Wentworth Institute of Technology Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how bad the food was.


I wish that I had known how much money it would require to be an architecture major and a student. You have to buy all the supplies that you need .


I wish I knew what kind of hard work it took to pursue an architectural career. I maintained a full schedule throughout high school, but I had no idea what kind of academically rigorous lifestyle was stored in my future. If you're really serious about going into a design or engineering-related field, then this is the right school for you.


How much alcohol flowed on campus. I would have taken measures to make sure I didn't live with heavy drinkers


Before I came to Wentworth Institute of Technology I wish I had known more about what Wentworth Industrial Design life was like. Thankfully, I like the busy artistic yet scientifically driven lifestyle Wentworth has branded me with. I love living in the city and all the adventures I go on with my amazing new friends. It isn't a traditional college experience at all though, Wentworth is career driven and wants you to act likewise. This is no traditional college experience and I know some people, including myself, who were not so clear on this.


Career Services does not do a whole lot to help with the co-op process.


How unfriednly the Resident Directors in the buildings are and how much meaningless work I would be doing to not learn any pertinant to my major.


How to use an apple computer. The school has issued a laptop program to its student in my major which is amazing but made for a really rough transition.


I applied to WIT as an architecture major, but I have recently decided that it's not for me. I wish that I knew that before I came to WIT, but that's not really something that the school could fix. Something else that I wish I knew was that the design programs take up so much extra money for supplies and so much more time than any other major.


The work load on the architecture students vs other majors.


Industrial design basics were a little longer than expected. Spread into Sophomore year. This problem is now fixed and a new, improved ciriculum is being used.


How hard my studies are, so I could have worked harder my first year.