Western Carolina University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Dear high school self, When you go to college, do not be self conscious. You are an interesting person with a personality and sense of humor that can captivate others. You are here to step outside of your comfort zone and take on new experiences. Meet new people and make friends. Do not be afraid to do so! Also, don't go home every weekend. Your parents will understand. Taking this opportunity for granted would be a mistake. Learn as much as you can whenever you can. You will not always have the opportunity to be a full-time student. Yes, it will seem boring or overwhelming at times but don't let that deter you. A wealth of knowledge is at your finger tips. It's practically being thrown at you everyday. Soak it in! Try your hardest at everything you do. It may feel like it but you won't be in college forever.


Dear Savannah, you are about to enter into another world. As you transition into college remember to stay true to who you are. Follow your codes: Code 1: Be without fear in the face of your enemies, be brave and strong knowing that you are loved, do what is right even when no one else will. Code 2:


Get lost in finding yourself! Go to college, move out of your parents house and get a roommate. Take a small loan and travel to Asia or Europe. Go do something besides stay close to home! You may think you know who you are and what you want, but chances are you have nothing to base this off of. Throw yourself into something new and foreign. Meet new people and form new relationships. Take classes in topics you've never considered or know about. By broadening your social groups, education and personal experiences you will spark interest and emotion inside yourself previously unfathomed. I have found "the thing I love and will do forever" a dozen times. I find or try something new constantly that was never part of my vocabulary that is life changing. But, until you experience it you never new it was for you. The world is monstrously small. By going out into its vast and unknown shadows, you truly realize how connected we all are. It will even shock you how small when having espresso in Italy you see a friend you shared a beer with in Japan walk by. Get out there and find something!


Dear Carrie, Take it from me (your 35 year old self) pick a major you will actually use and enjoy. Don't choose Parks and Recreation (like you did the first time around because you wanted to work at summer camp for the rest of your life). Choose your passion and do not be afraid to pursue it. Be realistic. Stay focused. Most of all become someone you want Elizabeth and Tucker (your children) to look up to and aspire to be. You do not want to re-do college when you are 35 working fulltime with 2 kids. You will one day become a fantastic Elementary School teacher (I know that doesn't sound as tempting as a retired millionaire) but you will impact the lives of many and have rippling effects on who they become. However, even if you don't listen to the afore-mentioned advice, its okay. You end up meeting the man of your dreams at your Parks and Recreation internship the summer of your Junior Year and raise 2 amazing children together. Therefore some mistakes are worth making and you will then find the courage to go back to school at 35 and succeed.


Your college years can be the best years of your life. Study hard and go to class. As a high school senior about to go to college, I would tell myself that there will be some huge life changes, for the better, and to just be open minded about it. Allow myself to change to be the person I know I can be. College classes not only teach you about the information in the text book, but you will also learn many life lessons from your professors and fellow classmates.


I would tell myself to take my high school career more seriously. Although I would have been considered an 'exception' in my high school because I did not participate in partying and focused solely on school, I still regret some decisions I made regarding my education. The main advice I would give myself is to work harder and take on challenges instead of creating easier/lighter semesters when I could have been working more towards my college degree while in high school. I took some simple, easy elective courses which resulted in me not becoming Valedictorian or Salutatorian by about 0.05 GPA and bringing in less college credits in my freshman year. Since I am a financial aid recipient, I should have thought more about my electives and used that easy/free time to try and work towards the future in order to save money.


Looking back at the me in high school is hard. I didn't have any friends. I was a loser and a geek. I was bullied all of high school. I was a caretaker to my grandmother who is unable to walk or care for herself. I also assistied with the care of my mother who suffers from chronic illnesses. I saw myself being at home for the rest of my life and taking care of my family. The reality for me as a senior was that I honestly did not see how I could go away to college. If I was able to go back in time and tell myself just a year ago how much life would change, I don't think my younger self would believe me. Since going to college I have so much self-confidence, more friends, and a better relationship with my teachers than in high school. I would tell myself "This is your time to go for it. Don't try and be someone you aren't because you are perfect. Have fun and work hard and you will succeed. Above all things will get better and you can do this."


Get involved on campus and meet people, especially those who have the same interests as you early on. Try and get an on-campus job because this is going to help you out so much in long run giving you valuable work experiences and a time to earn a bit of money on the side. Also seek out job shadowing opportunities and summer internships or externships as these are going to give you an edge on everyone else who is applying for the same job that you are. Have fun, but not too much fun becuase you have to keep your GPA up. MEET YOUR PROFESSORS, they are some of the best resources that you will have as an undergrad and they are really cool people as well. In addition to meeting with your professors see about getting to know the staff, they will give you great ideas that if you ask for before you can actually implement and use. If you can meet your dean, he is undoubtably busy but he will also write awesome letters of recommendation as well as give you great advice. Keep in touch with your roots, your family, and your faith.


To my senior self- You are almost at the finish line. Do not focus on the petty stuff, those are just time wasters. You may feel like you are all alone, but you are not. Realize and understand that you have a support system that will be there for you at a moment’s notice. Parents are your sounding board, cheerleaders and forever champions all for you and on your behalf. Tough times will be plentiful but will not last. The effects of these times may linger, but you will get through them as a stronger person on the other side. Enjoy this year because it will not replay at a later time. Don’t be so fast in trying to grow up and get out to be on your own. Boys will always be the same. Take the time to find one who wants to have a future and not just become a statistic. You each will be a reflection on each other. Surround yourself with positivity. If friends cannot support you than move on. Be ok with saying goodbye to someone. Stay true to yourself and achieve your goals. Love, Your college freshman self


Don't worry, just enjoy the time you have before it is gone. Time is so fleeting, and it is one of the few things in this life that we cannot get back once it is gone. Worrying about what you're going to major in, or even what college you will attend is not worth the stress. Instead, spend your time sitting down for a family dinner or helping mother do the dishes. It's things like these that you will miss the most once you're away at school. Tell your high school teachers how they've influenced you as you grew into a young adult; without them, you would have ended up completely different. You don't have to know who you want to be in ten, or five, or even one year from now. What's more important is deciding the kind of person that you want to be at this stage in your life, and taking the actions to make yourself that person. Have faith in yourself, always; why should someone else believe in you if you don't first? Allow yourself to love like crazy, it makes our lives all the more beautiful.


One of my college professors said that attending class with the most important thing you could do. He guarenteed that you would pass even if you never cracked open your book. I found this to be true for every class. Don't skip class even when you are tempted to. And remember that you are paying to be there. If you don't show up, you are wasting your own money.


Dear 18-year-old me, Hello, you don’t know me, but you will in another year when this seems like déjà vu. Believing this will reach you through anything except a time-travelling mailbox at a lake house is absurd, but just go with it to get a hint at your future college life. Make more friends. Out of the friends you will make, two of them are going to transfer to other colleges after the first year. They are the ones who will proofread your papers for you, so you can get a better grade than you would have by submitting it right after writing, much like what you will do for this essay. You can easily get more people to become friends by saying you are in the honors college and good at math because 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of people are terrible at mathematics. (Note: this is a made up statistic but your new friends won’t know that *wink wink*.) This will make you more popular than the Beatles in the 1960s. You will transition fine because you are witty once people know you. Keep this in mind as you start your life. Sincerely, Your future self


I am a 26 year old returning student. I am thankful for my second chance and LOVE attending school. I currently have a 3.75 gpa and work really hard. I attempted college immediately after high school and figured out I was'nt mature enough to move away from home and did'nt have my education as my first priority. Going back I should not have attended college right after high school. I should have enrolled in a community college, lived at home, got a full time job, and paid for the classes at the community college myself. I think this way I would realize the value and importance of an education and to not take it for granted. I am currently paying for college this time around and realize the price and value behind it. I remember my first go of college, I would sit in certain classes and think "why do I need this?" Now older, every class I feel has a purpose in life and I see in a different light. I enjoy learning and really enjoy expaning my knowledge. It makes me more open minded, dynamic, and always thinking. That's what makes learning great!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that having friends isn't everything. When trying to transition from high school to college, the main priority should be studying hard and trying to get a degree. Don't waste your time worrying what other people think of you and whether they like you or not. College is a completely different experience than high school. I would tell myself to study hard and don't just give up when things get hard. Even if the subject is hard, professors will be more than willing to help you with your studies and to get your grades to where they need to be. Lastly, don't wait until the last minute to ask for help. If you wait too long, then it might be too late. College is a great experience and you should enjoy every minute of it. It only happens once.


If i could go back, i really would probably tell myself to take it all more seriously. It seems like its easy now but thats only because im past all the hurdles and getting ready to graduate and off to a university. but honestly, it isnt a walk in the park, manage your time, be ready to fall on your face but be prepared to stand up taller than before. just be ready. Id give myself a high five and say see ya in the future!


First off, congratulations! You did it! Goodbye high school, hello college! But I’m not just writing to congratulate you. I just wnat you to know a few things. You’ll want to give up sometimes. Just remember your family and your dreams during those long nights in the library. You’re battling it out for a better future for you and everyone else in your life. Clinical psychologists are important people. But also remember that GPA isn’t everything. It’s important to be happy and you’ll have to work to find a balance. Drive to Charlotte to see your favorite band, but do homework on the way. Take your brother with you. Driving through a snow storm wasn’t your brightest idea. But here are a few pointers: 1.Flash mobs actually happen. 2.Parking enforcement is serious when they tell you not to park in the loading zone. 3.If you talk long enough, your biology professor will get distracted and let you out early. 4.Your R.A. isn’t serious when she says she’ll write you up for singing. 5.Remember the difference between “you’re” and “your”. Stay gold.


I would make sure that I knew where I was going to transfer after I attended the community college, so that I could make sure everything would transfer.


Highschool is an absolute mockery of education. These are words that ring through my head even today, despite my revised understanding of learning. You see, in highschool I was all about barely putting any effort in outside of school. Yet, I still got A's and B's constantly. How should I be able to maintain honors without doing any homework? It's highschool, everything's easy. So, it would lead many to be uninterested in learning without the awesome challenge. When college starts, not doing homework results in horrible grades. After that realization, someone who wants to actually succeed will do their homework. Is it a challenge yet? No. Multiple of my professors hav stated that a C is a good college standard. This is where college becomes fun and interesting. There's a point where the drive to succeed makes it worth the extra effort. Not only that, but college is finally the place where you choose how to learn. Professors are there to guide you, not to be your education babysitter. Nobody likes to be babysat.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to develop good study skills in high school because you would need them in college. I did not have to study in high school to get good grades and that hurt me when I had a really hard class my first semester in college. The stress level was unreal because I have high standards for myself and the pressure to maintain them was something I had not dealt with. If I had developed good study skills earlier, I would not have stressed out as bad. Self discipline is another skill you need to develop before going away to college. It is easy to let the freedom and activities around you distract you from the reason you are in college. By continually keeping your goals in front of you and by learning to make wise choices in high school, the transition to college is easier.


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that many things are going to change over the next year. You are going to lose friends, but you will gain many more in return. Do not try to please everyone because that is not possible. You first semester of college is going to be challanging, but keep your head up becuase you can do it.


Don't wish your life away. It seems like when you're in high school, you're always counting down days until some 'magical' date: when you get your driver's license, when you turn sixteen, when you're finally a senior, your prom, graduation. Before you know it, you've graduated and eye the future with both excitement and apprehension, wondering how four years of high school have gone so quickly. You have a lot of memories, but are they blurred because you tried to hurry through them? Maybe you haven't learned your lesson about how quickly time flies, and start the same pattern with college. STOP! Don't wish your life away. Savor each moment, each experience...even the teachers, classmates, or room mates you may not like. Each person or thing that comes into your life is there to teach you something. Learn the lesson. Grow from it. Be a better person because of it. Then, by the time you're ready to gradute from college, you can do so with no regrets; entering the post-graduate world as the best person you can be, ready to enjoy every minute of your life.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell myself to not go to community college first. Mostly, I would make sure that I knew what I wanted to major in when I started applying to college. I would then tell myself to not screw around when I get to college. Transitioning from living with your parents nad depending on them and then going to living in a dorm room accross the country and only having yourself to depend on is hard. Focusing on school is the most important because you know you want to go to grad school. Don't procrastinate because then you will just fall behind and it is harder to try and play catch up. Set goals for yourself. If you aim for only a C in a class you won't actually acheive what you want, you will just settle. Strive for the highest grade possbile and it will make all the difference.


Seriously, education isn't free. Fill out as many scholarship applications as you can.


I would tell myself to buckle down and apply for all the scholarships that I can, because it is not easy paying for college. It is especially hard on my parents because I have a twin sister attending college at the same time. I would also tell myself to start deciding on a major so I can start taking classes that are specific for that major.


Being a high school student and being a college student are completely different. In college, you have the freedom of managing your own time, without teachers or parents breathing down your neck. You will be independent in making choices, and these choices could make or break you in college. To go to class or not go to class? In high school you really didn't have that option. Knowing the transition I had to make from high school to college I would tell myself to be smart about my choices. If you do things right the first time, you won't have to do it a second time. That will save you a lot of money tuition wise if you act smart and not have to retake a class. Also, you should find different ways to help you study better, and stay active. Doing all these things will make the college experience memorable and alleviate some stress.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to go to a two year associate program for nursing for multiple reasons. The most important reason would be that I could have finished my nursing degree program quicker instead of wasting my time applying to different universities that only accept a small percentage of applicants. Most of the universities programs have deadlines that you have to apply two or more semesters before the actually start date of the program. In my case, I applied and didn’t get accepted, and then had to apply to the next program that is two semesters away. I would have told myself to apply to a two year degree program because they have a higher acceptance rate, which limits the amount of time spent waiting and also allows you to start your career faster.


I would tell my self. "really thing about what collages are going to want to see on your application. look for and apply for scholarships early and often, because with twins in the family it is going to be a finacil struggle. Be prepared and deicated to do a lot of work , be prepare to study harder than you did in high school. Keep shooting for A's. Collage may be tough, but if you continue to aim for the sky you moght just reach it. Also be prepared to become independent. you can not alway rely on mom and dad. you need to stand on your own two feet, and not be afraid to pull away from the family a bit. Whatever you do try not to procratinate. putting the work off is not going to help anything; it is just going to cause stress, so sudy hard and study often." If i went back in time and told my self back then, what i know now i think one of the most important peices of advice would be this. " Don't be afraid. life is always changing, so you just have to stay strong and keep holding on."


I would tell myself to focus on myself and what makes me happy before I get caught up in other people's lives. Putting studies first guaruntees being successful. After you sort out your school then comes your social life. Being involved in other activities can help you branch out and meet new people as well. Trying new things such as intramural sports or clubs will get you involved on campus and putting yourself out there gives you the opportunity to make friends. The key to being happy in college is to have a great balance between academics, socializing, and extra curricular activites.


study more


If I could back and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are many things that I would tell myself about the transtion from high school to college. One of the things that I would definately tell myself is to take advantage of the AP courses that are offered in high school. Little did I know that those AP courses were transferrable for college credit. I would also tell myself to practice reading more on my own, because now that I'm in college, reading is all that I do. Had I known I was going to be reading 300+ pages a week, it would have been nice to know what college courses had in store for me. Last but not least, I would definately tell myself to pay more attention in my english course. I say that, because in college, regardless of ones major, one is going to have to write essay after essay. Now that i'm in college, I have to go through the struggle of taking all my papers to the english center for corrections. From my perspective, these are the three most important things I would advice myself if I was a senior.


I would say to work harder in high school and for your senior year, and do a lot better than I originally had. I sadly got senior-itis early on and my grades showed for it. I should have also worked alot harder in a lot of my classes. Also college is very expensive if you go away and stay in a dorm. I would say to work hard and get more scholarships and do more applications for scholarships. Also be more social because in college, everybody works hard to be social. Join clubs, do alot of activities out of school and that nothing is impossible in life. Even though it may have gotten hard and stressful at times it will pay off in the end when you walk across the graduation stage and you recieve your diploma.


If I could go back in time to give myself some advice, the first piece of advice that I would offer would be to surround myself with people who are ambitious and who are where I would like to be in life. I would tell myself to make friends with positive people who have already gone through the transition from high school to college, and then I would learn everything that I could about their experiences. I would share in the happiness of their successes and learn from their mistakes. I would tell myself to always strive for excellence, because grades in high school really are important. I would make sure that I manage my time well, because minutes cannot be regained. In addition, I would tell my past self to remember to laugh, even when school seems hard. I would want to be more thankful for challenges, because they are each an opportunity for growth. Lastly, know that success is not defined by the amount of money you make or the “things” you collect; rather, it is in working hard, doing your best, and leaving a positive legacy that you find success.


I would tell myself to take as many AP courses that my high school offered. I feel that had I taken more of these, I would be more prepared for college courses. I would also tell myself to volunteer at hospitals, schools, etc. to find my true passion. Don't wait around and do nothing with your free time, but do something productive. Never settle for a major you are not fully excited about. The decisions you make now will affect the rest of your life. It is not about making money because as the saying goes, "money can not buy happiness." Don't just choose a major that seems "easy" but something you are fully passionate about and can put your entire heart in to. The hard work will pay off one day when you are fully happy with the career you choose. Lastly, I would say to try to be as well-rounded as possible. Don't worry all the time about school and don't always try to be "cool" with friends and not keep up with your studies. Try to be as well-rounded as possible and not soley focus on one aspect.


Start working on not procrastinating so much. College will not be as difficult as your teachers keep telling you, but make it easier on yourself by not putting things off till the last minute. Those papers will get done, I can assure you, but writing a ten-page paper the two nights before it's due is never enjoyable no matter how you slice it. Really work on applying for scholarships. You'll find that it will take a lot of worry off your mind if you don't have to think about paying back student loans for the next couple decades. Keep an open mind when you get up there; life is all about experience and this will be the last time you get to just live for experiences without worry. And if you say you're gonna go for a job, do it. They have jobs on campus and off; there's no excuse to be unemployed throughout college. Your wallet and whatever controls stress will thank you at the end of the semester.


I would just tell someone to get involved. I know plenty of friends that dropped out because they were bored. I told them to join a group or two on campus to get themselves moving. They refused and as a result, left the school. You may be busier but through the involvment, you will meet so many new people and find out so much about yourself. In addition, I would tell be people to challenge themselves. Go the extra mile in class, or take that leadership position in your orginization. I have learned so much from just challenging myself and taking that risk. One can only learn from their mistakes so why not do those mistakes while you are in a learning environment. GO CATAMOUNTS!


Some people are ignorant but for that ratio of people, there's a bigger ratio of people who actually will care for you and make friendships that will always be treaured. Teachers remind you that the world is competitive and not everyone is going to make it. Not negative but inspiring because you aren't in colege to get wasted or have fun, its about hard work. I go to college because I value my life and I want to get the best job I'd love and to find people as interested in their future as I am. I came to find that college doesn't make you into someone else or someone new, it polishes out the person you were born to be. Just give college a chance and you'll be thankful for the rest of your life.


Attending Western Carolina University has been an incredible academic, social, and life learning experience. It has presented countless responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges, which have proved just how adventurous life truly is. Through moving to not only a new school, but a new state as well, has taught me how to deal with mulitiple situations on my own. I have had the privilege of stepping outside of my comfort zone to meet new people and develop friendships with the people I live with on a community hall. Having a roommate for the first time in my life has been an amazing and life changing experience because it has forced me to interact and connect with someone I have never met. It has taught me how to be considerate, thoughtful, and respectful of others. Sharing a room with someone helps practice communication and problem solving skills. All of these abilities apply to almost every area of life and I truly believe it forms characteristics needed to function as a productive individual in the "real world." College truly is a valuable experience because it has developed my inner being, expanded my knowledge, and presented opportunities to develop skills needed for success in life.


Honestly, the biggest thing I have gotten out of my college experience is that I have gotten to meet some amazing life long friends and my relationship with God is stronger than ever. Yes, education is really important and I am so grateful to be here to learn all the things I am learning, but to me, a relationship with God is the best thing, and he's got my back so I am not worried at all.


My college experience has been amazing. I have meet so many close friends at Western Carolina University. The professors here really care about your education and want you to successeed. By having the small class sizes you have that personal relationship with your professors. The athletic events at Western are a lot of fun we tailgate and go to the football games. There is always something going on with the campus whether it be skiing, working out with group x, a sorority or fraternity, going to an athletic event, or being a part of your favorite club! Western Carolina University is defiantly the place to be in the Whee!


My college experience has been an extremely great one, one that I would not change or re-live for any distinctive reason. I love the way this campus is set up and would not have it any other way. It has been a benefit attending this college for the simple reason of success. I have had numerous classes and they all ended in triumph. If there would be a reason, it is for all the hard work and also of the student-teacher relationship. The classes are somewhat small, so there is a way the teacher and student can connect and workout any misunderstanding in the classroom. This is why I have succeeded and made the best of my college experience.


I believe that college is important to attend because it better prepares young adults for the "grown-up" world. I personally have experienced that first hand and know this for a fact. College is valuable as it allows you to learn and develop into the person that you want to be in this world. It teaches you skills and other atttributes that allow you to slowly work your way into the adult world. These are but a few reasons that it is important and invaluable that a person attends college.


I have further reinforced that I want to be a forensic anthropologist and helped me take the next steps towards my goals. It has been very valuable to attend.


While in college, I ultimately grew as an individual. I was able to leave behind my faults and follies of high school and re-create my life the way it was intended to be. Going to college was not only a way of life for me but also an opportunity to expand my awareness of diversity. I had the best times with the people I will never forget. I truly believe that college is not only what you make of it but what it makes of you.


I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people and to be exposed to new ideas. The process has broadened my experience and my appreciation for the value in other people and ideas.


The college experience has allowed me to find the perfect balance between school work and social activities. Growing up in a small town, I never struggled to keep a balance between school and friends. Many of my friends lived fifteen to twenty-five minutes away providing a distance that created a buffer between the two parts of my life. Now that I am closer and more available to my friends I am learning the life skill of balance. I have learned to budget my finances and save money whenever possible. Coming from a family with less than stable financial conditions I have always valued the importance of money saved but now that I am saving and spending my own money I am finding that saving in theory is a lot simpler than in reality. The freedom of living without my parents has shown me that I am able to survive without depending on them or anyone else. I now believe that I can make changes to the world to better the lives of people everywhere. This empowerment has and will be my drive for success throughout my college and professional career.


I have gained hope out of my college experience. As a homeschooled student from a very poor family, I was afraid that I would never be able to attend college. However, my experience in college has shown me that my mom was right: I am smart enough to do anything I want in life. I'm in the top of my class and it has taught me that with enough hard work and sacrifices to keep my grades up, there is hope for scholarships to pay for it. I'm going somewhere in life and nothing can stop me- not even poverty.


College has taught me how to be independent. In college they don't remind you to do your homework or study for your tests. You have to remember everything on your own and make your own study schedule for every class. You learn to work together with others in the class instead of trying to do everything on your own. You learn time management and responsibility because of attending college. It is valuable to attend college because the skills and attributes you acquire are essential to being succesful in the "real world." Without college, you wouldn't have the skills I have discussed, nor would you have had time to discover the real "you" yet. College is also about finding yourself and growing, not just about good grades (a.k.a. gpa).


I have learned how to use industry standard software when working with Television, web animation and graphic design as well as what would be expected of me in each particular field. I have conquered my fear of speaking in public with Antelope Valley College's fantastic public speaking professor, learned the basics of contemporary art and have grown acustomed to using multiple operating systems as a result of all of the different Computer Graphics courses I have attended. This will all be invaluable to me when I graduate because it is preparing me for the future I have planned for myself. Without it, I could not expect to advance in such a competitive field.


Well I just started school in September 2010, school is going great for me. So far I have gained alot of friends and am joining the TRiO program at our college. I've also gotten more skills in writing and math so hopefully that will help me with whatever career I choose within the next year. It's been very valuable because I want to have a good paying job and be able to provide for myself and hopefully a family after college. I also think its valuable for me to attend because I want to be ther first one to graduate from college in my family, I want to set an example for generations to follow me. I feel if im chosen for this scholarship and I do decide what my career will be, I will continue college and make something out of myself. Also when I become a professional in whatever field I decide, I'm going to come back to my reservation and make positive changes in my community and hopefully inspire young Native Americans to pursue their dreams and know that it is possible for a "Rez Kid" to be successfull in life.


With my college experience so far I have learned so much more than just the curriculum in my classes. I’ve learned time management, how to balance my schedule and how to better focus on my studies. I enjoy waking up everyday and knowing that I will undoubtedly learn something new. I am a first generation high school graduate, and college student; college is a big deal to me so I relish the fact that I get to attend. I am taking classes towards something that I love, Coaching and teaching; it doesn’t get any more valuable than that.