United States Merchant Marine Academy Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I have not actually started college just yet, I have enrolled and registered though. At this point in time I have just completed the Electrical program at the Inland Empire Job Corps Center and start attending my junior college classes in August. I have gained so much from my experience here at Job Corps, and I have realized that my career choice will be Electrical Engineering. I have learned employability skills, living in a dorm environment and obtained many friends, not to mention all the Electrical knowledge. I was the only female in my class, shop leader, and completed in a good amount of time. I can wire up your entire house, before Job Corps I wouldn't have been able to tell you a single thing about anything to do with Electrical. I have learned so much and reshaped my life in so many ways because of this experience and can't wait to further my education and career.


I have gotten the opportuinity to travel around the world on a commercial vessel. I have also had to oppotunity to perform an internship with a military engineering company. Additionaly I learned how to properly study, manage 24 credits a semester, and manage the little free time that I do have.


Get ready for hell.


Going to Kings Point is the best choice you could possibly make at this point in your life. It will make a positive mark on your life and expose you to more oppertunities than you can imagine. It won't be easy, and you won't enjoy yourself nearly as much as at a normal college, but it is where you belong. Embrace the discipline regimental life offers and you will be rewarded. Don't give in to the depression on campus. The third world counties you will visit are far worse, and those people are happy more than you would expect. Never ever quit. You may not always win, but if you quit, you have no chance of winning. Kings Point is a means to very good ends. No other place offers so much oppertunity to learn, grow, and mature.


Its not going to be like you expect. You need to take a better look at other options.


Don't go to a college just because your parents want you to go to it.


Stay strong, stay focused and for God's sake stay away from drinking for the first year.


Kick ass


You are only in college once. Make hte best of it


The most crucial advice I would have to give to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is that plan to visit the college you plan to attend and don't expect your college experience to be anything like high school in any aspect.


ask a current student for advice. it is a great school, i am going to grad school for civil engineering, and getting paid to do it. i love this place, when ever i am home i want to come back, these midshipmen are my family. email me anytime for more information, we have access to all the information you will ever need and i will even meet with anyone interested. my email is "[email protected]". no matter the year, email me please. you will not regret coming here, i promise


There are three simple rules for finding the right college and to make the most of the college experience. Firstly, one can never really know what a college is like until one visits it. Secondly, even after visiting a college,


Go with a college that offers what you want to do and not location or campus size or campus appearence, you will have fun no matter where you go orhow nice thecampus is.


Know what you want to study. Choose something specialized, a "business degree" isnt worth much.


Do what interests you. It is important to study what is interesting to you or you won/t succeed.


Before making a decision to attend a college, a visit is strongly suggested so the applicant can gauge his or her liking of the school and get a feel for it. It is also neccessary that the applicant enjoys the the atmosphere the school is set in such as geographic location, climate, and setting (city vs. rural). One must also look at what career opportunities will be available to them after graduation. Most important for most parents choosing colleges with their children is financial issues, and this should probably be used as the first way to narrow down colleges. Once attending a college, it is important that the parents communicate with their children. The student should try to become active in intermural activities to make friends and to learn to budget their time with activities and schoolwork. Choosing a college is the biggest decision many will make up to that point in their life and should not be taken lightly. However, with proper research and decision making, the college experience should leave a positive, lasting impression on ones life.


Know what kind of job you want after graduation and go look into the appropriate schools for that job. Then once find a school that may be fit find out as much information about it and actually visit the school. Once at the school be willing to adjust yourself to fit the lifestyle required for success at the school.


Take every opportunity available and try to learn more about yourself and not caught up with what's around you. Be true to yourself.


My best advice is to say choose to the best of your ability, roll with the punches cause not all of your decisions are going to make you 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} happy and you just have to take life as it comes.


In my own personal college search, it wasn't about how pretty the campus was, or even what degree programs were offered. It was about options, and accomplishing a dream. Someone once told me that the best way to look at college is to "work hard for four years and have fun the rest of your life, or play hard for four years and spend the rest of your life paying it off". I would urge anyone searching for a college or university to think about the world as it is: ever-changing. Which school will better prepar you for it, and how? Once the decision is made, be prepared to learn. A college student will not just learn his course of study, but a lot more about dealing with people, and their own personal potential. Go out on the weekend with someone you normaly wouldn't talk to. Be a student of the world and pick a school that makes that experience easier.


To make the most of your college experience, I reccomend having DIRECTION. Have a motivating purpose. Decide what you seek to accomplish, and find the college that will support your goals and become the best platform for success, both in academics and in life. It is so very easy to get carried away in the social activities and such that most colleges offer. However, if you have set out the direction you wish to follow in life, you will be able to navigate the tumultuous new world you've joined. Remeber that you are begining your professional career, and as such should conduct yourself accordingly by recognizing the importance of what you are learning, and how you are behaving. In choosing the best college for YOU , look past the name and truly investigate the culture and opportunities avalible there. Find a place that is exciting, challenging, comfortable- a place you will enjoy. You are charting the course for the rest of your life, and starting out in the arena you are most comfortable in should insure your success.


Be open to new ideas and putting the work in now to be successfull in the future.


The US Merchant Marine Academy is, in short, the most rewarding and challenging experience in my life. The rigors of the academic and regimental life were incredible, but the friendships, the connections, the professional experience, and the post-grad opportunities are priceless. I know the the friends I've made at the Academy will be my family for life. I know that the Alumni will be my extended family, a network for professional growth and unswerving support. Only with great difficulties come great rewards. You will find both at the United States Merchant Marine Academy.


The years you will spend at the college of your choice are very important years of your life and it should be considered greatly what experience can be expected during that time. However, what I find too commonly overlooked, and is in fact the main reason for attending college, is that college is supposed to be the time in your life that prepares you for what lies after, and considering this in making your choice for college I believe is the most important part of the decision making process.


Don't just read about the college in books or on the internet. The best thing you can do is actually tag along one of the students of the college you think about attending and spend the night. Attend the classes, eat in the mess hall, and even go out with the students. Also, consider your major options and if that school has the majors that you are interested in most.


Visit the campus before making a final decision on any school.


find the college that fits your personality and goals the best. If the college doesn't sound like it may have what you are looking for don't even look at it. It helps to have some kind of a plan for your future before applying to college. Pick something that you can see yourself doing for a long time or at least enjoy doing as a career


Find the best fit for you and you will do fine. Don't look to have a good time, look for what will put you in the best career and give you the most options once you graduate.


My initial thoughts are to go with your heart. I personally love being on the water which is why I chose the United States Merchant Marine Academy, after spending a year at UCF, I chose to transfer to the Academy and start my education all over. It was by far the best decision of my life.


Find one that is cheap, but also one that your child can both get a good education from and have a good college experience.


what makes you happy, go for it!


ask yourself what you want to do, then do it


Don't be afraid to leave home and try something new. Don't look for the biggest party school, look for where you will truely enjoy yourself and put yourself in a good position to get a job. People say to take the major you love, but be practical and look at what kind of jobs there are in those fields.


Establish what you want in life; whatever that is should be enjoyable (to you), and based on that pick the major that best reaches these ends. Do ample research before making this decision - the real world has no time for people who equivocate on picking their major, and who subsequently end up doing something they are not suited for. College should not be another rubber stamp; at best it should be acatapult into the field that you want to work in, or at worst, be the first of many hops to your ultimate destination. The point is to not waste four years - get the most bang for your buck.


Don't go to a school because of it's reputation. go to it because you think that it is a good fit for you. also, why pay for 4 years at a big college if you don't know what you want to do with your life. take 2 years of community college classes and get all of the gen-ed classes out of the way. all of those credits should transfer to any 4 year school, and you will save yourself a ton of money by doing this. finally, look into the federal service academies. they are a great option, very prestigious, and a good way to help serve your country.