University of Phoenix-Southern Colorado Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Later is the enemy, tomorrow is the enemy. The only true power to shape our destinies lies in taking action now. Now is the only time we have, or will have. The difference between successful people, and those that wish to be successful, are based solely on the actions they have taken. And those actions are taken based on if they are able to see the pleasure of taking the action, and the pain of inaction and procrastination. Understand success can only come after multiple failures. Failure is not the enemy, failure is the teacher. Failure is the result of trying and trying is the result of focus. Whatever we focus on we shall get. The proof is all around you in your life at this moment. It is all a result of your focus. Focus now on being the difference in the world you want to see. Focus on love, on faith, and being a difference. Be the action that changes the world. Make your life matter. Everyday alive is a day closer to death. Meet him with a smile. -Joseph Miller


Dear self, just a note to remind you that you will be graduating from high school soon, and I know that right now you do not think that furthering your education is a big priority in your life, but as you go along in life, you will look back into your past and realize that an education was important. Do not look back into your past as I have and wish that you had gotten a college degree sooner, rather than later. Just know that with hard work and perseverance you can have the life that you always wanted and know you deserve. Sincerely yours, yourself in the future.


Suck it up, just do it, man up, school is priority! I know now that living life as a PVT, PV2, SPC, even SGT with a family and kids its day by day paycheck to paycheck and college wouldv'e helped first build a better cushion, worth it in the long run, less struggle so just buckle down and get it done!


I have learned time management and the importance of other peoples time. I have collaborated with many different people from around the world and met many people who work within the industry I will be recieveing my degree in. I have had the opporunity to research topics important to me and my goals and share my thoughts and concerns with follow students. I recieved feedback on my progress and and expectations and was able to implement my knowledge via learning team projects. The University fo Phoenix thrives on my success and supports their students with the intent of maximizing potential. I feel honored to be on of their students. I have learned to not judge others by their opinions, but to acknowledge the difference and get to know the person behind the opinion. I have learned to trust in others efforts, not just my own. We are taught "if you want something done right, do it yourself, " well the University of Phoenix teaches teamwork and how to be a team player in every aspect. This skill is crucial as I embark on becoming a manager in the medical field. Learning how to a prominent manager and to effectively achieve results.


I would tell myself that it was well worth it. Yes there are financial obstacles but the rewards on the other side are well worth it. Your financial return and the boost in you confidence will pay you dividends the rest of your life. Not only will you be more employable but you will be more able to start your own company. Take the next few years and ready for the awesome future your meant to have. Follow your dream, search it out, and make it your reality.


I would of made the decision to become a Navy Seal. The recruiters wanted me to join the Navy after high school, but i let my family talk me out of it for the time. Two years later, I joined the Military Police Corps for the Army, but always thought of the bigger challenge to become a Navy Seal. The advice i would give myself would be not to let anyone talked you out of something they haven't done, because of fear of the unknown.