focused and that the reward will always exceed the struggle. Doing thing's early are also very beneficial to your college experience. Last but not least I would say, once you've gone through these things make sure you give back and help someone younger than you. Not only will you get the satisfaction of knowing that you helped someone, but you will have made someones college experience a lot less stressful.


If I were able to give my high school senior self advice on college based on what I know now, I would tell myself to look at a few more universities and ask lots of questions. To be able to know what college life entails, one would have to live it. But as a high school student, the closest thing to living it is to ask current college students any and every question that comes to mind. As I have learned through some of my classes, it's better to take a large, general survey than a small and very exclusive one. This rule goes for requesting information from universities, applying to those you like, taking standardized tests, and asking current students questions. Another thing I would suggest to myself would be to let my english teacher edit my college applications/essays. There's no better tool than getting help from someone who's currently teaching you to give you pointers on how to present yourself better to the admission's committee. The last thing I would tell myself is to chill out, take a deeep breath, and know that wherever you go, things will work out just fine.


Join every possible organization your time and schedule will allow! Don?t be afraid to walk up and talk to people either. There are so many great people you will encounter and it all starts with being able to put yourself out there. Make sure you prioritize class, work and parties and don't be afraid to stop and ask for help. When it comes time to take speech classes make sure you enroll in Dean Wards Class. He's one of the coolest deans I think this campus has to offer. Well, I can't divulge all the secrets of college but just enjoy you. Your only young and in college once!


Pick the right school that would benefit me and my ultimate goal in life. Going to and having counsels teach/lecture me about the college life and the seriousness involved. Knowing anything is possible and to get to the top, some (like myself) start from the bottom. Being financially ready, applying for grants and scholarships alot sooner. Preparing more for college by taking more time out to get to know the university I wished to attend. Planning for the future by having a map of the steps needed to make my dream/goal into a reality. Basically, all I learned about college I witnessed by going to college, I never was aware of the college life nor was I prepared since I'm the first to go to college in my family. I would change alot of things if I could go back to high school but some wise professors/scholars say experiences are the best form of teaching, and without them we would not grow wiser.


Don't give up its not as hard as they make it seem.


If i could go back in time i would have really stressed time-managment skills. In high school teachers somewhat babied their students, constantly reminding their students of due dates and holding their hand through assignments. In college the teachers just hand you a syllabus and expect you to be responsible for whatevers on there. In high school based on your grades sometimes tutoring was required, in college if you are struggling in a subject if you dont go out in get tutoring nobodys going to make you. I would have also stressed saving money. I use to just spend money just because but now that im in college i cant afford to do that, whenever i thing i have money to spend other expenses come up like books, lab coats, ect. Im a freshman and college is really helping me come dependent.


"Kenyada, I need help picking a school to go to! I am so scared to leave home, but I do not want to stay here with mom and dad!" My younger brother, a high school junior, was asking advice for college. I was in my second year of college and loved every bit of it. He reminded me of myself only two years ago. I was so lost and wish I had someone to lead me through the entire thing. If I could go back in time the first thing I would do differently is search for scholarships. I initially came to Houston to attend Houston Baptist University. I had to transfer because both of my parents lost their jobs, and it was too expensive for me to continue going there. The second thing that I would do differently is to find a school my best friends and I could all agree on. It would of been so much easier with them here with me. Lastly, I would definitely add workstudy to my financial aid! "Hello?! Are you listening to me?" I did not realize that I was daydreaming while he was waiting on an answer!


If I could go back and kindly give myself a swift kick in the ear I surely would. As a high school senior I was excited. I knew it would be a matter of time before I was walking across the stage. But my teachers assured me it would take hard work, while I was dedicated to studying full time. I was also a part time employee, often times I would work late to earn more money and put off studying. "You should type the paper now, don?t procrastinate." That?s what I would have told myself during those tired nights. For those early mornings and long afternoons I appreciate what I did tell myself, "The early bird gets the worm" I enjoyed being an honored senior. But determination and focus is what pulled me through. From high school to college the transition is tremendous mentally, physically, and financially. I would have told myself to save more money from working instead of shopping for shoes, and clothes. Material things will always be available, but an opportunity may not.


As I high school senior, I would tell myself to put my goals into perspective. I would have applied myself more to my studies so that I could of set up a plan of action for my educational goals. I would have joined more activities to gain more opportunity for scholarships or financial aid. I would have known with my plan in place that I could teach for a few years and then continue for a Master's degree to become an Assistant Principal which is now my ultimate goal. I would tell myself to live life in that moment and not to focus on growing up too soon.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior; knowing the things I now know about college life and making that transition, I would most definately advise myself to stay focused. Coming from high school to a college is very different. You become tempted to try so many things and sometimes you fall into set backs. If you recieve your degree plan, stay focused and follow it you can graduate in four years. I would remind myself of my priority order and my importance of values and dreams. You can only go so far when you slack off to party & play, but when you stay determined you can acheive the world. So remember, go to school; stay focused, prioritize and determined.


Take the AP classes offered in high school, save money for emergencies, encourage a friend to go to school with you, decide to live on campus, become a peoples person, learn how to handle your own business, practice reading out loud, have a fall back plan for when you get discouraged, stick to one realistic goal at a time, don't put relationships before your education, talk to someone who is in college and someone who has graduated from college, get a mentor, make sure you have some business entire, and understand the hardest route is the easiest route in the end.


Knowing what I know now, if I had the chance to go back in time and tell myself as a high school senior what to look out for I would say. First, to stay focused my whole senior year so I can have a chance to receive a full ride to colleges so I wouldn't have to worry about taking out loans. Second, to stay on top of scholarships every semester instead of procrasinating. Third, working harder and harder for straight A's instead of A's and one B. Four, to pay attention to those who say they're my friends because sometimes you'll end up getting stabbed in the back for lending a helping hand. Five, to stay active on and around campus because you never know who you'll meet and what type of connections you'll have. Six, never lose sight of the main reason why you decided to attend college. Seven, never think just because you leave home to go to a school far away that you'll never need your parents because they can be your backbone and help you through the tough times.


I would tell myself to focus more on my school work, limit my free time spent on playing video games and increase in studying.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would put the most emphasis on the fact that my education trumps everything else, whether it be my social life, the way I dress, or my extra curricular activities. The truth is, the bonds that you build with high school do tend to get weaker as you advance further along in life and unfortunately, college is usually the beginning of the weakening of those bonds. I wouldn't tell myself to completely drop everything and devote all my time to studying and schoolwork, but definitely to put more time and effort into it. If there are opportunities for me to win scholarships because of my academic achievements, I should by all means try my very hardest to take them because they are much needed for me to pay for school. Basically, I would tell myself to consider some serious priority modification and make my education an even more significant part of my life because when all else fails, its really all I have to fall back on, and not my social status as a senior.


I would tell myself to study harder in my AP Classes. to pass the AP Test so i wouldnt have to take the classes over in college. I would make sure i did my FASFA sooner then later and i would make sure i applyed to more schools.


If I could turn back the hands of time, I would take courses that awaken your psyche and give you the thrill of fulfilllment from doing research and learning the cultures and mores of people, places in time and space, and what makes this world what it is today, what it once was, and what it may become. I would fill my time learning how to speak several different languages and learning diverse groups and cultures instead of satisfying the urges of my body. I would take advantage of internships that would allow me to study abroad as well as other regions of the country. I would do more volunteer and mentoring to school age girls so that they could have someone to talk to who would be unbiased and truthful concerning life and the consequences of poor choices. I would remember and put into play the life skills my parents instilled in me.


If I could go back and talk to myself in High School about college life, I would be in a different postition right now. I didn't know then what I know now, and what I know now is what I want to do with my career. I would go back and tell myself to apply for every college that I have ever came across just so I could have gotten into college. I applied to a college that never go back to me and it had the program I was looking for; at this time it was too late into a semester for me to get into any other college, so I was forced to wait. As I waited, I attended the local community college for general studies and the major I was wanting to go into changed. This time around I applied for as many schools that had my intended major and finally I got 3 acceptance letters. Now, I'm looking for money for college.