University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell myself to not freak out about college because even though it is hard and important it is still pretty fun to be in. Also I would tell myself to start studying a lot harder and reading more because in college you do both a lot of studying and definitely a lot of reading. Another thing that I would tell myself is that you should start saving money for rent and tuition sooner because in college you will be broke most of the time and to apply to as many scholarships as possible because every penny counts in the college world. One last thing I would tell myself is to not over extend yourself when it comes to working and going to school because it is not fun at all to be working 35 hours at a management job plus going to college full time because you do not have time to do anything.


Given the opportunity, I would have told myself three things about transitioning to a university: first, that you should have checked and double-checked my schedule against my graduation requirements; second, that you should have learned as much about transportation as possible in a new city; and third, that making friends quickly will spare you the uncertainty of making friends when people already know and trust a group that doesn't include you. Any one of these things is a problem by itself. I have dealt with all of them in my first semester. Hard work and patience can only go so far when you make your own problems to begin with. I have conquered all of these problems, but with planning, I could have put that time and energy to better use - by taking all the right classes, spending less time waiting for buses, and planning group events instead of getting to know people at them. You will have a good time. But don't make yourself work for a nice experience that could come with no strings attached. Plan.


That is simple - I would tell myself to be more out going and not focus as much on the grades. As a high school student I was very involved with student government, sports, clubs, community service, and several other activities. Once I got to my first semester in college I decided to make grades my number one priority. Looking back on it now, getting involved in some clubs, going out and meeting my professors at a more personal level, and even going out with friends would have made my entry into college much smoother. Being involved would also have made the outcome more rewarding. I have discovered that grades, in the long run, are not as important as the people you meet and the skills you acquire. College is an experience, not a series of tests to show the world you learned the material. From here on out I am going to make sure that I put the experience above the grades, and learn the material while applying the knowledge to my future career.


As I look back on my life, I now know that education is the most important thing there is. My high school days were very hectic for me due to several tragic family issues in life. Such as my mother being addicted to drugs and the death of my brother one day before I turned 16, yet I have learned that things in life just simply happen with us having no control. If I could go back in time and tell myself one thing about high school, it would simply be just do it. I dropped out with the death of my brother and tried returning to school for a year but it simply was not my priority in life at the time. I eventually got my GED and school was never the same. As I have been in college now for a few years, the importance of education has hit me with a profound impact and I seek nothing more than knowledge and the ability to help others.


Don’t give up! It’s not over yet. I know that this time of your life is very confusing given the recent circumstances with your parents’ divorce, but you will soon find out that you will persevere through adversity. Believe it or not, you still have a long road of education ahead of yourself so you may as well get used to reading; a lot. I know you may seem completely oblivious as to what you may want to do with your life but let me assure you that you will find what interests and motivates you to achieve success. You will go through extremely challenging life events in the near future but do not let them hinder you; they should only add the fuel to the fire of your intellectual potential. You will find that thriving on adversity is one of the most powerful motivational factors of life. You will go through heartbreak, extreme poverty, and severe depression. However, all of these factors will make your goals taste like the nectar of the Gods when you finally achieve them.


Dear High School Self, School is your safe space. You wish words like addiction and abuse weren’t part of your home life. You cried with your mom as your dad continued to make poor choices. Stop blaming yourself and pushing yourself to be perfect. Like many kids out there you had to be a grown up much sooner than your friends, working to help pay rent and saving for school. None of it was your fault. Know that these hardships will make you a better person for having experienced them and college will be a safe place for you. The coping skills, reality checks, and work ethic you gained from hard times at home will be the keys to your success. Use them. There will be others you encounter who share your story. Get to know them better. Support each other. You will discover who you want to be, eventually continuing on to get your masters and working towards a doctorate. The one regret you will have is not studying abroad! Don’t be afraid to finish school in 4.5 years to gain that international experience. In college you will be more than fine. You will be fabulous.


Don't worry, past me, you'll adapt to college with flying colors. I just came to tell you how to do even better. First, you NEED to apply for scholarships. If you do the math, your expected hourly rate is over 30 dollars an hour. Second, (and I already did this one, by the way), a time-blocked daily schedule is unbelievably effective at getting stuff done. I'll probably sound like a bad infomercial here, but it conclusively solved my procrastination problem, and discouraged goofing off. You make a chart with one square for each waking hour, and at the end of each day, you fill in the squares with what you will be doing at that hour next day, and save it as your desktop background, so you'll always see what you are supposed to be doing. It is amazing. Also, apply to the Honors Program, take a summer class or two, search for the writings of Cal Newport, Steve Pavlina, and Mr. Money Mustache (they will help and inspire you on your self-improvement quest), try to adapt to a biphasic sleep cycle, and check out Vocaloid music. Hopefully this will be useful!


Apply for as many shcolarships as you can. In high school I overlooked a lot of scholarships because they had essays or because I didn't quite fit the requirement as much as some of my classmates. This year I asked my friend how she got so many scholarships and she said that she applied for twenty times more than she received. So this time around I am putting my name through everything that I apply for. I wish I had done that as a high school senior. My parents never had a lot of money to help with school and I knew that they were probably unable to pay for it all, but I never applied for a lot of scholarships. That is my one regret. I have no problems with transitioning into school. I did everything right in high school. I could have tried harder to get every single A, but I graduated with honors, my neck adorned with many cords. I just wish that I had applied for every scholarship that fit me, that I saw.


I would tell myself to go to college and get the most out of the classes that you can. Life today is hard to find a job that pays well without having a college degree of some type. I would also tell myself that just spending a little extra time looking for grants and scholarships is worth not having to be in debt after I graduate. The only problem being is that I would probably not believe myself so I would have to find some way to show the past me that it would be worth it in the long run instead of getting into trouble like I did. I would also always encourage the fact that it is never to late to start getting education even if it is one class at a time. A little bit of confusing paperwork to fill out is better than having a lifetime of college debt to pay back after I receive a degree. I wish I could go back and start over knowing what I know now. I would be able to accomplish a lot more in my life than what I have already done.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to enjoy high school while it lasts. College is no joke, and requires all of your attention. I would teach myself better studying habits and find ways to manage my time better. I'd tell myself to not worry so much about how much it costs to go to college and focus on filling out more scholarship applications and studying hard.


staying focus and maintaining a good Gpa so that I can be very successful .


College is not as scary as it sounds and yes all the hard work i put in in high scholl WILL pay off! Even though it seems like my school only looked at test scores it still was important that i got good grades, because in getting those good grades i developed good study habits, became a better student and was more involved with my learning. Everything you do in high school will mold you into the person you become in college. my advice for starting college is to get as involved as much as possible. the 4-5 years of college go by in a flash! there are so many thing i regret not doing freshman year because i was scared. dont hold back, experience all that you can. and last but not least GO GREEK. there is nothing like it. starting out as a freshman will give you such an advantage, it bring you in to one of the biggest networks of people you can be apart of, and the only chance you have to join is in your college years.


If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have given myself advice to prepare myself more for the cold. I came up to college thinking I would be fine without intense winter clothes. I didn't realize that winter could get so bad in a place because I came from Las Vegas where it was really hot and winters weren't that bad. This would have been great advice so I didn't have to do last minute shopping and try to find clothes that were really warm so I could make it in the snow.


The biggest word of advice that I could give myself as a high school senior would be to get involved on campus in whatever interests you, be open an unafraid of meeting others, and not to stress too much about not knowing exactly what I wanted to do in the future. College changes you as a person, often because we are exposed to a greater multitude of people with ideals and interests far different than our own. Sometimes these people, whether our classmates or instructors, play a great role in our own development. It is important to stay open minded in all aspects, and truly involve yourself in clubs and organizations, even just activities that are open to all students on campus like Football games (and anything with free food)! The more people you meet and the more activities you participate in will help guide you to your own personal path in life. Take it all in, and enjoy every moment.. even the nights spent studying until 3 in the morning. This is your time, so make it memorable and make it count.


Don't party too much, because I know you will! Don't attempt a major you don't like just to please your parents, because I know you will! Take school more seriously before your senior year, because I know you won't! This is just some of the advice I would love to go back in time and give myself before I ventured into college life. New-found freedom can be a dangerous thing for some people, and it definitely was for me. Temptation to procrastinate on school work or even skip classes is ubiquitous, and it's not easy to fight. Knowing what I know now about the tough-as-nails competition to get into graduate school, I wouldn't have taken undergrad so light-heartedly. Dangit, Sara, the first semester of freshman year is just as important as the last semester of senior year, so don't blow it!


If I could look back onto my high school self I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships, take financial aid seriously, and don't sweat the small things because it gets better. I would say that when you get into the real world people accept you for who you are and it is not a small judgemental community. People will come into your life and people will leave but they are there to teach you lessons. If you never learn these lessons you would not be able to function once you are on your own. I would tell myself to let it roll off my shoulder and do not care what other people think beacuse it truly gets better. In one phrase I would say, it gets better.


Dear Future Self, I know that you are debating if going to medical school will be too difficult, but I promise if you stay true to your goal it will save you the time of changing majors and feel more rewarding. Lear early on to keep a planner of your school schedule, homework due dates, extracurricular activities; Phi Delta Epsilon, MedLife, and AMSA, and work so you can keep your time managed. Join the pre-med fraternity as early as possible, they will end up being some of your greatest friends and a strong support system. Try not to stress too much when you have difficult weeks. You will always make it through when you work hard. Remember to always plan time appropriately so that you can have some fun as well. Make time to go hiking and running, it is the relaxation that you need. I know you can’t make football and basketball games because you are always working, but make sure that you spend time with friends and family. Above all, make sure that you tell Gaga you love her as often as possible. You won’t have that chance for long.


Life gets better. Despite the pain of physical and emotional abuse, your future is not defined by your past. Love what you have when you have it. Your future is something to be excited about so be excited! You will be important even if you don't know what exactly you want to do for your career. Be open to experiences even if they're outside your comfort zone, that's where the best things in life lay in wait. Be strong. Be smart. Be YOU.


There are many things that I wish I could tell my senior self about college. But the biggest one, I believe, would be to keep a balance in your life. Not just in school. Not just is social affairs, but in everythere. There is always time to just relax and be with yourself, which is healthy. But then there is also time to study and work hard to achieve your goals. Along with that, it is vital that you go to class. No matter what. The balance of going to class and then being out of class is set up for a reason so you don't spend too much time in either.


I would go back and have a lot to tell myself. I would go back and tell myself that everything is going to change. Going from high school to college is a big change that can be scary. I would also make sure to tell myself that I can't be anti social because college is a great place to meet new people and make great new friends. I would want to go back and tell myself to learn how to study because professors don't really care how you study or even if you do your work so you have to stay caught up to. I would tell myself to stay close to all of my friends even though I may not hang out with them in the future it is always good to have old friends to be able to tlk to and know that they will be there for you. Those are the things that I would tell myself because now that I have been through it I realize that I wasn't prepared for everything that was coming but a lot of it is stuff that I could have doen from the start.


Hello High school Eddy, how are you doing? Oh wait, dont answer that question I know how you are doing. Im sure you are excited to start college next year, well hear is some advice for you. First, make sure you pay extra close attention in American governement this year, you'll need to know a lot about it because you'll be changing your mind about politics after you take that class, since you'll be majoring in Political Science. Secondly, make sure that you apply for as many scholarships as possible, because college is really expensive and so is gas for that car you'll be getting after you graduate. Finally, pick up a book or two and start reading more often, because you will be reading over 30 books in the next 4 years so far. Thats all the advice I have for you, for right now the rest you will learn over time, when you start school. P.S. That girl you have the really big crush on in your choir class, do not ask her out, things will not end up well. Sincerely yours, Future Eddy


If I could go back in time to give myself advice to my high school senior self, I would persuade myself to try even harder to prepare myself for life at the university.The first thing in mind I would have told myself in the past was to do more extra-curricular activities. It makes it easier to apply to scholarships and colleges if I had joined a sport, club or done community service because it would convey favorable qualities and an outgoing personality, making me stand out from other applicants. I truly regret not getting a job as a teen. I would have advised myself to get a job as a senior so I could save up for any pre-college expenses, like application fees and for campus tours. As for tuition cost, I would have pushed my eighteen year-old self to organize and search all over cyberspace for scholarships I am eligible to apply as early as possible. This would have prevented any procrastination.If I had implemented the above, I would have been more prepared for the stresses of college entry.


Dear Andrew,


In 1988 there wasn't a lot of preplanning available for someone to go to school. Preparing for a higher education took time, a lot of phone calls, and trips to the campus to take care of business that is now available online, without an appointmnent, and for the most part 24 hours a day. Making that transition into college life in 1988 was quite shocking when it actually happened. All of a sudden a certain freedom existed that I wasn't all that ready for. I was ready for the education, but didn't realize the social aspect of college life would be so hard to navigate through. If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have taken more on campus tours, attended incoming Freshman functions, and talked to alumni about their transition to college life and what they did to successfully take that step. I feel if I had done that, I wouldn't be here at age 43 attempting to obtain my Master's Degree. At the same time, had I not taken this path, my educational aspirations in Social Work may not make sense.


In high school, I was the quintessential nerd. I spent my breaks and lunches in the library finishing homework. I read my textbooks for the fun of it. One could say that I was destined for a life of academia, of sipping coffee in a cafe while reading obscure poetry or feverishly writing down ideas for a new novel. I didn't need much guidance when it came to schooling back then. At some point during my adulthood, I lost awareness of my passion for thinking and literature. I thought I would be satisfied with my AA in Philosophy, and I settled down with a full time desk job, stuck behind a computer all day, crunching numbers and taking phone calls. I would tell my senior-year self to not forget about my dream. To not let that Ph.D. become some unattainable fantasy of my youth. To stay in school no matter what, even if it meant making less money in the meantime. Because in the end, money cannot replace the satisfaction of penning a story that will mean something to others, perhaps even help them in some small way. Remain dedicated to the art of learning.


If I could go back and give myself advice while still in highschool, it would be this: Do not heistate to seize any opportunities that present themself to you. Fear is a strong force, however the feeling of victory is more powerful than the feeling of fear. Act swiftly and intelligently to overcome any obsticle that stands in your way. Do whatever is in your power to find the path of success and never lose sight of your goals and dreams.


Dear Highschool Senior Self,In case a time machine is invented.The transition happened as a self-metamorphosis, shedding negative stigmas and poor grade burdens that held me back in highschool. College was where I could recreate myself and be who I truly was; there is no need to follow the "in-crowd", or worry about what they think. It's a time of immersion and expansion where I realized my potential and began my real journey. In college slacking off is the equivalent to giving up on yourself. The most powerful transition is choosing to go to class because you want to better yourself and not because you are forced by law. It is the feeling of freedom that allowed me to become excited about understanding the world more, and embracing who I am and who I want to become. So enjoy the transition into college and make new friends, but don't close the door on your old friends either. You will keep in touch with the ones that matter most, and the parts of you that are at your core. College is an opportunity for growth: personal and academic. Persevere despite adversity and embrace the moment!


Hey you. I know that you don’t feel like things are going to be alright, but I promise you they will. Mom doesn’t want you to go to UNR and you don’t know why, I still don’t know why, but don’t give up. Put your hand over your chest, you feel that? That is your heart, you withhold a purpose in this world. Don’t ever forget that, and don’t ever give up. Keep your head up, and keep up the good grades. That stuff is going to get you somewhere. Things are looking up in the future. You’ll get salutatorian and you’ll get accepted into college even though you have to apply late. Hey, since I’m giving you advice, don’t apply late, visit the university for your birthday, and apply then. That’s the deadline. Right now I don’t know if our dependency override for FAFSA is going to go through. If you get loans, you’re going to spend them on the good stuff. Books and tuition. There are magnificent people out there. It will be okay. Get good grades in college too, prove the doubtful wrong.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior I would tell myself to really pay attention in class and take thorough notes. I would also advise myself to make school a priority, as it should be, and not a social function. I would tell myself to actually read the textbooks and learn the material, not just show up to class and not pay attention. I feel like it would be important to tell myself to take time to talk and get to know the teachers as it will help me to understand what they are looking for from their students and also to help me succeed. Another importatnt tip I would give myself would be to not be afraid to ask the teacher for help or go in for extra help after class. Overall, my general advice would be to take it seriously and keep up with the workload.


Back in the high school days, I was a senior who was ecstatic to set off into the college world. Every day I told myself "one day closer until graduation" and that's when it hit me, "I'm not ready for college". After attending the University of Nevada, Reno for two years, I realized I should've taken more AP classes. With that said, I would've told myself to get my classes together and take on challenges. There were so many mistakes that should've been fixed from the start such as me putting play time over studying. Although my grades say otherwise, I considered myself as an overachiever by getting all my assignments done on time. In contrast to what I believed, I was not preparing myself for the future. I only thought about the present and that's where I am today. A student that is taking classes that could've been waived back in high school. "Why couldn't I just experience college for one year and head back to being a senior in high school"? Although my past was filled with regrets, I did learn how to prepare myself for after college.


In the event of the creation of the time machine, going back to my high school senior year would entail a highly enthusiatic dialogue. First and foremost, my senior year of high school was spent tirelessly trying to get into Cornell University. A place far from my hometown of Reno, Nevada. Little did I know, Reno would serve as an excellent place for me to go to college. Not only has Reno opened up so many countless opportunities for me but, the ability to enjoy the people I grew up with, while studying the same things has helped to guide me in what I want to do wiht my life . People come from everywhere to go to my university, and though I hated Reno, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Regardless of how set I was on getting out, I have a duty to do all I can for my home, to help others and to love this town as much as it loves me. If I had the chance to go back three years, I would laugh at myself, and convince myself that staying should't be the back-up plan, but the go-to plan.


If I could go back and actually speak to my younger self as I was hunched over my desk, trying to decide what college to go to, I would basically tell myself, "Don't rush, because you're just going to be unhappy with your choice, and have to start all over again." It's not easy starting over, or at least in the middle of the school year, when you've discovered that you no longer have any passion for your major, have sorely gotten tired of the area the school was in, and that you were getting burned out of just spinning your wheels, wasting time till you could just graduate with a degree that meant nothing. I would definitely tell myself to really consider doing what makes myself happy, instead of taking the easy route through life. Life is supposed to be tough, but taking the easy way out will not help you be happy. So from what I know now, I would've told my past self to be patient, cautious, and think all of the possible choices through, so we wouldn't be stuck in a loop, looking for a way out.


Given the opportunity, I would counsel my high school self that learning is the greatest gift in this life. Instead of focusing on college as a means to an end, I would inform myself that college is an end in itself. The opportunity to learn every day is a marvelous one and higher education should never be about getting the grade. Immersing myself in learning has been so beneficial and doing it earlier would have been more so. My focus as a high school senior was squarely on gaining independence from my parents and beginning a life that was my own. I still consider that to have been a valuable goal but I know now that college could have gotten me there faster. What I have learned in college has helped mold and shape me into a conscientious and successful citizen. My professors and cohorts have reframed the way I see the world around me and what I value. I would gladly invite the opportunity to impart my current approach to life to my younger self.


If I were to travel back in time to three years ago and offer some insight about college to my younger self, I would be most adamant about illustrating how life is truly a beautiful mess of ups and downs. If asked to advise myself on the area I would struggle with most, I can think of nothing more important than preparing myself to be tested and to always look for the silver lining; college is the metaphorical foil to the safety blanket we all call home. “In the next three years of your life you will learn many things, but the most important begin with learning how to suffer, experiencing what it feels like when someone has used you, and accepting the fear of feeling alone when everything is falling apart around you; however, it is experiences such as these that have turned you into the woman you are today, and there is nothing to look back on without smiling in the end,” is how I would open the conversation. “The best part about these experiences though, Ashley, is how they taught you to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us every day if you simply look for it.


High school for most people is one of the best experiences of their lives. For me, this was not the case. I was not surrounded with the most supportive group of people. At times I felt bullied by the people that were supposed to be my best friends. This left me feeling very alone and more often then not, lost. I never gave in to the pressures of drugs or alcohol that many get caught up in during these years, but instead I felt incredibly alone and had no idea what the future would hold. As high school ended I was happy to close that chapter and move on to another where I would make choices that would make me happy and not worry about what my “friends” were doing. My advice to myself during my last year in high school would have been to not worry so much about these people that were causing me so much pain because they were not going to be a facet in my bigger picture. Making the decisions to get involved in organizations and make choices that made me happy have made my last three years in college worth every minute.


If only I could really go back in time and give myself advice for college; I have learned so much within just this first year of college. If I were to speak to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself this: "Get a headstart on applying for scholarships-- set aside time everyday to fill out a few. I know it can be tedious and difficult, but it will be worth it in the end when you can pay for college for all four years. I know you're expecting to receive some academic scholarships from the university, but you don't know for sure if that will cover it, and you will definitely need extra money for living expenses. Start looking for a house as early as possible, and make sure you find a roommate that you truly know; living with other people is difficult as it is, and you don't want any trouble because of character conflicts. Most importantly, don't stress! Have some fun. It'll help you relax and do better in school, and you'll just enjoy your life more! Remember, you are human, and things will work out in the end."


Joshua, a quick word of advice: ask yourself WHY you do before you ask WHAT you do; be open enough to explore alternative career paths. That is, engineers are not the only members of society solving world problems. And just remember that intelligence exists within the willingness and flexibility to change- adaptation is essential to present and future accomplishments. Listen to your heart and you will know this is truth. Furthermore, it is as real and tangible as the marriage between nature and civilization, a sacred relationship, but elusive for the mired and distorted perception. Additionally, Joshua, on another note, have the courage to pledge Delta Sigma Phi, but wait until spring quarter. Trust me, the socialization and leadership experiences are necessary and worthy of cultivation. However, don’t feel let down once you get through to the other side. Recognize the growth and transformation provided by the experiences. Other than that, follow your passions and you will become the man you were born to be. At last and not least, call home; you have no idea how much your mother inspires you.


Dear High School Me, I know how excited you are to be graduating this year, but you have not given a single thought as to what you are going to do next. Understandably, guidance is limited for you as our parents did not attend college and have no idea what we need to prepare for, but it is time to grow up and do your own research. Apply for college now! Belive it or not there is special assistance for students who get early exceptance into college, and with your GPA and test scores you qualify for loan forgiveness at many of the local colleges. That's free tuition! Also, start applying for scholarships know! If you knew what I know now, you would have started years ago. There is an unbeliveable amount of aid available for students like us! I incourage you to do this now, because your future is pretty boring without a college education, and it will also be hard. Don't give up, you are a brilliant women and you can do this!!! Love , College Student You (10 years later) P.S. Stay away from the pretty brown eyed boy with the guitar!! Just do it!


As a high school senior, I was tremendously anxious about beginning my collegiate career. I was worried that I would not make new and lasting connections, or that the stress-load would drag me down. Now, after one year of college successfully completed, I wish I could go back in time to my senior self and say "take it all in stride." There is nothing worse than not knowing what's going to happen. Constantly playing out "what-if" scenarios in your head gets you absolutely nowhere. Even though I told myself I was preparing for possible situations that could arise, all I was doing was causing more stress and anxiety. The one thing I learned my first week on campus is that I had no reason to be nervous! Living on campus definitely gave me a great advantage socially because there were constantly people that I could interact and become friends with. If only I could go back to my high school self and tell myself not to worry. I spent way too much time obsessing over things I coudln't control and not enjoying my senior year. Now I realize that all that worrying was for naught.


If I were to go back to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I am going to have a phenomenal experience in college. I would tell myself that the honors program will get me used to working hard and studying hard, as well as making friends with people that I will remain close to for the rest of my life. However, I would tell myself to remember how important it is to prioritize family and education. I would remind myself that getting caught up in friends and social activities that could jeapordize my college degree isn't worth it. I would tell myself to never let people influence me to do things that are not me. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to stay focused, and tell myself that getting off track takes a lot of emotional pain to correct. Realistically, I can't go back in time, but I can remember who I used to be in high school, and use that to be successful now.


If i could go back in time, I would tell myself to make plans and start saving for Young Harris College in Georgia because they will accept you. I would also mention, "If you take this route, you would succeed in your educational goals". This is the college you should attend because of the serentity in the campus and the sucessful staff. Last but not least, there is a chapel in the heart of the campus where you can attend Sunday and Wednesday church services.


As a somewhat older student returning to school after 7 years, it was difficult to get back in the swing of going to class and studying and doing homework. I would advise my high school senior self not to wait before going to college or univeristy in order to make the transition easier on myself. It's more difficult to go back to school after you have a family and also having to work and support yourself and your family at the same time. My best advice would be not to wait. Go to school while you are still young and start your careers earlier. By the time I actually finish school now, I will be over 30. If I had gone to school right out of high school, I would have been finished with school 5 years ago.


Apply for every and all scholarships and grants out there! Do not think that you can just skate by in life on what you have since it will not cut it in the real world. The past is important to remember but do not wish to go back to the old ways for it will hinder your growth into the future. Keep in touch with those most dear to you for they will help you remember who you are when you feel like the world is coming to an end. However, do not think that change is bad either and make good friends that will give you reality checks when needed and pick you up when you are down. Try out for more sports or volunteer in your city more. That way you will have more confidence and the drive to go out to adventure. Even if it is small like learning to knit, skateboard, or dance in the long run you will be a better person. Most importantly do not harbor on being someone different. You are who you are for a reason and that will improve the world one day even if you do not realize it now.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior about college, I would definitely tell myself to stay focused. Yes, the college life can be fun and exciting, but you have to remember why you are going there in the first place. Believe me when I say, it's not as easy as it looks. There's a lot of work and didication involved, especially at universities. One small slip-up and it could cost you your future. The most important thing is to make sure you stay on top of your grades. I know it's tough to focus on the schoolwork aspect when you have to work or you want to go out, but you have to learn to prioritize and manage your time. There will always be a time to relax and have fun. Just remember, without an education, you go nowhere in life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to live in the moment and think about the future. I would tell myself that although the thoughts of others are something to be considered and valued, I should trust myself and listen to what I think is best without putting the weight of everyone else's opinions onto my decisions. I would tell myself to not be afraid; if you want to play that sport than try out, it doesn't matter if you don't make it, the most important part is trying. Are you interested in that club or do you want to meet more people? Then step outside of your comfort zone and explore your options, get involved, and take a risk. If you are having trouble in a class then don't be concerned with what your professors opinion of you will be because you don't understand the content, get the help and do your best. Most of all, make college about you. This is your time to grow, make mistakes, get your hear broken, break some hearts, heal, and just be you.


If I could go back in time and tell my high school self some things about college, I would first tell myself that studying is a major part of classes. I would tell myself that I should spend less time online and procrastinating, and spend more time reading books for classes. I'd also tell myself that I need to seriously apply for scholarships because they help pay for classes. I'd also mention that for psychology classes, there's a lot of information so be sure to take notes and constantly look over them. For things not concerning classes, I would tell my younger self to make sure to keep in contact with friends and that I will make new ones. That someday you will find people who you can talk to about the things your interested in and people you can trust with serious conversations. Most importantly, I'd tell myself not to stess out too much. That things will be fine and that you can't look at things as a mass of different obligations that need to be taken care of. Instead, I'd tell myself to take things one at a time and have fun.


"Hey Dena, I'd like to talk to you about your future and how changing your high school attitude can dramatically revamp your entire life. I don't want to scare you, your life really isn't all that bad in 2013, but some adjustments can make you more successful at a younger age. People actually like it and respect someone when they are smart. Don't waste time acting like you don't care about school or where you are going to be in ten years. You have the brain, so use it! Gossiping, drinking and doing drugs to 'fit in' will only slow down what you want to accomplish as a young adult. As soon as you graduate high school, go to college, and stick with it! It will be worth every second and every penny. I know at this point you don't know what you want to go to school for, I can tell you now, go to nursing school. You are so caring and passionate about people, being a nurse is what you were born to do! So get back to class and get those grades up! You will thank me later!"


Going back to my high school years, I would encourage myself to work a lot harder. Also i would encourage myself to be more responsible and to do my work on time. It would be good to not be lazy and to believe in myself. For the summer I would make sure that I have fun and to also not forget to do something productive like reading or summer classes to prepare for my upcoming year in college. Working on being organized and living on my own would get me ready. Also forming study groups once I get to college will help me stay on top of my school work.


Learn how to study better and be more organized with your school work.


I would tell myself to keep focused, don't worry about parties or skiing and snowboarding, there's plenty of time for that after graduating. I'd tell myself to go see an advisor more often and not be afraid to go to the tutoring center. Meet more people in your own dorm halls instead of going to different, familiar halls. Speak up more in class, and don't worry about what anyone else says. Talk to professors more, they are there for a reason so use the help wisely.