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What are your classes like?


All Science courses


Science classes are typically large with about 250 students/ class. The liberal arts classes are much smaller with an average of about 30 students/ class. Usually students receive a grade for participation so it helps to keep us focused during class and attend them regularly. Most of the professor are very nice and try to get the students excited about what they are learning which is great. There are always the bad apples though. Usually "bad" teachers at USF are just kind of boring during the class period and read of the slides that they hand out. But no horror stories.


Im having a pretty good semester: Physics and Lab~ not the easiest class if you don't like numbers but if you put time into reviewing problems it shouldn't be a problem. There are help sessions available for this class which my teacher allows us to attend even if you haven't signed up for it. Not to mention free tutoring in the library not only for physics but for most of the major classes that USF offers. The lab for this class isn't too much work but it does get you thinking. Cell Biology~ Definitely memorization intensive, you have to be able to store a lot of information about cell structures, proteins, and alot more stuff. Definitely get a study group for classes like this one if you can. Make friends right away, the key is finding good people who actually know what they are doing in the class. If you study with people who are lost thats not very helpful :) Organic Chemistry Lab~ Post labs are definitely the worst part of organic lab not to mention that its almost 4 hours long! Make friends with your TA, remember that they are there to help you not hurt you. if yo get a grade you don't like go to them and ask what can I do to get an A next time, it can't hurt! Orientation Leader Lab~ My leadership classes are always my favorite, this one specifically is very special to me because its only available for USF orientation team leaders (OTLs). This specific class isn't geared to becoming an OTl though, instead it is there to help build your leadership skills, specifically your strengths. Medical Terminology~ Take it!!! Online class!