University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Top Questions

What are your classes like?


My classes have 20-30 students. The professor usually has a powerpoint presentation for each class and we take notes while he talks and calls on people to participate and engage in discusssion. I don't miss class ever really. Sometimes it's so tempting to skip, but attendance makes it so much easier when exams come around. Then you know everything that was covered in class. My professors write exams that are mainly based on material we covered in class. Nothing prepares you for exams at Carolina like your notes do. Textbooks are used mostly just for backup reading. That might be different for science classes. My drawing class is three hours long, twice a week. We might spend all class drawing one still-life, or spend it venturing out around campus doing gesture drawings of people walking around. If we have a project or major assignment due, he'll usually give us 3 or 4 full class periods to work on them. I go to all my classes. Skipping is so tempting sometimes, but attendance makes it so much easier when exams roll around. Then you know everything that was covered in class. Especially at Carolina, professors write exams based on material discussed in class, so nothing can prepare you for an exam at Carolina more than your notes.


My classes are challenging and fun. They're interesting and applicable to the real world. I learn a lot but do not have to study all the time in order to do well in my classes. I am able to get my work done and hang out with friends on school nights. There is so much freedom throughout my day since I usually only have two classes each day. Between classes I am free to work out, work ahead on homework, eat lunch or hang out with friends.


A sophomore says that one of her worst decisions freshman year was not being outspoken and meeting people in classes.