University of Maryland-Baltimore County Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


College will be the best and worst years of one's maturation from teenage years to adulthood, so make the most of it - minor in a course you'd never thought og, join a club you'd always wanted to be in, change yourself. Remember that its like starting afresh from highschool. Its here that you redefine how the world looks at you as an adult.




Visit the school and talk to the students as well as research what school is best for your major, the help or resourse you want, and the size of the school.


Choosing a college can be a very difficult process, but there are several things to remember to make the process easier. The first step in choosing a college that will yield the best possible experience is narrowing down your choices based on academic programs. This may seem obvious, but it is more than just picking a major. Students should choose a school that offers programs that interest them besides their desired major. This allows students to change their majors without transferring to a new school. Also, students interested in music, for example, which are enrolled in practical degrees program such as computer science are likely to find extracurricular activities related to their interests if a school offers a degree in music. Another thing to keep in mind is the size of a school. Larger schools offer a variety of choices in classes and social functions, but the class sizes are often too large and there are plenty of distractions that can keep you from studying. However, a small college may not offer many electives, but the instruction will be more personal. Choose one that has a balance appropriate for the student's needs and study habits.


When looking for the right college, diversity matters. Once immersed in college life, whole new ideas, philosophies, and career options open up to you. By picking a college saturated with diverse cultures, political options, lifestyles, and academic choices, broaden your options in your life ahead. The path you have laid out for yourself when you begin college may shift during your college experience. New interests may be sparked, new outlooks may be developed, and new passions may be kindled. The more diverse your college, the more opportunities there are to find your true calling, discover yourself, and enrich your life.


When I first started looking for colleges; I thought I knew everything about the college-process, however, I was disappointed to realize that I really needed to do more research. I knew from day one where I wanted to be....or at least I thought I did. After learning more about the school, I realized I really didn't want to be a student there. My number one advice would be to visit the campus- more than once. Ask other students what they think about the school, and don't limit yourself to standard questions such as class size, or campus housing. In order to be happy and successful at college, you have to have a sense of pride in the school you are attending and actually enjoy your time there. Prospective students should make their own choices and go with what they feel is the best decisions. My parents pressured me extensively to choose a certain school, however, I knew I wasn't comfortable in that environment. Interact and learn more before you decide on where to attend college. You control your future.


Make wise choice for your Child's future.


To parents and students: You get out of college what you put into it. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself and try new things. Chances are you will meet interesting people and find new friends and discover new passions in the process. Don't be too concerned with playing all the time, you're here to learn. On that note, this is your chance to find out what you want to do and learn about anything, so take advantage of the many opportunities in research, extracurricular activities, clubs, and student life. The important things to keep in mind when looking for the right college are location, number of people, environment, research/internship opportunities, and overall friendliness of students and staff. Don't be overly concerned with getting into the most prestigious college, since in the end your education rests on your shoulders. Pick the college where you will best fit in and meet the kind of people you like, since your college friends will likely stay with you. Work hard and try new things, because college is your chance to experience anything, and your chance for a great start in achieving your goals.


Be sure to visit every school you are considering. Get a "feel" for the campus and what it's like on a normal day. It is important to feel comfortable and happy about your school's campus. Pick the school that has the best combination of academic and social opportunities and feels like a good place to live.


Start early. This way you'll have enough time to complete all applications for colleges, grants, and scholarships. Also, visit the schools you're considering, more than once. It's important to see schools during different seasons and different times of day because you will get very different perspectives. Also walk amongst the students, alone if possible. This way you're not shielded from anything the administrators may not want you to see. Make friends early with your guidance counselor. He/she will be a huge help to you if you need it.


Take a tour. Do an overnight stay. Go to a lecture in a really big hall and a really small class, you may not like what you think you will. Be realistic- money, distance, atmosphere are all real considerations.


I would say to decide how hard you want to study. If you really don't want to do anything else then most honor schools are the best choice but if you want to have a life outside of studying chose a party school.


I would tell prospective students to search long and hard--don't wait until the last minute, and get into the search. Call up schools to speak with people, don't limit yourself to what's local or inexpensive, and visit it. You never know what you'll miss out on. As far as making the most of the college experience, get involved. Maybe I'm biased, since I work around student organizations all day, but it makes you enjoy your experience more, and helps you become a better leader. Don't forget to attend campus events (we have ballroom dancing and I'd love to go to one day, just for fun). Also, don't worry about finding your major right away and only taking classes for that major. I essentially have three majors (English, Spanish, and Education), and don't have time to take classes not related to my major that I find interesting, which is really sad. If you can, get a job an campus--they usually don't take much time, are flexible, and help you learn about what's going on. Finally, take some time out for yourself--everyone needs a breather.


The right college should be all about what you love and you should research that it has everything or most of what you want: the right size, environment, internship opportunity, etc. College should be a great experience and like most schools it is important to get involved your first year in actvities in your community. It helps you get socialized but also it is a great way to meet new people. College is a time to be open minded so don't be to stuck in your ways but be prepared to have different viewpoints and accept diverse chracters as friends. Also take advantage of all the opportunities at school wheather internships, jobs, research, etc.


The main advice I would give parents and/or students would be to first thouroughly research the colleges by reading magazines or looking at the college websites. After that select the ones you are most interested in and go and spend a typical college day at these colleges and see if you feel comfortable within the campus and its environment, and while you are there talk to students to see how friendly they are and see what opinions they have of the college. Be sure to find students who are freshmen as well as upperclassmen to get different views. Basically searching for the right college is like shopping for a house in that you have to be able to picture yourself living there or spending most of your time there and the only way you can picture this is by actually going and spending a good amount of time on the college campus.


Students can be successful no matter what school they end up at. The most important thing is to try hard in your classes, but also have fun while you're in school. You're only going to be in college for so long, and you really have to make the best of the time you have. If you do not go out and find things you like to do on campus, you will not get the most out of your college experience.


Make sure you are in a place where you can major in something you like. Find a place that you know you can feel comfortable going anywhere to study and make friends.


To students: Find a college that is the right size and location for your personal taste. Whatever you do, do not choose a college solely based on the fact that your significant other is going there. Chances are, you will break up with them shortly upon entering your first year. The same goes for best friends. Also, if you consider yourself a homebody, be smart and choose a school that isn't too far away from home. Last but certainly not least, VISIT the school before you decide to go to it. It can make all of the difference. To parents: In my experience, many teenagers are not ready to go off to a four year university right after graduating high school. Don't keep a short leash on your child. If sheltered while living at home, the freedom they will encounter away at school can be very overwhelming to some.


Make sure you really look into the colleges that you are applying to, don't just apply because your friends are going. Visiting the schools is always the best thing to do to get a feel of the campus, the best times to visit are usually during exams that way you will see the school in it's natural state. By doing this you can also see what the environment is like when the students are stressed, and how they de-stress. Never choose a school because of it's name, always go with where you feel most comfortable .


Spend an equal amount of time learning about all of the colleges you plan to apply to. When you think you've found the right one, learn everything you can about the school because you don't want to waste time somewhere that isn't right for you.


Take tours of the campus and do as much research as possible!


The experience is what you make of it. Don't let the college's reputation predetermine your happiness. There is much more to life that simple prestige and a degree.


Choosing the right college is an important process that deserves careful attention. One needs to carefully assess their academic and social wants and needs for a school they want to spend the next four years at. A careful balance between the two should be struck, otherwise you'll probably find yourself miserable after the first year. However, as important as it is to be careful in choosing a school, it's also important to realize that it is not a be-all, end-all decision. There's always a way to change a situation you're in if you find yourself unhappy, or, you might even find yourself adapting and changing based on what would have otherwise been an unfortunate choice of schools.


First I would recommend doing your homework. Research the specifics of a variety of schools and then after that really search yourself for what you want. I would definetely tour campuses before making a decision, more then frequently pictures are quite decieving. Then after narrowing down the choices, think of what is most practical as far as costs and degrees which are available and resources available. Lastly, do take the time to apply for scholarships and grants, college is very costly and even though it pays off in the end you do not want to take the rest of your life paying student loans.


College is nothing like high school. You have to study harder, be more active and make sure you leave your procrastination days in the gutter. Once you are in school it is really about understanding what you learn not memorizing facts for the exam. Be sure to have a great perspective on learning. After all whether you get scholarships or not, money is going into expanding your mind so be worth it! It really is important to start forging relationships as soon as you began school. Obtain a diverse group of friends that will give you new viewpoints. Don't be on the sideline your first year, get involved, do all the things you fear, and really step out of your comfort zone. Don?t make the mistake I did of sitting all the way in the back of the class and never once approaching most of my professors. You will need to know them not just for class but for those future letters of recommendation they can write for you. Don?t worry or get over zealous , you still want to enjoy the experience; and keep in mind that college was created for the study-orientated not the idlers.


When choosing the right college, a student should ultimately do what's best for them and not what's best for other people. Of course, I think cost should definitely be thought about when choosing a school, but look into financial aid packages and scholarships before losing hope on your dream school. Doing your research is also important! Make sure you look into a school that has your desired major and has all the campus life features you're looking for. My advice to parents would to be supportive of your children when they're making one of the hardest decisions of their lives. It's a tough decision and helping them through the process would be greatly appreciated. In terms of making the most of the college experience, I've heard the best way to fully enjoy your school is to live on campus. Be open and social! Joining different social groups and activities are a great way of meeting different people. College should be the best four years of your life, so enjoy them to the best of your experience!