University of Northwestern-St Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time and tell my high school self something it would be to not expect the best roommates. During my senior year, I envisoned my roommates and I becoming the best of friends and doing everything together. Once I started college, I realized that wasn't ever going to happen. I had such high expectations for roomates that the first semester was a little tough for me. I wish I could go back and tell myself that roommates don't have to become best friends. It would have made things a lot easier and less stressful.


If I could go back in time and give an advice to myself as a high school senior I would probably give an advice to really explore myself or just really give myself time to explore places, activities, and other things that enhances my personality. I think being a senior in high school you should explore yourself since college determines what you will do most of your life. What I learn about college is that you just have to learn how to live and enjoy the moment, so giving advice to myself as a high school senior is to enjoy the moment of transitioning. One thing about exploring is don't force yourself to feel like you have to rush everything. We live in a fast pace world; we should take things one at a time and learn to live. I feel like if I knew that advice college will not be a "smack in the face" but something to enjoy. Not just enjoying meeting new people but enjoying the major that we are going into; having an attitude of wanting to learn rather than forcing yourself to go to school. That is the advince I would give myself.


1) Be you! Don't just do something because you think it will look good on your college application or to please someone else. Sure, getting into a good college is important but not if you have to sacrifice who you are or pretend to be someone you're not to do so. 2) Don't be afriad to test the waters! If something sounds intersting, try it out! High school is the best time to put yourself out there. Think you might like karate? Take a karate class. Always wanted to try basket weaving? Give it a go! Who cares if no one else is doing it. Many of the opportunities in high school are free or relatively cheap, but once you get to college you are paying big bucks per credit hour. 3) Stay focused! One blown-off assignment could cost you your 4.0 (it cost me mine!). The more effort you put into high school, the easier college will be. So, high school self, keep staying true to you, try something new, and keep your focus. You're going to love college, and you've almost made it!


College is a very important chapter. Therefore, it does need preparation and thought. As a high school senior, be sure to have already taken required academic exams such as your SAT's and ACT's. These exams can help in your ability to be accepted into a college. In addition, make sure you are filling out several scholarships. Do not take this advice lightly because you do not want to take out a large student loan. This will make life easier in the long run, I promise. Along with filling out student scholarships, another way to help with finances is to do post-secondary education options, or PSEO. You can get free college credits, but there are some requirements for this. It is best to refer to your counselors about this option and if it is available. You can be a pre-college student and get a feel for what it really like! Last but not least, strive and do well in your high school work. Every assignment and grade counts. Push hard, and do not get into the senior slide. Your senior year matters just as much as the prior 3 years. Good luck and work hard!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student, I would give myself the advice of developing better study habits. I didn't realize until I got to college how bad my study habits are because in high school I didn't have to study that often. I would also tell myself to become more responsible because once you're in college, responsibility is an important quality to have. Being responsible is important in college because as a student there are many distractions that can cause you to slack on your school work. Also, waking yourself up for class is a major reaponsibility for a student in college.


If going back talking to myself back in high school with going through what i have gone through. I would tell myself that working hard in high schoo is everything. Being in high school and focusing in the classroom is the main and only important thing. If I would had paid attention in high school, I would not be where I am now. Not saying that community college is bad, but just that the possbility of being on my own would have been nice. I should had had goals for myself and accomplish those goals when being in high school. I just thought that going to a good college was going to come to me on a silver plater. I soon realized that was not how the cookie crumbles. Now, I am learning that hard way but I feel that this is what is best for me. Sometimes learning the hard way isn't the worst thing.


If I could go back and give some advice to my high school senior self, I would first tell myself to slow down and treasure all of my final high school experiences and memories with those friends. Next, I would forwarn myself that, regardless of how much one may love a college, college in general is full of transitions that may get wearying and challenging. But each challenge and new experience is an opportunity to learn and grow, beyond academics. Academics are obviously important, but there is far more to college; relationships and varied experiences are just as important for personal and intellectual growth. Be intentional in seeking out other prespectives and opportunities by yes, getting homework done, but also getting out of your room and the library to attend events, both planned and informal. Be willing to change and grow; it may--and will--be painful, but it is more than worth it. When you look back at the end of college, you will see how much stronger, wiser, and well-prepared for anything life may throw at you because you were willing to face yourself, others, and tough questions in college.


Be yourself. Don't compromise for anything. Always know that you're the best you can be and there's no one else like you. Think about how you first came to high school. What were some issues you faced? Who did you look up to for inspiration? I know I looked to my professors. They helped me through when I was struggling with some issues about myself. Not that I always doubted my abilities or self-esteem, but up till now I've always thought of myself as a little less than what I should be. So I talked to them. Nonchalantly, subtly, but privately, and they gave me tips on how to live. Not hard-fast rules as in, "This is how you should live," but rather, "What do you think about this?" and they told me how they see me, how they care for me, and I crumbled under this awe. I found that I am worthy of who I'm meant to be. I'm no longer this gaunt, sniveling mouse. I'm a beautiful, strong woman. So do this: Look at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself, "Hi, gorgeous. You're awesome." And go on!


Transitioning from the laid back life of a high school student into the chaotic world of a college student can be very demanding. From extra curricular activities to more homework takes much planning and time than one can imagine. Make sure to schedule your time properly. Taking a full load of classes, and sometimes more, needs strategic planning. Buy yourself an on the go calendar where you can schedule your time according to your classes. When your syllabi are available for each class take it and record due dates for assignments, exam and quiz dates as well as any pertinant information for the classes you are taking. By doing this you will be able to stay on track with due dates for all assignments. Study time is very important too. Block off time each week to review what each lecture covered. Most importantly, remember to have funn. College is a learning experience and no learning goes withot life experiences. Get out there and enjoy the college life and what it has to offer. Go to sporting events, pep rallies and fundraisers. Become part of the school and the school will become part of you!


The advice I would give myself: I would advise myself to take more PSEO classes. Now that I am in college, I realize how much money it costs and how PSEO is basically free college. I would advise myself to work hard in all my homework even if it does not count for much of my grade. I would also advise myself to make sure I get enough sleep by getting homework done early. Lastly, I would advise myself to not let anxiety take over when I feel overwhelmed with homework. It is much harder to think when you feel overwhelmed. I would remind myself of Bible verses that can help me deal with anxiety.


Hey Courtney, Put down the camera - the Kodak disposable, the new digital bliss, the snazzy camera phone. Pictures are wonderful things but capturing every moment on film is not necessary. More, much more, happens outside the viewfinder. Tune up your ears, study faces and hands. You don't have to document every second of your life on Facebook. Those pictures you just put up (because you liked your new outfit) WILL be taken down in two years. I guarantee it. Each year is a new chapter in your life. Put more than pictures in your book. If you can't remember the conversation or occasion behind the picture, I'm afraid your focus was only on images which will eventually fade. Don't be too consumed with capturing a moment that you actually fail to know what the moment was about! So put down that camera - a whole new picture will be brought into focus - reality. It is much lovelier than you realize.


I would tell myself to get my butt into college as soon as possible and get my education out of the way.


Through my college experience thus far, I have gained a considerable amount of confidence in my identity and personal value. I have been positively influenced by so many upperclassmen, other freshmen, and professors who desire to get to know me as a person and encourage me in my academic and general pursuits. I have also come to realize the importance of focusing on others, not myself, in my everyday life. This outward focus will help me in every situation that I encounter, in my relationships and in my vocational field. My college experience has made me realize what is really necessary for a successful career. Success is achieved not only by focus and a desire to work hard, but also by constantly seeking to serve others in everything I do.


Mesa Community College has been personally valuable to attend for several reasons. First off, from coaches to advisors to teachers, everyone I have come into contact with has been very accommodating and willing to take the necessary steps to assisting me. Also as a person that feeds off her environment, the college has provided a wonderful academic atmosphere to not only make me happy but also successful. I feel I have received several benefits from my attendance. Educational growth, lasting friendships, positive instructors, and great support top the list. One of my fond memories I take from the college is the funny, yet enlightening instructors I have come across. Not many people can say they have laughed constantly in any educational class but I have had multiple of these great experiences. This has made the educational process entertaining but has not taken away from the challenge and productivity of a college course. When I first enrolled, I wondered if I would regret going the community college route. However, looking back, I do not. I have Mesa Community College to thank for this.


Throughout the three and a half years that I have been at Northwestern College, I have been growing both as a person and as a future teacher. Here I learned what it means to depend on God, not my parents. Here I learned the strategies and methods associated with education. Here I learned about different cultures and about city life. Here I have developed some very strong friendships. My teachers have been supportive and encouraging, and my friends have been good influences on my life. I have learned the meaning of dilligence through 10-page research papers and unit plans, the importance of personal health (specifically enough sleep and food), the value of listening to the advice of professionals in my field, and the practicality of how to manage my limited time in a way that gets what I need accomplished on time. My world has grown immensely at college, in a way that will help me to better the world that I will be entering upon graduation: the field of education in the Midwest. At the same time, my core values have been both probed and strengthened. Lastly, I will take with me the continued flame for lifelong learning.


At Northwestern College, the community of christian students is amazing everyone is so welcoming. The faculty truly cares about your success as a student and as a human being. I'm so happy that i chose to attend Northwestern because it has helped me grow as a person, but more importantly in my faith


In 2007 I attended Kaplan College, where there I've gained most of my medical experience. I love knowing that I'm taking care of people.


The first year in college as a freshman, tests a student's independence and allows the young birds to truly stretch their wings. Completing my first year of school was a definite growing period in my life; it opened my eyes to who I really truly was, in comparison to who I thought I wanted to be. Coming into school, I saw it as a clean slate; it was a new opportunity to become the person that I thought I had always wanted to be. New groups of people allowed me the opportunity to branch out and to become this ideal "new" me. Although I was having fun with these new people, I was not being true to who I really was, and would always feel empty at the end of the day. To make a long story short, I finally stopped the fake charade, and actually became honest with my self and became so much more fulfilled and confident! Now, although college is definitely a place for academic growth and academic challenge, it is so much more. It is a place that teaches you knowledge of the world around you, as well as knowledge of the person inside you.


Although the college that I chose has not been the most ideal in my personal experience, I have learned many valuable things from attending. Accedemically, I learned how to balance assignments from multiple classes and produce work that I could be proud of. It didn't take long for ten-page papers to become part of the norm; I was really proud to receive A's on them. Socially, I matured and made friends very easily. I gained a lot of practical experience through job searches and interviews, as well. It became very easy for me to communicate effectively with different types of people. College presented me with many different challenges that I was able to grow from and mature, and for that I will always look back fondly on this experience.


Upon entering college, I was exposed to a whole new world of understanding and critical thinking that, for the first time in my academic career, I felt had a direct impact upon my life. I have learned to appreciate and take a great interest in the human experience itself. With this new direction and attitude towards my education, I am able to apply what I learn in my courses directly to what is happening in my life, my community, and the surrounding world. As a Sociology major, the study of the complex yet changing social world will allow me to achieve the knowledge and insights into the human existence that I am so eager to gain. It will allow me to take my interests in traveling and living in different societies and experiencing new cultures to a whole new level. I was apart of two Honor's Socities, which helped me to create and maintain strong relationships with faculty, students, and people from all over the world. I was proud of Santa Monica College and all that it had to offer me. As a team, we raised awareness for local and worldwide issues that affect the larger world.


College has been my one real chance for an actualization of my dreams. My experiences thus far in college have encouraged me only further to continue my education. The people I have met in college have made such a beneficial impact on my life. The connections and memories I have made with fellow students and professors in such a short amount of time will last a lifetime. These experiences are things that I will always cherish and will eventually pass down to younger generations. I can only hope that the joy and appreciation I have for this opportunity now will translate and give those who have yet to experience college the determination they need to aspire to, and eventually, enroll in college. College has given me a positive environment to learn in and allows me to develop a better understanding of the subject material. History, a subject which had been a weak point of mine in the past, has become a subject I enjoy and now excel in. Through the dedication of my professors and staff on campus I have been able to gain the knowledge necessary to move one step closer to earning my degree in Eastern Asian Languages.


Even in the one year that I've been in college, I have gotten so much out of it. I've learned a lot academically and have made some great new friends that I feel like I've known forever, but over and above that, I've learned about myself. I've learned where my strengths and weaknesses are and how to balance them out. I've seen growth in my beliefs, my personality, my thought process, and what I am able to do. It has definitely been challenging to balance multiple jobs and a full course load, but every challenge and every experience (in and out of the classroom) has been worth the money.


My academic expectations of this college have been satisfied. I have gotten what I wanted and needed. My passion is to study the Bible, philosophy, and ancient languages. Northwestern College has enthusiastic and knowledgeable professionals in each one of those ares. The knowledge of most of my professors is outstanding, and they are very good at communicating that knowledge to their students. It has been worth every penny because it satisfies my passion and motivates me to study more. It has also been valuable to me because it shaped much of my worldview. It helped me be culturally competent and to appreciate diversity in many different aspects of life. I grew spiritually, emotionally, and academically due to this great school.


I have learned the definition of responsibility. To become successful in life, one has to be well educated and college teaches students the concept of it. The college life is very differential then the life of a high school student because in secondary schools teachers provide students with extra credit, help him/her with assignments, and are given many written notes to refresh their memory; whereas in college, extra credit is not offered, students are only handed instructions not assistance, and notes are given verbally. In addition, the unemployment rate is increasing by the year, and to increase ones possibility to be employed, a degree or certificate will certainly help. Ones future relies on education; therefore, I value college.


I have grown so much as I discover who I am as a person and what my vision for the future is. I have made friends that will last a lifetime, discovered things about myself I never knew, experienced God, and found a major that I absolutely love!


I have learned skills that are neccessary within my future field of work. I believe that attending this school has prepared me for work within the professional realm. Attending Northwestern has also helped me grow in my faith. My faith is central to the rest of my life and therefore growth in this area is extremely important to me.


By attending Northwestern College, I have gained so much. Some of these gained things I can not even begin to explain and others I am not entirely aware of yet. However, I know that attending Northwestern College has allowed me to grow emotionally, spiritually and academically. My college experience has brought many challenges with roommates. This has allowed me to grow emotionally by confronting the problems and working through them together. I also have gained valuable friendships that I have never had before. Secondly, I have grown spiritually. Northwestern is a strong Christian College with wise professors and faculty. I have learned so much by being surrounded and interacting with these amazing people. Lastly, academically I have gained tremendous amounts of knowledge that pertain to the world I live and world that I am still trying to figure out. I have also learned much on areas of my major that I know are exceptional to other colleges. What I have gained from my college experience is irreplaceable. I cannot wait to see what is store for my future and my next years at Northwestern. I have grown in so many ways and immeasurably more than I thought I ever could.


I have gained a wealth of knowledge and friendships from Northwestern College. I have been challenged academically and spiritually. I have chaged and grown as a person. I am very pleased I decided to attend Northwestern College. It truly has been some of the best years of my life! I know that I have developed a strong foundation academically and spiritually, that I will carry with me throughout my life.


While I have learned many academic things in school, I have learned to have a hunger for learning, both in and out of the classroom. This has pushed me to learn about things on my own that I would not otherwise be taught in school. And while knowledge is very important to have, I have learned that building up good relationships with people is one of the most important things in life. In large part because of these friendships I have made, I have escaped an addiction which I came into college with, and have gone from having suicidal thoughts on a somewhat regular basis, to having great joy in life. Thanks to this joy, and a new desire for life, I have learned to persevere through hardships, like the previously mentioned addiction and depression, or a learning disability that was discovered after my sophomore year of college, which has affected my writing ability in the past to the point of wanting to quit school. I believe I have finally broken through this disability, at least to an extent, and have made much progress in my writing ability. College has been incredibly beneficial to me in every area of life.


My college experience has really stretched and shaped me in many ways. I've learned more about myself. I've learned what education is all about, what it means to actually learn not just get the grade, what it means to socialize. It has taught me what is really important to me when it comes to friends, family, careers, priorities.


I have learned so much about the importance of education. Education is not just to prepare you for a job, education teaches you how to think and helps you to better understand the world. I love the college I attend because the professors spur me on to accomplish more and to work harder. I am excited to graduate with a four-year degree and endless memories of my college experience and education.


Northwestern has provided me with a good Christian education. I was able to increase my knowledge in the Bible and I was able to have good fellowship. The fellowship and community was very big and important. It was nice because we attended daily chapel and during this time I was able to connect with students/friends on a deeper level. I was able to expand and view parts of the Bible in new was. I feel better prepared for the real world as a Christian and I feel more alert and aware of how to face and communicate with non- Christians. It's not that we talk to them different, it's just a matter of loving them and eventually introducting them to the Lord. I enjoyed the Christian education I got at Northwestern.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is many things. I have learned that the knowledge I have received has only increased my want to know more and that I am able to channel my ADD and dsylexia to be a positive thing and not something that could hold me back. I have also learned that with attending college, I have a bigger responsibility for myself and my actions and that they help to build a better and more productive person in me. College has helped to open the door for me to be a more independent and helpful individual by giving me the confidence and determination to continue to excel in the computer science area and to strive for and earn high grades, it has also helped me to realize that I have strengths in area's that I did not believe I had. The value of attending college for me has been the experiences it has given me, the door to my future has opened up and it has given me an insight into myself that I did not know existed. I have not just learned academically but also have grown personally.


Having just completed my freshman year of college, I can say that it has been one of the best years of my life. I learned so much from having two roommates and also living in a hall of 36 girls within the first few weeks; conflict resolution is a key skill that I have taken away from this past year. I have also learned a lot about myself since I had to decide on a major (and also switched it once); this has shown me a lot about myself and what I plan to do in the future with my career. It has been valuable to attend Northwestern College because I have had the chance to live far away from my family, make new friends, and grow in the Lord every day. I had made friends for life and aquired valuable skills that will help me in the working world.


I recieved a great amount of pride from my college experience. I started college at 27 and it was really difficult for me to adapt to the enviorment. To see all my classmates that are 18 to 20 years old taking each class with ease and me studying all the time and being worried before every class. The passed two years have been such a great learning experience and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I applied myself to obtain knowledge that I thought would never be possible for me. I learned patience in this time and how not to get discourage or disappointed in what I do because it is a learning experience. I went back to school because I had my daughter and for me it was and eye opener. That I needed to grow up and stop partying and take life serious. The first step was enrolling in college and making that future for me and my daughter valuable for years to come!


I have grown tremendously in my faith walk and as a devoted Christian. I have been introduced to new experiences that have stretched and challenged me in many positive ways. Through those experiences I have a better understanding of who I am and what God's will is for my life. I also feel very well prepared for the "real world" after graduation because of the education in the business department. They have challenged me academically and it can be very frustrating at times, but it is worth it. I have also met some wonderful men and women here and they have become some of my closest friends. They too have helped mold me into the young woman of God I am today and continue to challenge and encourage me with my walk with Jesus Christ. Overall, I have grown a lot as a person, in all areas, because of Northwestern College and look forward to the day I can say I am an alum.


I have gotten a deeper understanding of my relationship with God. I have gotten my Bachelors degree and made friendships that are irreplaceable. I was able to form close friendships/menteeships with some of my professors that I will continue to have throughout my life.


Besides the traditional reasons for going to college (such as future job training, broad experience, learning opportunities), I have valued my college experience most because it has given me a chance to find out who I am. This sounds slightly mystical, but that is not what I mean. Being at college put me four hours away from my family and the hometown that I grew up in. I was forced to see who I am when my family is not around, for both good and bad. It has definitely been a stretching experience for me, and I am making my moral values and my personal preferences my own. This is the kind of college experience that my friends who stayed in my hometown are missing out on. If for nothing else (and the other opportunities and academic growth have absolutely been outstanding at my particular college) then THIS is why I came to college. I find who I am--and I LIKE who I am.


I grew up being homeschooled my whole entire life. So i never actually exerienced being in a actual school setting. I chose to attend Northwestern College because of the small campus and student body size. Therefore, It has been a wonderful transition for me to be in a place where i'm able to continue to grow in my relationship with God, be surrounded by other christians and to have small class sizes and wonderful proffessors and opportunities to get o know people. I feel that its been valuable for me to attend college because i'm able to further my education in a place that is comfortable and has allowed me to ease into things.


I have gained valuable knowledge in many areas. I have learned more about my faith, experientially and through textbook knowledge (Christian doctrine) and I have learned more about my career field (Communications). I'm growing more confident in myself as an individual, student, friend and successful employee. I have gain great friends. I have learned some skills of living apart from my parents, could have a little more independence. I have found it valuable to attend because I will acquire a bachelor's degree in a field I enjoy working in and learning about. As time goes on, the degree of education needed for jobs increases. Before you could get by with a GED for the norm, now its a bachelor's degree or master's degree and soon the basic minimum requirement will be a master's or a doctorate. I have also gain several life achievements: some self-discovery/growth, self-actualization, friends, knowledge, work skills, living independently skills, etc.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myslef not worry about everything so much. I would say that God has it all planned out and I have seen it. My life has unfolded into His unique plan, far more than I ever thought possible. He showed me who I really am, and what my purpose is. I would say that while there are going to be struggles and trials, to simply embrace them. Look to those as challenges, and rise up to the challenge and run with it. Know that He is in ultimate control. Live the life that He wants you to live and make it the ride of your life. Also I would say, to myself to take risks. Look at all career possibilites. Make the best situations out of the worst. Look for the positive aspects in everything. Most importantly feel confident in who you are. Do not doubt who you are as a person. Have pride in who you are. Do not let anyone change you. You are who you are for a reason. Do not lose sight of the importance of living your life.


College was never discussed as an option when I was in high school. After graduating in 1973, I took a secretarial course and began life as a working adult. I have always regretted not having a degree so, at the age of 52, I took steps to make my dream a reality even though it would have to be fully financed through student loans. Starting school was overwhelming at first and I questioned my sanity many times. I have now completed two years and, even though it still isn't easy, I am proud of what I have accomplished so far. There is no question as to what I would tell myself if I were a high school senior again. "Cheryl, you are going to college now. Don't kid yourself and say you'll go in a few years. Life has a way of taking different directions than we plan. If you don't go to college now, you WILL regret it someday. It will be easier on you now than later, so just do it."


If I could go back to my senior year of high school I would tell myself to save my money! It's not that I didn't save my money, but I would have worked harder to save more of what I was making if I had known how costly school really was. I would also tell myself to go to all of my classes, even if they seem trivial, because even if you don't go you are still paying for it. I would tell myself to get the most out of college as I could. I would tell myself to go to more sporting events, meet more people, and not take my classes for granted. I would also tell myself to continue to play sports throughout my college career. Overall, I wouldn't change a lot of what I have done, but I would warn myself about certain feelings I might develop, and certain things to avoid regarding roommate selections. Overall, I would tell myself to simply "Have fun and get the most out of it. It'll go by way too fast, and before you know it it's over."


When college students look back on their high-school days, a disparity arises between their mindset as high-school seniors and the realities of their college education. What we knew in highschool about college pales in comparison to what we actually experience in college. If I could go back and talk to the naive and confused senior I was, trying to navigate all those college decisions, here is the advice I would have shared with myself. Firstly, agressively research and pursue your scholarship, career, and school options. Dispel those lost and confused feelings as you wait for someone to tell you what to do. Instead, take control of your future by playing the lead role in your preparation for college. Secondly, do not limit your options for fear of the huge cost of funding your own college education. It is okay to make those scary financial leaps in order to invest in your future. The value will appreciate. Finally, know yourself, believe in yourself, and be true to what you know it is you are meant to be. Do not let fear, others' opinions, and shallow motives lead you down a path of mediocre existance, purposeless careers, and unfulfilled dreams.


I would tell myself, to try to be happy. Yes, you are graduating late, but you will be accepted to a college and you are a capable person. In just one year, you will be starting college and in the months building up to it: you will feel proud. Who cares if you graduated late? You studied abroad, in Switzerland, for a year. You should be relishing your experience instead of feeling inferior because of it. Just remember, don't let the world get you down. You are capable of everything and anything.


If were able to give my high-school-senior-self some advice about college, there honestly wouldn't be too much to tell me. I got plenty of advice from my parents and brothers, and if anything found the transition to college easier than I had been brought to expect. I suppose I would tell myself to be the most diligent during the first weeks of classes, because how you do during the first stretch will radically affect how you do in the class. I would also tell myself to pay attention to unnecessary spending, but not to penny-pinch so much that there's never any money for fun activities. But mostly I think I would tell myself to work hard and have fun (but not too much), and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


Get plenty of sleep to achieve your best, but also follow the SLEEP acronym. Spend time getting to know people. Get involved with others and don?t be afraid of whether people like you. Jump into relationships with both feet. Be confident in who you are and allow yourself to be vulnerable. You will empower others to do the same. Some of the greatest lessons you learn will be from fellow students. Leap into learning. Grades matter, though they are not ultimate. Develop a good work ethic, don?t skip classes, and join study groups to help you process, gain perspective and integrate learning. Everyone is in the same boat. Be compassionate, don?t blame others, and be a friend at all times. College friends will last a life-time. Enjoy extra-curricular activities, while not neglecting studies. Remember, not all learning takes place in the classroom. Don?t be afraid to volunteer, to join clubs, and to complement your academics with things that will shape your character. Professors love interaction with students. They have impeccable hearts and want to see you grow and excel. Get to know them as people and hear their hearts not just their lectures.


I would prepare myself more with advanced preparation classes for college courses. Since I am a musician, I would focus more on practicing what is necessary to be at for a performing level to really prepare me for the competition. Also, I would set more money aside to help pay for college. I guess I really never prepared for how much post secondary education was going to cost for me.


I would tell myself to look at all the financial needs and support that I have if I wanted to go to Northwestern College. I will look into other different colleges and see what they offer. I will check out their benefits and possibily scholarships as well. I need to be ready to make new friends and adjusting into independent living. I would tell myself to make wise choices so that in the long run will have a good outcome. Be ready to explore the campus life and seek answers. Stop thinking that everything evolves around myself when it comes to making friends, adjusting college, or working. I need to develop new goals and continue to grow strong in my faith. Do the best in college even if any obstacles come along the way, I will overcome it if I just believe and seek God. Live life like there is no tomorrow. Live life without worrying if the world is going to end. Be the one to make a difference.


If I could go back to when I was a senior in high school I would tell myself three things. I would tell myself that it honestly is not as strange or scary as everyone makes it out to be. The college years are the best years of you life, you will make life-long friends and discover your "true self." I would tell myself to pack less stuff and to start saving money! I remember hearing my friends who were already saying how they were "poor college students." And that is true, there are a lot of expenses being a college student, so start saving now! I would also tell myself to work very hard in school and study hard for the ACT and apply for as many scholarships as possible. I would also tell myself to not worry about the transition and that God is in control of all things.