University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.


UC Santa Cruz is a very unique, we like to be green, peaceful and entertained.




Pogonip Forest and Trails, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Bay


From left to Right - Stevenson College, East Field, Santa Cruz Mountains (over the Mountains is San Jose), Pogonip Forest and Trails, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Bay


Every freshman is Stevenson, and many from Cowell, hang out at the knoll. It has great ocean views and is located behind Stevenson and right above East Field. It is where everyone smokes pot, and bongs are a common site at anytime of the day. It’s a safe haven for smokers.


Stevenson College


The Porter Meadow is a huge meadow that is very popular for hiking around and relaxing in. It is located right behind Porter.


Oakes is stereotyped as being ghetto, and home to a lot of minorities. I don’t find this to be true at all. I have to admit that the school does look weird. All the buildings are made out of wood because they are supposed to resemble the forest around them, but the buildings are old and look dilapidated.


Merrill College


Kresge is the only college on campus where freshmen can live in apartments because Kresge has no freshmen dorms.


Kresge is the only college on campus where freshmen can live in apartments because Kresge has no freshmen dorms.


The Quarry Plaza is considered the center of campus. It is where the bookstore, an express delivery store, Joe’s Pizza and Subs, and a general food store are located. The bookstore has everything a student would need for classes and even sells computers. Since the closest Staples is nowhere near campus the bookstore becomes your friend.


UCSC has a large pool open to all UCSC students. The pool is located next to OPERS and the Fitness Center. On weekends students will break into the pool at night and go for a swim, it’s a popular pastime for freshmen, and totally illegal.


Rent your hiking equipment and other sports gear here!


The library isn’t that popular a place to study because most students will prefer to study in their colleges’ study halls because those are located closer to their colleges. The library is currently under construction.


Health Center


The Fitness Center has brand new exercise equipment and a small patio to stretch and see ocean views. It is free to all students, and a good place to take breaks in-between classes. The gym is getting a climbing wall soon.


The Fitness Center has brand new exercise equipment and a small patio to stretch and see ocean views. It is free to all students, and a good place to take breaks in-between classes. The gym is getting a climbing wall soon.


A shot of College 8