Webster University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I think the transition from high school to undergraduate school and now to graduate school has been difficult for me primarily because I come from a home where only one other member of the family (my brother) had finished with a bachelor's degree. Both of my parents did not graduate high school. If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell myself to find a mentor early on. No one in my family was able to help me when it came to the nuances of networking or simple college life. I had to learn everything the hard way and I hope to pass my knowledge on to my kids. But if I could go back I think I would definitely choose to find a mentor to make my transition a bit easier. If only I knew that was necessary back when I was a pimple-faced teen.


It gets better. Cliche. But it does. The bullying stops in college. People are mature, or they just don't care enough to pick on you. Nobody cares how you do this, that, or the other thing. They don't care how you dress or do your hair. Sure, there are people who are still judgemental, but you'll never escape that. But now, you don't care about what people think. You toughen up a little bit more when you get to college. You grow. So, don't worry about the nay-sayers right now. They'll go away. They'll forget they bullied you and you'll forget too. Why? Because it'll become irrelevant. Once you're in college, social dynamics will change drastically.


I best advice that I could give myself if I were making the transition to college is (1) take your studies seriously, (2) keep your life goals in front of you as you marticulate through your studies, and (3) enjoy the ride.


Do not compare your future with anyone else's future. You are on your own path-- you do not and will not just go to a four year university and that is that. No matter how much you search, you will not be able to get into any universities, not that you would be able to get any scholarships in time. You will start out at community college and you should accept this, love this decision. You should get involved in community college. Join a club or two-- stop making excuses that you just can not make the time. Apply to more than one college when you decide to transfer. Do not settle. Explore and take your time in your decision. No matter what, go with your gut. You will make your way.


I would tell myself not to worry so much about grades. What I did not know then that I know now is that going from a community college to a four year college, high school grades don't matter as much as community college grades. I would tell myself to enjoy my senior year, take risks, go to all the clubs and sport outings. Grades don't matter now.


Write out a plan for college so that you don't get distracted or lose motivation part way through. It is very easy to lose focus if you don't have clear goals and steps for reaching those goals. It is important to write your goals and accomplishments down so that you can keep track of why you're doing what you're doing and see how far you've come. It is way better to choose a major and stick to it, than to just take general courses and decide later, because classes and study feel very pointless if you don't see exactly what your hard work is going toward. Most of all, don't give up! Keep pushing through, it will be worth it, there will not be a better time to go through college than now!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student, I would have quite a lot to say. I would look at that person and tell them that things will get very hard in the future. There will be a tremendous amount of competition for the things you want and everyone will be fighting to get even a little piece of the pie. I would tell her to not be so afraid of stepping up and taking risks, that sometimes these are good things and can lead to opportunities that you wouldn't have known about. I would tell her to not doubt her abilities, but embrace them and use them to her advantage and to talk to her teachers and mentors about how to prepare for life as an adult. I would tell her to be brave and really research and understand what it is that she wants for herself and to set goals she knows she can attain. I would tell her that it's frightening sometimes, and it won't be easy, but she will be all the more rewarded for it in the end.


I'd tell myself to do what I did. Everything is good, no bad choices, no extreme circumstances.


If I had known in high school these three things, I would’ve possessed invaluable knowledge that may have led me toward a different path: It will be harder than you think to move out of the house and let go of your parents, you don’t have to have your life completely planned out, find what you love and never let it go. One thing that I’ve learned in college is how much I depended on my parents in high school. I never realized how special of a bond I have with my parents, but I no longer take time spent with them for granted. Since I am a huge planner, I have planned out my life hundreds of times, and each time it hasn’t gone accordingly. I wish I would’ve taken general education classes to get a feel for what I like instead of jumping in to a major that I ended up switching anyway. I have a passion for musical theater, and I’ve let opportunities pass me by because I wasn’t sure if it was for me. I’ve realized that it’s something I enjoy and should never give up on.


I would tell myself to save every penny, nickle, dime, quarter and dollar that I have ever had as my possession. I was always told that it would be wise to save for college. I knew this myself, but it did not really sink into my mind until I entered college and needed money for books, food, and extra activities. This would be this biggest talk that I would give to my "high school self". Budgeting and saving is crucial in college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself several things that would assist me with my education in the future. I would tell myself first, to study in the field of technology with an emphasis in communications. I would concentrate on the areas of computer analysis in the area of technology because in todays world science, technology, and communications are the leading jobs in demand. I would tell myself that in order to transition into webster university I would need to keep my gpa within the guidelines for this school because they have a few scholarships for students who have a certain gpa. I would also tell myself to develop a relationship with my advisor to help assist me in my educational and job searches. I would also remind myself that if did not need federal loans to not take any out. I would tell myself to focus on scholarship and paid internship opportunities to finance my education, and only use financial aid when it was completly necessary. Finally, I would remind myself to become involved with my community on and off campus and to enjoy life.


Dear Rebecca, I know that you were completely heart-broken after Notre Dame rejected you and when you found out that you would only be third in your class, not valedictorian. Do not worry about any of that. You are going to love Webster University; it is truly your perfect college. I know that you are anxious to leave Rich East and get away from all of the stress that unfortunately comes from living in Park Forest, but you need to remember the good points of your hometown, too. It was your home for 18 years, and believe it or not, once you move to St. Louis, you really will miss Park Forest and all of Chicago. Stop worrying about the future and just let it unfold for you. You got into this college for a reason, and in a few years, you will see that it was definitely worth it to get rejected from Notre Dame, trust me. Everything happens for a reason, remember that. It will all work out in the end. Love, Your Older, Wiser Self


Take time to have fun and learn how to manage time between fun and school.


If I could go back to when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop and enjoy life. I grew up extremely poor. I had to work 2 jobs in high school just to help pay the bills then I would come home and take care of my younger siblings so my parents could work. Whenever I was invited to go out with my friends I would decline because my focus was working so I could earn more money to help make my younger siblings have more. I lost several friends and even missed out on my senior year of fun. I felt that at the time I would never miss the fact that I didn't go to prom or the parties because I was working. I wish I would have participated in my senior year more to have better memories. I now know that my family would have survived for me to be a teenager.


College is a wonderful experience if you approach it with the right attitude. I'm sure you've all heard to "be yourself" and discover who you are. Well, there's nowhere better than at college. But don't blow the experience. I'm not going to tell you not to get involved with all the partying, drinking, and shinanigans of college life, but instead I'm going to tell you to be yourself. You've, I'm sure, heard this before all throughout high school, but for real, be yourself. Maybe you are the person who wants to succeed financially in life, but don't let anyone tell you this. Instead, major in what you want to major in, not what's going to get you the most money. And maybe the party scene is you, but don't get involved with it just because that's what everyone else is doing. You'll find like-minded people if you're patient. So go and have an incredible experience; you're only hear once in your life for a few short years. Don't waste it, but get everything you can out of your college experience.


My advice to me would be, "Hey you!! Don't mess around in high school! Get more involved with my studying, acquiring good grades, and activities - especially sports. ( I was a very good swimmer and diver with no training and I should have joined the swim/dive team. But, I didn't.) I would tell myself that high school is not a place to play but a place to build my life, my future. Make conscious choices about, not only what the future can offer and what do I need to do to acquire the skills to be successful, but to choose my friends wisely. These people are what my memories will be built from and will be important to my future. So much time was wasted on being more concerned about what I was going to do next friday or saturday night, than what was I going to do with the rest of my life. Now, at the age of 50, I have acquired a master's degree. But, I'm financially struggling because I waited too long to seriously invest in my life. I won't allow my 3 daughters to make this mistake.


I would tell myself that the college transition is not always easy for everyone. No matter if you have an idea of what you want to do or not always do your best. Make sure you have people arounfd you that is determined to do a good job in class and are focused. Whenever you have a hard time with something do not be afraid to ask questions or ask for help no matter how dumb it may seem to you. Make a game out of all your homework. Your teachers will not always come out and tell you what is important, that is why it is important to take as many notes as possible. Make enough time for play as you do for doing the homework and studying because you do not want to burn yourself out too quickly.


Find alumni from your high school who currently attend the school you plan on going to. I did this my senior year, and it was the perfect way to figure out what the college was like compared to what I already knew. Having a clearer picture of what college was going to be like for me made the transition less frightening. Those same people also helped me around campus, ate lunch with me, and helped me into a group of friends. Their guidance saved me from stressing about the social aspects of college so I was able to focus more on the important part--my education!


As a freshman in college, the world is truly different. Instructors do not care if you "forgot" your essay in your car or at your house. They don't care if you didn't know it was due that day. And they don't know or care about the struggles of your everyday life. If i could go back one year and give myself advice about college, I would tell myself to ask for help and not to worry. Life is hard enough as it is on a day to day basis; worrying about the stress of tomorrow doesn't do anything but hurt. I would tell myself to get ready but to try and have fun. I would say "stay where you are, don't move, and things will be better". I would say "keep your job, buy a car". And I'd tell myself to stay close to my real friends and forget those who doubt me. I would tell myself to get my head out of the clouds, because what you make of your life is purely up to you.


Screaming was the way to shatter my wall of indignance back in the spring of 1999. If the 30 year old woman I have grown into could retreat to that time, I would swoop down and throttle the teenager. "Jennifer Lynn, stop being so incensed that you can't go to a major university in the fall! You are not above community college. Internalize the craft of humility in order to figure out your life! You will never move forward until you learn to stop taking shame in where you must begin!" Stuffing a giant slice of humble pie down my own throat was the first step of my journey. I am now a successful student, one year from a top-ranking law school in America. Had I allowed myself to accept that there is zero shame in beginning an education at a community college; I could have accomplished great things many years ago. As it stands, I am grateful that my daft aversion to local education diminished into a distant, embarrassing memory. I could not have accomplished anything at all, had it not been for the availability of community college.


My dad told me this and I hear it from so many people but it is so true...college is what you make of it. It is a time to start over! High school is over and you can be whatever you want to be. Whether you are commuting to campus or living there, don't treat college like high school! Don't just come to class and then go home, meet new people and try new things! GET INVOLVED! Of course focus on your academics but have a good time as well before you have to go out into the real world and be entirely on your own!


don't be afraid to meet new people!


First off, I would have done more research in my field of interest. If I would have known exactly what I wanted to do in college my first year I would not have wasted so much time. Not only does it waste time, but it waste money and college is anything but cheap! Many people I know have changed their major atleast once if not multiple times. I have now spent two years trying to figure out what my major will be when I could have graduated this year. My parents agreed to pay for two years of college. I've completed two years and have now entered my third year, which happens to be very expensive because of Nursing School. While they are helping me some, they are not able to pay for all of my expenses. So, I would also advise any new college students to apply for scholarships and any financial assistance available. And finally, don't be intimidated by college. I was very scared about being on my own but I enjoy the freedom, and meeting new people. It's also nice being able to decide what my schedule will be each semester.


If I could go back in time, there is only one vital thing I would be sure to tell myself: believe in possibilities, and take them. It is easy to fall into a rhythym, believing that there is a set route we all must follow--go to this school, major in this subject, and so on. But the best school in the world doesn't matter--fall in love with a school and what you study. Nothing external can replicate the benefits you can receive from your own internal satisfaction. When you stop thinking about all of the things you are 'supposed' to do, it will also amaze you just how many opportunities will unfold--and do not shy away from them. Always remain open and watch your world transform and expand. Trust me--it's worth it.


Remember that other people are in your situation too. Things will seem hard sometimes, and impossible to solve, but there is always a way out and a way to solve the problem. If one person won't help you or seems mean, there is always someone else to go to who will help and does care if you make it.


What i have got out of Webster experience is that its ever too late to attend school and also you do learn a lot from it. Its a very good college yet fast pace.


Some professors are good and some are bad. The bad ones get paid more and the good ones struggle, but the good ones impart their knowledge upon us.


I am an English Major at Webster University. I previously attened community college. My aspiration for as long as I can remember has been to become a writer. I've never thought it necessary to have a degree to become a writer. The imagination is where all ideas come from, and therefore what could a classroom teach me? After my first day at Webster, I realized how much I would learn, and how much better my writing would be become of these classes!!


I know firsthand that college is a valuable experience for any young person. College is not just to provide you with an education that will help you professionally. It is a place where young people are given the time to find themselves, away from overbearing influences. It’s the perfect time for one to make mistakes and learn from them, to encounter new ideas, new people, and new ways of doing things. College is so much more than an educational experience; it is a path to maturity, self-confidence, and independence.


One of the largest things which I have learned so far since being at college is the concept of time management. During high school and the small break inbetween high school and attending college, I never really had to have a strict schedule like I do now. It is valuable to attend college and learn this time management skill because it is a skill that you will need to use all through your life.


The college experience has produced critical thinking that has help me develop leadership skills and has helped me improve decision-making in my personal and professional life. I am more focused, and disciplined in my thoughts and I am confident in my professional competencies. I am able to articulate my thoughts with supporting facts. I am less opinionated and more concrete. I am more persuasive and less argumentive. Most importantly, I can respect and appreciate the pespectives of others and walk away victorious. In essence, I can agree to disagree. Overall, the educational experience has taught me that learning is a continous process. One must always pursue opportunities for learning. The most valuable aspect however, is the awareness that once one because educated, he or she has a moral, social, and ethical responsibility to educate others, no matter how great or small the lesson is perceived in the eyes of the educator.


It allow me to learn theories of social work and how to applied to the field. The internship in the best part of the education field as you gain working in the field of choice and get some experience prior to entering a full time job.


I transferred to Webster from a Community College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. At the time I didn't know what I was going to study or why it should really matter. I was unmotivated in school and disinterested in grades. When I had my first class at Webster, all of that changed. I realized that my Professor was linking current events and topics of interest to the study of art history. He made our classes fun by telling jokes but he also expected us to work harder than we had before. He raised the bar for what education should be, and that's when I decided to dedicate myself wholly to my education. My Professor motivated me to be a teacher and to go on and get my PhD. I spent hours in the library studying and wrote long, thoroughly researched papers. I was an Education Intern at a local museum and got involved in school activities like the art club, where I curated our senior student show. When I got my first 4.0 I was amazed, but it was the proof I needed to show me that students can change their attitudes and their lives.


I would tell myself to not sweat the small stuff because much bigger things are ahead for me; for example, having to sit on the bench in the game, not being able to go out with my friends exactly when I want to. I would tell myself to enjoy the ride and enjoy each moment as it happens.


Going back in time, knowing what I know today, this would be such an amazing experience. If I could talk to myself as a senior in high school one of the first things I would say is focus! I would ask myself what do I really want to do with my life and despite any visual obstacles I may seem to think would distract me, am I willing to do what I need to do to graduate from high school and also enjoy this last year that I can never get back? I would tell myself that anything I have done in the past can be improved in this one final year. With dedication, loyalty, self-discipline and determination, if succeeding to me is merely graduating with a nice GPA, this can be done. I would tell myself to really stay focused and strive for excellence, not perfection. Get involved and participate inspite of what I may think others say about me. I would tell myself the truth about how hard work does not come easy but the rewards come if I choose to continue on to college and set goals. Anything is possible for me today.


If I could go back in time, I would definitely tell myself to stop procrastinating. I know now that deadlines cannot be met simply a few days beforehand, a great amount of work has to be put forth in order to get what you want so no more waiting until the last minute. Most importantly, I would tell myself to concentrate on trying to keep focus as well as set up a schedule or at least a list of what needs to be done because one's memory is not that great. I would also tell myself to never ever give up no matter how stressful college life is because getting worked up over it will just make things worse. Lastly, follow your heart on where it wants to lead you because you only have one life, and when you have the opportunity to study abroad, out of state, or doing what you love, take it and do it!


Don't declare a major right away. Take classes that you think sound interesting and you like, and a major will follow.


When I was in high school looking at colleges, I looked at only one school, Missouri State, for the majority of my senior year and come to find that school would have been a terrible choice for me. I also didn?t know for sure what I wanted to do with my life, and for not knowing what to do, choosing Webster University, a liberal arts school, was a risky choice too because of the limited subjects offered. I would tell the high school me to look into who you really are as a student and learner. Missouri States lecture halls have too many people in them for you to learn and you have never been a fan of large groups of people. I would then have to tell myself to follow your dreams. I didn?t do that and ended up going to school to become a French teacher, when my real passion was art. In all, I would tell the old me to think about whom I am and what I need to learn, then to pursue my dreams and let them guide me to what I want in a school, and last to follow my intuition.


Me talking to me in H.S. >>"Hello, Grecia! I am you from two years after you graduated from high school. I know you really don't like moving so much, but you will move to different cities until you find the perfect college for you. Save your money and stop spending it in useless things. Remember do not give up...even if things look hard now...and always have fun" Me>>Hopefully I'll listen to myself, it will make it really easy now.


Dear Aileen, I would like to stat off by congratulating you, you have selected a great school at which you will succeed and go far at. Although you may be worried about still living at home and getting a ?true college experience? just know that you have made the right decision for yourself. Okay now let?s get down to business; you need to stop slacking on your college entrance essays and scholarships. Although it all seems like the important stuff is all fun and games now you need to be realistic and think about your future and the long road ahead of you. It may not seem like fun now but you will help yourself by having less debt and loans to pay off. But the most important part is, never give up. Even when you are put into stressful situations don?t give up, keep working hard and it will get you to the place you want to go. Good luck and never forgot to stay true to who you are. Love, Yourself


I would tell myself that it is alright to be honest and open up faster to the people surrounding me. My time at Webster has proven to give me some of the best friends I will ever have and also some of the strongest relationships I have had to date. I would also tell myself to not worry about the little things. It doesn't help to stress out about things that just aren't as important as doing well in class and learning as much as possible to succeed in life. Lastly, I would tell myself that I made the perfect decision to attend Webster. This is because in just one semester I have grown from a post-high school "young adult" to an adult ready to conquer the world. I have the confidence and the drive to do whatever it takes to be the best Audio Engineer in the world and I will stop at nothing to reach this goal.


The advice I would give myself is to absorb everything you can, and to start living independently. Something that didn't quite hit me when I started college was how much responsibility you have. I woud tell myself to take more initiative into getting things done way before they were due, or study for a test a day at a time before you cram it all in the night before, because once you make that a habit in high school it stays with you. Not only that but life is so much easier when you have a grasp on t. I also would spend as much time at home and with my family and friends as much as possible, because you honestly don't know what you have until it's gone, and to take advantage of everything that is offered. There are oppertunities as a high school senior you may never get to do again. I would tell myself to finish senior year with the question in mind, "If I were to end now would I be satisfied with my work, my grades, and my relationships?" because with that question in mind, life is so much sweeter.




I would tell myself, " Don't be afraid about stepping out into the real world, they're people out there willing to guide you if you surrender yourself to just one leap of faith". After some few years out of school due to lack of funds therefore lack of motivation, I adopted a new way of thinking. This quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer changed my inner and outer way of thinking and living. Quote: " If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". And it's so true. Thank You.


First of all, if I could go back into time I would go further back than my senior year because your senior year is not what makes or breaks you. I would tell myself to get over the fear of getting a job so I could save some money, I would tell myself that doing the A+ program is essential, and, most importantly, I would tell myself that your GPA and ACT scores are much more important than you'd think. If I went back into time and talked to myself as a senior in high school, there's not much that I could change. I'd also, however, tell myself that looking for scholarships don't hurt.


If I had the opportunity to go back to adise my high school self, I would commend her scholarly focus, but also stress the importance of experiencing the social environment that surrounds her. That is something that I have since expanded my interests to include. Academic education is an extremly important aspect of our lives, but we benefit indefinitely from life experiences. It is these that fortify our character and shape us into the person that we are to become. While transitioning into a lifestyle where I was more independent and in control of my own affairs, I discovered this life lesson. I feel that I have grown a tremendous amount in the past few years and if given the chance it is this wisdom that I would pass onto my younger self.


Start looking for a job now to pay for extra stuff (movie theaters, subway tickets, fast food restraunts etc.) because they are expensive. Also I would reapply to somewhere else where I do feel that I belong and not having to live anti-social at school becuase of who I am.


Save up as much money as you can - there are too many things to do, but they normally need money. Take more advanced classes - once again there are too many things to do in college and never enough time to fit in all the classes. Everything else, the college will teach you


If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have great advice for college success. The most important advice would be to save money because Mom and Dad will not be there to buy groceries. I would also say keep the partying to a minimum because if you go to bed late, you will probably want to skip class the next day. When you skip class, your grades start to slip. When your grades start to slip, you get kicked out of college. The professors do not care if you show up or not, it is your money that is wasted if you do not go to class. My last words of advice are do your homework and study.


Don't procrastinate on choosing classes and don't place as much emphasis on a major!