University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell myself to try your hardest and give it all you have. Despite not having the best grades in highschool mostly c's and b's, just doing what I had to to pass. I went into college with the same attitude. I will do what I have to with the least effort just to pass. I quickly learned that this mind set was not going to work in college. I started to try and put time and effort into the work I did and studying. I began getting a's and by the first semester of my junior yr I got my first straight A semester and every sesmester (the next 5) I got straight a's and graduated with a 3.74 gpa. I learned so much about myself and what I could do if I gave a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and really tried. I graduated with not only a degree put with so much pride in myself and self confidence. I plan to continue my edcation and am going back to school this fall to get a masters degree and am truly look forward to continuing on this jouney.


I would advise myself to be strong and be no one but my utter self. I would advise myself to try hard and try everything, not to be afraid and take every opportunity that comes my way. I would advise myself to travel and have fun, and love yourself and others.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. That is one thing I didn't really do while I was a senior. I thought I'd be fine financial wise and I'm not! I would also tell myself to go out and make more friends during the first couple weeks of being on campus. I made a few friends, but later in the semester they stopped talking to me so I didn't have many people to hang out with. Another thing I would tell myself would be to join organizations and get involved on campus. I recently joined Habitat for Humanity and I really wish I would've joined early to get the full experience for the four years I will be attending college. Lastly, I would tell myself to focus on my schoolwork instead of barely getting by. I'm really paying for my lack of motivation my first semester now as I'm trying to raise my GPA.


Looking back and seeing myself as an ignorant and insecure high school senior oblivious to the challenges that lay ahead I would offer but one crucial piece of advice: believe in yourself. My college experienced allowed me to expand, error, and learn how to become a man of principle and discipline. I was inhibited by my own insecurities and those impressed upon me by others. Embracing your faults and loving yourself for all that you are and are not will provide you with the confidence needed to tackle any obstacle. Also follow this simple plan for success: direction-organization-preparation-attitude. Treat everyone with respect and kindness as you never how they might impact your life. Above all take time to enjoy the moment as you only pass through this time in your life but once, so make the most of it.


If I could go back in time to talk to my high school self, I would tell myself which direction to go. I was undecided when I started college, so I went to UW-Manitowoc to complete my gen ed credits. I then transfered to UW-Green Bay. I would tell myself to focus on art and take the psycology credits I needed for grad school. That way, I could have started grad school a year earlier, instead of being an undergrad for 5 years. I would also give myself an explanation to the question "what are you going to do with an art degree?" When I was an undergrad, I would have loved to be able to tell people that I was going to use art to help people cope with hard times in their lives. I did not decied to get my Master's Degree in Art Therapy until my fourth year of undergrad. I would also keep reminding myself that it will be worth it. It was hard working full time while going to school full time, but it made me a stronger person, and it made me value my education more.


Apply, apply, apply for scholarships! There's always a chance for you to get one. Also, don't slack off your senior year. College only is harder.


If you love to do something, do not scare yourself into thinking you cannot pursue it. Do not choose a path that you are not going to enjoy just because it might be easier. Challenge yourself and follow your heart. If you are good at something do not throw that gift away. God gave it to you, so use it.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself a lot of advice. The most important thing would be to enjoy the rest of high school and make the most of it. I wish I would have stayed in touch with many of my high school classmates after graduation. I would tell myself to become involved as much as possible in high school, college, and life. Another important thing would be to save as much money as possible for college. I would tell myself this because college is expensive and although I saved a lot of money for college, students still seem to run out quickly. Lastly, I would tell myself to make as many friends during your first week of college. This is because during the first week of college, people are looking to fit in. By going out and talking to people, one makes connections quickly, that may even last a life time. I wish I would have done this more my first weeks of college. These are just a few of the important pieces of advice that I would give myself if I could go back in time.


While I advocate and encourage young minds to seize educational opportunities immediately after graduating high school, I have slightly different advice for you, McKenzie. You will not fully appreciate the importance and experience that is college without first having to endure the challenges of living with nothing more than a high school diploma. Years of low pay, long hours, and an overwhelming absence of health benefits will be your fuel and college will be your destination. The vehicle to arrive at your destination will be yourself. Harness your competitive spirit and use it to your advantage. A world without a degree is a hard one. Not only will you see the advantage of having a degree for your career choice, but you will feel a sense of personal fulfillment that you would not be able to receive in any other life journey.


I am a shy and timid person. Making friends and talking to new people is not something that comes easily or naturally to me. Knowing this, the two biggest pieces of advice that I would give my high school self, if I could go back in time, involve the social aspects of college. The first thing I would tell my high school self is, "Don't room with someone you know." I was nervous about the prospect of sharing a dorm room with a stranger, but I know now that because I am shy, I used my familiar roommate as a crutch. I did not make as many friends in the dorm as I would have if my roommate was also a stranger. The second thing I would tell my high school self would be to attend more overnight camps and conferences away from home. I believe that, had I been more used to being away from home, it would have been easier to transition into living on my own, and I probably would not have gone home as many weekends. Being on campus more means I would have experienced more of the "traditional" college life.


Hi Me, Be good to yourself. You are going to make it and do just fine. Don't think you have to take on the world. Realize that your mistakes are not the end of the world. Life does go on; time really does heal all wounds. Spend as much time as you can with Mom and Dad, Grandpa and Grandma. They are not going to be around forever. Take pictures of everything. Grab a tape recorder and interview everyone. Now for college, pick the brains of your professors. Ask questions. Pay attention in class. You are paying good money for this education, so wring out every bit of knowledge you can. This is the last time in your life where your occupation is to learn, with minimal outside obiligations. Appreciate that. On the otherside is adulthood, REAL adulthood, with responsibilities you can't even fathom. You will look back on these years as your halcyon days. Be happy. Don't drink, your friends need a designated driver anyway. You were smart never to do any drugs. I'm proud of you. You turned out okay. I hope this advice just makes it a little easier. Love, Me


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience so far. I realized that school doesn't have to be all work and no play. It is very important for a student to balance school work with fun. It is this very reason that our school offers the activities that it does. One weekend during fall semester we were able to go to Six Flags which my friends and I gladly attended. At the end of the day I realized that this was the break I needed and it acted as a refresher for me. I was able to get back into my school work and succeed. College has definitely been valuable to attend. For me, I see my future. I see a great career and myself with a smiling face. I realize that no matter how difficult things are in school it will always lead to something better. This is what keeps me going in school, driving to succeed. I have learned much in my first semester and I can only hope to keep expanding on what I have learned so far. That is what I have gotten from my college experience.


After feeling like an outcast all through highschool, I finally felt like I belonged when I began college. The most valuable aspect to my experience has been the ability to make my own decisions. In highschool, being forced into a set schedule was a huge turn off, and I either blew off classes or day dreamed until the final bell rang. I never truly enjoyed recieving an education until college. Being given the choice of when to schedule classes, and having to be responsible enough on my own to attend them, has allowed me to grow so much as a person. It's up to me to be in class, up to me to finish my homework and up to me how much or how little I want to participate. No one is holding my hand. In addition to feeling like I finally belong, I'm finally loving to learn, and that's the greatest gift of all.


College has helped me understand where I'm at in my education from the results of my accuplacer test. I am able to learn in my own time. I've become more mature by attending college due to the responsibility I have to live up to and the goals I try to achieve in such as turning in home work on time or working on projects. It has been a great experience going to college. It's completely different from high school because of the different age range in the students. The age range in students isn't the only difference, there's also the instructors and class time. Instructors are more strict so oneself feel more preassured to get their work turned in. Class time aren't arranged into a daily seven hour schedule like high school, so oneself will have to figure out a schedule for college. Over all, I enjoyed going to college, even though I did struggled I was able to get help from counselors, instructors, friends, and family to keep pushing on and gettin through the tough times.


What I have gotten out of my college experience are: the value of money and how little I actually have without my parents, starting fresh/having a clean slate, making new friends, learning things that I am really interested in, how much family means to me, having to depend on myself for certain things and just becoming more independent, becoming more cautious of what I buy, and the best part is having freedom to make my own desicions and take on responsibility which helps me become a better person, a stronger woman. It has been valuable to attend this school because I learn so much about myself and other people. Being away at college helps me prepare for living on my own while having a job and having to take care of bills. College has been the greatest experience of my life so far because of all the knowlege I have attained about different subjects of school. Being a communications major helps me work with and understand people in the real world. ISchool is like a big stepping stone because school gives me that push I need to get started when I get out on my own.


I have learned many things while attending college. But something that I have learned that is required for life is time managment. While I was in high school I had my parents telling me what to do and a certain time. But in college this isn't the case. I have to mange my time from school, to hanging out with friends, having a job, and just living a college life. It is important to attend college because most people will not aquire such skills if they do not attend college and learn how to do things by themselves.


Although moving into college is seen as a normal experience, it has shown me my true potential. I was never in choir in high school but it had always been something I had longed to try. I dug up the nerve to audition, and now I am in the Women’s Choir and voice lessons—bringing the amount of credits I am enrolled in to 18. The ability to strum my guitar and sing along has always been a fantasy. The reality that I took the initiative to audition and made my dreams become a real possibility brings true bliss. At first, my intense schedule, including calculus, chemistry, and both advanced English and Spanish, really freaked me out. Nonetheless, I have made it past my first tests with respectable grades thus proving I can overcome any challenge with determination. Furthermore, I won majority vote for the President of Club de Español. I have transformed tremendously and have really made myself proud. When I moved into college, it began a formation of the true me and what I really strive to be. The most important feature of my college experience has been discovering who I am.


I have a new hopefullness in my life since I began attending The University of Aurora in Aurora, IL. in the graduate program. I have been downsized from a 25-year career in digital imaging/high end electronic retouching for advertising studios.I am retraining myself in Graduate School to attain a Masters in Social Work with a Type 73 certification to work in schools. I will also be studying to attain a CADC (certified alcohol and drug counselor) as well. All this is being funded with personal loans and part-time work. I am working part-time as a substitute teacher with children with cognitive issues such as downs syndrome, autism, and various conditions that prevent them from learning efficiently. I am working part-time as a bartender. I also just finished the first half of a 500-hour internship at a residential treatment center in the adolescent unit working with 35 male clients, many of whom are gang affiliated, and all of whom have substance abuse/dependence issues. Attending college holds the promise of a new life for me and the community I will be serving in a way that my former career could not begin to satisfy!


I have gotten he chance to learn a lot of new ideas as well as give me a wider perspective on important issues from political to social issues that affect this country. I also got to experience and chance to volunteer, learn more about my field of interests and do something good for the community. I also participated in sports in my college experience and got to travel to nationals for Rugby something I'll never forget. I wouldn't trade anything for the college experience I have gotten thus far. It has taught me to be strong in difficult times, that I will persevere, and to truly invest in my education to further my educational goals as well as to work at a career I love.


My college experience is so valuable because the fundamental skills I can only get here that allow me to grow as an individual and as part of the work force, so that I may better my community.


Leaving for college was my first experience for being on my own. I learned to make my own schedule, make all my own appointments, and to do things for myself. I also learned how important it was to make the commitment to go to class even though I didn't have my mom there telling my I had to. I never regret going to college and I would recommend it to anyone looking to a good job. Also, college taught me that I can be a social person without having to be a party person. There were many organizations that I could get involved in and do good for my fellow students instead of getting into trouble. I also learned that you have to give respect & earn it to get it. I have found that having a college education has gotten me much further in life then my classmates who either didn't go to college or dropped out. I am hoping that getting my Master's degree will give me even more of an advantage and help me to get a great job that I love and that will support the family I am hoping to someday have.


So far, I've met quite a few new people.


I have learned a lot about culture, diversity and the concept of health. My undergraduate education prepared me for graduate school through encouraging me to do my best and to explore all options in situations. I learned to write academic papers and apply research principles.


I would tell myself that I needed to work harder during my last year of high school. I attended a high school in a rural community and there are not many students who attended my high school. As a result my high school did not have much money to buy more advanced books. I would tell myself that I need to make the most out of my high school education and listen better in class to be better prepared for my college years. I would also tell myself to work harder in my athletics because that is the time when it matters. Finally, I would tell myself to focuse more in my english classes because that is where I struggle most in college and if I would have studied harder in high school, I would not be in the position I am now.


When I was first choosing between schools, I was picking between what I really wanted to do and what I thought others would want me to do. For financial reasons, the school I chose was cheaper and closer to home. However, after being here for a semester, I haven't found myself happy and enjoying this experience. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to follow my heart and instincts and do what I want to do. You only live once, and it's important to enjoy these years of my life. Although there may be a high cost, it's the price you pay to be happy. Of course I don't want to have too many loans to pay after college, but I also want to have an experience that I enjoyed. So my advice would be to do what you want to do instead of doing what you should do.


Wow, I' d party more. Honestly that is not my answer, I'd work hard than what i did my senior year! I did go out and do whatever I could in my senior year of High School, but I think I should have reach high than I did. One, do more research on what i wanted in my life for the future, not choice the path I did and go another route, maybe not do someof the things I did or choosed to do back than. Mainly being more involved in my educational future, looking at other degrees and college than. Being open with my parent on where I could go. I was scared to ask about colleges, funding, and didn't know who or where to go for answers. But, if I could go back , I would have gotten my head out of the clouds and headed full steam ahead to a future that I would not look back at and think I could of change that. But, in all truth I have nothing to change in the past but ewveything to change in my future and that is what I'm focused on NOIW!


If I could go back and tell myself what to expect in college, I would be completely honest with myself. I would say that college life is not for everyone. The poeple who truely want to put the effort in for as long as they go will succeed, those who do not will be disappointed at graduation time. Being able to be open to new things and cultures is going to make college easier for you. I would tell myself to wipe away any impression I think college is going to be like because when you actually get their, its like nothing you have experienced before. I would then tell my self to relax because college is just a big community that is evolving and learning together and that everyone is in the same "boat". I would tell myself to "go for it", either for a tougher class or a new club, because it is only you who takes the steps in your life now and you might as well go for it. With that being said do not lose sight of what yor there for, do not stop trying to always give it your 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.


Being able to go back and talk to myself as a senior would have really helped me a lot. My senior year I was very nervous and scared about leaving for college. I kept pushing it off and trying not to worry about dealing with everything. These were probably my two biggest mistakes. The first piece of advice I would have told myself would have been: don't be so nervous! Being calmer would have helped me not stress out so much before the real stress of college life had even started. The other piece of advice would have been: get your "stuff" figured out soon so that you know what's going on. If I had been more prepared, I wouldn't have been so rushed at the end of the year deciding where to go and what I wanted out of a college. Going back would definitely help me make a smoother transition into college. Hopefully other high school seniors can take this advice and use it to benefit themselves and make their way into college confidently. I know it would have really helped me!


If I could go back to when I was a senior, I would tell myself to just relax and enjoy myself because time goes by really fast. If something is meant to be, then it will happen. I would tell myself not to worry because everything will be fine and work out. Just take time and look into things and everything will be ok. The transition to college is not as difficult as you think. Make many new friends and join a few organizations. Also, get to know your professors because they will be a valuable asset during your college career. Make sure to check your school email often because that is the mode of contact in a university. The most important thing that I would tell myself is to just relax and everything will work out. Make sure to get all work done, but also make time for fun because college is not only about schoolwork, it is also about finding yourself.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the advice that I would give myself would be to make sure that all aspects of your life are as organized as you can get them. When your life is organized, you are able to concentrate and focus on important issues at hand, personally, financially and academically. So when a problem arises, you will be able to solve it with ease and without much difficulty because everything is easy to locate. Being organized can help you in accomplishing more, with greater speed and prioritizing the tasks at hand, so your achievements will be greater in your life. Also when organization is in place, life seems more positive and simpler, which creates a better environment, so you can excel in finding a job and networking with people that may open doors of opportunity that could help in any of future endeavors that you dream of. Also it is important to be respectful and polite to all those you come in contact with, you never know who holds the key to your success that leads you down the road to achieving your goals.


Knowing what I know now, I would remind myself that transitioning from living at home and high school to living in a residence hall is hard and more difficult for some than others, but if you do not close yourself off and put yourself out there, you will meet fantastic people and maybe even be presented with great opportunities. I would also remind myself that drinking does not solve anything, nor should you feel like you have to do it. There is NO SHAME in not drinking. Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are and who stay on campus on the weekends. It is a lot more fun and you are then free to be yourself, instead of someone you are not. Explore the many opportunites and organizations on campus. You would be surprised at who you meet and what you end up doing, but it will all make you a better person in the end! Never stop dreaming, focus on academics and finding the right career for you and you will succeed!


I would advise myself to try and stay in contact with the people who I met at orientation. I met many new people at orientation and I only stayed in contact with one and I rarely talk to her. I would also advise myself to make a schedule of some sort and to prepare myself in better time management. Including


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to make appointments to talk to both academic and financial advisors at the university. When I started college, I had no idea how I was going to afford school, let alone what I wanted to major in. Though I recieved honors my freshman year of college, I debated continuing school as I was still undecided and could no longer afford tuition. However, once I was out of school for a semester, I realized how much I missed school and how it would be a waste to work retail my entire life. Then I realized that I should stop thinking about majoring in something practical and major in something I am passionate about: art. After deciding on my major, I no longer felt as though I was wasting my time and money attending school. I talked to a financial advisor and found I was eligible to recieve financial aid. All of those tears could have been avoided had I known in high school that there are people at the university who are dedicated to helping out people like me!


As a sophomore in college, it's finally starting to hit me. Better late than never, I'm starting to realize the importance of this whole "college" thing. This is the real deal here. I don't think it was a matter of not working hard enough. I just believe that I didn't work as hard as I potentially could have when I started. I can get things done when I put my mind to it. Of course, that's always mixed with a little hard work. I'm finally starting to realize why I'm here. My plan is starting to make more sense to me, and become more clear. So if I could go back in time and tell myself one thing, I would tell myself to start things with 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} committment. If I had started my college career with the same work ethic that I posess now, I believe that my grade point average would be higher, and I would feel a lot better about the money I am spending here at UW-Green Bay. I just wish I had known that college requires a gritty work ethic. Thankfully, I'm starting to realize that now.


I would tell myself to avoid social groups which can deter my studies. Most students feel that they must be accepted socially. This is not true. It is necessary to have a social life on campus, but most of your time should be used to study and researching in the library. It is also important to communicate with your professors. If you are having any problems, you should talk to your professors before it is too late. You should also talk to your academic advisor to make sure that you are taking the correct courses which will be used towards your degree. Also, you should pay attention to your professor in class and take good notes. Finally, I would tell myself that college is very difficult. It takes time to adjust from high school. Although the workload may seem too much, if you remain focused on your studying, you will do well.


My advice would be to allow myself to be open-minded and fully experience all that college-life has to offer me. Join more clubs on campus and be active in the community. When figuring out your college budget, leave some breathing room--you never know when your car will break down or when you'll have a medical emergency. Keep in mind what you are here for, so put in the time to study and get the degree. But remember that college is also a time to make lifelong friends and memories.


Keep trying and don't give up.


Go with the flow. It's alright to take a break and let yourself unwind. Also to get involved as often as possible and to go to as many school sponsored programs as possible.


First and foremost, get ready to buckle down. College professors will likely not care how many AP classes you've taken, whether you graduated halfway through the year or how many clubs you participated in. In college, you will have to prove yourself in a whole new territory and working under much more strenuous circumstances. Second, do not be afraid to participate in campus activities. The easiest way to make friends and learn more about yourself is through programs provided by the school. Not only are many of them exciting and fun, they also develop your communication and intrapersonal skills. Lastly, always believe that you can accomplish whatever you desire. Biases of the past cannot hold you back. In college, you set your own limits; you alone decide your destiny. Take life by the horns, and don't ever look back.


In hish School I wasn?t out going and I did not like to draw attention to myself. My shyness followed me to college. I found it difficult to make friends since I did not know how to talk to them and I was afraid I would say the wrong thing and look like an idiot or weird. I also let college overwhelm me and I did not seek help. So if I could visit myself in the past I would give this advice. Don?t be afraid to voice your option and be the one to strike up a conversation with a stranger. If the course work is to hard drop a few and take it slow, but ask for help when needed. I kind of gave up during my first year and when actually tried to dig myself out of my hole it was at the end of the semester.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to get more involved in preparing for college. I would have taken more than one ap course and try to test out of as many college courses I could with the ap testing. That way I would be better prepared for the college method of teaching prior to even going to college. I would also have joined a lot of extracurricular activities as well. This way I would be able to meet potential friends and socialize with other students from all other the state going to the same college.


Don't limit yourself to expectations. Always remember the reasons why you choose to furthur your education and hang onto them. Hard times will challenge you, face them. People will doubt you, let them. Make friends! Dream BIG! And always follow your intuition- it already knows you are remarkable!


Well, the first thing I would say would be to remember the duct tape. However, the most important thing I could possibly tell myself, or any incoming college freshman, would be to embrace the transition. Many things about your life and yourself will change, many things won't. In the end, my first year in college was a long, steady process toward becoming more of who I am meant to be. I would also encourage myself to find an on campus job right away because working on campus is both a convinient way to earn money and a great way to meet people who you probably wouldn't have had a chance to meet. Lastly, I would encourage myself to not be afraid. Fear of the experience kept me from truly enjoying college my first semester, but when I finally went for it my experience was great. If I could, I would jump into all of the organizations, clubs, and opportunites without hesitating.


I would tell myself to buckle down and just get all of my homework finished. Procrastination is a big problem for me, and projects and assignments tend to pile up on top of studying and social life. I like to think that my habbits have improved since I started college, but the truth is i still struggle when multiple things occur close together such as exams and projects. If i would have learned how to manage my time better, I believe that my freshmen year of school would have gone much smoother.


First of all, I think it is very important to explore every possible option when choosing a college. Obvious things such as location, size, and cost immediately come to mind but its more than that. If at all possible visit the campus and meet some of the people, both people that are associated with the campus and students attending the school, and try to get a feel for the school. While comfortability is important, the main reason to attend college is to get an education. Be sure you are getting the best education possible so you can be knowledgeable in your field and get a job immediately after graduating. My best advice is to do your research and find a school that works for you. The rest, such as having fun and succeeding, will fall into place.


I didn't do college hunting the way they say you should. High schools always tell kids to visit and apply to five schools that they like, and then visit again before taking the time to weigh the pros and cons of each school and make your decision. I intended to double-major in Photography and Journalism, and since I had to stay in-state due to my budget, my options were slim. So I picked out two that sounded good, tagged along to classes with some friends who attended the school, and chose the one that "just felt right". It's easily been the best decision of my life. Don't feel like you have to conform to certain "search standards" when choosing, or with your stereotypical perception of the college life--your college experience is going to be yours and yours alone, so do what YOU need to do to make it the best! Get out there and decide what is going to make you happy, and do it. Don't be afraid to try new things, but don't get in over your head--this is just the beginning, so sit back and enjoy the ride!


I would tell people that don't base the school on where all your friends are attending. Find a school that has a great program for what you want to major in. Take your time and do your research and don't rush to pick a random school. If you feel that you're not quite sure about college yet or have an indecisive decision on what you want to go to school for, I advise you to not jump into college just yet. Sometimes it takes time for you to realize what you want and there is nothing wrong with you waiting to go to school because by then you definitely are determine to excel and do well in your coursework.


If you're not ready for college don't do it yet. It is better to wait until you have matured enough, rather that waste time and thousands of dollars on school. If you choose to go and then decide you are not ready, don't be too hard on yourself!!! It's okay if it takes thirteen years, or longer!


You can study anywhere, providing you have the drive and the grades. The thing I believe that makes or breaks a student's college education is the school's personality vs. the student's personality. Students must consider their own personality and choose a school that will best cater to their needs. A lot of kids go to school to party because they are out of the house and can do, essentially, what they want. These people have a hard time completing school not just because they don't take their studies seriously but because they didn't take the time to find the school that most closely caters to their personalities and needs. They only went to school to get out of the house. If you find a school that fits your personality, you will feel more at home there, you will become more loyal to it, and you will take your education more seriously. It will be comformtable, even easy, to succeed at that college.


Most people that I know have selected their college either because it was close or because they knew someone that went there. In my opinion, the best way to select a college is to make sure that the area is not so large that it will take away from your ability to study, but is not so small that there will not be any work opportunities, either. Work experience can be just as important as in-classroom education, and many schools will even give their students credits for career-related work experience. Of course, making sure that the schools you are looking at have good programs for what you are considering is important, as well, but make sure that you can really see yourself succeeding at whichever school you choose to attend. Finally, make sure that there are things to enjoy at the school or in the area! College is supposed to be the time of your life! Of course, education comes first, but make sure that you are going to be able to have fun. After all, you will be attending college for at least two to four years of your life.