Texas State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish people told me how to really learn time management and how to really figure out some good study habits. I had a mental breakdown my first semester of college, but I got through it and figured out what I needed to do. I just wish I had a mentor or someone to really help me out when I had troubles like that.


That friends you went to highschool might change and the both of you may grow apart but you will create new friendships that can develop into a wonderful thing.


I feel that I would have been a lot better off if I would have had just a bit more people skills. Sometimes the staff is not the most helpful, and students will generally be more understanding about issues that you are having. If one is shy and does not feel comfortable talking to people, they sould try reaching out to upperclassmen instead, many have probably had the same problems and know how to handle them. Everyone will need these skills in the working environment so developing them sooner rather than later would be for the better.


I wish I'd known how nice it'd actually be. It has a bad reputation as being a party school but it's actually more than that. The campus is great and a lot of classes are offered for my major which is Journalism.


How bad the parking is.


I wish I would have known that the Music School is not that flexible with students.


dont know


I wish I had known some of the laws regarding loans and grants ahead of time. I wish I had known more about some of the professors before having chosen them.


I wish I realized how expensive it was to live in San Marcos, I have to find a job out of town in order to pay rent.


I wish I knew more about the rigor of the arts classes from an objective stand point.


I wish I had known how the dining halls worked. I was incredibly confused on how everything was scattered and displayed. I was unsure which halls were buffets and serve yourself, and which ones you had to wait to be served.


I wish I had known more about the way the dining halls are set up. The hours are different and sometimes it is an inconvenience considering everyones class is at the same time. The school is taking the initiative to build more dining halls so it shouldnt be a big problem.


To really remain focused throughout the whole year and to not get too relaxed with everything.


Before attending Texas State University, I wish I would have known to acquire several effective and different study habits. Studying is what keeps your grades up and helps you to actually learn instead of just earning a letter grade. However, each class in college could require a different type of studying varying from flash cards, reading the textbook, rewriting notes, participating in a study group, or going over a review. Knowing how to do all of these effectively is key to success in college.


what clubs and organizations and clubs there are.


I wish someone would have told me about the big hills that prevent the students living in the freshman dorms on the far side of campus from comfortably walking anywhere! I would have lived in a different dorm if I had known that I would have to walk up several large, steep hills to get to class, eat, and go anywhere else on campus.


I wish I had known that the dorm I picked wasn't a good place for freshman to live. As a freshman, you want to make friends. Living in my dorm made that pretty difficult. There is no sense of commnuity. Everyone is doing there own thing. The lobby is always empty. It's like a miniature ghost town. If you go to other dorms, it's the complete opposite. People are laughing, playing games, and watching tv. It's a whole new world. I feel like I missed out on the dorm social life.


I wish I would have known how much harder I would have to work to get the grades I wanted. High school is so much easier in that you don't have to work too hard to get good grades. College classes need a lot more attention. There is no one to tell you to do your homework. It is up to you to get the work done. I wish I would have had known better note taking skills also. You have to focus so much more on what professors are saying.


A little more college campus experience,


How lonely my first year would be. I didn't know anyone, was three hours away from home, and didn't join any sorority or groups. I wanted to concentrate on my studies and get used to college before joining groups, but that was a mistake. I did have free time and didn't have anything to do. My roommates were best friends so they already had each other. I should have got involved right away with activities, but in the middle of the year is too late.


Nothing in particular, I didn't know what to expect but it was easy to fall into place here.


I known freshman financial aid opportunities for freshman meeting the requirements to receiving scholarships. I know this information will allow me to free from borrowing student loans.


The university's orientation for incoming students covers all of its programs thoroughly so I had a good idea of what was offered before I got here.


What degree i wanted to major in. I came undecided and wasted a few credit hours. But that is all changed now that i am a business management major!


I wish I would have known how to juggle a full school load and a social life. It was really hard for me to say no to going and doing things. Austin is only 30 minutes away and San Antonio is 45, so "bigger", "more fun" things weren't that far away, not to mention the list of things to do in San Marcos.


I wish I had known the hall that was best suited for me by looking at more of a variety of halls when visiting campus.


I don't wish for anything because I had already got all the information I needed before hand because they give you all the info you need to know about the school


I wish I had known where most of my classes would have been held before I applied for housing. Because the campus is so widespread, travel time between buildings can pose as a problem, and it becomes an inconvenience when your dorm is across campus from where your classes are.


I wish I had known more about the town and area before I came to this school. However, I did learn many interesting facts about San Marcos after I lived there and went to school.


I started out as an Interior Design major. I wish I had known ahead of time how difficult their program was. I later switched majors.


Do not take loans


I wish I would have known how much fun Texas State is. There is not a shortage of exciting on campus and off campus activities to participate in. From community service projects, such as Bobcat Build, to greek parties. If I would have known how much fun college is I would have graduated from highschool a year early.


I wish i would have known more about all the school groups. They all seem deserving and I'd like to commit to a few. I allso wish i would have known more about scholarships and finacial aid pertaining to Texas State.


I wish I had known about how much money I needed to save. If you don't have scholarships or another source of finances, then save up what you can. I would have loved to have saved up more money for books, because that's where most of my money goes.


I wish that I would have been told that the Financial Aid office here does not offer the TEACH grant to undergrad students because that was something I read up on and was interested in.


Before i came to Texas State, i wish i had known how much walking i was going to be doing. Everywhere one goes is up hill some how, you need to be prepared to get a workout on your way to every class. I wish i had known before hand how easily it is to get distracted, there is always something going on. But if you just forcus on the task at hand and leave the fun for the weekend you should do fine.


I wish I had known how to schedule my time better between work and school so that I get the right amount of studying, at sensible times. I also wish I had known about all the help that colleges offer for students, such as the free tutoring, the center to help students write essays, and all those little things that will make life so much easier. Also if you are planning to transfer schools, make sure that the classes you are taking match up so you wont take anything unnecessary, or have to retake the class.


I wish I had known how friendly everyone at Texas State is!


I wish I had known how much of a hassle the commuting would be to and from home, especially with the cost of gas going up so much.


I wish I would have known the amount of studying I had to do. Everyone told me it was going to be harder, but I didn?t really believe them. I wish I would have listened to all those people and been more prepared for all the studying that I had to do. Also, I wish I would have been prepared for the homesickness. I thought I was ready to get out of the house; I was excited to be living on my own. But the first month was so hard, I cried myself to sleep almost everynight.


I wish I had known how easy it is to make friends. When I came to Texas State, I was nervous to meet new people, but now that I have met so many new people, I realize that the best way to make friends is to be yourself.


That they required a minimum number of advanced courses taken at their university before graduation and that housing was limited.


I would have wanted to know that your professors want you to go up and ask them questions or let them know what is going on in your life that might effect your time at school.


You don't really get any scholarships - reserved for a elite few.


I wish I knew how many flights of stairs there were.


I wish that I had been a little familiar with the area. Even though there are stores in walking distance, I wish that I would have known that the level of need for a car isn't that great.


That there was going to be alot of walking and hills. And the time given between classes is not much for some walking distances. Also the buses are very packed in the morning and you have to get up extra early to catch the bus and get a seat.


More information regarding degree requirements.


Before I came to Texas State University I wish I had known more about the student organizations available.


I wish i would have known better the location of all the on campus dorms and their orientations with all the major buildings/classrooms.