University of Maryland Eastern Shore Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would have advice myself to go to college straight out of high school. Instead of going in the workforce, because without and education i worked hard for half of the pay. Also i would have told myself to enjoy high school becuase college is 10 times harder then high school. But most of all i would have told myself without an education in todays society i wouldn't be able to make it. In conclusion, i would have told myself not to believe that statement "it's not what you know, it's who you know" because i have met thousands of people through-out my life and i'm still no further ahead then i was yesterday.


Dear me, Please do not get caught in the wrong crowd because those same people who you are getting in trouble with is not helping you pass high school. Listen to your mother when she beats you to death trying to explain to you how important your grades are. Colleges only want the best grades, grade point average, and SAT scores. You do not want to go through the emotional state of being rejected from the colleges that you really want to go to. Everyone should be able to go to the school of their dreams, but it takes hard work. Theres no time for playing around. Your future is at stake and you don't want to end up being a failure! Don't you want to one day be very wealthy, and live a better life then how you grew up? Dont you want your mother to be proud of you? It is so hard to get a job these days because unemployment is steadily decreasing. Instead of being one of those out of work; get a degree and have the best grades in order for someone to want you to be apart of their company. E.S


Well am a honor student and I learn alot with the experience this school got and to further my education with umes.


Going to college is something that I’d always known I had to do in order to make my dreams a reality. I felt post secondary education would just be another time consuming part of my life. But once I began attending the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, I quickly saw how vital college is. Though I may not have many years invested in schooling, as I strive toward my bachelor’s degree, I have strengthened leadership skills as well as my communication skills both written and verbally. While at school I work with people from all denominations and ethnicities, resulting in me becoming more diverse and eclectic. Attending college is such a valuable experience because it has given my life a since of direction. My personal object is to one day utilize my knowledge in Criminal Justice to aid, counsel and assist youth in successful members of society. As long as I work hard and strive for my goals, hopefully college will help me unlock the key to destiny.


As an alum of University of Maryland Eastern Shore, I have gained a great sense of affirmation for my position in the human services professional sector. UMES provided me with a great foundation to launch into a career in the human services field. I am now able to understand my place professionally because this school shaped my niche. It was here that I was able to tap into the inner most desires of my heart and seek out opportunities to embrace what I now know is my destiny. Here at UMES, I was able to develop a network to tap into after graduation. I receieved great academic advising, coachinrg and counseling. The professors in my program, poured into me and encouraged me to pursue great endeavors in the field. My experience at UMES, has helped me to cross many lines of the fear of the unknown. I credit my experience here for much of the success I have today, and I am most confident in my choice to pursue a Bachelor's of Science in Criminal Justice. Today, I am a visionary, constantly pursuing a vision that UMES imparted within me, that vision is to reproduce after my own kind.


In my four years attending The University of Maryland eastern Shore I have gained a big responsibility. When I started attending Eastern Shore I was leaning strongly toward Accounting as I started and making friends I felt as though people would always surround me with problems and I would always be there to give very good advice. As I changed my major to Sociology and taking different courses in that field I started to realize that dealing with people all over is my gift. I can honestly say that being at The University of Maryland Eastern Shore I can successfully write a strong yet persuasive 15 to 20 page paper with no problem. I really believe that I haven’t learned anything in undergrad I did gain understanding for people and their feelings and also the fundamentals of putting together a research paper of what I enjoy and that is help my society.


After graduating form college, I plan to further my career in the medical feild. With Biology Pre-medicine being my major, it will be very helpful to society. My courage to giving back to ones who needs it most is important. I was raised in a hould hold who taught me that. I do not have all of the education or experience to be placed in a emergency room now. Therefore, I must work extremely hard and gain all of the knowledge i can to be the best doctor. My parents were not able to further their education, so i do this to make them proud. I attend college to shower them with many blessings they have installed in me.


College has taught me many new things not only about others but also about myself. I attend a culturally diverse university that has taught me many different things and has changed my outlook on life completely. I love it here and I love attending a school where there are all different races, religions, and interests. The college experience has also taught me to find myself. Attending a college 1000 miles from home has lead me to independence and determination. Before coming to college I relied solely on my parents. Now that I have lived alone for two years I have learned how to manage money, time, stress, and social life. Not only has college taught me about life, but it has also educated me to a great degree. I am only two semesters from earning a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice and college has motivated me to further my education. I look forward to graduating and continuing on to graduate school and eventually on to earn my Doctorate.


I am entering college as a 26 year old freshman to support my family. I want to further my education and earn a degree to make a better life for us, and to show my children that education is important, and it can be done. I am a stay-at-home mother right now, and once my children go into school, I'd like to have a career to go into.


The importance of education in everyday life is what college has taught me. The only way to succeed in life is through education, which is why I attend college at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore


I have gotten a wonderful experience so far that most people do not have the privilege. It has been vauable to attend because in the future I want to become a special education teacher for high schools students. Without a college degree I wouldnt be able to pursue my dream in becoming a teacher becuase you must have teacher certification and degree. This opprotunity has been exceptional experience and I believe that everyone should have a college experience. I'm a very appreciative and would like to continue my education.


My college experience has taught me a lot about myself, and more about the world around me. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore offers a wide range of cultures and values to anyone who interacts within the campus. There are people from different countries all around the world. I have learned so much about other cultures, it has taught me a lot about myself and what is important to me. Growing up in a middle class family in a small town in the United States, people could describe me as smart, well rounded, and privileged. Attending classes and being taught by people from other countries has taught me patience, self discipline, and important things in life aren't always materialistic. It has also opened my eyes to be appreciative of every opportunity that I am presented with, as others are not as fortunate. I have always valued my family and friends, but to see others come from places where their religion, family, and education are some of the only things they believe in has allowed me to appreciate what I have in my life and the great opportunities that I have and the bright future that is ahead of me.


Currently I'm attending a 2 year community college and I live at home. I like academic settings and I dont mind college; but I desire so badly to move away from home and to truly experience college life. Where I'm at a community college many people in my class are alot older and in a different stage in life and it's hard to connect. I can't wait for the next stage in my academic careear, and that is to move and live on a campus.


So far I've gotten to learn how be a better person and manage my time. I'm learning to speak the medical language. I'm gotten to meet and befriend people that I wouldn't have gotten the chance to know. I know I'm on my way to getting into an ultrasound program. It's been valuable because I know soon I will be able to provide a better life for me and my children.


I've learned not to underestimate people and you really have to be on point every minute of the day. Time management os very important. Keep you friends close and your enenmies closer. Everybody you meet is not going to be your friend so don't get mad. Know who you are and be true to what you want to become. If you can't remember a lot of stuff, get a handy calendar. You will need it. In college you grow up. Students who attend college learn how to network better, and be on their own.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would firstly tell my self to take this seriously and be focused. All throughout my senior year i made mistakes and developed bad habits as in skipping class, and not doing homework which came back to haunt me as a freshman in college now because its very difficult for me to break these habits. Let alone my families finacial situation while i was a senior and now which also threw me of alot because we were constantly moving day to day. Secondly i would have told myself to take applying for scholarships , and doing the fafsa on time as my number one priority. if i would have set a goal and dilegently stayed on top of doing these things i feel like i would not be so deep in the hole now. These two things i stated have came to me in more ways then one as a test this semester and now im suffering the consequences. Through all of this i am learning and growing each day.


I f I could talk to myself when I was a high school senior I would say try to do better on your SAT's, take it seriously. I would say when you go to college don't get caught up in worrying about your mom being in Afghanistan, this will only add to your stress and will cause you not to care about you academic. Trust me your mom will make it back safely and once you realize that, your grades will turn around tremendously. On top of that do not get mixed up with friends and trying to take classes with them. Do not take morning classes if your not a morning person. And do not think a C is expectable, trust me A's and B's are what you want. Push hard and try to get honors, it will make your life easier. Oh and give David a chance, trust me he is the one. And you will go to Graduate school although I?m sure you don?t think so right now.


I would tell myself to be more serious about my academics and that they do affect what instituation I get into and therefore what path I follow and my future. I should have researched my first major choice more which was biomedical research so that I could have seen that was not the course I wanted to follow and therefore my grades would not have suffered. Otherwise, I feel high school prepared my rather well for the transition to college and I was able to fit into the mold of college student more readily. Although, I do wish I had developed better study habits so that I would have had my coursework underhand from the beginning rather than learning how to manage my time as the semester carried on.


High school is as important of a stepping stone into your educational and employment career as teachers and parents say it is. At the end of the school day besure to review what your teacher goes over in class and even read ahead in the text book. If given the oppertunity enroll in any classes that will allow you to expand your knowledge in your field of study or even in a subject that you are not as familiar with. The people that you attempt to assocciate yourself with or impress in high school are insignificant because they are not concerned about your future and whether or not you will get into your college of choice. Instead of worrying about going out each night or being the life of the party, make sure that you have gotten all necessary work done to ensure that you are on the right track to being the best that you can be at what you want to do. Setting goals to acheive before graduation or throughout the school year is a great way to prove to your self that you can accomplish tasks and will ensure confidence for when you attent college.


My senior year I dual-enrolled at the local community college, to enable an easier transition at graduation. Looking back I only wish that I would have applied for more scholarships so that I could have pursued my original dream at Drexel University of becoming an interior designer. My lack of disipline and caring about such things as money has caused me to change my dream to a better-paying position as an electrical engineer. Hopefully my late start will not inhibit me from realizing my future goals. I also would have told myself not to procrastinate because unlike highschool, college professors don't care whether or not you "left your homework in your car," all they care about is its presence in their hand. If I had had that knowledge before my GPA may have been the 4.0 that it once was.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that college is harder than you think. I would advise myself to change my study habits because it is central to know everything that your teacher tells you. I would tell myself to buy a voice recorder and learn to write down important facts on what the teacher is saying in order to get ready for college. I would advise myself to become mentally prepared for the work being thrown all at once. I would tell myself it will only get harder and you will have to be determined, focused and able to finish the semester strong. I would advise myself to start highlighting keep points in the chapters for each class, in order to get used to doing it for college. I would tell myself that doing this will help considerably, especially when you need to go back in the book to find answers. I would advise myself to write down goals that I would want to achieve in a limited period of time. I would tell myself that doing this will keep you motivated on doing your school work.


I would tell myself to stop playing around. That even though this is my last year I need to buckle down and manage my time and money therefore I can prepare myself for what is to come.I would tell myself that the fun that I want to have will come later. And by later I mean after I graduate Medical School.


If I went back in time and talked to myself as a high school senior I would sit myself down and make a list of why I am in college. Next, I would tell myself not to get distracted by all the campus parties and stay focus on why I am there (the list). There are temptations of college life that will hinder me from getting where I need to be such as attending too many parties (on or off campus), peer pressures, and drugs that would deter me from studying and reaching my goal. So, I would tell myself to stay strong, study and focused on why I am in college. Don?t let anything or anybody create a stumbling block from me reaching my passion, dream, me.


If I was able to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to worry about what school I would get into because it is not all that important. I would also tell myself to not get wrapped up in the friends that you make in order to keep the scholarship that you recieved. Your education is much more inportant than friends, but it also important to establish good friendships with people that can help you when you need it. College can be fun so try not to be to wrapped up in social activities that can hurt your education as well as yourself, physically and mentally. The last thing I would tell myself is that no matter what happens you will always have family to stand behind you.


If i could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, then i would tell myself to prepare well. The summer before entering college and your senior year is the best time to make the change from a high school student to a college student. i would tell myself that its time to be independent because college professors wont babysit you nor will they check up on you to see if you did your work. I would also say to myself that it would be wise to read college level novels to prepared for the difficulty of college level work. Senior year its time to gear up because that is when the real work and real life starts.


The advice I would give myself if I were a high school senior is never lose focus. Sometimes I think I lost focus on things, which is partially the reason why I'm not graduating on time. I would tell myself never to let any distractions to get in my way because that will cause you to lose focus on alot. Last but not least, If you keep your graduation date in your mind all the time, maybe post it somewhere where you can see it everyday, you will do your best to succeed to that date.


I would tell myself to pay attention to even the most minute details and to study as much as possible.I would make it a priority to excel not just and unreachable dream.I would be more active in class and outgoing.I would have done the process of picking a college with more care.I would closely look for all the attributes I need in a college.I would do much differently.I would have spent more time looking for the financial resources needed to maintain the costs acquired while studying at an institution.


I would definitfly say stay focus. Know what you ae going to school for and stick to it. Also work yur bu off when it comes to finicial aid. Because while ur in college it could be one of the brokest time of you life, but just always think that your education will pay offat the end.


My advice that I would give to myself would be to prepare better for the SAT's and to work better on my study habits. Also to get a job because college is very expensive. I am now realizing just how expensive it is, with all of these loans I will spending my whole life repaying them. So those are the main advices I would give myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself.


The advice I would give myself is to stay strong. Being a strong willed person will help with the workload, the disagreements with the roommate's and the pressure from peers. Staying strong as the workload and list of to do's increases is necessary. It is way too easy to procrastinate but if you stay strong and remember the goal of obtaining a degree then you will succeed. Staying strong is also necessary if you do not have the luxury of having a single room. Staying strong not only means putting petty disagreements to the side in order to avoid an argument, but also means speaking up in the event that the roommate's behavior is distracting you from having peace in your room. It is also necessary to stay strong in the company of your peers. The pressure to look as good, party as hard and perform as well as your peers is what can either make a student or break a student. Staying strong is important when you're under pressure because the easiest thing to do is cave in and lose your personal morals. Therefore, the advice I would give myself is to stay strong!


I would tell my self to get better grades and to stay on top of my work. I would tell my self to submit college applications early and that think long and hard about what college to attend.


The first piece of advice I would give myself would be to bring everything you think you might need no matter how insignificant it might seem because it may end up being helpful to you in college. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to always give it your all at everything you do (I know that sounds cliche) especially in college since it is the final step of your academic career, then your off on your own. Also, another reason you should always try your best in college besides the obvious point that you want to do good, but because you also don't want to waste your's or your parent's money and time given to help get you to that point. So trying your best can never hurt you in college it will only help you, and when you suceed it will get you noticed and you may even be offered scholarships depending on how you do. My last bit of advice would be to just have fun, you don't want to be stuck up in your dorm room all day studying, you should go out and meet new people.


If I could go back in time and talk to high school senior self I would tell myself to be more focused in my school work and not be so lazy. I would tell myself not to take anything for granted that my teachers and coaches said to me and to cherish each word. I would tell myself this because almost everything that was said to me, has come to light as I am now a college student. All the hardwork that I took for granted is now being thrust my way at full speed. On the basketball court, my coach would tell that at the college level that you would have to work much harder and that the game would be much faster. I found that out the hard way when I attempted to tryout for my school's team. I would tell myself to do much more on the basketball court that a possible scholarship could have been given to you and that maybe you would have stood out more. If I was to tell myself these things I think that my college career would have been alot different from the way it is now for the better.


I would tell myself to work hard, a deadline is really a deadline, nothing is given to you and that if you fail to prepare you prepare to fail. As a high school student you get so many different chances to do the right thing, but once you get into college you are told a date and when that date comes you have to be ready to hand in you work. I would tell myself that i should make a plan set a goal and not let anybody or anything stop me from reaching my goal. College is what you make it, the people you hang around and your mind set is something that needs to be right before you enter college. You must be a leader you have to be strong enough to know right from wrong and say no to things that can bring you down. Most of all be prepared for anything that is put before you, analyze it and come up with the best way to handle it.


I would tell myself to save more because college books are very expensive. The money wasted on unimportant things could have went towards transportation andjust having pocket money to be able to do more. I would also tell myself to get into the habit of studying for exams before the day of the exam and to go to my teachers when confused more often. I would also tell myself to learn how to conserve everyday products because I might not be able to get to store so easily without having a car. The last thing I would tell myself is to learn how to have fun, but feel comfortable no matter what anyone around thinks.


Listen Stephanie, choosing a college is a huge decsion that you are going to make in your life so you want to make or try to make the perfect desicion. Knowing when you enter college to fighure out a study plan, studying is a part of life and in college you want to study to the best of your ability. Studying is the key entering college. Also, do your best into finding scholarships, college is not easy and you are going to need all of the scholarship money that you can possibly earn. While in college always do the best that you can and try your best not to procrasinate. Procrasination is a bad habit that you do not want to start, always strive fot the best and never give up.


I would tell myself to really learn how to manage time wisely. Make the right decisions and hang around the right people. Dont procrastinate and make sure your college that you chose is the one you truely want to go to. Finish all work ontime and make sure you speak with your professors in order to gaina personal relationship. Speak to your academic counselor regularly and always look for scholarships available. Develop good writing skills because there will be alot of papers you will have to write. Always make time for friends and have safe fun. Do not party too hard, do not drink or smoke because that can get you into alot of trouble. Spiritually connect with God because with out Him you wouldnt be there. Do not waste time, study and make it through in 4 years or less.


To take high school seriously and put forth your best effort. I would tell myself to take all of the AP courses that I possibly could. I would also tell myself to take some college courses while in school to get the feel of college life. To start my college and financial aid search a little sooner. I would try to set down and map out my total educatiional goals before I get started. To make sure and have a plan B.


If I could go back in time i would tell myself that when in duobt do what feels right and never just go with the flow. I would also say that everyone you will meet is not a friend but that doesn't mean that everyone is an enemy. And lastly have faith!


I would have told myself to be more prepared. I should have took college courses in high school to make my load a little lighter upon entering college. I would have also applied for more scholarships to help with my financial struggle. I would have told myself that procastination is not a option neither is failing. I would have took a SAT prep course in order to better my scores and give me a better chance of receiving a scholarship. All in all I ould have change somethings I did but I wouldn't have change coming to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.


I would constantly stress the fact that scholarships are extremely critical. Scholarships usually are the deciding factor in whether you attend your dream school or you have to just settle for a last minute school you know that you will not be happy at. Also I would stress the fact that only applying to schools out of state was not the best idea because once you visit, if it is not appeasing, there is nothing else to fall back on. Organization and time management are two of the biggest factors that can make or break you in college. If you are not organized, your work it can be very difficult to get work done in a timely fashion because it has been misplaced or thrown out. Time management is the largest factor that eliminates college careers for some. Once you are given the syllabus the work is your responsibility and there will be no reminders and no guiding you through assignments, either you get the work or you don't. Most importantly, you are in college for a reason. Everyone isn't lucky enough to attend college, so make the most of it, because there are no do-overs.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would simply tell myself to enjoy every aspect of being a Senior, enjoy the last moments of being with my closest friends, and not worry as much about getting into a college. I would also tell myself to enjoy my first year of college more and to be more social. Lastly, I would reassure myself that I am capable of excelling in a college atmosphere.


Do what you want and dont give up. Follow your heart. Take your time doing work. Prepare for exams in advanced. Make new friends, speak to EVERYONE no matter what.


The first thing i will tell myself is that your sucess is based on how you do in college so dont play and take it as a joke because you will either suceed or fail so try to suceed so that you can be sucessful. The next thing that i would tell myself is to pick a stady major so that you can do something you will njoy when you graduate from school so then you can make good money. The third thing i will tell myself is to kee in touch with all your professors because they might be able to help you out when you complete your class and go to the next course. Finally you should be yourseldf and know that you and only you can make you happy and help yourself as well as others.


When choosing a college think about oneself before others. The first step junior or senior year in high school is to decided whether or not one wants to attend college. Determination and motivation must be self achieved before applying to schools. There are so many choices of schools to attend, from public, to private, to HBCU's, to trade schools, and 4-year universities. There are honor colleges and community colleges, whichever school best fits the student must be researched properly and sufficiently. All factors should be considered when searching for the right school: size, tuition, majors offered, financial aid offered, the general area, population, and how accessible the school is to other services and entertainment facilities. Parents listen to your students, take college tours and visits, become involved in what your students want out of their or your college choice. In the end it will be his or her education and your well-invested money. College is an experience that one cannot get in writing. It's full of adventure, sturggles, awareness, and self acknowledment. All choices that are made have both positive and negative consequences, do not let the school of your choice be a negative factor.


The best advice I can offer on making a decision as to which college to attend is, don't pick the college you believe you will have the most fun attending, and don't pick a school that you have not visited. The decision should be based on if the school has your major, what your majors reputation is within the school and to the state, is the school affordable and can you see yourself staying there all fours years to earn your degree.


Check security and professors and students attending


Be open-minded. Smile and be friendly to people, even when they arn't to you. Stay focused on what you are in school for. Be proud of who you are.


My advice to parents and/or students when searching for the right college and making the most of te college experience is to (1) any school you are looking at, make sure their degree program in which u are interested in is a good program. (2) be very sociable and meet people. (3) make sure your priorities are in order, meaning study first, party later. and last , just enjoy life.


Follow your heart, choosing the school thats in your price range might not be the best choice. If your hearts not in the school you choose then it will show in your studies and you will regret being there.