Western Illinois University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would say do the research and talk to a student who actually attends the school so they can really tell you how the school in from his/her point of view. I would say do everything it is to do to make sure your schooling is paid for and any extra cost for whatever it may be, because college is far from cheap for the average person. I would say make sure the school is the school you want to go to and not because a friend or family member goes there. That the school is a safe environment and a place that you will be able to call home away from home.


To find a college that has a huge Freshman introduction program. And if you are religious find a college wth a good christian backround to help you with school like i did.


Do feel the pressure to attend a four year college, especially if you can't afford to. Community or 2 year colleges are an easy way to get your general ed classes done and then transfer to a 4 year college. But, make sure that you and your 2 year college discuss classes that will transfer. You don't want to get stuck with classes you've paid for and then they don't transfer.


Meet new people and don't just go to a college because your friends are going to that college! I didn't go to Western with anyone friends from High School and have met amazing people!


When looking at a University of your choice, look at yourself and where you would like to be in 4 years. If you want to be at a place where you can compete and will be mid level, but say your at major university do that! If your the average student and want to dominate go to a mid level school. Do what you think in four years will best be able to project your self onto the ever changing business world.


Make sure you choice the right school that will best benefit you future and what you would like to do in the future.


The adventure of finding the right college is an exciting, but sometimes difficult journey. Find a place that fits the students lifestyle whether it be booming and social, or more withheld. The most important factor is that a student has the capability to meet great new people through orientations and activities, but still have the help and support in the classroom. The best way to learn how a college works is by visiting the school and to actually interact with some of the students there. This will give you an overall view of the happiness level of the students, and a great idea if it fits the needs of the incoming student, and his/her family. Being socially active is just as important as studying for the success of students, so a school with welcoming extra-curricular activities is always a huge benefit. The best college for a student is the one that they are smiling when they visit, and are proud to share with their parents.


I would educate potential college students ad parents on the importance of time in going through the college process. It is always importat to start out young in finding and deciding the career choice of their future. It is important to take your time and evaluate the major ou want to go into first so that you have time to evaluate the programs at each school. When the child is entering college parents still need to be in their childrens academic life actively to ensure that if the child is struggling to get by in classes, they do not feel as if they need to hide it or play if off since they are in college. Students need to also mke sure they do the assigned readings and go to class, it is always important that you go.


Don't choose a college because of who goes there. Find a college that is going to help you along your career path and don't be afraid to jump right in and be social. Get involved as much as possible without overloading it and always ask for help if you even think you are starting to slip in the school work to avoid being behind in the future.


Take the child to the campus and let them see for themselves if that campus is right for them, don't just tell them where you would like them to go parents!


Any student choosing a college should look at what they want regardless of the cost, distance, or any of the other hegatives that come with the school. It is going to be the best four years of your life and it shouldn't be taken lightly. School spirit and comradary are very important. There will never be another time in your life when you will live and learn with 15000+ other people your age. Larger schools set in small towns are great because it is like having your own city and you don't have to worry about interfereing in the day to day of the people that live there. To parents, let your child take the reigns. After all, they are the one that will be living, learning and setting the stage for the rest of there life there. Make sure to find a place where your comfortable. College is when you really begin to find out who you are and who you will become.


A lot of people tend to come in from the city. You are going to end up (from what you are used to) in the middle of a corn field. and it is a 4 1/2 hr drive back to Chicago. thats the first thing to take into concideration


Think about education first and foremost; in particular the specific area of study. Don't choose a college based on location right away. If a prospective student is unable to identify a specific area of education they want to study move onto the location of the college in relation to home. The student may want to be further away from home due to more freedom. However, on the other hand some students, like myself, enjoy staying closer to home because of family get togethers, holidays, and frequent trips homes to see extended family members as well. In addition, you want your prospective student to have fun. That's the biggest thing for me. College isn't just about doing work, graduating, and getting a job. College is a time to explore oneself, the real you. As you explore yourself you will find that you love a lot more and you'll learn more about yourself and more about the people around you. College is about relationships. Yes, at first it's a bit scary moving away from home but in the end it's so much fun and you'll look back on it with a smile!


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