Washington & Jefferson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would tell myself to know worry about my social life and about sports. Although both are important to me, it is easy to get lost in the world of college. It's different to be away from home and be on your own. College takes time to get used to and now I really I need to buckle down and get ready for next semester.


You’ll soon find that college is tough. Sorry Self, but I refuse to make it easier on you- it’s supposed to be tough. I won’t give you answers to any tests; pouring over Chemistry notes until 4AM will galvanize your work ethic and your integrity. I won’t spill the secrets that’ll make you 'king of campus' either; be true to yourself and the people who matter will love you despite your lameness. No, I’m writing to undo the nettling regret that preoccupies you today: you didn’t take enough risks. You played it too safe, Self; socially, academically, and creatively. Embrace the experience of your education and express yourself; let go of the fear and anxiety you’ve been holding onto so tightly until now. You’ll feel so unbound, trust me. I know you hate making mistakes, but those feelings of failure will mutate into wisdom once you see where those mistakes lead. Don’t spend so much time agonizing, trying to figure the world out. Hell, you still don’t have it figured out; so continue filling up your mind with ideas, and act on them no matter how risky they seem.


I would advice myself to take more Ap courses and and hader classes that could have been more bebeficial to me. I would also advice myself to not let the fact that i learned english as a second language interfere in my way of becoming a better student who was not scared of hard classes.


Colleges promise many things to prospective students, whether that is through financial aid, social life, or "voted the best food." Each college has aspects about it that do not shed a positive light, but there is always something good to take away from the school you will choose; therefore, where you go is not the most important thing. What I wish i knew before college is that although colleges claim to prepare you for the "real world," that preparation is done by your own hard work and dedication to do well and succeed. The options you have as a young individual really allow you to do whatever you want- you have no limits unless you create them for yourself. It is essential that you embrace, in some fashion, every opportunity that knocks at your door. Because behind each door is a lesson that will make you that much more knowledgeable and aware. College will not prepare you for the real world, but your effort at experiencing new things and challenging yourself will. "A dream comes to pass with prayer, much business, and painful effort."


One year ago I wasn’t sure where I would be. I wasn’t sure what school I would attend or what I would choose as my major. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to a large university or an obscure college. For once, I wasn’t sure what my future entailed. The past four years every teacher, peer, textbook, and class became second nature to my way of thinking; now, is an opportunity to be redefined. Redefining yourself doesn’t begin with what type of school you attend after high school; it begins by facing your fear. Do not fear in dreaming. Do not fear in achieving. Allow your imagination to take you to the career you wish to hold. Once that dream job is chosen, your major is as well. It is after you dream when you can find the school to help you achieve. Only by achieving your dream will you truly be successful in life. Remember, college is a mile marker in life that cannot be recreated during any other time in life. Therefore, use that time to begin forming a framework to the rest of your life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself some advice to better prepare myself for the challenging, yet exciting years to come. First and foremost, I would talk to myself about the importance of learning how to better balance my busy lifestyle. College is definately more academically challenging than high school, therefore more time must be spent studying. College is also an important point in life in which one finds himself/herself and grows tremendously. It is extremely important to put some time aside to get involved and find yourself. Futhermore, I would advise myself to start developing better studying habits and techniques. I would encourage myself to take the time to sit down, read and understand my school materials thoroughly. I would also recommend not only keeping an open mind but rather embracing the new opportunities, activities and great people you will encounter. I believe that with these few pieces of advice, my transition would have been a lot easier. However, my college experience has been great and has shaped my into the person I am today. I am thankful for having the opportunity to attend college.


If I had known what I was getting into when I was going to go to college as a senior I would have advised myself of a few things that I believe would have better set me up for my college experience and in succeeding after college. A lot of students are shocked when they arrive in college at the difference in the academically competitive environment as well as the increased workload and responsibility that comes with a college education. I would like to tell my senior self to be more prepared and focused on completing school work as well as being more focused on time management while keeping school work under wraps. The other most important thing I would like to tell myself would be that I should be prepared for real life experience that relates to my future career. As a pre-veterinary student, experience in internships and volunteer work is extremely important and I wish I would have become more involved with experience earlier in my life before college. I think that if I was more aware of these two factors that I would be much more confident in my current college position and future after college.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would change some things. I would tell myself to actually participate in clubs in high school because my high school experience probably would have been a lot better for me. I also would have told myself to take dance because looking back I think it would have been fun to participate in. The last thing I would have told myself would have been to join stugo because you get to plan some of the events that happen at high school and you also get to meet a lot of new friends while you are there.


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My advice to my high school self would be to know where you want to go. Don't worry as much about what you want to do with your future, there is so much time to change your major, but you'll regret not being sure of which school you want to attend. Also, you'll miss opportunities while you move around trying to find your niche. Higher education isn't something to be afraid of either, but you need to know how to study and how to whole-heartedly commit yourself to what you are learning and doing with your time.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to realize that I, as a person, am not near complete. I would tell myself to drop my preconceived notions of who I want to be because I do not know, and certainly didn't know then, very much about the world at all. Back then I had it in my head who I wanted to be: the cool college guy that doesn't try hard in classes because he's too busy loving life. I thought I knew everything, and now I realize nearly the opposite is true. I think that is the sign of a successful education. I would tell myself what I want to tell practically all high school seniors and recent graduates, and that is that the single most important thing for you to know, is that you have so infinitely much to learn, and don't take that as a scold, take it as the most beautiful and exciting proposition there is.


Now that I am a senior in college, it is hard to believe that I am the same person I was in high school. Although I am still overly involved in school activities as I was then, I must admit that I am now much more relaxed in nearly every situation. I could not be happier with where my life is right now or my choice to attend W&J, which leads to my piece of advice I would give my high school senior self. That advice would be not to worry about every little detail, like choosing a college, but rather see challenges as new adventures and journeys. Yes, one does need to give thought to his or her decisions, but I have found I enjoy life much more and do better in school whenever I put a positive spin to my challenges. Obviously there is going to be much more school work, and there will be plenty of extra-curricular activities offered, but it is so easy to become overwhelmed once someone begins to really stress over problems. Just see these items as new parts of the journey, and one will find the problems actually become fun.


Hey buddy, yes, this is you... from the future. You're heading to college now, the 'real world,' and there is a lot you need to know. First off, read up on student loans and debt. Understand what you are getting yourself into. Trust me, when you suddenly have 40 thousand dollars in debt and don't understand why or how, you'll thank me for this. Take a step back and look at the job market... It isn't great, huh? They are saying that law school is a bad decision, just because of this lousy market. Maybe you should consider a different path; there is nothing wrong with that though! Try new things, get involved as much as possible, get connected with businesses and build a base of connections to branch from. Learn how to do your own finances, and start to build credit, because when your folks split up after freshman year (spoiler!...) your loans get messed up, bad. But if you are ready in advance, you'll do fine. I promise. But hey, college is about having fun. Go out there, make an impact in your school, in your life, and in your future.


My advice would be to get ready for the real world. When you go to college 3 hours away from your family, you need to prepare yourself to manage your own time management. You get yourself up and into the classrooms as if they are your job. The professors are not like the high school teachers, they will not bother you if you miss a day, it is your own responsibility to get up and go to the class and get the work done on your own. If you have questions you need to step up to the plate on your own and speak up. College is a big adult reality, from doing your studies to doing your own laundry, you are on your own. Be prepared and make sure the college you attend fits your needs and expectations.


It's not like high school. You will have to study harder than you did these eighteen years of your life.


Todd, you need to continue with harder studying more than ever in your senior year. If you study harder it keeps you in the flow of those study habits for college. Most seniors in high school only take the credits needed to graduate and relax their senior year, that is not a good idea, you get relaxed in your studies as well. Keep your mind working, stimulate it with different classes that you may not need but are of interest while it is still free of charge in high school. Keep yourself well rounded. Continue with wrestling in college as your advisor suggests so it keeps you busy and helps you use your skills for time management. Go to the college you feel meets all your needs academically as well as personally fitting in with the students, professors and campus. You will do well in a place fitted for you.


My biggest advice would be to actually pay attention and do well in all of my classes. By paying attention in these classes, I would've had a much easier time in the college courses that I later took. Another helpful advice that I wish I have gotten was to take college courses on the side starting from 9th grade just to get a head start for the General Education requirements.


If I could go back to my senior self, I would tell her to take advantage of all the opportunities the college has to offer starting from freshmen year. Traveling from the island of Maui, Hawaii, to a school in the middle of Western Pennsylvania my adjustment period took a whole year (similar to many freshmen). It took me a year to realize all the opportunities our school just waits for us to take advantage of. Be receptive, read signs, listen to the advice of the upper classmen and seek out classmates that inspire you. What I've learned most in college is that you can become who you want to be; if there is a will, there is a way. In highschool I often felt that money held me back, I felt that my options were limited. After spending three years in college I feel that I am eqipped to seek what I want out of life and the financial aspect will fall into place (without taking out loans) I learned to be creative. This is what I would want to communicate to my high school self. You can shape your future, as long as you seek it out.


If I could go back in time to talk with my high school self, I would have a lot of advice! I would tell myself that moving out of my mom’s house is not very important, and could save me money not to do so! I would tell myself that my part time job is never as important as my studies, and making money can wait. That not all of High School relationships work out, and I deserve more than to be in an abusive relationship. In College, always stay organized and do homework immediately, do not procrastinate! And most importantly, this is a time in your life you look back on fondly, spend time with the people you love and have no regrets, because they may not be around much longer.


If I could go back and talk to high school me I would tell myself that I need to branch out of my comfort zones. I would tell myself to meet people outside of school and re-learn to make ties and friends since I didn't need to throughout high school. Making friends is important, they help you get through tough times and create new and lasting memories. I would tell myself not to slack off and to always work as hard as I can towards my goals. I would remind myself to be determined and strong and to work towards my goals and dreams no matter what obstacles may come in your way, like they will at the end of your senior year. Work through the pain and remember to always keep a positive outlook on life.


Brandy, stay in college. It will be so much harder to go to school later. Right now you do not have to worry about rent and car payments. Working full time and going to school is harder than you think. You hate being exhausted now think about it when you are almost thirty. This guy you are dating, dump him now. He is going to set you back not just emotionally but in life. He is not the man you think he is and you can’t save him because he can’t help himself. There are so many things that you will miss out on. Stay in scouts. They are a family that will help you through rough times. They will let you stay on the couch after breakups. They will be there when you don’t know where you are. Just remember to be you and all will ok.


Looking back now, I often wish as a senior in high school I would have known then what I know now. If I had the chance to go back and tell myself the important things about being in college, there would be so many things I would say. First, I'd tell myself that it's going to be scary leaving home, and that's okay! Being homesick is normal, but if you make it through the first semester, you'll learn to love the independance. It's important to study hard. High school was a breeze, but college meant to really challenge you. A lot more is expected of you. Be thankful you have the ability to go to college and make something of yourself. Take this opportunity seriously. Be brave and try new things! You never know who you'll meet and what you might discover about yourself. Make new friends, but don't forget about your old ones. And most importantly, remember that it's okay to hit some bumps, so long as they don't stop you. This is a fresh start. Do your absolute best and always stay true to yourself.


If I were to go back in time, I would suggest to my high school senior self to really explore the campuses of the potential schools. I would ensure to emphasize that talking to current college students, attending the school I was looking into, is a must BEFORE choosing a college. I would also suggest taking more college credit course in my senior year, so there would be more opportunites once in college. But most of all I would make sure that high school me understood that the choice of college is for me not anyone else. It is very important to be where you feel most comfortable regardless of the distance from home.


Madison, you're a senior in high school, grow up! Stop being so lazy and realize that life isn't just a good time. When you head off to college next fall you are in for a huge wake up call. No longer will you be staying out all night and never doing homework. In fact, homework is your life now. Getting good grades is a priority. You have a long way to go, but its not all bad; you and mom get along great now that you have matured some and have learned to put effort. I you are scared for next fall and I won't lie, that first month was rough. You care so much about having fun. Thats okay, but its ruining your life. Luckily, you know better 7 months later. You will become the person others want to be; I can honestly say I am proud of myself now.


Having a clearer understanding of the catch phrase that Hindsight 20/20, I could give my high school self some great advise. My main piece of advice is to respect the importance of time management. Starting off slow on this important study skill; I learned it quickly and abruptly. The thing I didn’t realize was the pace the courses move as the whole class is completed in a semester, not a full year. Therefore, if you fall behind it can be difficult, if not impossible, to get catch up. I was regrouping while juggling work study and lacrosse. The better approach is to take the time to plan out what you need to accomplish each day. The quality of your work will not be compromised because you will have the time to perfect it, making it the best it can be. The last thing to remember in managing your time is to allow for distractions. In high school, I was studying quietly in my room. At college, there are always people around. You must allow for that and choose wisely. Remembering, college is equally about new friends made and fun times enjoyed. There truly is time for it all.


Okay kid, you know that high school was a breeze; you skated by doing the bare minimum and that was enough for you. You're a smart kid and didn't need to do a whole lot, like a lot of high school seniors. What you don't know yet is that the lazy habit you have spent four years perfecting is going to bite you in the rear end and be very hard to break out of. So get a jump on it now and no matter how easy or irrelevent you may think it is, just do your work! Study, do your homework, look over all of your material for tomorrow BEFORE you go into class. Try to break the bad stidy habits you got into during the first three years and try to create some more beneficial ones. So get up, study hard and do your work! You're a really social and friendly kid, you love spending time with friends; so either do that after you've done your homework, or just bring it with you. There is nothing wrong with doing work in a group of friends and it's actually pretty nice.


Hello senior self, Time flies, wouldn't you say? Your future self is already going to be a junior in college in the fall. I feel like I have matured tremendously since high school, so I would like to leave you with some advice. First off, start getting more involved with clubs and do not be afraid to take on a leadership position. The experience will only help you in the future. When you start to decide what you want to be, really, really think over it and imagine yourself doing it. I say this because we change majors our sophomore year. Lastly, I just want to tell you to be yourself when you start college. You will have an easier time making friends and will have a lot more fun that way. Also, don't be too hesitant to talk! Have fun senior year, it was a blast! Very, very best wishes, Your future self P.S. Switch to majoring in Accounting and save us a semester!


Looking back at the transition from high school to college, I believe the biggest thing to learn is time management. Being on your own, I had to learn when to do my work, how to do my work, and how to still make time for eating and sleeping. College classes require a lot of reading and studying is inevitable. Only having classes for part of the day, I would tell myself to start homework after classes and do it even on the weekends. I would have myself prepare for the fact that homework will occupy at least five hours everyday and studying should take up more. Although, my other advice is: NEVER PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER! It is not helpful to lose sleep. It is, however, more important to plan out what you have to do, start as soon as possible, and take breaks every so often so as not to lose your mind! But on breaks, I would advise myself to stay clear of Facebook! However, I would also say that being social is important, too. Making new friends can help you make it through the work and give you the best memories of college, as I also learned.


I would tell my highschool self to try harder in applying for scholarship money the summer before going to school instead of focusing on your social life. It just gets harder in finding money to pay off all the loans you have to take out and it will be easier on you in the long run. I would also say not to overpack and bring as many clothes and accessories because you will not end up using half of them. Plus everything that you do not use takes up valuable space that is limited from living in the dorms. Another piece of advice I would add is to stay clear minded and not to get too caught up in "college life" the first semester. This way you can focus on the major transition in academics so you can start off your college career with a solid GPA instead of having a major wake up call like most students.


Don't try so hard to please everyone else; it will wear you terribly thin if you cannot develop the courage to kindly say no. Instead, make sure to please yourself by satisfying your own ambitions with baby-steps, nurturing your own passions with attention and time, and maintaining your thriving vitality for learning and life. Don't worry so much about being able to do everything, least of all being able to do everything perfectly. If you must worry, worry more about missing out on what's going on today, and what you're learning in this very moment, because you are always learning. Every moment of your existence has taught you something if you examine it. Most importantly do not forget that you are not defined by what you produce or what you do. You cannot be defined by anything, but you are much better measured by why you do what you do, and how you conduct and apply yourself as you do it. Remember to consult your priorities and principals often, and don’t ever be afraid of learning something new.


Don't be afraid and have fun! College will be the best the experience of your life. Be prepared. Your courses in college will be tougher than anything you have seen in high school. Remember getting A's in all your classes without much studying? That will change, but don't be afraid. Start thinking about how you study most effectively, that way when you enter the gates of college, you will already be walking on the right path to success. Meet as many people as you can and always be yourself. Having a diverse and fun group of friends is essential to maintaining sensibility and having fun. Don't be afraid of who you are. College might seem overwhelming at first, especially during the intial transistion moving in, but I promise you will adjust in no time. Make friends with the faculty and staff quickly. Your professors love when students come to visit, so make sure to stop in their office. Your network is your networth. Try new foods in the dining hall, stay up past your bedtime every once in a while, and always be thirsty for knowledge. This might just be the best year of your life.


As a high school student my most difficult decision was deciding on which college/university to attend. Finally I decided on Washington and Jefferson College even though I was still worried about the possibility of making the wrong decision. If I could tell my high school senior self one thing it would be not to worry so much about the decision and that no matter what the idea of transitioning into college will be a new and exciting experience no matter what. I would say you will find your place and enjoy all the new adventures and experiences that the college culture has to offer. Through my experience at Washington and Jefferson I have experienced the challenging classes that were well worth taking, the competitive DIII Field Hockey Team, and have gained many new friends.


For myself, the advice would not be how to make the transition into college life because that transition never ends. My first year at school brought new people in and out of my life, some stay for good reasons and others you find are not fit to stay. That we learn every year, but my advice to myself in high school would have to be: " Mia, after this year you will have to do things as an adult your parents will not be on your tail watching and nagging to make sure things are done. You must take the lead from now on, stop procrastinating and apply for school and their scholarships. Or else you will be trying to apply at odd hours in the morning and ramdom times of the year for them." Maybe I would have listen to this advice or maybe not, but some things in life are just ment to be Such as winning scholarships some people are lucky and some not, but we are all lucky to have the opportunity to continue our schooling at any level and place. This would be the advice I would have given myself in high school.


Dear Highschool Senior, I remember the days were you thought college was going to be a breeze. Well, it's not. College is more than just living on your own and studying for hours. College changes your whole entire lifestyle. You now are going to be faced with challenges everyday, and it is up to you to make wise decisions. You are going to take challenging courses that you thought you would be interested in, and it is your job to seek help from your professors. You can not just say, "hey, I'll put this off for another day". My advice to you is to learn time management skills. It all comes down to time management. If you can form a healthy schedule with several hours aside for studying, you will do great! It is now time to start living for yourself. You will choose your friends, how you will deal with problems, and what you do in your spare time. Come into college with a good head on your shoulders and motivation. Sincerely, College Freshman


if i was back in high school i would have a littile bit of a higher grade point average, and i would have paid more attention.


Don't look at school rankings. They mean nothing to your personal education. Make a list of the things you want in a school and look for the school that matches your list. If you're not sure what you want in a college, go visit one and determine what you really like about certain schools like residential situations, class size, or even the social scene. There is no number 1 school, there is the number 1 school for you.


Knowing what I now do about college (having excelled both in my studies and extracurriculiar activites), there are several pieces of advice I would have loved to make myself aware of when embarking on the transition from high school senior to college student. Perhaps the most important aspect would be to join a club! I unfortunately waited until my second semester to seek out campus activites. The moment I did it absolutely transformed my college experience for the better! I am currently President of Suffolk County Community College's Art Club! In addition to this amazing opportunity I host several fundraising events. These experiences have allowed me to better my community, and act as a mentor to many young, aspiring artists! Campus activities offered at Suffolk Community College have been a life changing experience, and an opportunity I will never forget. Not only has it allowed me the ability to expand my outreach to the community, but it has given me a perspective of where I would like to take my passion for the arts in the future! If I could go back in time I would have urged myself to seek out these amazing opportunities from the beginning.


Tiffany, I know it is hard to imagine what college is going to be like, you are scared to move away from your friends and unsure if you are really good enough for college. Trust me college is not as scary as it is portrayed, however do not get me wrong there is a lot of hard work involved, but you can make it through. Do not get caught up in trying to be accepted by a well known, Ivy League college what really matters is how comfortable you feel with the college and if you can acutually afford to go there. Also, you are going to miss your loved ones a lot, but do not let that discourage you from attending a college you really like. Remember what I said the most important factors in picking your college are how happy you are with the college and if you can really afford it, after all if all goes well you will be headed off to graduate school in four years which will cost even more money.


I would tell myself to fully research anything involving college because as public school students we miss out on opportunities that could definitely allow us to make the most out of college. Although this is not our fault and due to the lack of indivdual attention in most over crowded public schools in NYC, we are obviously the most affected. So I would advise myself to ask questions from the experienced and exhaust resources to get the experience we all deserve in college.


To be completely honest, if I could go back I would not give myself any advice the transition into college life. The most helpful and useful knowledge I have gained is not from in a classroom, but from dealing with the unexpected. Very few people in my immediate family have attended college. I had little to no advice on what college life would be like. You could say I was completely unprepared, but my lack of preparation helped me to become a strong and independent person. Learning to live on my own, use my time wisely and create a social life for myself was exhausting and frustrating, but it taught me a lot about myself and reinforced the fact that I could handle and deal with any situation.


Despite having only spent one semester at W&J thus far, I have learned a lot of valuable things. In my first semester alone I have learned to communicate with people in a way that both parties may learn from the experience. In addition, I have made friends with some people that, albeit cliche, have changed my life forever. Through discussion of life experiences and other such topics, I have learned things that never could be taught inside the classroom. W&J has already provided me with opportunites I will never forget; I cannot wait for the rest.


Being away at college has allowed me to come out of my shell. I used to be a very shy person but now that I've been at college, I am much more sociable. I think that is a very important outcome of my college experience. I have also learned about many new and interesting things that have increased my overall knowledge of the world. I believe it is very important to be knowledgeable in varying areas because new knowledge will give new perspectives on old knowledge.


So far, in the two months that I have been here, I learned too much to put on paper. It started the very first day with the president telling us that over half of us were going to have below a "C" average for the first semester and that less 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of us would have an "A" average come midterms; I refused to accept that . So defying all expectations after midterms I am standing strong with an "A" average, and I look around at my class, and as she said, many of them do have grades that I would considerunacceptable. This taught me that even when nothing special is expected of me, when I try, I can rise above and do exactly what I was told that I couldn't. The power of the will is simply unfathomable. This goes to show that you really can do anything that you put your mind to, you just have to put in the effort along with it; thoughts alone won't get you anywhere.


The obvious response to this question would be that Washington and Jefferson College has afforded me the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in the business world. In fact, by attending Washington and Jefferson I will accomplish this and so much more. College has given me the opportunity to mature as a person, to become more independent, to establish a core set of beliefs and values, and to learn how to make important life decisions. I believe that the thought provoking and diverse instruction offered at W&J has expanded my mind in a way that would never not have been possible had I chosen not to attend college. All the statistics show that an individual with a college degree will ultimately have a better career and bigger earning potential. But the college experience offers so much more. College is an invaluable oppportunity for personal and social growth that you just can't experience anywhere else. I truly believe that I will graduate from W&J a better person than I would have been had I not attended this school.


I have not started attending college yet. I believe it will be very valuable to attend so I can get ahead in life and better myself as a person. There isn't very many options in life without an education. I believe I will learn other skills besides what they teach you from the curriculum. I will learn how to work as a team better, note taking skills, how to get the most out of my time, as well as other things that a book can't really teach you. I also believe that college will help me learn what my passion is. I believe that when you get up every day and want to go to work, it's not really work anymore. Then it is a passion. I don't want to be stuck at a dead end job and hate going to work everyday. I want to enjoy what I do for a living and stick with it.


This past year at Metropolitan Community College in Elkhorn has been an eye-opener. I have been formally introduced to paying for my own education out of my pocket? and the hole there seems be getting bigger and bigger. I work as much as allowed at Hy-Vee as cashier and Fun Plex as lifeguard as I save money. My overbearing parents vow to not lend me a single penny. I will have to take out $16,000 in loans each year to attend the University of Nebraska ? Lincoln, and to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology, I may be in college for up to ten years! However, since I started college, I have learned to adapt the mindset that a higher education costs much money, but when I am successful in my professional career, my earnings will assist in paying back what I loaned out for my UNL education. In addition, I have been volunteering for over three years at Lakeside Hospital as personal staff assistant to the Teen Volunteer Coordinator as well as in the Psychiatric Clinic. Every ounce of my work is benefitting someone else: my ultimate goal in life is to help people as a Psychologist.


W&J has provided me the opportunity to grow as individual. I have studied abroad twice and taken many classses that have broadened my outlook. I could not have asked for better professors and mentors during my time at W&J, and I know it was a great choice for a foundation for my education.


By attending college I have greatened my level of knowledge and have met wonderful teachers and fellow classmates. I have gain a better understand of who I am and why my degree suites me well. I have met so many beneficable people that have guided me in my studies and become life long mentors. I value my experience here at college for everything it has gave me and helped me with.


I have studied abroad twice now and received two really great internships. I have a great job placement potential. Also, I have received a great liberal arts education so far.


In my freshman year of college I have already obtained friends that will last me a life time. I have also met professors that I can relate to and make me very excited to learn. It is vary valuable for me to attend this college because it is the perfect place for me to be. The college suits my lifestyle and where I'm from, it makes me feel like im at home. From being in college for only about a year I have learned so much about myself and not only just my major but the world.