University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Dear self, There are so many things that I could tell you about how much fun college is, and all the good times you will have throughout your time here, the only hard part is getting adjusted. Believe me when I say that moving to a new place where you do not have any friends and do not know where anything is on campus can be kind of intimidating. My advice to you is to get yourself out there! The first few weeks of school can be hectic and intimidating, but that is the time to make friends and find yourself. Even when it gets hard, and you feel as though things are not working as they should, just know that in the end, everything will work out for the best and you will have the best times of your life and will make life long friends. College is a time to learn about yourself and to become the person you really want to be!


Do not change who you are. It is so important to be yourself. Try to push aside what others think of you and do not let that affect you, especially in a negative way. In college, you will meet new people. There will be people that do not like you, but there will also be those who will become your lifelong friends. Do not pretend to be anyone you are not. You are your own, specal, unique self. People will accept you just the way you are. And always remember, those who matter do not mind and those who mind do not matter. Be yourself!


Looking back at my years at an undergraduate student, I would tell myself to make choices out of love, and not fear. I would say to live it up--enjoy freshman year more and do Semester at Sea and study abroad early on. It would have opened up social and globally-minded options sooner in my education. It's easy to hold on to high school, but to know yourself you have to let go and dive into the present moment with the people that are in the present moment with you. I would tell myself to speak up more in class, volunteer, try out a science major, do McNair scholars research and join intramurals. "You are capable, independent and free-spirited" are the words I'd say to myself, ending with "In the end, everything will be okay, if it's not okay, it's not the end." I would give a lot to re-do certain moments in college with more confidence and ease, to have taken a different twist on life, but the path I took brought me to graduate school where I have completely committed to my lifelong dream of becoming an environmental journalist.


Slow down. Do a little more research into the colleges that you are looking at and weigh the pros and cons of each. Don't forget to take into account your budget, this is key because you most likely will have no financial help from your parents and will have to find a way to pay off your debt. Think for a good long while on what you want to accomplish in life. I know you find interest in way too many things, but what really gets you going? What kind of mark do you want to make? Also, take a chance to consider all of your options. Is now the right time for you to continue your education? Can you commit to it? You can always take some time off, there are some pretty nifty trade schools that you could attend, there are even some highly acclaimed community colleges in your area that you can start at to test the waters. Lastly, and probably most importantly, what kind of people do you want to be surrounded by? What kind of atmosphere do you want to grow in? Please, consider these questions before you make your decision. -Love, You


If I were able to go back in time the one thing that I would advise myself on is to do what you love and forget the rest. Most people dont realize that all they have to do is what they love. Don't worry about how much money you will make because to be honest money does not matter that much. And anybody who thinks this is a terrible idea has just got it all wrong.Life is short, do what you love, spend time with loved ones and make everyday count.


My high school experience was defined by a loneliness and isolation that was later deemed "Major Depressive Disorder." My experience with depression left me careless about my life and my decisions. I could not, of course, change the mental illness that took charge of my life for so long. However, when I look back at myself at 18 years old during that incredibly dark time, I am reminded of the most valued lessons I have learned as an undergraduate: "Asking for help does not mean you are helpless, and do not be afraid to take chances - persist, care about things, be passionate, be deliberate." I now identify most closely with the things I am passionate about. I am a feminist, a humanist, an ally, a pacifist. I am an activist. I would be lost without these identifiers. However, I would not be in this place had I never decided to ask for help and stop waiting for someone else to take charge of my own life. My greatest accomplishments have come from taking initiative and being purposeful in my actions. I wish the careless 18-year-old version of myself had been reminded that her life and her decisions mattered.


Hey me, I know college is pretty exciting but it’s also a lot of work. My advice for you in college is to use your time wisely. Oh I know you love to play basketball all night but hey, college is about making sacrifices. Limit your time on Facebook and partying. I mean you can do this maybe once in two months or so. Believe me you'll regret if you don't do this. Have a schedule where there is a time for study, a time to work on your project, a time to write your paper a time to meet and discuss with your professor and then other activities later. Stop saying "I'll do it later". Don't wait until the last night to start working on your paper. Remember limit your time enjoying hanging out with friends. To be successful in college, you have to make sacrifices. Make use of the tutors at your college. They're really helpful. Get involved in study groups. In college the professors are not like your teacher in high school. Don't expect them to remind you when a paper is due. Now Bennett remember USE YOUR TIME WISELY.


As a senior in high school I was terrified by the thought of leaving behind lifelong friends, leadership positions, and activities as well as the teachers and mentors that I looked to for advice and encouragement. I was disappointed that I hadn't gotten into my "dream school" and was beginning to wonder if another point or two on my ACT would have done the trick. I didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to be and it took away from the excitement of senior year. Having made it through two semesters of college now, I wish I could go back and reassure my high school self that all the hard work really would pay off despite the dream school disappointment and that it really wouldn't be too hard to stay in touch with old friends after all. Having transferred mid-year, I would remind myself that it's okay to not be sure of what you want as long as you stay true to yourself and follow what you want for your life, not what anybody else says. "It's all a grand adventure," I'd tell myself, "Just you wait and see!"


College is a life-changing moment where if anything goes wrong, my dreams will be shattered. It is not about being the smartest kid in class or the most popular kid at school but it places more emphasis on teamwork, leadership skills and volunteering. College does not discriminate against people based on their race, ethnic group, gender or sexual preference. Instead, it uses them as a platform to portray your true self to the real world and potential life changing opportunities. Finally, if there is any business venture you should invest in the future, college is the number one choice. Do not be scared about the heavy courseload or regret carrying huge loans. Consider it as an orientation about the world you are going to live in because when it is all over and you are exactly where you wished to be, your happiness will matter most.


I would tell myself to consider all possible avenues. For my freshman year of college, I attended St. John's University. In itself, it was a fine school, and through high school, I had never even considered attending another institution. This made it difficult to make the decision to transfer; I never felt connected to the campus in the way that I had expected. I would not tell my high school self to not attend St. John's because I definitely grew quite a bit through my experiences there. However, I would tell myself to not be so deadset on one path, to consider that there may be another way to make yourself happy. In conjunction with this, I would tell myself to not be so hesitant in making decisions, to be more decisive.


They always say that hindsight is 20/20 and I have never believed that as much as I do now. Coming into college as a freshman was nerve wracking and wearisome. Looking back, I could have spared myself from a lot of worry if I knew one thing; that people do not care about me. As a freshman I was constantly worried about trying to fit in, if my peers were laughing at me behind my back and wondering about what others thought of me. I was acting like a normal teenager who was still uncomfortable in their own skin. It was not until I started my sophomore year that I had an epiphany. The truth is that no one actually cares about me or what I am doing. More often than not people are so consumed with thoughts of themselves and what they need to do that they cannot spare a passing thought for others. How liberating! If I had known this as a freshman I could have saved myself a lot of undue anxiety and stress and enjoyed my freshman experience. Now, free from my peer's nonexistent judgement I live life to the fullest.


Be sure to learn about all the schools that offer the field of study that interest you. Search for scholarships and grants, sometimes loans are too expensive. Dont always go for the first school when there are many out there. Also research the field of study and be sure that the job duties is what interest you. Sometimes you like some of the duties you must complete and sometimes theres some you dont like. So before making any decisions really think about both the field in which you want to enhance your skills and how tuition is going to be paid off. The fardest you can be from a loan the better because you wont be bother day and night concerning about paying them back.


Growing up in a single mother family and overcoming dyslexia, I learned early that hard work and perserverance will be necessary to accomplish my goals. The conversation with myself as a high school senior is as follows: Alex, set your goals and take simple steps to reach that goal! Make every minute count as your hard work now will make your future so much easier and attainable. Research your career choice and make sure that it is what you want passionately. If your career choice is nursing, then walk the hallways of a hospital, interview the administrator, your doctor and see if that is your passion. Learn and be aware of the values that has been instilled in you and think through how these values can be carried over to your career choice. Realize that your career goals are within your reach and to attain them it will take dedication, knowledge and most of all consistancy in spirit and focus. Thank you for your consideration, Alexander Newton"


To plain ahead about college, and the degree you want to obtain. Also to apply for scholarships early, and think ahead on your fafsa application. I would tell myself that college is not cheap even with financial aid, and to save up some money for it. Plus what college you chose is very important.


College life is ten times more different then high school. It isn't about who you know or what clique you are apart of. The people you are not friends with or have any association with in high school will be seen about once every month when you pass by them in the local Target. Those people do not define you, you define you. Don't be afraid to come out as a homosexual just because no one else has. If they didn't bully you when you were in the closet but it was nearly obvious then they probably won't when you come out. In college, no one knows anyone; it is the first day of kindergarten. The only difference is that it is the first day everyday. I don’t even know the names of the people who sit next to me everyday and neither of us cares. You shouldn’t have been afraid to be you your last year of high school or any year before that. Your only purpose in life is to be you and it shouldn’t have taken thirteen plus years of education to learn that, it should have taken zero.


If I had the opportunity to speak with myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to keep striving and keep pursuing my education no matter the circumstance. When I graduated from highschool I became so enthralled in adulthood and other frivolous things that I didn't focus on my college career like I should have. I would warn myself to not make the same mistake. I would tell myself to enjoy the process of entering into a new chapter of life. I would encourage myself to apply to all the schools that I could find and visit as many campuses as I could. I would also encourage myself to seek out as many scholarship opportunities as I could find to help with the financial burden of being a student. The most important lesson that I think I could teach myself as a highschool senior is to just have fun and enjoy it all. College is a big transistion in life and the road to success can be extra bumpy. However if you are prepared and go into it with an open mind and a brave heart, theres not much that can stop you from achieving your goals.


Don't think getting good grades will be as easy as it was in high school. Even though you're going to have less classes, there's so much more work to do for each class. Forget about not paying attention in class; your grade depends on participation, too! Start using the internet less as of NOW. Even though it's necessary for most of your homework in college, it can become a huge distraction if you let it, so better start working on that addiction now. Stop procrascinating! I know everyone does it, but in college you have to know the importance of each assignment and much it weights into your final grade. Procrascination can get in the way of a good GPA.


The greatest piece of advice I could give to myself would be "do not be intimidated by AP and CIS classes. You are smart enough to be in them and they are much more rewarding than regular classes." I always believed that these classes were filled with super-geniuses that never went outside or talked to anyone. It was not until my senior year that I finally took some and I was shocked. All of my friends had been in these kinds of classes since they were sophomores. I was much more comfortable in these classes and I walked away actually learning something (with a few college credits to show it). Regular high school classes do not prepare you for what comes in college. At times I was overwhelmed by the multiple hours of homework I would get in my AP classes, but this was only because I had never really had homework before. Now I do nearly eight hours of homework a day and still feel comfortable with it. It is because of AP and CIS courses that I am able to handle my workload in college now.


I would tell myself to stick to your goals and try to accomplish those goals and don't let anything or anyone try to discourage you from accomplishing your goals. Don't let anyone steer you in the wrong direction for your life and to stay focus on what you are there for. Study hard and do all you can do to finish and once you get all that studying behind you then you can relax and enjoy all that you have accomplished. I would tell them while they are a high school senior set goals for yourself and stick to them and know what you want to do with your life and where you want to go. And focus on those goals no matter what your friends are doing with their life you put forth an effort to stay in school and not to get into any trouble so that you can finish and you would be so proud of yourself because you didn't let anyone influence you to quit or get into any trouble. I would let them know they are the future and they have to succeed and try to make a better life for themselves.


I have only been enrolled in college for less than a year but I have learned many things. As a high school senior I didn't know what to expect for college. I didn't have an older sibling to ask so I learned the hard way. I wish someone would have told me how easy it would be to make friends. I remember being so nervous on move-in day but almost immediately, it seemed, I was surrounded with new friends. I would also want to tell myself not to worry about the small things. I was nervous about what to bring, who I would talk to, what my classes would be like, and who would I turn to for help. I learned that you have to go with the flow and there are more important things to spend time on. It's more important to learn very good study habits, arrange your sleeping patterns, and learn to organize your time and responsibilities than it is which towels to bring. A strong foundation of knowledge and habits can take you a long way in college and I wish I would have known which things to prepare for.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to relax a bit more about college. I would say to myself not to worry about making friends and the work load because overall, it is not bad. I would definetely tell myself to express myself better and just socialize and be college that is a main thing I have noticed. People don't care what others think and they are willing to be themselves. I would also tell myself to go out and socialize at every opportunity; when a group of people ask you to go out with them, then definetely say yes. Don't be afraid to reach out to other people and make friends. I would assure myself that college is an experience of a lifetime. It really is some of the funnest years of your life.


Hey Ivan. Do you have a minute? I just wanted to give you some advice about college. Get aquainted with the programs that they offer at the colleges. Do not be ignorant of these school programs. They will affect you in the long run if you do not utilize them. Another word of advice is that you should become well aquainted with doing presentations. The high school senior project that you are doing this year is nothing compared to what you have to do in college. At the minimum, your presentations will be about 15 minutes long and you do not get half of the semester to complete it. I also advice you to get to know your fellow classmates. Write down his or her number. On the days you cannot make it to class having your classmate's number will come in handy. Last word of advice is to join a club that is towards your major! It will benfit you with networking and at the same time it will look good on your college career.


For me, it was easy to transtion into college, but for my fmaily it wasn't. My mom and I had trouble communicating to eahc other my freshman year and I would say it had a lot to do with our relationship while I was in high school. We didn't have a bad relationship but I wasn't always open with her. So the advice I would give myself is, don't be afraid to open up to your parents and let them in as far guidence goes. The more you feel like you cna trust your parents, the easier it is to resolve problems with them when they appear. I didn't know how to handle the problems I had with my mom because I didn't take the time to get to know her as person when I was living at home and that would have saved a lot of heartache on both sides.


Your focus and worry on money is unnecessary. It's great if you get a job, but focusing on school work is much more important. Having a job is nice to make some money, but it consumes your time, and your grades will start to slip. As you get into college, you will learn much more about independence and time management, which are both very important to start on the path of success. You will learn that time spent on studying and doing homework will pay off greatly. You will learn that you are making your own decisions, and nobody is forcing you to do anything. It takes self motivation to learn to become a good, independent student. Having a job throws off time management, independence, and self motivation completely. Yes, college is expensive, but there is help. You will be able to pay off what you owe, so make the time you spend in college worth it!


I would tell myself that its going to be harder than I expected. I would explain that unlike most of my classmates, I would be on my own finacially, which is going to make it difficult when wanting to go out with friends or live off campus. However, I would mention that even though financially its a struggle, I am getting the best education possible. I will be able to get a job right out of college, and I will have made some of the best friends I have ever had. I would also mention that it isn't all about boys and partying. It is important to stay on top of school work, but also there is a need to be balanced socially. Overall, I would tell myself that I am ready, and I will succeed at whatever I do with the right additude!


If I could go back and talk to my high school senior self I would tell her that the pressures I feel now will prepare me for the rest of my life. Choosing a college and finishing high school is a major event in your life. It should be joyful and even though it feels never ending and sometimes life ending, it is preparation for other pressures in life. You will have to interview for jobs, apply for graduate school, and meet deadlines all of your life. Learning how to handle pressures that you feel during your senior year ultimately prepares you to make other life altering decisions. However, it is also important to cherish your senior year. Don't loose sight of the great time that you are able to have. College is a blast, and learning how to juggle pressure and fun will get you through it.


It is not as scary as you think, you've been preparing for this your entire life it is almost like grade 13. You will meet new people and you will love everything. Just believe in yourself and you will go far.


Always be, at least, one step ahead of the game, never think that you aren't doing enough because sometimes doing more is better. You should study harder and develop a style of studying so tha when you go to college studying will come easier for you. If you don't understand something ask questions, don't be afraid of asking because the teachers will always be there to help you out no matter how much questions you have to ask. Utilize the help center within the school, especially for college help such as scholarships, applications, and decision of schools. Number one thing that I would like to tell my high school self is to get rid of the procrasination behavior and try harder to turn everything in and play around less. With all of this college life and the transition into college would be easier and there would not be much of a struggle when it comes to exams and finals.


I would tell myself to take a CNA course and work as that over the summer after my freshman year. I would tell myself to not go home for the summer after my sophomore year. I would tell myself to do research at St. Thomas instead. I would say don't be nervous about going to college because you'll meet your best friends who will be friends for life.


My senior year of high school was unique. My brother was deployed to Afghanistan, my parents got divorced, and I spent more time taking care of my alcoholic father than I did of myself. My grades and my confidence plummeted. I never got to truly enjoy my senior year of high school, because I was too busy handling the events that my life handled me. Now, as a freshman in college, I would tell myself that things do not get easier; rough times are inevitable. I cannot change the events that have happened or will happen, but I can change my own individual outlook on them. Senior year of high school, I was unsure whether or not I would be able to attend my dream school- a school that multiple family members attended and loved because of the recessionary times. Despite all of my surroundings telling me there was no way to attend, I turned to them and said "watch me". I am now a freshman a freshman at my dream school, and love it more and more each day. I have learned that everything happens for a reason, and regardless of life's event, to smile through the pain.


In high school, I was very nervous about college and how I would react to the monumental life change. Moreover, I was unsure what I wanted to do, if the university I chose to attend was the right one for me, and if I would make life-long friends in my first year. If I could go back and give myself advice, I would tell myself not to worry as much and instead of focusing on what could go wrong, focus on all the things that could go right; in other words, looking at going to college in a positive way. What I have learned now is that attending a college or university is a major accomplishment and something that everyone who is doing so should be proud of. I think the achievement of attending a college gets lost in the application process as well as within the unnecessary focus of trying to find a job. Overall, I would tell myself that in my future years, I may not find that "perfect job", however, throughout the process, I will learn more about myself and other people that I will be able to reflect on for the rest of my life.


I would ask my self a simple question ," James, do you really know what you want"? I would take the time to explain to my self that the sooner i discover who i am and what im made of, the better choice I can make in taking the moste effective college path possible. I would encourage my self to make a list of goals on a sheet of paper and write down what I desire most to evolve myself in to and what I would be best at in making my self an asset to society in the next five years. Then I would map out a plan, whats going to be the most effective pathway there. What classes, programs, and what support options I have available . Finaly i would tell my self " college is an amazing growing experience yet some days are hard, but as long as you keep your eyes on the end of the road you wont even notice the bumps along the way".


I think one of the biggest transitions for me is having to balance my social life, academic responsibilities, and work. As a high school student I did not realize how different it would be to manage almost all aspects of my life by myself, instead of with constant assistance from my parents. Having a support system to keep you on track is necessary to be successful and staying motivated. During my first semester of college I went home most weekends, so I still had contact with my parents very often. Once I got settled into college, including forming a solid group of friends, learning the ins and outs of class structures, and the campus lingo it became easy to focus more on my social life instead of my responsibilities. This is something I never expected to happen as a high school senior. Overall, I'd say, "remember what your long-term goals are and truly work toward them. Ask for help when you need it and enjoy your time in college - after you finish studying for those chemistry exams!"


If I had the opportunity as a freshman in college to go back in time and offer words of encouragement to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not be so idealistic. When I was preparing to leave high school and move on to college I had convinced myself that I would have to choose a career and stick with it, get strait A's, and avoid mistakes altogether. If I failed in college, I would fail at life. I now realize that college is the perfect experience to allow students to embrace these mistakes and bouts of uncertainty. This is how we learn and grow. I would tell my past self to allow yourself get lost every once in a while and wonder down an unknown path. It might just lead to your future.


Work hard in high school. Don't take slacker classes your senior year, you end up forgetting a lot when you come to college and things are obviously harder, but preparing yourself with taking harder classes is beneficial. Also take as many college credit classes as you can. It is free and you can get some core classes out of the way and jump into classes for your major sooner.


If I could go back and give myself a piece of advice, I would tell myself to focus on school, bring up my grades, and consider the soccer scholarships I turned down. I would explain how expensive it is to live on my own at nineteen years old and how working and going to school full time isn't exactly a fun college experience. I would offer advice on how community college is the most affordable option for students working their way through college and how it isn't ike high school; it requires effort and studying. Most importantly, I would tell me that when someone is literally working their way through the present towards a distant future, every bad grade, every dropped class, every wasted dollar is a set back. I might tell myself to take that soccer scholarship, to avoid the party scene, and to choose to study what l love. Or I might tell myself to continue on the path I chose, because I meet some great people- including an amazing husband- and I learn a lot about myself along the way.


If I could give myself advice as a senior in high school, I would make sure I was a lot more outgoing and that I chose a college that I knew would have activity going on to suit my needs and prefrences. I would also make sure that I tried a lot harder to meet new people in high school so that meeting people in college, where I don't have any high school friends, would be a lot easier. I would also encourage myself to meet as many people as I could and definitely more than what I did at orientation for college as well as the first couple weeks when there were activities going on to meet people.


If you want to go to a 4 year college, do it. Going to a community college seemed like a good idea at the time but now deciding to transfer to a 4 year college has changed everything. It would have been much easier to go straight from high school to a 4 year college than it is to go from high school to a community college, then to a 4 year college. Apply everywhere and apply for as many scholarships as possible. Do what you want, not what you think others want you to do.


Focus on the things that matters the must, and that is, getting your education, a carrer on something that's it's going to be beneficial to your future and your finances, and stick with, and no matter how hard it gets stick with it, no turning back, and must of all, do not stop under any circusmstace, find the way to keep on going forward. That way you can not have a husband telling you what to and what not to do. In other words, you could have your own independency, no needing to depend on him, and if things don't go the right way, you can tell him see you latter alegator, and continuo on doing what ever you profession might be. And best of all you could have your own personal freedon, to do and to go where ever you would like to go, sky it's the limits. You go girl, and get your education, don't be a fool, especially now days, one needs to be prepare to be able to compete on this world of man. And always remember, never give up, and never surrender, and always fight for what is yours.


Oh, Angela. I know you're afraid. You've always been afraid of the unknown. Here is my advice to you. Focus. You are in school now for a career. This is all that matters now. Apply for more scholarships. You don't know how much debt you may build up over the years. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there when meeting people- everyone is just as afraid as you are. Classes are set up different now. You need to do your homework right away. I know it seems like you have more time, but you will feel so much better and so much less stressed if you do it when you get it. Pray about every decision and let God be apart of your routine. Be confident in your abilities. Speak up, you have great ideas! Do not be afraid. I know you are going to do so well!


I am a hardworking student athlete that prepared myself as best I could for college. I don’t really have any advice to give me.


If I could go back and talk to myself when is was a senior in high school, i would only say a couple things. First, I would say this year is just as important as all the other ones, so work even harder then you already do and study more then you already have. Second would be about managing your time. Don't get caught up in all your friends and extra activites outside of the classroom. There is a time and place for fun, but just to remind you school comes first. Finally, the last thing i would tell myself is enjoy yourself and dont stress out. You are a good kid and you will do very well if you follow the path you are on right now. Don't give up and stay determine to be the first one in your immediate family to gradatue from college.


The most important advice I think I would give would be to avoid sitting in your room all day, but to go out and do things. Get involved on campus, go see things off campus. There are so many more things readily available once you become part of a college, especially being on campus, and it's the best way to not only get to know other people and begin to learn what the real world is, but it's how you get to know yourself, and that leads to understanding how you may want to change and what you may want to do with your life, how you seek to impact the world. Never stop questioning or being curious, speak your mind but respectfully, and focus on living, enjoying every moment and learning from every experience, because it's often the experience outside of the classroom that really affects our lives.


Take any and every chance you get with applying for scholarships. It's better paying a few dollars than a few thousand. quit procrastinating! Do not go ebay happy when you turn 18. It'll make a small, but heartshattering dent in your pocket. Read more books! Get more involved in extracurricular activities! Nostalgia/sadness won't hit you at the end of high school, but it will at the start of college so hold your head up high and keep strutting. freshman 15 does not effect you, in fact you'll lose weight. Quit worrying to much! You are ready no matter what anyone says. Go and do your thing.


I feel like I was prepared for college. I was ready for the experience, the work, the lack of sleep, and the independance. Having said that, there are some things that I would have found useful in my first semester. First, I wish someone would have told me to work harder in high school. I am naturally gifted and have skated by on intellect alone--until college. If I would have learned to take good notes and study hard, I may have had more time for other things during first semester. Also, I wish someone would have told me to apply for more scholarships. Going from living off my parents to living on my own has been expensive. I'm in love with my school, but it is very expensive and I'm not quite sure I was ready to take loas so soon. Finally, I wish I would have known to enjoy the last bit of high school. I was ready to leave the nest, but my hastiness cost me some valuable high school experiences. I don't regret my high school experience, but I wishsomeone had told me these things before I made the adjustment to college life.


Being that my father and mother have passed away in my life, I would explain to myself to go to college and not to wait. I believe if I would have gone to college after high school my life would be a lot different than it is right now. I would have better goals and time management and get support system and mentor. Goals are very important in your high school and college years. I would make sure to make a step by step plan of how I would achieve my goals and then work out a time management schedule. Have great family and a mentor would also help. Having positive people to sit down and help you figure out your goals and what you would like to do helps a lot. I’m starting my second semester at Sierra College and the teachers I would like to thank for helping me realizing I was able to make it is Beth Ervin and Susan Lucyga.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to talk to as many counselers, students, staff members, etc.. as possible at the colleges I was looking at. This helps get a sense of what campus life is like and it also gives you a good sense of what the school is like. The main thing I would tell myself, however, would be to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Spending time looking for, and applying for, scholarships may seem time consuming and pointless but in the long run it will pay off. Any scholarhsip, whether that be $500 or $5000, helps enormously and is definetly worth the effort of applying. I would also tell myself to be open to new things and new people. Having an open mind really helps you get the most out of your college experience and may even open new doors for you somewhere along the line. Having an open mind also helps with the transition. And lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy college! It really is a great time in your life!


1. Know what you want to pick & be sure about. (Of course in my case it even helps if you have religion. How or why? You can talk to GOD about it, wait on him, and he'll definitely tell you what's the best way to cary out that plan & more importantly, WHAT THE PLAN IS.) 2. Expect tough times & consequences. 3. Watch out for wh oyou hang out with and be sure that they're a good person that you could call a "friend". 4. If you want to do something that you know you've decided on, follow that dream & succeed. (THAT IS NO MATTER what LIFE THROWS AT YOU!) 5. And last but not least, when you come out of college with all your training & education, simply ask yourself one question that'll make you think a while: Was this choice I made worth it? Because importantly, if you ask yourself that question & are sure of the answer you have, then you'll be at least 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} that life on down the road will look good, straight, wide, & not bumpy.


It is imperative that I focus on my future goals more and not not take time for granted. I would use my time more wisely and take college tours more seriously. If I knew what I know now, I would apply for colleges and for scholarship early. I now know the importance of listening to those who have went the process before.


I would tell myself to work harder in class to prepare myself for college. I don't believe my high school experience prepared me well enough for the college courses in an actual college. I would also tell myself to be friendly and open minded because everyone is in the same position as you coming into a new school.