Truman State University Top Questions

Tell us about the sports scene on campus.


That's easy. There isn't one? But seriously. We have a ton of sports teams, but we don't have a reputation for sports. Recruits are all students first. We have a football team whose past few years have lacked a lot of wins. Our swimming team actually does fairly well, but receives no notices from most students. However, the students involved in sports are highly competitive and create very close knit groups.


We love our sports teams, but they are definitely not the focus at Truman. They are far more concerned with making sure Truman is excellent academically. Some of the teams do pretty well in our division, though! The intramural sports leagues are great; I enjoyed playing volleyball last spring and plan to play again this year.


We love our sports teams, but they are definitely not the focus at Truman. They are far more concerned with making sure Truman is excellent academically. Some of the teams do pretty well in our division, though!