University of Utah Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


My classmates are smart dedicated students.


My classmates are some of the most interesting people I've met; they range from young to old and are all very accepting.


The university of utah students are extremely dedicated to educational. There is never anything happening to distract you from education. That is a major plus. The only fun thing there is to do is out door activities. Such as snowboarding, hiking, rock climbing etc.


Very diverse and wide range of students.


mostly commuter students


There are some over achievers that have nothing to do but study. For the students with jobs and other commitments this makes it harder for you.


My classmates are very hard workers that don't stop at anything to get good grades. They are very motivated to learn and try to engage in classroom activites, if there are any. There are only a few students who don't try hard enough, and they end up failing. My classmates all seem like they want to succeed in life, and that means working hard for what you want. Some students have time for social activites, and some don't. It just depends on the class work load and how much free time there is.


Fun, diverse, mostly bi-lingual, smart, and very busy. Most of the students are working part time and going to school full time. Around here people get married very young so they have to pay for bills that a single student wouldn't. The dominate regligion also makes it so that there is more pressure to not drink or do drugs than other places I have lived.




Classmates were very friendly and willing to help others.


friendly, helpful, easy to get along with, all around great people


My classmates seem to be eager to learn. They enjoy their field of study and are excited to learn more and apply it to their lives. They aren't afraid to ask for help and try to help their friends as well.


Everyone that takes a class has a general desire to further themselves.


My classmates are generally very hard working and focused.


I have no experiences with racial or religious groups. In eating areas it can be kinda segregated.


The student body is very diverse racially and religiously. Because of this, there seems to be lots of cliques based on either race or religion. People tend to stick to their own. I like to branch out and meet different people, but sometimes it doesn't work at all here. Many students seem to be wary of each other here - perhaps it's because they're so far from home.


Utah has mostly white students, but especially with foreign exchange students, there is some diversity. Even though it is predominately caucasians on campus, I don't feel like there is a lot or any discrimination.


A lot of caucasian, LDS, and married people. Some diversity


Extremely diverse. We have people from all over the world and from all over the country. Different religions, races, sexualities, etc. Very accepting of all.


As expected, the student body at The University of Utah is pretty homogenous. But, if you look close enough there are organizations for about every kind of student. Each year there is an LGBT Week and there are no riots or protests or anything of the sort, which is a good sign (You go to the school down south, Brigham Young University, and any sign of LGBT awareness would get you kicked off campus by school security). There are groups for pretty much every ethnicity that is represented at the U, though a quick stroll through campus will reveal a lot of white faces, despite the fact that the U is becoming more and more diverse. With 26,000 students, there are going to be a lot of different interests and a ton of varied opinions on issues of the day. In general, I would say that the campus is left of center, but not as much as other college campuses because of the influence of the LDS religion. Though, I have many friends who grew up "LDS" but have distanced from "the church" as they've gotten older and in turn have become much more liberal than their parents. Bottom line: if you have a specific interest, more likely than not there is a group at the U that you can identify with. Like any other place, the richness of the experience hinges on the how much effort is made by the individual.


somewhat diverse campus,


I'm a lesbian, and I went to one meeting of the Queer Student Union (the main LGBT organization on campus). I felt out of place and... I don't know if "rejected" is the right word, but I felt that the other women in QSU were members of a group or a clique and I was definitely not a member of this clique. I suppose you could say that I didn't feel like I was welcome. A lot of people in QSU come from rich, liberal backgrounds, whereas my background was middle-class and conservative. I feel that they don't understand why some gay people have a hard time coming out, or why people would feel out of place at QSU. In short, they have a hard time understanding other people's experiences. I haven't been back to a meeting since, which is sad since it's kind of hard to meet other lesbians in Utah.


I would say that the U is a melting pot of people. The population is mostly white, americans, but there is enough of a variety that one would find a group to fit into. The socio-economic standing is a good mix as well. There are students and the U that are the first people in their families to attend college, and there is a long list of well-to-do families that have members attending the U. From my experience, there is a healthy portion of the U that comes from out-of-state. In fact, a Utah native was a bit of a minority in at least two of my classes. When it comes to clothes, the U has about every fashion available in some form or another, although I think its safe to say that wearing sandals and/or pajamas seems to be a popular trend.


Most groups are well-represented on campus. I think that the most out of place student would be a BYU student. Um...normal clothes? It ranges from sweats and pajamas to shirts and ties. It's a very relaxed yet academic-conducive atmosphere. One table has the Korean students, one has the Japanese students, one has the Chinese students, and the other is empty because they all got up and left. Utah. Mid to upper middle class. Most are politically active, yes. There are a ton of lefts, a ton of rights and a ton of centers. It really depends on what you are going into.


I think that people play up race and religion too much, its a pain in the ass if you ask me. Its because we are know as a conservatively white state which is fine with me. I am not a big fan of Socialism or liberals.


Theres a lot of diversity at the U, but I would say most Utah students are from Utah and are LDS. I myself am very politically active and aware of whats going on in the world; However most students aren't which is unfortunate.


There is a veriety f students on campus and they all interact with each other. Most Utah students are probably from in state, study abroad students, or students who come from out of state for the snow (in order of most to least).


I remember reading somewhere that the University of Utah was ranked as like the seventh most "gay-unfriendly" campus in the country, but I beg to differ. The LGBTQ community on campus is very close, yet small. But come on, I mean there are gay people everywhere, and I guess sure there probably are a lot of closeted gay people here in Salt Lake, but I've found Salt Lake to be very accepting of me. The percentage of gay people in Salt Lake is surprisingly very high! You might not guess that the mormon capitol of the world is also home to just as many flamers!


I see a big divergence in the student body, mostly between those from out of state and those from Utah. This could also, more or less, be equated with being Mormon or not. I think it's very good for these two groups to mix. Most Utah Mormons live in a bubble (I'm speaking from experience, here).


LGBTQ Groups on campus: I am an active member of the Queer Student Union at the U, which is an organization for LGBTQ students. They were wonderful in helping me get the courage to come out of the closet to the rest of my friends and eventually my family. It was also great to be able to make friends who were in a similar situation. Politically aware? I do not think that students are politically aware and active. Everybody on campus has an opinion on important issues, but when it comes down to it, they rarely have the basic facts, and even more infrequently, actually do something about the issue. In the rare instances when a student is both aware and active, it is usually from a radical right position condemning us all to Hell for being Atheists... or a PETA fanatic condemning us to Hell for wearing leather.


-As I mentioned before, the U tollerates all kinds of behavior, clothing, religious/sexual affiliation, ethnicities, etc. In fact, there are actually groups that celebrate each of these differnet aspects, teh things that make us who we are. There are various religious groups, ethnic groups, one LGBT group... - There's also a Diversity Board within the U's Student Government. - Most U of U students are from anywhere in the valley. Because it's a commuter campus, people drive or take the bus/TRAX from all around Salt Lake City and surrounding towns. Some are from outside Utah and a few are from outside the U.S.