The College of Saint Scholastica Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


Mainly valedictorians and other highly ranked graduates within high school classes to attend Scholastica. If you come from a healthy financial situation then you can attend this institution. When you look at the degrees offered here, the pride and joy of this campus includes nursing, occupational therapy, & physical therapy type majors. Scholastica offers many other courses but there are no other schools that compare to Scholastica in giving you the extensive training and advantage of attaining a job with a high salary potential immediately after graduation. People with high organization and motivational skills should attend this school.


Someone looking for a big school with large classes should probably not look here. Classes are generally small, and it is a very small campus area.


Someone who doesn't want to be just a number out of thousands of students. Someone who wants to be able to talk to professors easily. Someone who is organized in there planning, so they can graduate early if they are on top of things!


This school is perfect for someone who is looking for a small private college away from a big city, but still in civilization. Duluth offers an abundance of outdoor activities and many breath taking experiences, it is the perfect place for anyone who loves experiencing the outdoors!


People should attend the College of St. Scholastica if they don't like big class sizes, if they seek a school with amazing morals and values that will be instilled among them if they choose to go there. They should go if they like beautiful campuses. They should come here if they want to get a more personal learning experience. They should come here because once they visit this campus, they won't want to go anywhere else.


Saint Scholastica isn't a school for a specific type of person. It does get cold, so if someone hates the cold, they should not attend. There is plenty to do both on and off campus for any kind of person. It is a Catholic school that requires everyone to take a reliogion class, but there are many to chose from. You do not have to be Catholic to attend. It is a laid- back college, but it also has high morals and expectations.


The type of person who should attend the College of St. Scholastica should be academically involved and concerned, career-focused, and interested in small classes. The person should also value getting help easily from faculty and staff and being held accountable for late work and missed classes. They also should be accepting of diversity and be environmentally responsible. They should be respectful of different religions and ideas. They also should enjoy nature.


Anyone that wants to succeed in life should attend this school regardless of race, religion, or color.


someone who wants a high school like environment. And someone who is a liberal.


a very motivated person


The type of person that should attend this school is a student that absolutely knows what health field career they want to go into with out any doubt! Otherwise there is slim pickings for students that try to change their major.


Outgoing, liberal, fine arts educated, science or business focused, partier, athlete


If you want a personalized education experience, this is the school for you. Someone who is looking for one on one advising and little to no frustration and high quality help when planning their future would love it here. This school uses their connections with local businesses and alumni very effectively too. This a good school for someone who is career oriented and driven.