University of Phoenix-Minnesota Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior, I would stress the importance of absorbing as much information as possible, learning time management, and defining my goals. I wasted many years after high school deciding on what I wanted to do with my life. I would also tell myself to use the academic counselors at the school and go to some local colleges to tour the campus and different departments. The interactions with a college campus and conselors would have helped me make the transition to college musch faster and much easier. Finally, I would teach myself about improving writing and communication skills. There is a difference between talking to your friends and writing papers. It took a few classes for me to realize the difference and the importance. Overall, I would tell myself to stay motivated, define my goals, learn as much as possible in class, and visit college campuses to make the transition immediately.


I would have to say to myself that after I graduated from high school I should have started collage and gotten the career that I wanted to become so that I wont not be stuggling today trying to get an education and trying to make that dollar streach farther then it does, I would have not made the path that I have chosen and would have been the best at what ever I became. Now I tell my children this advise and I hope that they can see how hard it is at my age to get any where and still stuggling to make ends meat.